Open access
Case Studies
Jul 21, 2016

Incorporating Prerecorded Environmental Lifecycle Assessment Modules in a Classroom Setting

Publication: Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice
Volume 143, Issue 2


Addition of sustainability-related material is becoming a point of emphasis in engineering education. Freely available modular lessons are one way to quickly effect this incorporation. This research examines the effectiveness of a class format using short prerecorded software modules on lifecycle assessment (LCA) in the classroom setting with associated discussion, primarily drawing from student perspectives in a graduate-level LCA course at Washington State University. Survey results indicated that students generally agreed that the in-class module-discussion format was an effective teaching method. Advantages included that the format was organized and complete, but still concise, allowed for review of material outside of class, and that discussion components furthered understanding and stimulated further thought about the concepts. Key disadvantages included that the modules can get boring, were sometimes too fast-paced, and that questions usually were held until the end of the presentation. Students were happy with the length of modules (about 20 min each), but many expressed a desire for additional discussion time. Recommendations for future versions of the course include taking additional breaks during modules for discussion, encouraging students to ask questions at any time, and suggesting that some students print slides to stay engaged with note taking. In the future it is anticipated that these types of narrated modules will make it easier for other instructors to provide more sustainability education in their classrooms.


This case study pertains to the combination of two innovations in engineering education that have seen a rise in implementation over the last decade: (1) the use of online or modular lectures, and (2) the incorporation of sustainability concepts, in particular environmental lifecycle assessment. This research focuses on their combined use in a classroom setting. The intention is to aid in the rapid infusion of sustainability into the curriculum by using prerecorded modules on a sustainability topic available to any instructor, whether they will be used for special lectures or incorporated into a large portion of a course.
Sustainability is being introduced into engineering classes in support of the growing desire and need for additional knowledge in this area. There are many studies related to sustainability, and civil and environmental engineering, which is expected because this field has traditionally focused on the built environment and environmental issues (Haselbach and Delatte 2011). On the basis of a national survey on outcome expectations of students for sustainability-related topics in civil and environmental engineering, it was found that introducing more sustainability issues might attract additional students (Shealy et al. 2016). In another survey it was noted that lack of information is a major barrier to adopting sustainable design practices for structural engineers (Rodriguez-Nikl et al. 2015).
Haselbach (2014) discussed how sustainability is now an integral part of many engineering curricula. However, there are challenges to incorporating sustainability into an already crowded curriculum. This is true at both the undergraduate and graduate levels (Martins et al. 2006). Some methods to effectively implement sustainability in engineering curricula were studied by Christ et al. (2015) and Weatherton et al. (2015). Each study presented and discussed how sustainability was added to an engineering program at their respective universities. In both cases, sustainability information was added to pre-existing courses, with Weatherton et al. (2015) doing so by incorporating grab-and-go modules. Other activities, such as internships, new courses, or capstone projects also were used in those studies. Batterman et al. (2011) noted the lack of common core competencies for graduate sustainability education (and developed some to fill the gap), without which there may not be clear direction for the development of graduate programs with a sustainability focus. In addition, sustainability transcends all engineering areas, such as research by Kumar et al. (2005), which looked at the infusion of sustainability principles into manufacturing and mechanical engineering curricula.
One upcoming area of sustainability is environmental lifecycle assessment (LCA). LCA is a methodology for evaluating environmental and resource impacts of a product, process, or project through the entire lifecycle, from extraction of raw materials through disposal at the end of its intended life. Internationally, LCA is commonly performed on the basis of the ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 standards (ISO 2006a, b). There are many research and educational needs that might be addressed to further the adoption and effective implementation of this methodology (Reap et al. 2008, Hellweg and Canals 2014).
