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Dec 11, 2014

Moisture Content-Based Longitudinal Cracking Prediction and Evaluation Model for Low-Volume Roads over Expansive Soils

Publication: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
Volume 27, Issue 10


This paper summarizes a methodology for using moisture content (MC) together with soil index properties to study and predict the progression of longitudinal shrinkage cracking (LSC) along low-volume roads through finite-element analysis. Extensive laboratory tests were performed on soil samples retrieved from six representative clayey sites in Texas, including five high plasticity index (PI greater than 25) sites and one low-PI site. Field measurements of moisture content, suction, and crack development were carried out at five representative farm-to-market roads constructed over the high-PI clayey materials in southern and eastern regions of Texas for verification. Compared to the prevailing suction-based approach, the MC-based approach offers more flexibility in terms of incorporating different drying/wetting paths into numerical modeling by laboratory-based material constitutive models. The estimated critical moisture content thresholds and locations of LSC showed good agreement with the field measurements. It was found that the most crucial steps in improving the overall performance of low-volume roads built over expansive soils are to enhance subgrade mechanical properties and to minimize subgrade moisture fluctuations, as opposed to an overly conservative pavement structure.

Introduction and Background

Expansive, high-plasticity soils exhibit significant mechanical property changes throughout seasonal drying and wetting cycles and cause different types of distress in the lightweight structures built over them. Low-volume roads, as a significant part of our transportation system, often face frequent maintenance and premature failure in expansive subsoil regions. A Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) survey was conducted in 2008 (Wanyan et al. 2008a) to gather expert opinions on best practices in pavement design, construction, and maintenance that might extend the life expectancy of these low-volume roads. Eighteen out of 25 districts reported having high plasticity index (high-PI) clayey subgrades that cause frequent pavement construction and maintenance problems. Among different types of flexible pavement distress, longitudinal cracking was ranked the most prevalent distress encountered on high-PI clayey subgrades. Moisture content (MC) variation in the subgrade was the main perceived reason for longitudinal cracking in flexible pavements. The consensus among the experienced practitioners was to maintain the MC as constant as possible in the areas with high-PI clay subgrades.
Shrinkage-induced longitudinal cracking from moisture depletion is believed to initiate in the subgrade (Uzan et al. 1972). The upward propagation of cracks is due to the weak bond between the subgrade and the base and to the low tensile strength of the base layer. If the tensile strength of the hot-mix asphalt (HMA) layer is also inadequate, cracks may propagate to the surface (Bell and Wright 1991). In simplified linear elastic form, shrinkage-induced tensile stress (σss) can be expressed as a function of the expansive soil’s elastic modulus (E) and tensile strain (εss)
The shrinkage crack initiates when the maximum σss in the subgrade exceeds the tensile strength (σt) of the same material (i.e., σss>σt). However, εss, E, and σt all vary significantly with the change in MC. Shrinkage-induced stress that can damage lightweight structures such as pavements have received only limited focus as compared to swelling movements. This is due to the difficulties in measuring and determining shrinkage strain potentials and shrinkage-induced stresses. The prevailing approach to answering the question of how these parameters change with moisture fluctuations is suction-based. Currently, there is no MC-based model available. The suction-based model by Alonso et al. (1990), generally referred to as the Barcelona basic model (BBM), remains one of the fundamental models for unsaturated soils. However, the measurement of total or matric suction is a challenging task, and problems arise when soil undergoes drying and wetting cycles from saturated to unsaturated states. Furthermore, the effective stress of unsaturated soil changes under different stress paths and for different soil types. As for the longitudinal cracking problem, instead of describing the stress state as a function of soil suction, it is logical to describe shrinkage-induced tensile stresses (σss) in terms of shrinkage strains (εss) and modulus (E), which are independent of soil stress paths. For the sake of simplicity, the linear elastic relationship in Eq. (1) was used to explain the numerical modeling process. It should be noted that the linear elastic relationship could be easily replaced by more sophisticated strain–stress relationships as needed.
Once a crack initiates in the subgrade and with further drying of the material, numerical modeling is needed to examine whether the crack will propagate through the base and HMA layers. This general process has been used in this research effort to determine the progression of longitudinal cracking in high-PI clays. However, two challenges needed to be overcome. The first challenge was to develop constitutive relationships to accurately estimate the variations in shrinkage strain (εss), tensile strength (σt), and modulus (E) as functions of MC to facilitate numerical modeling. That challenge required extensive laboratory testing and data analysis. The second challenge was to develop numerical models to simulate the initiation and propagation of cracks that could be utilized easily by pavement engineers who are not experts in numerical modeling. This task was achieved by incorporating finite-element analysis (FEA) into a knowledge-based expert system program called ExSPRS (Wanyan et al. 2008b). The ExSPRS program, which is available for download by interested parties who utilize the Windows operating system, asks interactive questions to evaluate the four most prevalent structural and performance distresses in low-volume roads over high-PI clays, namely: longitudinal shrinkage cracking (LSC), fatigue/subgrade rutting, subgrade shear failure, and excessive roughness. In the following sections, the methodology is presented in the order of data acquisition, material constitutive model development, and FEA modeling. Then results are discussed and conclusions drawn.


