Apr 8, 2022
Chapter 3

From Sustainability to Resilience: A Practical Guide to Envision

Publication: Objective Resilience: Objective Processes


Envision translates communitywide sustainability and resilience goals into actions on infrastructure projects. This chapter discusses applications of Envision to rate resilience in terms of risk management, addressing uncertainties through planning; production and manufacturing; energy and emissions; climate change; risk and threat; service; durability and adaptability; survival: recovery and synergies; sustaining innovation; and system engineering approaches. Envision concepts have been applied during community planning and conceptual project development to develop a project scope that integrates sustainability and resilience. Also explored are sustainable practices, such as application of local materials and using local skills that have substantial benefits during recovery after a disaster, and thus, contribute to the resilience of project by enhancing resourcefulness.

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Published In

Go to Objective Resilience
Objective Resilience: Objective Processes
Pages: 81 - 125
Editor: Mohammed M. Ettouney, Ph.D.
ISBN (Print): 978-0-7844-1589-4
ISBN (Online): 978-0-7844-8375-6


Published online: Apr 8, 2022


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