
The aim of this study was to improve the understanding of styrene emissions in sewer laterals, resulting from the installation and steam curing of a resin impregnated cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) liner, within a sanitary sewer. The study included development and performance assessment of a controlled field test program that measures and records styrene emissions before, during, and after steam-curing a CIPP liner. Measured styrene emissions are then compared with those of published studies and regulatory exposure guidelines to assess the potential risk exposure. The field study measurements confirmed that high styrene concentrations can exist in sewer laterals during the steam-curing of the CIPP liner. They also confirm that water, in proper functioning P-traps, will prevent high styrene emissions from exiting the lateral and into buildings. Fugitive emission modeling shows that the risk of exceeding the acute exposure guideline limits is very low, even when high styrene concentrations exist in a lateral with a dry P-trap, and the styrene odor threshold is exceeded within the building, that is, when the building occupants smell styrene.


The cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) lining process, first developed in the 1970s, has become one of the most common methods to renovate deteriorated and leaking gravity sanitary sewers in North America and around the globe. Gravity CIPP liners are typically made of a polyester needle punch felt or reinforced tubes that are saturated with isophthalic polyester resin or vinyl ester thermosetting resins that contain styrene. For neat and filled polyester resins, the styrene content can be as high as 40% and 30%, respectively. Vinyl ester resins may or may not contain styrene (Launikitis 1982). During the CIPP process, the addition of styrene helps to make the resin easier to handle by reducing its viscosity. It also performs the vital function of enabling the resin to cure from a liquid to a solid by “cross-linking” the molecular chains of the polyester. Once the CIPP liner is installed in a pipe under repair, energy in the form of heat or ultraviolet (UV) light is applied to initiate the cross-linking of thermoset resin polymer. This is the liner curing process that changes the thermoset liquid resin into a permanent hard solid CIPP liner that restores the pipe integrity.
In a typical urban environment, residences and businesses have laterals that transfer sewage from buildings into the sanitary sewer. All plumbing codes in North America require buildings to have a P-trap that is filled with water. This P-trap stops sewer gas from migrating from the sewer into the building. Notwithstanding, on several occasions, there were complaints from building occupants about the smell of styrene during and after the CIPP lining process and concerns about potential health risks from exposure to styrene emissions. In 2001, the City of Toronto Works and Emergency Services commissioned a report on monitoring styrene in homes during the CIPP process (Airzone 2001). This study included active air sampling in homes using charcoal sorbent tubes to investigate airborne styrene concentrations and 24 other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) before, during, and after sanitary CIPP liner installations and hot-water curing. According to Airzone (2001), while the homeowner was on vacation, the sanitary sewer in front of their house was CIPP lined. When the homeowner arrived back from their vacation and entered their property, they smelled styrene. The Airzone (2001) report concluded the following:
While the CIPP process was a potential source of styrene, it did not appear to be a significant source of the other VOCs that were typically of concern in occupational or indoor air quality studies.
Most of the levels of VOCs were consistent with the concentrations measured indoors in several studies conducted in North America over the past 20 years.
Styrene levels were elevated only in homes with engineered dry P-traps. The styrene levels in the laterals with dry P-traps were not a health concern.
Styrene levels were significantly above the odor threshold, which was rated as low as 0.005 ppm.
To minimize styrene odor problems, during the CIPP process, residents should be advised to ensure their sewer P-traps are in a proper state of repair and water-filled.
In 2017, the California Department of Public Health issued public safety warnings (CDPH 2017) stating that “styrene and other toxic vapors can migrate during cure-in-place pipe (CIPP) installation into buildings through laterals, dry P-Traps, other compromised plumbing connections, and subsurface voids, resulting in potentially harmful exposure to occupants.”
Sendesi et al. (2017), Ra et al. (2019), NIOSH (2019), Mathews (2020), Sendesi et al. (2020), and Howell et al. (2021) all found that styrene emissions can occur during the steam-curing of a gravity CIPP liner, and that styrene is the main VOC released during the liner curing process; however, other VOCs also exist in the emissions. According to Ra et al. (2019), “more than 100 air contamination incidents have been associated with CIPP manufacturing sites, and little information exists regarding the chemicals emitted and their fate.” It is worth mentioning that, in these investigations, photoionization detectors (PIDs) were employed to determine styrene concentrations. Ra et al. (2019) also reported the results for the monitoring of five CIPP installations in corrugated steel pipes (CSPs) and found that PID-derived styrene concentration, when compared with styrene concentrations obtained from Tedlar bag and sorbent tube samplers, varied by 10 to 10,000 times. They also reported that the maximum styrene concentration was 86.5 ppm at the exhaust emission point (manhole), a value much lower than the maximum value of 1,075 ppm reported by Ajdari (2016).
Although the abovementioned studies report styrene concentrations during or after a CIPP installation, they do not assess the styrene migration in laterals, through P-traps, or the potential styrene exposure health risk. This study measured lateral and P-trap styrene emissions before, during, and after a CIPP liner installation and liner steam curing, using PIDs and the novel passive sampling device, the Waterloo membrane sampler [WMS from Sirem (Guelph, ON, Canada)]. This work then developed an analytical model to assess fugitive styrene emissions into buildings through a lateral pipe with a nonfunctioning (dry) P-trap. Styrene-field-measured values and analytical-model results were compared with current health risk exposure guidelines to provide insights into styrene exposure health risks for building occupants.

