Technical Papers
Feb 7, 2024

Driving Mechanisms of Green Regeneration in Old Industrial Areas under Ecological Security Constraints: Evolutionary Game Theory Oriented toward Public Satisfaction

Publication: Journal of Urban Planning and Development
Volume 150, Issue 2


Old industrial areas have numerous ecological safety problems, requiring green regeneration to mitigate related risks. This study considered the impact of public participation and willingness to adopt green regeneration of old industrial areas and developed an evolutionary game model for the local government and developers. Then, we analyzed the initial strategy and relevant variables of the game through MATLAB (version 2021a) simulation to inform the establishment of green regeneration of old industrial areas. The study results showed that public willingness to use regenerated industrial areas and green preferences could motivate the adoption of green regeneration among developers. The incremental cost of ecological restoration of old industrial areas considerably hinders developers from opting for green regeneration. When the incremental cost exceeds the government’s financial subsidies and policy preferences, developers often opt for traditional renovation. Furthermore, punitive measures enforced by local government against developers were found to be more effective than incentives; when the cost of punishment exceeds the incremental cost of ecological restoration, developers often opt for green regeneration. Although the ecological safety concerns in old industrial areas can prompt local governments to opt for stringent regulations and developers for green regeneration at the beginning of the game model, evolutionary stability is not reached.

Practical Applications

It is necessary to study the green regeneration of old industrial areas as this issue has attained global consensus and is related to the sustainable development of the ecological environment and the improvement of the public quality of life. By modeling a multi-interest game scenario, this paper further clarified the key factors hindering the green regeneration of old industrial areas, which is helpful in solving the practical problems existing in the implementation of such projects and promoting the development of green regeneration in old industrial areas. At the same time, based on the problem of ecological security constraints in the old industrial areas, the research guided by public satisfaction has promoted the development of green regeneration projects in the old industrial areas, effectively improved the current situation of the old industrial areas and its surrounding ecological environment, accelerated the process of urban renewal, and injected new vitality into the construction of national ecological civilization.

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Some or all data, models, or codes that supported the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Numbers 51808424, 51677879, and 51478384), the Shanxi Natural Science Basic Research Program (Grant Number 2020jq-690), the Natural Science Foundation of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education (Grant Number 22JK0441), and the Youth Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Number 72004176).
Author contributions: All authors contributed to the study conception and design. Material preparation, data collection, and analysis were performed by Yang Zhang, Chang Liu, and Caixia Hou. The first draft of the manuscript was written by Chang Liu, and all authors commented on subsequent versions of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.


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Go to Journal of Urban Planning and Development
Journal of Urban Planning and Development
Volume 150Issue 2June 2024


Received: Apr 9, 2023
Accepted: Nov 8, 2023
Published online: Feb 7, 2024
Published in print: Jun 1, 2024
Discussion open until: Jul 7, 2024


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School of Management, Xi’an Univ. of Architecture and Technology, 13 Yanta Rd., Beilin District, Xi’an 710055, Shanxi, P.R. China. ORCID:
School of Management, Xi’an Univ. of Architecture and Technology, 13 Yanta Rd., Beilin District, Xi’an 710055, Shanxi, P.R. China (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]
Caixia Hou
School of Management, Xi’an Univ. of Architecture and Technology, 13 Yanta Rd., Beilin District, Xi’an 710055, Shanxi, P.R. China.

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