There is a need for providing introductory LCA concepts in undergraduate courses as this methodology becomes more commonplace, and to have more intense LCA-based courses at universities, particularly at the graduate level, for use by future engineers and decision-makers. However, as with most developing technologies, there is much flux in the LCA information available and a need for flexibility as the support software and data become available. Thus, formatting an LCA class on the basis of modules that readily can be updated seemed to be an appropriate approach for creating LCA educational materials. Therefore, the authors prepared LCA modules (termed the LCA module series) with the intent of flexibility and easy accessibility, to be used either as introductory modules in other undergraduate classes or with focused LCA projects at the graduate level. This was done by having both overview modules and detailed modules, with the detailed modules intended to be used for more intense application of the materials introduced in the overview modules. These modules are PowerPoint presentations, which provide automatically advancing slides and prerecorded narration, resulting in a video-like format.
Many books and other written documents exist that provide detailed information on lifecycle assessment (e.g., ISO 2006a, b; EPA 2006; European Commission 2010; Curran 2012; Klöpffer and Grahl 2014; Simonen 2014; Matthews et al. 2015). The module series developed and evaluated in this paper provides many of the same topics as books and guidance documents, and delivers the content in a condensed multimedia format. Some other free multimedia presentations on LCA are available online, either as recorded lectures or as non-narrated slide presentations (e.g., Norris and Jolliet 2003; Matthews 2016). At least one online course in lifecycle assessment, using recordings of a professor lecturing over a slide presentation, is under development (Iowa State 2016); however, that course will be fee-based. The modules developed and examined in this paper are distinct from these other multimedia LCA learning resources because of their free availability to learners and educators, format as narrated presentations, and additional focus on transportation topics.
Online courses or similar modular instructional methods that can be used by a student without a teacher physically present are becoming popular. They also are used frequently in flipped classrooms in which lectures are done outside of the classroom, whereas discussions, exercises, or other activities are reserved for the classroom setting. Electronic modules offer potential advantages over traditional published materials in that they can be quickly and cheaply updated as new information is learned (Davidson et al. 2016), which can be particularly useful in evolving fields, such as sustainability. However, a survey by Davidson et al. (2016) found that instructors encounter various barriers to creating these types of materials, including lack of time, difficulty in creation/use, lack of funding, and concerns about how frequently modules would be used. This points to the potential benefit of freely available modular content that instructors can use without the need to create it themselves.
Koehler and Jahren (2013) explored using online modules outside of class with in-class discussions and activities in construction engineering. These modules also can be used in other types of hybrid courses that use both traditional in-class lecture and outside-the-classroom types of instruction. Young (2002) found that there are many pros and cons of traditional and online courses, and using aspects of both might be beneficial. It has been noted in a comparison between a traditional and a flipped classroom that quiz results were similar (Hotle and Garrow 2016). However, it was found that students were less likely to ask questions on lecture material in the flipped situation (i.e., the material consumed by students outside the classroom), and these students seemed to attend office hours more than the traditionally taught students (Hotle and Garrow 2016). The authors postulate that a lower initial mastery because of an inability to ask questions on lecture concepts in the flipped classroom might have been responsible for students requiring more help outside of class.
Because there are both advantages and disadvantages to using premade modules outside of a classroom, there is the option of using them in a classroom with associated discussions and assignments. One possible advantage of this is having the material fresh in the students’ and instructor’s mind for the discussion period. Another advantage might be in keeping the feel of a traditional lecture class for incorporation of additional material that an instructor might not be as familiar with, without copious amounts of preparation by the instructor or having to invite outside experts. Finally, even if the instructor may be familiar with the material, having him or her view and listen to the material in a concise manner during class also allows time for further reflection that may enhance the subsequent discussions.
This research is focused on using prerecorded online modules for putting sustainability into curricula (specifically LCA learning in this case), and in providing alternate opportunities for learning these new concepts. Prerecorded modules may facilitate the implementation by putting less demand on the instructor in having to prepare lectures. In this way, the modules can serve as a substitute for part of a lecture. What is being investigated in the remainder of this paper is a nontraditional type of hybrid course. In this course style, one plays online or downloaded narrated modules as part of a class period followed by discussion or exercises, with the modules available for pre- or postclass viewing for deeper understanding and with many exercises still done outside the classroom. The research questions ask how this format is received by the students, and what improvements might be made to effect better implementation in future offerings.


