Technical Papers
Jul 25, 2024

Clustering-Based Active-Learning Kriging Reliability Analysis of FRP-Strengthened RC Beams with Random Finite-Element to Model Spatial Variability

Publication: Journal of Composites for Construction
Volume 28, Issue 5


This paper presents a framework for assessing the reliability of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP)–strengthened reinforced concrete (RC) beams in flexure using stochastic nonlinear finite-element (SNFE) analysis and k-w-means clustering, based on active-learning kriging Monte Carlo simulation (AK-MCS), in which spatial variations in the concrete and bond material properties are considered. A computer algorithm was developed to augment commercially available nonlinear finite-element (FE) analysis software and automate the process for conducting the SNFE clustering-based AK-MCS analysis. The k-w-means clustering was based on the U learning function to provide multipoint enrichment to improve convergence of the stopping criteria by allowing parallel computation of the SNFE models. Parametric analysis indicated the accuracy of the reliability prediction of the examined member and proved the efficiency of the proposed analysis in reducing the number of calls to SNFE models compared with data in the existing literature, when using probability-based stopping criteria.

Practical Applications

The quality of the FRP-to-concrete bond is affected by the integrity of the concrete at the interface, which varies across the dimensions of the strengthened member, causing added uncertainty in predicting the structural response, and hence the reliability of the FRP-strengthened member. This study proposes a computationally efficient approach to assess the reliability of FRP-strengthened concrete members by considering the spatial variation in the concrete properties (compressive strength, tensile strength, bulk modulus) and the quality of the FRP-to-concrete bond (shear and normal bond strength) by using an adaptive machine-learning technique. The proposed framework may be utilized by engineers to design FRP-strengthening systems for concrete members experiencing variation in the concrete properties due to poor quality control or active deterioration.

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Data Availability Statement

Some or all data, models, or code generated or used during the study are proprietary or confidential in nature and may only be provided with restrictions. The clustering-based kriging computer code and the random field discretization computer code are restricted.


The authors wish to acknowledge financial contributions from Dalhousie University, the Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS) program, and Norlander Oudah Engineering Limited (NOEL).


The following symbols are used in this paper:
ith greatest eigenvalue of the standard normal field (ith out of r);
correlation length in x;
correlation length in y;
correlation length in z;
unknown coefficient;
width of the concrete beam;
width of the CFRP sheet;
vector of regression parameter;
covariance matrix;
ith vector of the covariance matrix;
cluster centroid i of iteration j;
FRP modulus of elasticity;
regression term;
regression function of the random inputs, X;
concrete compressive strength;
FRP tensile strength;
concrete tensile strength;
steel yield strength;
performance function;
surrogate performance function—estimate of G (kriging predictor);
realization of a Gaussian random field;
realizations of a lognormal random field;
jth value of the indicator function denoting the sign of the kriging estimated performance function;
concrete bulk modulus;
number of clusters;
vector of autocorrelation length;
moment due to dead load;
moment due to live load;
transformation of live load to load effects;
nominal flexural strength;
number of points included in each cluster;
concrete–FRP bond normal strength;
number of realizations of the random variables;
lowest ranked U from UMin;
probability of failure;
probability of failure calculated using the kriging predictor to evaluate the limit state;
probability of failure corresponding to the mean kriging predictor value, G^(X), plus the MSE, σG^(x), multiplied by a constant, k;
probability of failure corresponding to the mean kriging predictor value, G^(X), minus the MSE, σG^(x), multiplied by a constant, k;
load model;
ratio of the eigenvalues divided by the trace of the covariance matrix;
resistance model;
nominal flexural strength of SNFE;
correlation between the design sites Si and Sj;
number of standard normal variables;
correlation between the unknown site, X, and all known design sites, Si;
concrete–FRP bond shear strength;
set of design sites;
conversion factor converting the lognormal field;
number of random variables;
reliability index of the U-learning function prediction;
vector of descending order of U;
U of the kth trial;
vector used in forming the kriging predictor;
coefficient of variation of the mesh point, Y(i);
coefficient of variation of the mesh point, Y(j);
coefficient of variation of Pf0;
vector of resistance random variables;
vector of inputs for the kth trial;
vector of load random variables;
corresponding outputs of S(X);
x coordinate of the geometric centroids of the SNFE;
y coordinate of the geometric centroids of the SNFE;
z coordinate of the geometric centroids of the SNFE;
vector of spatial coordinates;
stochastic process of the random inputs, X;
reliability index;
shape factor that depends on the ratio of bf/bc;
model error;
estimator error of the predator;
stopping criteria for ending enrichment of the kriging predictor using active learning;
independent identifier corresponding to a set of standard normal variables;
mean of the kriging predictor;
mean of a lognormally distributed field;
ith randomly generated standard normal variable (ith out of r);
squared exponential correlation to determine the correlation between two points Y(i) and Y(j);
correlation for the standard normal field between two points Y(i) and Y(j);
standard deviation of the kriging predictor;
standard deviation of a lognormally distributed field;
standard deviation;
ith greatest eigenvector of the standard normal field (ith out of r);
error between the previous and current set of cluster centroids, ci(j) and ci(j+1); and
stopping value of Ωcluster.


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Go to Journal of Composites for Construction
Journal of Composites for Construction
Volume 28Issue 5October 2024


Received: Sep 22, 2023
Accepted: Apr 30, 2024
Published online: Jul 25, 2024
Published in print: Oct 1, 2024
Discussion open until: Dec 25, 2024


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Structural EIT, Norlander Oudah Engineering Ltd. (NOEL), Calgary, AB, Canada T2P 0Z3. ORCID: Email: [email protected]
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Resource Engineering, Dalhousie Univ., 1360 Barrington St., Halifax, NS, Canada B3H 4R2 (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]

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  • RF-DYNA — Software for optimized random finite element simulation using LS-DYNA, Advances in Engineering Software, 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2024.103724, 196, (103724), (2024).

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