Jul 11, 2017
Second International Conference on Public-Private Partnerships

Arbitration in Public-Private Partnership Contracts: The MG-050 Highway Case Study

Publication: Advances in Public-Private Partnerships


The arbitration in the Brazilian legal system and the consequent expansion and visibility of this instrument was brought up by the enactment of Law no 9.307/2006 (Brazilian Arbitration Law). The ratification and promulgation of the New York Convention by Decree no 4.311/2002, 44 years after the Convention held in 1958, conjointly to other regional conventions also address the issue of arbitration. Thus, Brazil incorporates arbitration in its legal practice as an alternative to litigation in a less consuming time.

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Published In

Go to Advances in Public-Private Partnerships
Advances in Public-Private Partnerships
Pages: 302 - 319
Editors: Zhanmin Zhang, Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin, Cesar Queiroz, Ph.D., N/A, and C. Michael Walton, Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin
ISBN (Online): 978-0-7844-8026-7


Published online: Jul 11, 2017


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Eloy Henrique Saraiva de Oliveira
Thiago Ferreira Almeida

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