Module and Course Development

On the basis of informal discussions with authors of other online modules, it was planned to create prerecorded PowerPoint LCA modules that lasted 20 min, on average. Broad topical areas in LCA implementation then were designated for organization of the modules. Every module’s title and classification under the topical areas are listed in Fig. 1. Under each topical area there are two groups: one for overview modules and one for detailed modules on specific topics within the group. The intent is for the overview modules to be available to introduce each topical area, whereas the detailed modules delve deeper into specific subjects and can be added to as time goes on. All of these modules then were used as the main lecture components in a new LCA graduate course offered in the fall of 2015 at Washington State University (WSU) that also included an associated project, typically on the basis of the research area of interest for each student.
Fig. 1. Listing of modules organized by topical area
The initial focus was on groups A and B, which cover LCA methodologies and the associated environmental impacts because these can be used by all interested parties regardless of the application. This was followed by an introduction to current tools and LCA implementation in the transportation arena, which are developing areas in LCA. The intention is to add to these groups in future research endeavors, and to allow other LCA practitioners or researchers also to add relevant modules.
Module content and structure were developed starting with prior knowledge of the authors as outlines of likely needed slides and topics. Then, various sources, such as books, journal articles, and websites with either general LCA information or information specifically related to the environmental phenomenon, software tool, or other module focus were consulted. These added significant depth to the modules and were most influential for the detailed modules. Each module began with a title slide introducing the course, the course outline, and a title slide introducing the module topic. Following that was the main content, with headers on every page to denote topics. The overview modules typically contained a brief self-assessment quiz at the end, with answers provided. The detailed modules usually had a short list of some suggested homework questions at the end for those who wished to implement these modules in a course with additional work. A report by Haselbach and Langfitt (2015) provides detailed explanations of module series format, content, and information sources.
The three-credit course at WSU was planned with several components. Some of the class periods consisted of playing a module followed by discussion, review, and/or in-class work by the students on performing calculations. During six weeks in the 15-week class, a class period or more was dedicated to student participation via short presentations and class discussions of their developing work on an LCA outline for a project related either to their research or a topic of interest. The course also had three homework sets on the basis of calculations related to the environmental impacts and numerical methodologies for presentation of LCA results. There were three quizzes, two of which were numerical, on the basis of the homework, and one which was qualitative, with short answers on the basis of associated readings and the information in the modules. The readings were typically from an LCA book by Simonen (2014). This was followed by a report outlining the LCA methodology for their chosen project, both oral and written. An outline of the course schedule including modules, readings, homework, project deliverables, and quizzes is provided in Table 1. Fifteen students took this course, from various departments in the engineering college, including civil and environmental engineering, mechanical engineering, biological systems engineering, and chemical engineering. Prior to implementation of the three-credit graduate level engineering class on LCA at WSU, a subset of the modules was used for a one-credit class offered at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Three engineering students and one professor participated.
Table 1. Course Outline for Modules, Reading, Homework, Project Deliverables, and Quizzes
WeekModule/textbook chapterHomework (HW)/project deliverables (PD)/quizzes
1A1, A2/1
2α1/2.12.2, 5.1-5.2PD 1: overview of topic
3α2, α3/2.32.5
4α6, B1/5.35.4PD 2: functional unit
5B2, B3/4.4PD 3: goal and scope
6β1, β2, β3/3.1, 3.2, 3.4 β4,β5/3.3, 3.5PD 4: literature review on topic
7β6,β7/3.6HW 1: calculating impact category indicators from inventory data (part 1)
8β9, α5/4.1, 3.7, 3.8HW 2: calculating impact category indicators from inventory data (part 2)
9G1, G2/4.2, 4.3Quiz 1: environmental impacts
10G3, γ1PD 5: impacts, issues, general update
11α4, γ2, τ3/4.5, 4.7HW 3: U.S. normalization
12PD 6: sample software outputs on topic quiz 2: normalization/tools
13τ4/6, 7, 4.6/recycle talk
14T1Quiz 3: all textbook readings
15Student presentationsPD 7: final PowerPoints
FinalsStudent presentationsPD 8: final report/module

Note: The content in modules and readings occurring simultaneously on the schedule do not necessarily align, as sometimes reading is spaced out, and readings also are used to provide content not covered in the module series. The textbook is Life Cycle Assessment by Simonen (2014).

