Technical Papers
Jan 10, 2023

Analytical Solutions for Radial Consolidation of Soft Ground Improved by Composite Piles Considering Time and Depth-Dependent Well Resistance

Publication: International Journal of Geomechanics
Volume 23, Issue 3


Composed of a stiffer core with gravel shell, composite pile is a new pile technology with a variety of shapes and sizes to improve soft soils. Compared with piles with single materials, composite ground improved by composite piles avoids some drawbacks with slow consolidation and limited increase in load bearing capacity. After converting unit cells with noncircular composite piles into cylindrical ones using an annular conversion method, based on an equal strain assumption and the hypothesis that water volumes flowing into and out of the gravel shell are equal, an analytical model is proposed to investigate consolidation characteristics of soft ground improved by composite piles. Furthermore, the hypothesis that the discharge capacity of the composite pile is exponentially decreased with time owing to clogging, and linearly varied with depth is employed in the derivation. In addition, detailed solutions subjected to an instantly applied load are obtained using a Bessel function, and the degeneration of this answer is calculated to verify its accuracy. Then, some comparisons between this method and previous studies including mathematical methods and a case are made to verify the feasibility and applicability of the presented solution. Finally, a parametric study is conducted to find detailed effects of time-dependent clogging and depth-dependent well resistance on consolidation. The results show that consolidation rate is proportional to B1, while it is negatively correlated with B2, α3, and H.

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This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Numbers 51878657 and 52178373), the Qing-Lan Project, and the Graduate Innovation Program of China University of Mining and Technology (Grant Number 2022WLJCRCZL040).


The following symbols are used in this paper:
cross-sectional area of composite pile (m2);
cross-sectional area of entire unit cell (m2);
cross-sectional area of gravel shell (m2);
cross-sectional area of impervious core (m2);
factor of initial clogging (dimensionless);
factor of depth-dependent well resistance (dimensionless);
factor of time-dependent clogging (/s);
width of rectangular composite pile (m);
width of rectangular core (m);
area-weighted constrained composite compression modulus (Pa);
constrained compression modulus of granular shell (Pa);
constrained compression modulus of impervious core (Pa);
constrained compression modulus of surrounding soil (Pa);
the base of irrational number (dimensionless);
parameter to reflect disturbance effect caused by construction of composite columns (dimensionless);
function of Bessel function and Neumann function (dimensionless);
function of time-dependent clogging (dimensionless);
function of depth-dependent well resistance (dimensionless);
thickness of soft soil as well as length of composite pile (m);
function of radial distance (dimensionless);
ith Bessel function (dimensionless);
permeability coefficient of vertical drain at any time (m/s);
permeability coefficient of vertical drain at initial moment (m/s);
horizontal permeability coefficient of undisturbed soil (m/s);
horizontal permeability coefficient of soil (m/s);
permeability coefficient at interface of gravel shell and soil (m/s);
length of rectangular composite pile (m);
length of rectangular core (m);
ith Neumann function (dimensionless);
surcharge loading (Pa);
surcharge loading at initial time (Pa);
horizontal distance from any position to center of pile (m);
equivalent radius of composite pile (m);
initial radius of composite pile (m);
equivalent outer radius of unit cell (m);
radius of hole (m);
equivalent radius of impervious core (m);
initial radius of impervious core (m);
radius of disturbed soil zone (m);
center-to-center spacing of composite piles (m);
settlement of composite ground at any time (m);
final settlement of composite ground (m);
horizontal time factor of soil (dimensionless);
elapsed time (s);
total average degree of radial consolidation of composite ground (dimensionless);
Ur (Z¯,t)
radial average degree of consolidation at any depth (dimensionless);
excess pore water pressure within gravel shell at a particular depth, u¯g = u¯g(z, t) (Pa);
excess pore water pressure in soil at any time and at any point, us = us(r, z, t) (Pa);
averaged excess pore water pressure at particular depth for entire composite ground (Pa);
averaged excess pore water pressure within soil at particular depth, u¯s=u¯s(z,t) (Pa);
series of parameters (dimensionless);
vertical distance from any position to composite ground surface (m);
ratio of area replacement ratio of composite pile (dimensionless);
ratio of cross-sectional area of impervious core to composite pile (dimensionless);
time-dependent clogging factor (dimensionless);
unit weight of water (N/m3);
vertical strain (dimensionless);
series of parameters (m);
series of parameters (dimensionless);
average stress of gravel shell (Pa);
average stress of impervious core (Pa); and
average stress of surrounding soil (Pa).


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Go to International Journal of Geomechanics
International Journal of Geomechanics
Volume 23Issue 3March 2023


Received: Aug 11, 2022
Accepted: Nov 13, 2022
Published online: Jan 10, 2023
Published in print: Mar 1, 2023
Discussion open until: Jun 10, 2023


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Master’s Candidate, School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China Univ. of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China. Email: [email protected]
Professor, School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering, China Univ. of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]

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  • Analysis on Large-Strain Nonlinear Consolidation of PVD-Improved Soft Soils with Non-Darcian Flow Considering Variable Well Resistance and Vacuum Pressure, International Journal of Geomechanics, 10.1061/IJGNAI.GMENG-8826, 24, 2, (2024).

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