Styrene CIPP Field Study

Field Study Design and Measurement

A mock sewer network was designed and constructed to represent a sanitary sewer with lateral connections. This network consisted of a 200-mm clay pipe with 21 100-mm PVC laterals with P-traps at the end of each lateral. P-traps on Laterals 1 to 11 were water-filled, while P-traps on laterals 12 to 21 were dry (air filled). Fig. 1 shows the field study layout.
Fig. 1. Mock sewer network with laterals. Laterals 1 to 11 had water-filled P-traps while Laterals 12 to 21 had dry P-traps.
The sewer main was constructed using 22 clay pipe sections that were 200-mm in diameter and 910-mm long. The clay pipe sections were laid at 1% grade to represent a typical sewer with laterals. At the end of each pipe length, a 100×610-mm long clay-T section was installed. The main sewer pipe was designed to be below the ground surface, so all laterals were fully buried.
Figs. 1 and 2 show that the laterals were spaced at an interval of 1.52 m along the main pipe and at an interval of 3.05 m on either side of the main. In a typical sewer network, laterals have only one lateral on a property and a spacing that is much greater than 1.52 m. Thus, this mock layout is not deemed to represent typical industry practice. The short spacing of laterals was used to validate styrene concentrations using different measurement methods and to assess measurement variability along the CIPP lined main. Each lateral was created by connecting a 1.52-m long and 100-mm diameter PVC pipe segment to the clay-T. Additional 100-mm diameter PVC pipe segments were added to create a lateral length of 10.06 m. This lateral length was deemed to be typical construction practice. PVC pipe risers of 100-mm diameter were added to create surface styrene and VOC sampling locations at 4.57 and 7.62 m from the clay main. These locations are labeled as A and B, respectively, in Fig. 2. At the end of each lateral, a 100-mm diameter PVC P-trap with a PVC riser was added. The P-trap riser is labeled C in Fig. 2. P-traps were labeled as PTW to indicate water-filled and PTD to indicate a dry P-trap. All PVC pipe sampling points were extended 906 mm above the ground surface and capped with removable PVC caps. OATEY Heavy Duty Clear Cement, purchased at a local hardware store, was used to glue all PVC joints.
Fig. 2. Typical lateral riser sampling locations.
For styrene emissions monitoring, two approaches were used: (1) onsite direct read PIDs; and (2) laboratory analysis of passive air samples collected using the 3M Organic Vapor Monitor (OVM) and the WMS.
Fig. 3 shows sampler locations during the CIPP installation and steam-curing. PIDs were placed in Laterals 4, 9, and 15, OVMs in Laterals 14, 18, and 19, and WMS in laterals 1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 20, and 21.
Fig. 3. PID, OVM, and WMS locations during CIPP installation and steam curing.
Construction of the mock network occurred during the week of May 27, 2019, in an open field west of Cepi Drive in Chesterfield, Missouri, which is northeast of Aegion corporate head office (see Fig. 4). The CIPP liner was installed on June 5, 2019, and field site monitoring performed from June 4 to 6, 2019. Fig. 5 shows the CIPP installation and termination locations. The weather on June 5 was mostly cloudy with temperature low of 21°C and high of 32°C, and wind speeds that ranged from 14 to 42  km/h. Around 6:00 p.m., a thunderstorm occurred that had wind gusts as high as 46  km/h. The weather on June 6, 2019, was similar to that of June 5, but the wind speed ranged only from 0 to 11  km/h.
Fig. 4. Field site located in Chesterfield, Missouri. (Map data ©2022 Google, Imagery ©2022 Maxar Technologies, U.S. Geological Survey, USDA/FPAC/GEO.)
Fig. 5. Field site showing 200-mm clay sewer with the location of water-filled and dry P-traps.
The CIPP liner was composed of a felt tube and polyester resin. The felt tube was constructed of two needled polyester fiber felt layers with a thin thermoplastic coating on the outside. Tube dimensions were 200-mm in diameter by a nominal 6-mm thickness, with a total length of 53.3 m. The tube was vacuum impregnated (wet-out) with resin in Indianapolis and shipped to Chesterfield in a refrigerated truck. The resin was a filled, isophthalic polyester resin specially formulated for use with CIPP. No excess resin was added to the tube.
The wet-out tube (liner) was installed by the inversion process using a flow-through air inversion device. Air pressure during the installation was held at or slightly above Insituform’s recommended installation pressure. Steam was used to cure the liner followed by a cool-down period. Liner pressure during cure was held at or slightly above recommended pressure, with the termination end interface and internal air/steam temperatures reaching 82°C and 115.5°C maximum, respectively. The cured liner (CIPP) was cooled to an external interface temperature of 37.2°C and the ends of the CIPP terminations were cut and trimmed. A blower was then installed at the liner installation end, to blow VOCs and styrene out of CIPP-lined pipe and the termination pit. Laterals 2, 6, 9, 11, 13, 17, 20, and 21 were robotically cut open within 60 min of cutting the liner open. During lateral opening, uncured resin was noted in laterals 6, 9, 11, and 17.
All laterals were numbered and labeled using the labeling scheme shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 6. Lateral labels, with light-color labels for water-filled P-traps and dark-color labels for dry P-traps.