Fig. 1 presents a conceptual flowchart of three major steps in the development of the MC-based LSC model. Firstly, extensive laboratory testing and field measurements were conducted to acquire two types of data: pavement-related and subgrade-related input. Secondly, extensive correlation analysis was performed and constitutive material models were developed to describe subgrade εss, σt, and E as functions of MC. Lastly, these MC-based constitutive relationships were used in numerical modeling to estimate the MC thresholds for the initiation (MCI) and propagation (MCP) of longitudinal cracks in the pavement structure. Numerical modeling also points to the most likely location for such cracks in the output.
Fig. 1. Moisture content-based longitudinal shrinkage cracking model conceptual flowcharts

Data Acquisition

Pavement-related information was obtained by falling weight deflectometer (FWD) and dynamic cone penetration (DCP) tests performed by the research team. Subgrade-related inputs were obtained from laboratory testing of the retrieved soil samples from the sites.
Six representative clayey sites in Texas, including five high-PI (PI>25) sites (Houston, Fort Worth, San Antonio, Paris, and Bryan) and one low-PI site (El Paso), were selected to develop the MC-based constitutive material models. Soil index property tests conducted include hydrometer, Atterberg limits, and moisture-density tests to obtain MC, PI, liquid limit (LL), optimum MC (OMC), and maximum dry density (MDD). Strength tests performed include unconfined compressive strength (UCS) tests, indirect tensile strength (IDT) tests, and four-point flexural bending tests (Sabnis et al. 2008). Stiffness tests conducted include the free-free resonant column tests (FFRC) (Nazarian et al. 2006), resilient modulus (RM) tests, and permanent deformation (PD) tests. Volumetric shrinkage tests were conducted to measure the decrease in the total volume of soil specimens due to loss of MC from predetermined initial MC to a completely dry state. A test method developed by Puppala et al. (2004) was used. Table 1 presents a summary of various index properties of the soils used in the development of the MC-based material models. These soils are classified in accordance with the ASSHTO soil classification system and the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS).
Table 1. Index Properties of Soil Samples Used in Constitutive Material Model Development
PropertySoil type
Fort WorthSan AntonioBryanParisHoustonEl Paso
P40 (%)100100100100100100
P200 (%)858378818788
Assumed specific gravity2.
LL (%)615845605430
PL (%)323214241914
PI (%)292631363516
AASHTO classificationA-7-6A-7-6A-7-6A-7-6A-7-6A-6
OMC (%)242220232016
MDD [kg/m3 (pcf)]1,465.7 (91.5)1,465.7 (91.5)1,734.8 (108.3)1,475.3 (92.1)1,587.4 (99.1)1,794.1 (112.0)

Note: LL = liquid limit; MDD = maximum dry density; OMC = optimum moisture content; P40 = percentage passing #40 sieve; P200 = percentage passing #200 sieve; PI = plasticity index; PL = plastic limit; USCS = Unified Soil Classification System.

To better understand the drying and wetting effects on soil properties, three moisture-conditioning regimes were used for the aforementioned tests: (1) samples were dried to constant weight from optimum [dried from optimum (DFO)]; (2) samples were wetted to reach complete saturation from optimum [saturated from optimum (SFO)]; and (3) samples were first wetted to saturation and then dried to constant weight [dried from saturation (DFS)]. As described in detail by Sabnis et al. (2008), at least three identical samples were prepared at their corresponding OMC for each test. The IDT, flexural, and RM/PD tests on saturated specimens could not be carried out because the specimens were too soft to withstand the loads.