The WSU course was structured around the module series because the two were essentially codeveloped. Therefore, educational objectives of the course and module series were similar, with the course providing an additional objective related to the skills developed in carrying out the course’s final project. The course description, objectives, and outline from the syllabus are listed in Fig. 2, with the outlined activities correlated to the objectives. Readings from the book [Simonen 2014 (Table 1)] were intended to supplement the module series by providing alternate presentations of information, additional content not covered in the module series, a different medium for students who learn best by reading, and a different perspective of the LCA approach’s applications (the book is focused on the building sector and the module series on the transportation sector).
Fig. 2. WSU course description, objectives, and outline
When developing educational products, it is common to evaluate the various components with respect to the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (Anderson and Krathwohl 2001; Krathwohl 2002). These are: remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create. Table 2 outlines how the course activities and learning objectives (as previously listed in Fig.  2) related to this taxonomy. None of the activities or objectives were crossreferenced with the final taxonomy of create because the intention of the course was to prepare the students to create in their future research.
Table 2. WSU Course Activities and Objectives Crossreferenced to Bloom’s Taxonomy
Overview modulesX
Detailed modulesX
Class discussionsXXX
Short presentationsXX
Course objective 1XX 
Course objective 2XXX
Course objective 3XXX
Course objective 4XX
Course objective 5XXX
Course objective 6XXX
Course objective 7XXX
Course objective 8XX

Assessment Methodologies

A survey was developed to assess the effectiveness of the course format with prerecorded modules and accompanying discussion. This survey was provided to all of the enrolled students during the last week of the WSU course. No personal or identifying information was requested and an institutional review board (IRB) exemption was obtained on that basis. This survey included multiple types of questions. The first four questions (Q1—Q4) were 5-point unipolar scaled (1–5), with 1 specified as least and 5 specified as most. Descriptors were not provided for intermediate numbers. Results of these questions were analyzed using numerical summary statistics for center and spread.
The next two questions (Q5 and Q6) were open-ended with large response spaces. These asked what the participant thought were the benefits (Q5) and negative aspects (Q6) of using prerecorded modules followed by discussion as an educational tool. The responses obtained were too long to discuss individually; therefore, content analysis was used to summarize response content and aggregate commonly identified benefits and negative aspects. Qualitative content analysis is defined by Hsieh and Shannon (2005) as, “a research method for the subjective interpretation of the content of text data through the systematic classification process of coding and identifying themes or patterns.” Specifically, conventional content analysis was used following procedures outlined by Hsieh and Shannon (2005), Elo and Kyngäs (2008), and Zhang and Wildemuth (2009). Conventional content analysis was chosen over alternatives of directed and summative content analysis because conventional content analysis is meant to inductively explore themes in responses without prior expectations as to what those themes will be (Hsieh and Shannon 2005). (Directive content analysis is intended for applications where a pre-existing theory is being tested and summative content analysis is concerned with the meaning of words in various contexts.)
The following seven-step procedure was used to carry out conventional content analysis:
All responses were read a single time to gain a general feeling for their content. No notes were taken during this period.
The unit of analysis was defined as a word or phrase that captures a common idea. Therefore, coding of responses was done on the basis of individual words or phrases.
All responses were read again, and key words and phrases were highlighted.
Each highlighted word or phrase was synthesized into higher-level ideas to encompass all common statements that essentially meant the same thing. These higher level ideas were written in the margins of the surveys.
The words in the margins were collected in a single table for all respondents.
The table of responses was synthesized into even higher level concepts that fell under common themes, and a tree diagram was used to represent those ideas.
Results were interpreted and discussed.
Questions 7 and 8 were short answer with a single blank line given for response. Question 7 asked in which setting prerecorded modules are appropriate (with and without a discussion component, separately). Question 8 asked students to comment on the length of the prerecorded modules and the length of the discussion, separately. Because most responses to these questions were only a few words in length, analysis of these responses was less sophisticated. Full responses were compiled in a table and common themes were extracted in a single step and reported as a summary. Finally, question 9 was an open-ended additional probe: do you have any other suggestions? Again, this was not intended to be analyzed systematically, but simply to cover any additional suggestions that were not brought out in the previous questions. Analysis of this question was restricted to a brief summary.
In addition to the surveys given for this research, there were additional evaluation activities already occurring as a part of the course, including official course evaluations through the university. Opinions of the students from the official course evaluations are briefly discussed in the results.