Onsite Direct Read Photoionization Detectors

In this study, Hoenywell MiniRae 30000 and ToxiRae Pro handheld PIDs were used to take measurements and record data. PIDs are industry recognized and established broadband sensors that respond to a large variety of VOCs. VOCs are measured with PIDs provided that the ionization potential of a compound is lower than the UV lamp energy. The VOC-measurable concentrations are typically in the range of 0.01–10,000, while being most accurate in the lower end of that range up to about 2,000 ppm (Rae 2013). The response time of PID instruments (typically a few to several seconds) is usually determined by the rate at which the sample is pumped across the photoionization chamber and out of the device. Isobutylene is commonly used to calibrate PIDs because its response factor is about the midpoint in the range of sensitivity of the PIDs. PIDs can also be calibrated using a specific gas, but this is rarely done. The Rae manual states, “The monitor should be calibrated every time it does not pass a bump test, but no less frequently than every six months, depending on use and exposure to gas and contamination, and its operational mode.” In this study, all PIDs were calibrated using isobutylene gas before use.
PID isobutylene VOC readings can be converted to another gas by multiplying the PID reading by the appropriate unit manufacturer-determined correction factor(s). According to Honeywell Technical Note TN-106 (Honeywell Technical Note 2016), all Rae PIDs with a 10.8-eV lamp have a styrene correction factor of 0.43. Thus, a PID VOC isobutylene reading of 100 ppm would have a styrene reading of 43 ppm (100 ppm * 0.43) if calibrated using styrene gas. Rae (2013) provides guidance on the PID readings when the gas being measured contains several different gases.
Sendesi et al. (2017) reported that, during the CIPP lining process, VOC emissions can contain approximately 30% to 50% styrene, with equal parts heptane and ether. Using correction factors of 0.43 for styrene, 4.3 for heptane, and 1.0 for ether, a PID VOC isobutylene reading of 100 ppm would correspond to an actual styrene reading of only 25 to 33 ppm. In this study, the actual composition of VOC chemicals released during the CIPP installation and steam cure was not known. Thus, for this study, a conservative correction factor of 0.43 was applied to the PID VOC isobutylene readings to estimate the maximum possible styrene concentration in the air emissions.
PID readings were obtained continuously before, during, and after the CIPP liner was installed and steam-cured. Each PID was connected to a Teflon tube that had a filter placed near the bottom of a lateral riser. All lateral risers were capped and sealed to ensure that no air flowed up the riser during the PID monitoring process.

Waterloo Membrane Samplers

Here, we will only discuss the WMS measurement method and results. No OVM results will be presented.
The WMS is a patented permeation passive sampler developed at the University of Waterloo and commercially available from SiREM (Guelph, ON, Canada). Fig. 7 shows the WMS components.
Fig. 7. (a) WMS components; and (b) assembled WMS. (Reprinted from Salim et al. 2017.)
Unlike all other sorbent samplers on the market, the WMS has a well-defined uptake rate that is not sensitive to the presence of water vapor. The sampler is activated by removing it from the packaging vial and exposing it upside-down to allow the sorbent to meet the polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) membrane. After a defined period, the sampler is moved into a sealed glass vial and then packaged in a sealed foil packet containing activated carbon adsorbent to prevent cross-contamination. Standardized procedures are developed to desorb the contaminants for gas chromatographic (GC) analysis, which can be completed by any standard laboratory. The WMS provides time-weighted average (TWA) concentrations of all chemicals adsorbed during the exposure time. By capping the WMS at different time intervals (i.e., 1, 2, 6, 8 h, etc.), the public and worker styrene air concentration, in mg/m3, can be determined using the following equation:
The WMS styrene air concentrations can be converted to ppm using the following equation:
Styreneairconcentration(ppm)=Styreneconcentration(mgm3)24.45  L/mole104.15  g/mole
where 104.15 = styrene molar mass (g/mole); and 24.45 = molar gas volume (L/mole) for an air fraction at 25°C. Salim et al. (2017, 2019a, b) and Salim and Górecki (2019) provided details on the dynamic process of sampling using permeation passive samplers that utilize adsorbents as receiving phases and validate the sampler using test data and a mathematical model.
The WMS was calibrated and validated by exposing it to known concentrations of styrene for specific periods under controlled laboratory conditions. This calibration was performed at temperatures between 60°C and 78°C, which was the estimated lateral temperature range during the CIPP lining cure process. This calibration determined a constant styrene uptake rate of 2.9 mL/min.