Development of Moisture Content-Based Constitutive Material Models

To be specific, the following three MC-based relationships were developed: (1) εss as a function of MC; (2) E as a function of MC; and (3) σt as a function of MC. The material models presented here are based on DFO. Although relationships for specimens of DFS were also developed, they are not included in this paper for brevity’s sake. The work by Sabnis et al. (2008) contains detailed information about those models.
According to Sabnis et al. (2008), the shrinkage strain (εss) of an individual expansive soil can be estimated from the following relationship:
where A* is a curve-fitting parameter and NMC is the normalized moisture content (NMC) defined as the actual MC divided by the OMC for a given soil. Similarly, subgrade stiffness increases when moisture is lost, and a relationship between normalized subgrade modulus (En) and NMC was also obtained as follows:
where B* and C* are also curve-fitting parameters for a particular soil.
For each site, the aforementioned relationships in Eqs. (2) and (3) described the testing data well with R2 values greater than 0.97. However, expansive soil mechanical properties are highly site specific, and thus soil index properties were introduced in the correlational study. Material from Houston was not used in the development of the constitutive material models but rather used as validation. The parameter A*, used to estimate lateral shrinkage strain (εss), was correlated to different soil index properties for the remaining five clayey sites (Fig. 2). Based on R2 values, parameter A* is well correlated to PI, OMC, and LL and marginally correlated to MDD. Therefore, parameter A* can be estimated from
where Ai = estimated linear correlation parameter from index property i by Ai = axi+b; xi = index property value of the particular soil; a and b = slope and intercept of correlation line, respectively, as shown in graph; and Wi = weighting factor for index parameter i. The subscript i refers to PI, LL, OMC, and MDD, respectively. For R2 values greater than 0.8, between 0.6 and 0.8, and less than 0.6, Wi values of 4, 2, and 1 are recommended, respectively. Similarly, B* and C* can be obtained as functions of the weighted average of linear trend lines Bi and Ci. Fig. 3 compares the predicted and measured shrinkage strains versus NMC for three Houston specimens. The results compared favorably, with approximately 90, 70, and 75% of the values within 20% margin of error for vertical, lateral, and volumetric strains, respectively.
Fig. 2. Correlations between A* and index properties (DFO)
Fig. 3. Comparisons of measured and predicted shrinkage strain with MC variation for Houston clayey material
The IDT tests were performed at six different MCs, from optimum to dry conditions for each site. The variations in the average IDT strengths and NMC for all soils are shown in Fig. 4. All soils, except Bryan, followed a unique trend. To build in conservatism in the model, the results from Bryan were excluded from the curve-fitting process. Also, data analysis showed poor correlations between peak strengths and index property parameters; thus, soil tensile strength (σt) is estimated as a function of NMC
Fig. 4. Indirect tensile strengths of clays at different normalized MCs

Numerical Modeling

As depicted in Fig. 1, MC-based constitutive material models are used in a two-dimensional plane–strain linear elastic [Eq. (1)] model (henceforth referred to as the elastic model) to provide shrinkage-induced strain (εss), modulus (E), and strength (σt) for a specific MC level via Eqs. (2), (4), and (5), respectively. The elastic model simulates and compares maximum shrinkage stresses (σss) to predicted strength (σt); if σss<σt, then MC is further reduced to simulate the subgrade drying process. The process is repeated until the threshold is reached. The locations of the top 50 most critical stress points and critical MC thresholds for crack initiation (MCI) are identified. The elastic model was developed in MATLAB and linked to the ExSPRS program. Mesh generation and optimization were automated so that pavement engineers would not have to spend time on FEA modeling details but rather focus on analyzing the results. Once a crack starts in a subgrade (σssσt), a more sophisticated nonlinear plastic–elastic model (referred to as a fracture model) developed in commercial FEA software is used to further study crack propagation within pavement layers. [Wanyan et al. (2008a) provides FEA developmental details.] The fracture toughness (KIC) and the stress intensity factor (KI) for Mode I fracture (Griffith 1921; Irwin 1957) are used as crack propagation criteria to further examine whether the initial shrinkage crack is stable or whether it will propagate through the pavement structure by
where f(a/W) = dimensionless parameter also referred to as a geometric factor. As its name implies, f(a/W) depends on the geometries of both the specimen and the crack. Parameter 2a is the through-thickness crack length; σ is the (remotely, not on crack tip) applied stress. Parameters KI and KIC can be compared using the same Eq. (6) but different applied linear tensile stresses (σss versus σt) and different geometry factors (semi-infinite subgrade vs. four point bending test dimensions) respectively. When KI<KIC, the crack is stable and will not grow. The controlled parameter MC is then further reduced. On the other hand, however, when KIKIC, the crack will start to propagate upward. The progression of the initial shrinkage crack is critical to the development of the surface longitudinal crack. The fracture model identifies the other threshold (MCp) at which the cracks will grow through pavement layers and appear at the surface. The final outputs of the LSC model include the two moisture thresholds MCI and MCP and the coordinates of the critical locations for longitudinal cracking.
The two FEA models were set up using the same geometry to present typical low-volume pavement sections consisting of a HMA layer over a flexible base, an optional subbase, and a subgrade. Because of the symmetry, a half-width 3.66-m (12-ft) wide pavement with a 1.22-m (4-ft) wide shoulder was studied to reduce calculation efforts. The pavement shoulder was modeled as a uniform block fully bounded at the pavement interface. As few as three layers and as many as five layers can be introduced into the FEA models. Pavement layers were assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic.

