Technical Papers
Apr 12, 2023

A Predictive Settlement Modeling Framework Employing Thermal–Hydraulic–Mechanical–Biochemical Processes in Municipal Solid Waste Landfills

Publication: International Journal of Geomechanics
Volume 23, Issue 6


Municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills using leachate recirculation optimize the waste stabilization process by providing nutrition and moisture for biological activity. However, the leachate recirculation creates an environment with complex processes due to accelerated biodegradation and generated heat. Additionally, different timing in waste placement and the heterogeneous nature of MSW cause significant variations in properties throughout the intercalated layers. In this study, a settlement framework model employing Thermal–Hydraulic–Mechanical–Biochemical processes is proposed, which considers multiple MSW properties including temperature, pH, and saturation. The framework model includes a modified Cam-clay model to simulate short-term settlement and adopts mechanical and biological creep models for long-term settlement estimation. A long-term biological creep model that uses a single decay rate constant is revised to account for environmental factors such as temperature, pH, and saturation in estimating MSW decay rates. The framework model was calibrated using the data of large-scale column experiments, which were conducted at different temperatures and saturation conditions considering biodegradation rates. Also, an MSW placement strategy was developed to consider the effect of different waste layer placement timing in the progression of MSW landfill total settlement. The modeling framework was validated using settlement data from a landfill in Canada. The results showed that temperature and saturation have a significant influence on MSW settlement and therefore should be considered in MSW landfill settlement prediction models.

Practical Application

In municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills, leachate recirculation increases biological activity and heat and therefore results in further breakdown of waste material and, subsequently, large settlements. Also, different climates and waste placement seasons, in addition to the nonhomogenous nature of MSW, create variations in landfill layers that need to be addressed. This study investigated a settlement model that was verified with an experiment where different temperature and saturation was applied to MSW. The settlement was divided into short-term settlement (from the compression of material) and long-term settlement from the breakdown of material with time. Additionally, since the whole MSW is not placed in a landfill at once, a strategy was developed to consider the different stages of waste placement in the developed model. The developed framework was verified using the data collected from a landfill in Canada. The results show that when we consider temperature and the amount of saturation in MSW, we can have a better prediction of MSW settlement and prevent unwanted consequences of landfill failure.

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The authors appreciate the financial support from the Nebraska Collaboration Initiatives and the finding and conclusions do not necessarily reflect the sponsor perspectives. Also, thanks to the material support from Lancaster County Bluff Road Landfill.


The following symbols are used in this paper:
mechanical creep coefficient;
constant number related to the theoretical upper bound limit of decay rate;
compressibility index;
normalization constant;
rate constant for mechanical creep;
layer depth;
total volumetric strain;
elastic volumetric strain;
plastic volumetric strain;
void ratio;
water content factor;
depth of the waste;
initial height of lift i and period j−1;
initial height of lift i at the beginning of period j;
first-order decay coefficient;
temperature-saturation-dependent decay rate;
frictional constant;
linear constants based on the lower and upper bound of k;
linear constants based on the lower and upper bound of k;
mean effective stress;
preconsolidation stress;
deviatoric stress;
effective saturation;
average saturation of lift i;
maximum saturation;
field saturation degree;
residual degree of saturation;
temperature (°C);
average temperature of lift i, period j;
onset time after the completion of instant settlement;
pore air pressure;
total biodegradation creep settlement of lift i at period j;
total calculated settlement of lift i at the end of period i;
Bishop’s mean effective stress due to waste placement;
total possible biostrain;
total strain;
initial potential strain of layer i, period j;
initial biodegradation strain of ith lift at the beginning of period j;
MSW unit weight;
ratio of deviatoric stress and mean effective stress;
swelling index;
compressibility index;
total stress;
horizontal stress;
cumulative stress load of lift i up to j;
vertical stress;
Bishop’s effective stress;
suction pressure;
volumetric moisture content;
saturated moisture content;
residual moisture content; and
internal friction angle.


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Go to International Journal of Geomechanics
International Journal of Geomechanics
Volume 23Issue 6June 2023


Received: Jun 18, 2022
Accepted: Jan 25, 2023
Published online: Apr 12, 2023
Published in print: Jun 1, 2023
Discussion open until: Sep 12, 2023


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Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln, Omaha, NE 402480-2150. ORCID: Email: [email protected]
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln, Omaha, NE 402554-3544 (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]

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