Oct 1, 2004

Geotechnical Engineering Reliability: How Well Do We Know What We Are Doing?

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Publication: Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Volume 130, Issue 10


Uncertainty and risk are central features of geotechnical and geological engineering. Engineers can deal with uncertainty by ignoring it, by being conservative, by using the observational method, or by quantifying it. In recent years, reliability analysis and probabilistic methods have found wide application in geotechnical engineering and related fields. The tools are well known, including methods of reliability analysis and decision trees. Analytical models for deterministic geotechnical applications are also widely available, even if their underlying reliability is sometimes suspect. The major issues involve input and output. In order to develop appropriate input, the engineer must understand the nature of uncertainty and probability. Most geotechnical uncertainty reflects lack of knowledge, and probability based on the engineer’s degree of belief comes closest to the profession’s practical approach. Bayesian approaches are especially powerful because they provide probabilities on the state of nature rather than on the observations. The first point in developing a model from geotechnical data is that the distinction between the trend or systematic error and the spatial error is a modeling choice, not a property of nature. Second, properties estimated from small samples may be seriously in error, whether they are used probabilistically or deterministically. Third, experts generally estimate mean trends well but tend to underestimate uncertainty and to be overconfident in their estimates. In this context, engineering judgment should be based on a demonstrable chain of reasoning and not on speculation. One difficulty in interpreting results is that most people, including engineers, have difficulty establishing an allowable probability of failure or dealing with low values of probability. The F-N plot is one useful vehicle for comparing calculated probabilities with observed frequencies of failure of comparable facilities. In any comparison it must be noted that a calculated probability is a lower bound because it must fail to incorporate the factors that are ignored in the analysis. It is useful to compare probabilities of failure for alternative designs, and the reliability methods reveal the contributions of different components to the uncertainty in the probability of failure. Probability is not a property of the world but a state of mind; geotechnical uncertainty is primarily epistemic, Bayesian, and belief based. The current challenges to the profession are to make use of probabilistic methods in practice and to sharpen our investigations and analyses so that each additional data point provides maximal information.

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It might be argued that, if we knew enough about the linear and angular velocities of the dice, their inertia, the rebounding characteristics of the dice and the table, and so on, we would be able to predict the outcome of any throw. However, this is so impractical that the expressions “throw of the dice” and “crap shoot” have entered the language as synonyms for totally random events.
It should be noted that it is possible to apply Bayesian methods when probability is defined by relative frequency or classical methods to degree-of-belief probability. However, to avoid excessive and extraneous complication, the presentation follows the line that frequentist definitions of probability tend toward classical statistics while degree-of-belief approaches are more congenial with Bayesian approaches. This is also the historical distinction.
This database has been superceded by many more observations since the analyses were first carried out, but the point about the meaning of the curves remains valid.
This is one instance of Stigler’s Law of Eponymy, which states in its simplest form, “No scientific discovery is named after its original discoverer” (Stigler 1999).
A similar analysis applies to many other exploration problems; the liquefiable zone problem is chosen for convenience.
This story was told to the author by the National Research Council evaluator.
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Go to Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Volume 130Issue 10October 2004
Pages: 985 - 1003


Published online: Oct 1, 2004
Published in print: Oct 2004


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John T. Christian, Hon.M.ASCE
Consulting Engineer, 23 Fredana Rd., Waban, MA 02468.

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