WSU Survey

All 15 members of the class completed the survey. Every respondent answered questions 1–6 and 8. Six students did not fully respond to question 7 (by leaving at least one portion of that question blank). Similarly, six students did not respond to question 9. This response rate is considered very high in the opinion of the researchers.
Results of the first four questions are summarized in Table 3, with median and mean used as measures of center, and minimum, maximum, and standard deviations as measures of spread. All questions received an average score greater than 4; however, there was some variation in center and spread between questions. Students gave the highest average score to Q4, with more than half of respondents giving a 5 and no respondent giving a score lower than 4. That indicated that students liked the combined module-discussion class style. The next highest average score was for Q2, indicating that the discussion was useful to clarify content in modules. Although still a high score at a mean of 4.20, the lowest average score was given to Q1, indicating that some students may have had trouble understanding concepts in the modules prior to discussion. This was also the question with the largest standard deviation and range, suggesting that students varied considerably in their ability to understand information directly from the modules. That could be related to students having different styles of learning, with some more able to focus and take in information from a module, and others requiring more interaction. No student gave lower than a 4 on Q3, suggesting that all students thought the discussion stimulated some further thought.
Table 3. Summary of Responses to 5-Point Scale Questions
Q1How well did you understand the content as it was presented in the modules (prior to discussion)?3454.200.68
Q2How much did the discussion help you understand the content in the modules?3554.530.64
Q3How much did the discussion stimulate further thought beyond what was presented in the modules?4454.400.51
Q4Overall, how effective were the modules and discussion in furthering your knowledge on the topics presented?4554.600.51

Note: 1 = least; 5 = most; σ = standard deviation.

These results are consistent with other studies on the use of educational modules in engineering disciplines. Henson et al. (2002) reported on the use of Internet-based educational modules for structural timber design. Students replied to survey questions related to their understanding of content, ability to visualize concepts, time spent studying, ability to learn at their own pace, and overall result of their learning on a 4-point scale (strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree). Similar to the LCA module series results, students largely agreed that they understood topics, were able to learn at their own pace, and, overall, got more out of the modules than a typical content delivery structure, with most responses being in the strongly agree and agree categories. In a more general evaluation of module use in an electrical engineering course, the majority of students provided very positive and positive feedback to the module use (24% and 41%, respectively), with only 4% of students viewing the modules negatively (Daniels et al. 2003).
The results of conventional content analysis are summarized in tree diagrams (Figs. 3 and 4), showing the highest level classifications; i.e., those synthesized during step 6 of the content analysis. The percentage of respondents who identified at least one idea falling under each of those themes is conveyed by the shaded bars. Ideas and counts synthesized at one more level of resolution (i.e., the words written in the margins during step 4 of the content analysis) for each overall theme under advantages were (with frequency counts in parentheses): reviewable (9), modules prompt discussion (3), time saving (2), organized (2), clear (2), note taking unnecessary (2), discussion makes format interesting (2), time control (1), brief (1), efficient (1), easy to follow (1), consistent (1), complete (1), visual (1), viewable if missed class (1), and discussion clarifies modules (1). The disadvantages identified included: too fast (4), no questions allowed during (3), too fast for questions (3), less personal than live speaker (2), boring (2), lose focus (2), nondynamic/monotonous (2), narrator reading slides (1), and no note taking incentive (1). All of these appeared to be specifically referring to the modules except for those comments directly identifying the discussion component.
Fig. 3. Summary of responses to Q5 on advantages of module and discussion course format at the highest synthesis level
Fig. 4. Summary of responses to Q6 on negative aspects of module and discussion course format at the highest synthesis level
On the basis of question 8, students generally believed that using the modules without a discussion component was appropriate for private viewing to use at home, such as for self-learning. However, most students expressed that a discussion component made the modules more suitable for use in class and helped to expand and reinforce understanding.
Question 9 revealed that most students thought a module length of approximately 20 min (the length generally used for modules in the class) was appropriate. In fact, only one response provided a negative critique, with all others stating that the length was good (One was pretty long. Most were perfect length.). A larger share of students expressed a desire for more discussion time, with approximately a third of the respondents making this point. The course originally was designed for fewer students, which would have accommodated longer discussions.
Four students answered question 10 with a critique, requesting a module on a real LCA project, slower talking on the module narration, fewer figures crowding slides, and a suggestion to add discussion questions to the end of the modules. Five students expressed that they enjoyed or greatly benefited from the class. The final six students left the response area blank.

Ancillary Evaluation

Although not focused specifically on the module-discussion format, some information also could be gleaned from the official university course evaluations. Two-thirds of the class completed the official course evaluation. Some liked the interactivity, the project, the pre-recorded lectures, and that they were allowed to seek help outside of the classroom. Some liked the software, the presentations, and being able to logically think about connections to the real world. One wished that the class had been smaller, and others mentioned more whiteboard time and discussion, or more details on grading. The overall rating of the course was 4.6 out of 5. The highest scores were in valuing student questions, being available outside of class, and creating a classroom conducive to learning.

