The ASCE Manual of Practice (MOP) 150, “Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Development and Implementation: Models, Methods, and Resources,” was written by the ASCE-EWRI TMDL Analysis and Modeling Task Committee. Chapter 12 of the MOP, “Modeling for Total Maximum Daily Load Implementation,” discusses state-of-the-practice on uses of models in TMDL implementation planning. The committee is currently expanding its work. In this paper, an overview of green infrastructure (GI) and modeling of those for TMDL implementation and reviews of specific models, including the USEPA’s GI Modeling Toolkit and the Landscape and Green Infrastructure Design (L-GrlD) model for designing GI strategies with flexibility to support stakeholder engagement and decision support tools for stormwater management that can advance the TMDL implementation state-of-the-practice, are presented. Non-traditional approaches are presented with cost-effective implementation while broadening the scope of TMDL to combine with other similar watershed management efforts for greater synergy. Designing of TMDL implementation measures (e.g., BMPs), including engaging stakeholders and managing multiple co-benefits and diverse costs, is discussed as those are crucial steps for the success of TMDLs. Emerging technologies, for example, remote sensing, are discussed with an example from the perspective of efficacy of the implementation measures in the long run.

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Go to World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2023
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2023
Pages: 1298 - 1312


Published online: May 18, 2023


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Deva K. Borah [email protected]
1Senior Engineer, Dept. of Public Works, City of Chesapeake, Chesapeake, VA. Email: [email protected]
Harry Zhang [email protected]
2Research Program Manager on Integrated Water and Stormwater, Water Research Foundation, Alexandria, VA. Email: [email protected]
Moira Zellner [email protected]
3Professor, Northeastern Univ., Boston, MA. Email: [email protected]
Ebrahim Ahmadisharaf [email protected]
4Assistant Research Professor, Florida State Univ., Tallahassee, FL. Email: [email protected]
Meghna Babbar-Sebens [email protected]
5Associate Professor, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, OR. Email: [email protected]
Nigel Quinn [email protected]
6Research Group Leader, Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA. Email: [email protected]
Saurav Kumar [email protected]
7Assistant Professor, Arizona State Univ., Tempe, AZ. Email: [email protected]
Navaratnam Leelaruban [email protected]
8Water Resources Engineer, HNTB Corporation, Cherry Hill, NJ. Email: [email protected]
9Virginia Dept. of Environmental Quality, Richmond, VA. Email: [email protected]

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