Field Study Results

In this study, the evaluation of potential health risks to the community is based on the published regulatory guidelines from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA 2014). EPA assigns Acute Exposure Guidelines for Hazardous Substances as set forth in the Acute Exposure Guideline Levels (AEGLs).
AEGL-1 is the airborne concentration of a substance above which it is predicted that the general population, including susceptible individuals, could experience notable discomfort, irritation, or certain asymptomatic, nonsensory effects. However, the effects are not disabling and are transient and reversible upon cessation of exposure. The AEGL-1 styrene exposure limit is 20 ppm for any duration.
AEGL-2 is the airborne concentration of a substance above which it is predicted that the general population, including susceptible individuals, could experience irreversible serious, long-lasting adverse health effects or an impaired ability to escape. AEGL-2 styrene exposure limits are:
230 ppm for an exposure less than 10 min,
160 ppm for an exposure between 10 and 30 min, and
130 ppm for an exposure greater than 30 min.
AEGL-3 is the airborne concentration of a substance above which it is predicted that the general population, including susceptible individuals, could experience life-threatening health effects or death. AEGL-3 styrene exposure limits are:
1,900 ppm for an exposure less than 30 min,
1,100 ppm for an exposure between 30 min and 1 h, and
340 ppm for an exposure greater than 1 h.
CDC (2020) provides Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limits. The OSHA styrene legal airborne permissible exposure limit (PEL) is 100 ppm averaged over an 8-h work shift; 200 ppm not to be exceeded at any time; and 600 ppm is the 5-minute maximum peak that should never be exceeded in any 3-h work period. In Ontario, Canada, workplaces are required under the Ministry of Labour Regulation 833 to have styrene occupational exposure limits of 35 ppm TWA and Short-Term Exposure Limit (STEL)/Ceiling Limit of 100 ppm (OSHA 2012). It should be noted that the above guidelines have been developed mainly for worker risk assessment in manufacturing plants where workers can be exposed to hazardous chemical emissions. Currently, there is confusion in the CIPP industry and among emergency responders as to what standards should be applied for workers and the public during and after the CIPP liner manufacturing process.

Background Samples

PIDs were installed within the laterals, before the installation of the CIPP liner on June 5, 2019, so that background VOC and styrene levels could be determined. WMS were installed 24 h before the lining started. All WMS, along with a series of control blanks, were shipped back to the University of Waterloo for styrene analysis. WMS background and control blanks revealed less than 0.05 ppm of styrene.
PID VOC readings obtained on June 5, 2019, before the CIPP liner installation, are shown in Fig. 8. This figure also shows the OSHA limit of 200 ppm, along with AEGL-1 20-ppm and AEGL-2 160-ppm exposure limits. In Fig. 8, time zero is the time when the CIPP liner was installed. PIDs located at risers 15A and 15C recorded background VOC readings as high as 162 and 34.8 ppm, while PIDs at risers 9A and P-trap 15-PTD recorded VOC readings as high as 16 ppm. The PID readings at P-trap 9-PTW were less than 2 ppm. If a PID styrene correction factor of 0.43 is applied to the PID VOC readings, styrene emission at the PID locations would be as high as 70 and 18 ppm at 15A and 15C respectively, 8.6 ppm at 15-PTD and 9A, and less than 1 ppm at 9-PTW. The styrene emission of 70 ppm exceeds AEGL-1 exposure limit of 20 ppm, but is lower than the AEGL-2 exposure limit of 160 ppm. All other PID styrene readings were below the AEGL-1 limit.
Fig. 8. Background PID VOC readings before the installation of the CIPP liner, which is time 0 min.
Because the WMSs recorded no styrene in the laterals, the PID background VOC readings were deemed to be from the glue used to join the PVC pipes, not from styrene in the laterals. This demonstrates the challenge in using PIDs to determine the styrene concentration at a CIPP site, especially where PID readings vary significantly at the construction site and the composition of the emissions is not known. It should be noted that the previous CIPP emission studies (Sendesi et al. 2017, 2020; Ra et al. 2019; Mathews 2020) report PID signal readings only and provide little information with respect to the PID gas calibration or correction factors used to determine the styrene concentration. This is despite the warning to use the appropriate PID styrene correction factor noted in the 2017 California Public Health CIPP Safety Bulletin (CDPH 2017). Thus, these studies could significantly overestimate the actual site styrene concentrations. These studies also do not discuss or report background PID readings prior to the installation of the CIPP liner. The large variation in the PID instruments background VOC readings demonstrate the difficulty in using PIDs to determine gas specific (i.e., styrene) concentrations accurately and confidently at a CIPP manufacturing site.

