
In the first part of the paper, a critical review of the fundamental knowledge of the debonding mechanism of externally bonded fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites from a quasi-brittle substrate (such as concrete and masonry) is presented. Then, the paper focuses on five selected research topics. Some of these topics have reached a quite mature state. However, the authors build upon their research carried out in the last 20 years and the work published in the literature to present new perspectives or clarify aspects that have not yet reached a shared consensus. Among these five topics, the following two topics are discussed more extensively and advances in their knowledge are proposed: (1) the specific features of the interfacial law (interfacial shear stress versus slip relationship) and its shape required to obtain a finite length of the stress-transfer zone and (2) the relationship between the bond capacity in direct shear tests and the force in the FRP strip corresponding to the full debonding of FRP-strengthened beams.

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Some or all data, models, or codes that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


Dr. Carloni acknowledge support from the National Center for Transportation (Washington State University) under grant RES515729. Drs. D’Antino and Focacci acknowledge the support of the DPC-ReLUIS 2022–2024 project (WP 14), funded by the Italian Department of Civil Protection.


The following symbols are used in this paper:
cross-sectional area of the FRP strip used in the RC beam;
width of the substrate in a single-lap specimen;
brick length;
width of the FRP strip;
depth of the centroid of the concrete layer measured from the top of the RC beam;
depth of the neutral axis from the top of the RC beam;
elastic modulus of concrete;
elastic modulus of the composite strip;
force applied to an RC beam in a four-point bending test (Fig. 12);
maximum force in the composite strip of full-scale RC beams strengthened in flexure with FRP;
tensile strength of concrete;
interfacial fracture energy;
fracture energy of the FRP–brick interface;
fracture energy of the FRP–mortar interface;
fracture energy computed directly from experimental Pdeb;
global slip in a single-lap test;
global slip at Point K of the load response of a single-lap test (Fig. 9);
global slip corresponding to Pdeb;
global slip corresponding to the P(g) curve plateau;
generic global slip in a single-lap test, with g¯g1;
height of the RC beam cross section;
ratio of the bending moments at two consecutive cracked cross sections in an RC beam;
effective bond length;
effective bond length of the FRP–brick interface;
value of Leff for a certain substrate named substrate i, with i = 1, 2, …, 5;
bending moment in the concrete layer of the RC beam;
bending moment at the cross section of the RC beam;
resultant force in concrete (compression) at coordinate z for the RC beam (Fig. 12);
resultant force in the FRP composite at coordinate z for the RC beam (Fig. 12);
force in the FRP composite at coordinate zA for the RC beam;
force in the FRP composite at coordinate zB for the RC beam;
FRP axial force at the LCCS in the RC beam;
maximum value of NL;
FRP axial force at the RCCS in the RC beam;
maximum value of NR;
resultant force in steel rebars at coordinate z for the RC beam (Fig. 12);
force in the FRP composite at coordinate zf for the RC beam;
applied load in a single-lap test;
plateau load, load-carrying capacity, or bond capacity in a single-lap test;
plateau load for the FRP–brick interface in a single-lap test;
value of Pdeb for a certain substrate named substrate i, with i = 1, 2, …, 6;
maximum load in a single-lap test;
periodically transferred load at the FRP–masonry interface in a single-lap test;
maximum load (global slip-controlled test) in a single-lap test;
theoretical bond capacity in a single-lap test;
applied load on the RC beam;
interfacial slip used as an alternative notation to sy;
slip corresponding to τmax;
interfacial slip at coordinate zA for the RC beam;
interfacial slip at coordinate zB for the RC beam;
slip corresponding to τ = 0;
value of sf for a certain substrate, named substrate i, with i = 1, 2, …,6;
slip at the FRP–substrate interface when the CML is τi(s), with i = 1, 2, …, 6;
slip at the LCCS in the RC beam;
slip at the RCCS in the RC beam;
slip at the FRP–substrate interface;
thickness of the FRP strip;
displacement measured on the external surface of the FRP as an alternative notation to uy;
displacement measured on the external surface of the FRP;
crack opening (Mode I softening curve of concrete);
crack opening at Point P in Fig. 15(a);
reference axis orthogonal to the fibers in the plane of the interface in direct shear test specimens;
reference axis in the fiber direction in the plane of the interface in direct shear test specimens;
coordinate that identifies the beginning of the finite-length STZ (toward the free end);
coordinate that identifies the end of the finite-length STZ (toward the loaded end);
coordinate that identifies the location of the mortar joint, with i = 1, 2, …,4 (Fig. 6);
longitudinal reference axis for beams;
coordinate of Cross section A of an RC beam;
coordinate of Cross section B of an RC beam;
coordinate at the end of the debonded part of the FRP strip;
coordinate that identifies the beginning of a segment that includes a flexural crack in an RC beam (Fig. 12);
coordinate that identifies the end of a segment that includes a flexural crack in an RC beam (Fig. 12);
shear strain (Fig. 7);
shear strain in the FRP strip due to the width effect (Fig. 10);
elongation of a concrete tensile specimen;
difference of slips corresponding to the beginning and end of the mortar joint (Fig. 6), with i = 1, 2;
distance between two consecutive cracks in the FRP-strengthened RC beam;
deflection of an RC beam in a four-point bending test (Fig. 12);
longitudinal strain of the FRP stip, used as an alternative notation to εy;
longitudinal strain in concrete in tension;
strain in concrete bulk at Point P in Fig. 15(a);
FRP strain when the CML is τi(s), with i = 1, 2, …,6;
longitudinal strain of the FRP stip;
variable that identifies a location along the bonded length, defined as ζ=yφ/ψ;
bonded length of the FRP strip;
length of debonded FRP strip;
length of the STZ when the shear stress transfer is not fully established;
axial stress in the FRP strip, used as an alternative notation to σy;
axial stress in concrete in a tension test;
axial stresses in concrete bulk at Point P in Fig. 15(a);
normal stresses at the FRP–substrate interface;
axial stress in the FRP strip;
shear stress at the FRP–substrate interface, used as an alternative notation to τzy;
shear stress corresponding to s = 0 when the first part of Condition C2 is satisfied;
shear stress at the FRP–substrate interface for a certain substrate named substrate i, with i = 1, 2, … 6;
maximum shear stress in the CML;
shear stress at the FRP–substrate interface;
positive scalar number [Eq. (14)];
curvature of the RC beam;
positive scalar number [Eq. (14)]; and
area between the FRP–brick and FRP–mortar CMLs corresponding to the slips at the beginning and end of the mortar joint.


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Journal of Composites for Construction
Volume 28Issue 6December 2024


Received: Oct 10, 2023
Accepted: Jun 24, 2024
Published online: Sep 5, 2024
Published in print: Dec 1, 2024
Discussion open until: Feb 5, 2025


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Professor, Dipartimento di Scienze Teoriche e Applicate, Univ. eCampus, via Isimbardi 10, 22060 Novedrate, Italy. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5316-9286. Email: [email protected]
Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Case Western Reserve Univ., 10900 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44106. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4128-8787. Email: [email protected]
Associate Professor, Dept. of Architecture, Built Environment, and Construction Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Via G. Ponzio 31, 20133 Milano, Italy (corresponding author). ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7397-1447. Email: [email protected]
Christian Carloni, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE [email protected]
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Case Western Reserve Univ., 10900 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44106. Email: [email protected]

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