Brazil Interpretations

Two of the three Brazilian students completed the same questionnaire that was given to the WSU students, with primarily positive comments. Both students responded with a 4 for Q1 (understanding of content when only watching the module) and a 5 for the three following questions. Advantages pointed out included the ability to view material later as a reference and the concise presentation of the most important topics. Only one student cited a negative aspect: modules could be hard to focus on if they were too long. One open-ended suggestion was to consider posting a more broadly compatible video format in addition to the PowerPoint. This could make viewing the modules possible on devices that do not support narrated PowerPoint presentations. Another was to add some videos to the modules to make them more engaging.

Study Limitations

The course was taken by a relatively small number of students; therefore, the sample size for the WSU survey was similarly small (15 students), of which one was an undergraduate and the others graduates. Although the results generated do provide insight on the use of these LCA modules, they might not be representative of a larger population of students or of their effectiveness for undergraduate education. Future applications of these modules might allow for evaluations from a larger group of students and should be considered once available.
The experimental design used in this case did not include any direct or controlled comparisons to traditionally taught courses. Accordingly, the results and conclusions reached only state how well received the modules and course styles were by the students, and not whether they found them more or less beneficial than a traditional lecture-style class. However, it could be assumed that students answering the survey questions would base their midpoints and expectations around traditional classroom instructional styles (of which they are well exposed to from other courses) and explain advantages and disadvantages in the context of improvements or disimprovements over those styles.
This study was on the basis of a course focused only on LCA. Other sustainability topics might vary in the degree and complexity of numerical calculations, abstract concepts, and practical applications. Therefore, it should not be assumed necessarily that effectiveness of the teaching approach and modules used for the LCA course would translate to other topics or disciplines.

Conclusions and Further Research

Overwhelmingly, the response to the format of narrated modules with class discussion was positive. Students stated that the modules were concise, organized, complete, and available outside of class. Further, they found the discussion to be useful in clarifying concepts and keeping the course interesting. Negative aspects of the modules included that many students found them to be boring when played in full, and some believed they were too fast-paced and did not allow for questions until after the presentation was finished. Therefore, this seems to be an effective teaching format, but revisions to the format should be considered to ensure students are fully engaged.
As a result of this evaluation, the next iteration of this class will include stopping each module one or more times for intermediate discussion. The intention is that this will break up some of the monotony, provide additional discussion time, and give students an opportunity to clear up questions on one part of the module before watching the next section. In addition, the instructor will encourage the students to raise their hands to pause a presentation during any slide to answer questions or clarify a concept. The modules are made so that slides can be paused and restarted easily at any time. The instructor also will mention that students may wish to print handout copies of the module slides to take notes of verbally-presented information to keep those who learn best in that manner more engaged.
Finally, it is the hope of the developers of these modules that the prerecorded format with associated activities will facilitate their implementation by other instructors, and that future applications will aid in improving and expanding these types of educational materials. For instance, as inclusion of sustainability becomes more prevalent in undergraduate science and engineering curricula, there may be a need to consider if these narrated modules could be useful for undergraduate courses. It is likely that some of the overview modules will be used for a freshman-level engineering course at WSU in 2016, and this may provide such an avenue for assessment. That format is expected to have the modules viewed outside of class, with discussion and other related activities in class, as the in-class course content already is very constrained. This type of flipped classroom format is possible with the LCA module series and could be a favorable option for courses that have highly constrained class time.


The authors would like to thank the Center for Environmentally Sustainable Transportation in Cold Climates (CESTiCC), a U.S. Department of Transportation University Transportation Center, for funding the development of the prerecorded modules that are available on its website The authors also are grateful for the input from the students who participated in the survey on their implementation in a classroom setting at WSU and at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre, Brazil.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice
Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice
Volume 143Issue 2April 2017


Received: Jan 7, 2016
Accepted: May 18, 2016
Published online: Jul 21, 2016
Discussion open until: Dec 21, 2016
Published in print: Apr 1, 2017



Liv Haselbach, Ph.D., M.ASCE [email protected]
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Washington State Univ., Pullman, WA 99164. E-mail: [email protected]
Quinn Langfitt, S.M.ASCE [email protected]
Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Washington State Univ., Pullman, WA 99164 (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected]

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