CIPP Termination Exhaust Emissions

A PID and a WMS were installed in the CIPP termination pit to determine VOC and styrene concentrations during the CIPP liner curing and cool-down process. Fig. 9 shows the PID styrene estimated instantaneous air concentrations, in ppm, at 1-min intervals after the installation of the CIPP liner (time zero). It also contains styrene PID STEL and TWA values. PID styrene concentrations were determined using a PID correction factor of 0.43. This conversion factor assumes that all PID-measured VOCs are 100% styrene. Thus, this conversion factor was deemed to be the highest possible styrene concentration. Fig. 9 shows that PID styrene emissions at the termination pit increased quickly after the start of the liner steam cure, reached a maximum styrene concentration of 121 ppm in 3 min, and then decreased to less than 20 ppm after 9 min. The styrene levels then decreased to less than 2 ppm at 20 min. Thus, the PID data show that the CIPP styrene release occurred within 20 min and was below the AEGL-1 20-ppm limit after 9 min. The maximum styrene value of 121 ppm was lower than the OSHA limit of 200-ppm and AEGL-2 160-ppm exposure limit for a 10- to 30-min exposure.
Fig. 9. CIPP termination pit PID styrene instantaneous, STEL, and TWA readings.
Fig. 9 also shows that the 15-min STEL reached a maximum value of 30 ppm, then decreased rapidly to zero by 35 min. Fifteen min of PID readings are required to determine the first STEL value, and this is the reason for the shift of the STEL curve in Fig. 9. The 8-h TWA reading reached a maximum and constant value of 1.1 ppm at 20 min. The TWA value remained constant because no additional styrene was released from the CIPP liner. In this study, the maximum TWA value of 1.1 ppm was well below the OSHA 8-h styrene exposure limit of 100 ppm.
This study finding, that the termination pit styrene emissions were above the AEGL-1 20-ppm exposure limit, was consistent with other reported CIPP studies (Sendesi et al. 2017, 2020; Ra et al. 2019; Mathews 2020). However, the maximum styrene CIPP emissions in this study were found to be much lower than the above published studies and to only exceed the AEGL-1 values during the first 8 min of the CIPP liner steam cure.

Lateral and P-Trap VOC and Styrene Air Emissions

PID Laterals and P-Traps

Fig. 10 provides lateral riser and P-trap PID styrene air emissions, in ppm, using a PID correction factor of 0.43, before and after the CIPP liner installation (time zero). This figure also provides the CIPP liner cure temperature recorded on the outside of the CIPP liner, at the termination pit. When the CIPP liner was installed, all lateral openings were covered with the CIPP liner. All lateral openings remained covered during the liner steam-curing process (heating and cooling). All lateral openings were robotically cut open within 60 min after the completion of the curing process.
Fig. 10. Lateral and P-trap PID styrene air emissions, in ppm, and the CIPP liner cure temperature before and after the CIPP liner installation (time 0).
Fig. 10 shows the following:
Prior to the CIPP liner installation, PID styrene air concentrations within the laterals and air emissions from the P-traps were greater than 1 ppm and as high as 200 ppm. As stated earlier, these PID styrene air concentrations and emissions were deemed to be from the PVC glue VOC emissions and not from CIPP styrene emissions.
After the CIPP liner installation, PID lateral styrene air concentration and P-trap styrene air emissions increased. An exception was riser 15C, which declined, and 9C, which remained at less than 1 ppm. P-trap 4-PTW also remained constant at less than 1 ppm.
During CIPP steam curing, lateral styrene air concentrations generally increased before the start of the liner cool-down process. Riser 9A increased to approximately 1,000 ppm, while riser 15A increased to approximately 400 ppm. Dry P-trap 15-PTD air emissions increased to approximately 700 ppm. It should be noted that workers or the public would not be exposed to these high lateral styrene air concentrations, as they are within the 200-mm diameter lateral pipe. However, high styrene air emissions flowing out of a dry P-trap could create a potential exposure risk to building occupants. Riser 9C was an exception, showing no increase in styrene air concentrations.
During the liner steam cure, P-traps 4- and 9-PTW showed no increase in styrene air emissions. Thus, the water-filled P-traps proved to be effective barriers to prevent styrene air emissions from flowing out of a lateral that has high styrene concentrations. Water-filled P-traps are also an effective method to reduce styrene exposure risk to building occupants.
Before the end of the liner cure and start of the blower, the PID styrene concentrations started to decline. This attributed to all the styrene being released within the first 9 min of the steam cure. Riser 9C was an exception, as the styrene concentrations started to increase rapidly after the end of the liner cool-down.
After the start of the blower, lateral styrene air concentrations generally continued to decline. Riser 9A declined to approximately 400 ppm, while riser 15A declined to approximately 100 ppm. Exceptions were riser 9C, which continued to increase to approximately 300 ppm before declining to approximately 90 ppm, and riser 15C, which increased to approximately 400 ppm. Dry P-trap 15-PTD air emissions also increased slightly to approximately 800 ppm.
During and after the CIPP lining process, styrene air emissions above the water-filled P-Traps 4- and 9-PTW were continually less than 5 ppm, which was well below the AEGL-1 exposure limit of 20 ppm. It should be noted that both laterals had styrene air concentrations greater than 200 ppm, which is greater than the AEGL-2 exposure limit. This confirms that a water-filled P-trap prevents lateral emissions from flowing out of the lateral and into buildings. This conclusion is consistent with the California Public Health and CIPP Safety Bulletin that states “Run water in all sinks and basins and cover floor drains” and “Keeping water in traps can reduce vapor migration into buildings.”
Air-filled P-trap 15-PTD had styrene levels as high as 800 ppm, which exceeds AEGL-2 and OSHA limits of 160 ppm and 200 ppm, respectively. Nevertheless, this styrene level was much lower than the AEGL-3 limit of 1,900 ppm for exposure of less than 30 min. It is critical to note that a dry P-trap will allow the migration of gases (styrene, VOCs, and sewer gas) out of the lateral and into a building. Thus, it is critical that all P-traps are installed to function properly and are always water-filled.

