Apr 8, 2022
Chapter 4

Quantitative Models for Interdependent Functionality and Recovery of Critical Infrastructure Systems

Publication: Objective Resilience: Objective Processes


This chapter provides a comprehensive review of available methods of modeling infrastructure interdependencies for quantification, prediction, and enhancement of disaster resilience. A specific characteristic of intrasystem dependency is the dependency of the functionality of an infrastructure system on the functionality of all its components, and the dependency of the functionality of a component on the functionality of all its subcomponents. Some findings of the PRAISys project are summarized to provide a comprehensive review of existing methods of modeling and assessing infrastructure interdependencies. Models and classifications are presented in a general context to highlight their essence, while specific dependencies and interdependencies between two infrastructure types are noted.

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This work is part of the “Probabilistic Resilience Assessment of Interdependent Systems (PRAISys)” project ( The support from the National Science Foundation through grant CMMI-1541177 and the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Technology Alliance through grant PITA-16-12 is gratefully acknowledged. The opinions and conclusions presented in this chapter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsoring organizations.


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Published In

Go to Objective Resilience
Objective Resilience: Objective Processes
Pages: 127 - 229
Editor: Mohammed M. Ettouney, Ph.D.
ISBN (Print): 978-0-7844-1589-4
ISBN (Online): 978-0-7844-8375-6


Published online: Apr 8, 2022


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