WMS Laterals and P-Traps

Thirty-six WMSs were installed between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. on June 5, 2019, before the CIPP liner was installed. All WMSs were placed within the risers upside-down, so that they were in the midpoint of the 200-mm diameter lateral. For the water-filled P-traps, all WMSs were placed above the water. In the dry P-traps, the WMSs were placed above the P-trap. All WMS samplers were exposed to the CIPP liner VOC and styrene emissions that occurred during the liner installation, the steam-curing process, and after robotically cutting open the laterals at the main. Thus, unlike the PIDs, all WMSs were exposed to post-lining main and lateral CIPP emissions.
Fig. 11 provides WMS styrene air concentrations, in ppm, for a 24-h continuous sampling period. Thus, the WMS reported values were TWA concentrations over 24 h. On June 5, 2019, a storm with significant precipitation passed through the field site area around 19:15 and ended around 20:20. This intense rainstorm resulted in surface water flooding the field site, and thus the samplers within the laterals were submerged under water for a period. All WMSs placed above the P-traps were not submerged under water. In a water-filled lateral, styrene within the lateral would be able to diffuse into the water. Because styrene has a water aqueous solubility of 300 ppm, the maximum styrene concentration in the water would be 300 ppm. It is the authors’ opinion that the WMS would continue to sorb styrene even when under water. At the time of this study, the styrene uptake rate under water was not known. Because the WMS styrene water uptake rate was not known, riser lateral styrene air concentrations (Fig. 11) were deemed not to be exact values.
Fig. 11. WMS 24-h TWA lateral air styrene concentrations, in ppm, during and after CIPP lining: (a) water-filled P-trap laterals; and (b) dry P-trap laterals.
Based on Fig. 11, the following was noted:
Dry P-traps had styrene air emissions that ranged from 17.6–655.3 ppm. Thus, styrene air emissions flowed out of the dry P-traps.
Water-filled P-traps had styrene concentrations that were lower than 3 ppm. Thus, styrene air emissions did not flow out of the water-filled P-traps and were well below the AEGL-1 20-ppm styrene exposure limit. Consequently, it can be conducted that water in a P-trap is an effective lateral emission barrier.
The highest lateral styrene concentrations occurred next to the CIPP-lined main (Riser A) and generally declined from the CIPP-lined main to the P-trap (Risers A to C). This decrease was significantly less pronounced in laterals with dry P-traps. This suggests that convective flow occurred from the main toward the dry P-trap when the lateral end was not sealed by water. Risers A and B had styrene concentrations above or close to 1,000 ppm in laterals 16, 12, 10, and 1.
Styrene concentrations varied along the length of CIPP-lined main, with 1A, 10A, 12A, and 16A being greater than 605 ppm, while 2A, 5A, 6A, 11A, 13A, 17A, 20A, and 21A were less than 388 ppm.
Nontargeted gas chromatography-mass spectrophotometry analysis of the sorbent from the WMS identified the following VOC chemicals, that originated from the CIPP liner and/or PVC glue: 2-butanone, tetrahydrofuran, cyclohexanone, benzene, 3-heptene, 2-heptene, (1-methyethyl) benzene, o-xylene, benzaldehyde and 2-hydroxy-cyclohexanone. It should be noted that the above VOC chemicals would impact the PID isobutylene VOC readings and change the styrene correction factor to less than 0.43. Thus, PID styrene air concentrations and air emissions reported in this study are deemed to be significantly higher than the actual air values.
A key finding from the PID and WMS field study measurements is that the water-filled P-trap is an effective barrier to prevent styrene and sewer gas from the sanitary main from exiting a lateral and entering a building.

Post-Lining WMS and PID Results


WMSs were installed in water-filled P-trap 5-PTW and riser 16C on June 6, 2019, and removed after 5 days of continuous sampling. They were then shipped to the University of Waterloo for GC analysis, which found 5-day styrene air emissions of 1.5 ppm above the water-filled P-trap and 69.8 ppm in riser 16C that had a dry P-trap. These WMS results suggest that low residual styrene concentrations existed within the laterals, and that water is an effective barrier to prevent emissions from exiting the lateral. During the lateral robotic opening, uncured resin was observed behind the CIPP liner in several laterals. This uncured resin was deemed to be due to resin being squeezed out of the liner before steam-curing. The high styrene air concentration in riser 16C may have been due to uncured CIPP resin emitting styrene during the 5-day sampling period. Thunderstorms also occurred over the 5-day sampling period. This could have resulted in P-traps being filled with water during the 5-day sampling period.


On the morning of June 6, 2019, approximately 24 h after the liner was installed and cured, a PID was used to determine the VOC reading at all lateral riser and P-trap locations. The PID readings are summarized below.
High PID VOC concentrations (200-ppm VOC isobutylene equivalent) could be the result of the PVC glue used to glue riser pipe joints, as the PID readings were similar to the background PID readings. Thus, the following inferred PID styrene concentrations may not be due to styrene.
Water-filled P-traps had less than 6.2 ppm VOC isobutylene equivalent, which is approximately 1.6 ppm styrene. This is well below the AEGL-1 limit of 20 ppm.
The highest PID styrene concentrations of 94.6 and 86 ppm (200 ppm VOCs) occurred in Lateral 4 at locations B and C before the water-filled P-trap. The PID styrene concentration above the water-filled P-trap 4-PTW was 1.5 ppm. These PID readings indicate that residual styrene, within the lateral, does not migrate out of a water-filled P-trap. Thus, there is no styrene health risk exposure from styrene migrating out of a lateral with a properly installed P-trap that is water-filled.
Water-filled P-traps had higher PID styrene concentrations within the laterals than dry P-trap laterals. The lower dry P-trap concentrations were inferred to be from styrene venting out of the dry P-traps.
Water-filled P-trap laterals where the CIPP liner was not robotically removed (opened) had higher PID styrene readings. These high PID readings were attributed to VOCs being trapped between the water in the P-trap and the CIPP liner.
A normally functioning lateral will be repeatedly flushed with water. In this study, no lateral flushing occurred. It is the authors’ opinion that repeated water flushing would lower the styrene residual concentrations within the lateral at a faster rate than found in this study.

Styrene Analytical Risk Assessment Model

As noted above, styrene odors have been reported in buildings and homes following the CIPP lining of sewer mains. The PID and WMS measurements presented in this study confirm that styrene concentrations can be present in the laterals after a CIPP liner is installed and steam-cured (see Fig. 11), and that a water-filled P-trap will prevent emissions from the lateral. To evaluate the styrene health risk in a home or business, a fugitive emissions model was developed for a lateral that has no water barrier. Thus, this fugitive emissions model represents an improperly functioning lateral.

Fugitive Emission Model Development

The fugitive emission model assumes that the building has a basement with a well-mixed volume V, in which the air in the basement is replaced at a rate f. It is also assumed that the styrene vapor is present at concentration, Clat, in a lateral pipe of diameter d, and is transported by airflow of average velocity vair. Laterals are installed for the flow of wastewater from the building to the sewer main. This wastewater flow will result in airflow within the lateral to be away from the building (Lowe 2016). Airflow toward the building has also been observed due to intermittent pumping (Matos et al. 2019).
Evolution with time of the styrene concentration, C, must satisfy the following styrene balance:
If no styrene is initially present in the lateral, the styrene concentration in the basement, as a function of time (t), is given by
Eq. (4) can be used to plot the time evolution of the average styrene concentration in a basement at risk from fugitive emissions due to a dry P-trap. This analysis assumes continuous airflow within the lateral from sewer to basement, and that the lateral styrene concentration is continuous and constant. These assumptions are deemed not to be typical for a properly functioning lateral, as the airflow will normally be from the basement to the main, and the persistent source of styrene at a high concentration is very unlikely because styrene will only be released at the start of the CIPP liner cure. For these reasons, the predictions from Eq. (4) are deemed to represent the worst-case scenarios of a nonfunctioning (dry) P-trap.
For a house, an air exchange rate of f=3 to 4  h1 is recommended, and it is recognized that the effective air exchange rate can be a factor of two lower because of deviation from perfect mixing (ANSI/ASHRAE 2019). Matos et al. (2019) measured the greatest lateral air average velocity to be 0.6  m/s. Thus, this is deemed to be an upper limit for airflow in a lateral.

Fugituve Model Results

Fig. 12 was generated using these values as a guideline, along with a 200-mm diameter lateral, and a house basement with volume V=283  m3. Thus, Fig. 12 estimates the basement styrene concentrations that would be expected over time due to fugitive emissions from a dry P-trap, like that in Fig. 11(b), and under the very conservative assumption of continuous airflow from the main to the basement. Fig. 12 also contains the acute exposure guideline levels, as well as the EPA styrene odor threshold of 0.32 ppm.
Fig. 12. Basement fugitive styrene emission concentrations, over time, from a lateral with constant emissions and a dry P-trap.
Fig. 12 shows that poor ventilation (f=0.1h1) and a constant CIPP styrene source of 1,000 ppm will cause the odor threshold to be exceeded in less than 2 min and that the AEGL-1 exposure limit of 20 ppm will be exceeded in approximately 20 min. With poor ventilation, the styrene concentration in the basement will increase to a maximum value of around 800 ppm in 2,000 min. This styrene maximum value exceeds the 10–30 min AEGL-2 exposure limit of 130 ppm and the OSHA limit of 200 ppm. Again, it is noted that this will only occur in a dry trap, with airflow from the main toward the building, and at constant styrene concentration of 1,000 ppm at the source. All of these conditions are deemed to be not typical.
Under the condition of a normal air exchange (f=3  h1) and a constant styrene concentration of 1,000 ppm, the maximum basement styrene concentration will be 20 ppm, which is the AEGL-1 exposure limit. This AEGL-1 exposure limit will be reached in approximately 50 min. With a normal air exchange rate and a constant styrene concentration below 1,000 ppm, the AEGL-1 exposure limit will not be exceeded.
The fugitive emissions model demonstrates that a normal air change rate, will reduce high lateral styrene emissions, to basement concentrations that are lower than the AEGL-1 exposure limit.
Fig. 9 shows the CIPP styrene release to be less than 30 min. If the styrene release is assumed to be 90 min, Fig. 12 shows that a building with poor ventilation and a constant styrene lateral source at 1,000 ppm will have a basement styrene concentration of approximately 100 ppm. This styrene air concentration is below the 130-ppm AEGL-2 10–30 min exposure limit.
Fig. 12 also shows that a basement with poor ventilation and a constant styrene lateral source at 500 ppm would exceed the 130-ppm AEGL-2 exposure limit in about 6 h. If the constant styrene source is reduced to 100 ppm, the basement styrene air concentration will be below the 130-ppm AEGL-2 limit. When the air exchange rate is at the recommended level of 3  h1, both the 500- and 100-ppm constant lateral source will create a basement styrene concentration that is below the 20-ppm AEGL-1 exposure limit. These basement styrene air concentrations will be above the EPA odor threshold of 0.32 ppm. Fig. 12 shows that a basement with normal ventilation and a constant 100-ppm styrene lateral source will exceed the basement odor threshold in about 4 min. While the odor threshold will normally be exceeded, normal ventilation will result in basement styrene concentrations that are below the 20-ppm AEGL-1 exposure limit. The fugitive emission modeling also shows that a styrene exposure risk could arise in basements that have very poor ventilation, dry P-traps, and high lateral styrene concentrations that remain constant over an extended period. These conditions will not occur with a properly maintained and functioning P-trap that is water-filled.


From this study, the following main conclusions are drawn:
A water-filled P-trap will prevent harmful emissions (styrene, VOCs, and sewer gas) from flowing out of a lateral and into a basement and/or building.
A building with a normal air exchange rate could have styrene air concentrations that exceed the EPA odor threshold, and at the same time have styrene air concentrations that are well below the 20-ppm AEGL-1 exposure limit.
To estimate styrene emissions using a PID, the appropriate correction factor must be applied. For CIPP projects, knowledge of the construction gas mixture composition is required to determine the appropriate styrene correction factor. Because the CIPP site gas mixture is not normally known, PIDs should only be used to indicate potential styrene emissions and not to quantify workers or the public health exposure risk.
The WMS is an effective new tool that can be used to determine the health exposure risks of workers and the public to styrene and other VOCs.

Data Availability Statement

All data, models, and code or used during the study appear in the published article.


The authors acknowledge the assistance of Walter Illman and Lynn Osborn who assisted with the field study program.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice
Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice
Volume 14Issue 1February 2023


Received: Feb 19, 2021
Accepted: Jul 19, 2022
Published online: Oct 31, 2022
Published in print: Feb 1, 2023
Discussion open until: Mar 31, 2023



Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L4H1 (corresponding author). ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7478-0765. Email: [email protected]
Professor, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Univ. of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L4H1. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2784-6351. Email: [email protected]
Faten Salim [email protected]
Senior Staff Professional, SiREM, 130 Stone Rd. West, Guelph, ON, Canada N1G3Z2. Email: [email protected]
Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L4H1. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7727-7516. Email: [email protected]
Dennis Pivin [email protected]
Vice President of Environmental Health and Safety, Aegion Corporation, 580 Goddard Ave., St. Louis, MO 63005. Email: [email protected]

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