Results and Discussions

Fig. 5 shows typical results from the two FEA models for a three-layer pavement. Elastic model results of MCI and maximum stress location showed good agreement with the fracture model. Longitudinal cracks were typically first observed at the pavement–shoulder interface due to poor bonding. Both models showed that the base–subgrade interface had a higher frequency of initializing longitudinal cracks and that the greatest tensile stresses were usually developed within the top 0.13-m (5-in.) of the subgrade.
Fig. 5. Typical results from FEA models: (a) typical results from linear elastic model for a three-layer section; (b) typical results from nonlinear fracture model for a three-layer section

Parametric Study

The fracture model yielded similar results for typical three- and four-layer low-volume pavement sections as observed from the elastic model: the overall location of the largest tensile stress points shifted toward the centerline when the combined pavement thickness above the subgrade increased (with either an increased single-layer thickness or an increased number of layers), and the magnitude of the maximum shrinkage stress in the subgrade was not very sensitive (less than 5% difference) to the pavement structure variation [the HMA layer thickness varied from 0.01 to 0.11 m (0.5 to 4.5 in.) and modulus varied from 2.1 to 4.8 GPa (300 to 700 ksi); the flexible base thickness varied from 0.15 to 0.46 m (6 to 18 in.), and modulus varied from 137.9 to 551.6 MPa (20 to 80 ksi)]. However, with the more sophisticated fracture model, the benefit of using a better subgrade stands out. Fig. 6 compares the typical stress contours of the best (El Paso) and worst (Paris) case scenarios for three- and four-layer pavements that underwent the same moisture change (dried from optimum to 0.8 NMC). The typical pavement layer thicknesses are 0.06-m (2.5-in.) HMA, 0.30-m (12-in.) flexible base, 0.30-m (12-in.) lime stabilized subgrade (for four-layer case), and a semi-infinite natural subgrade. For the same subgrade, damage caused by subgrade shrinking is less severe for four-layer pavements, but the maximum σss is close in magnitude. On the other hand, for the same pavement, a better subgrade shows noticeable improvement in terms of withstanding drying damage. These trends also agree with the trends from the elastic model.
Fig. 6. Typical stress contours of three- and four-layer pavements dried from optimum to 0.8 NMC
As mentioned earlier, different drying/wetting paths were studied. When soil specimens are dried through different paths, the correlations between MC and soil mechanical property parameters (such as εss, E, σt) change. Fig. 7 depicts typical trends in subgrade lateral shrinkage strain (top) and modulus (bottom) with different moisture variation paths, respectively. In the drying case, for example, the same expansive soil has bigger E but smaller εss values at the same MC when comparing DFO to DFS, which is more optimistic. The great flexibility of the MC-based approach lies in the fact that different drying/wetting cycle effects can be incorporated into the material models, which can be switched very easily in FEA models to study different drying/wetting situations. In addition, the parameters used are standard soil index property tests, which are easy to measure and less susceptible to testing variations compared to suction measurements.
Fig. 7. Typical lateral shrinkage strain and modulus variations for different moisture conditioning paths (Paris)

Case Study

To evaluate and validate the LSC model, five representative FM roads built over high-PI clayey subgrade were selected for case study (Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio, Paris and Atlanta in Texas) with the following preferred attributes: (1) they were reasonably newly constructed, (2) design records were available, (3) construction records were reasonably completed, (4) they contained some areas with typical distresses encountered due to high-PI clay, and (5) the clay subgrade was reasonably uniform. To ascertain the soil properties, soils from study sites were sampled for the aforementioned laboratory tests. As described by Manosuthikij (2008), two types of field sensor (Gropoint moisture sensors with data logger and Fredlund thermal conductivity matric suction sensors) were embedded at each test site and data collection was carried out every 1 to 2 months during each site visit. The pavement section information and subgrade properties from all sites are summarized in Table 2. The moduli of the pavement layers were obtained from FWD tests at the center of the lane (1.83 m or 6 ft from the shoulder) and checked with core sample test results from the district offices. The subgrade moduli listed in the table correspond to their laboratory values at the OMC. The actual subgrade moduli used in the LSC model was calculated based on Eq. (5).
Table 2. Summary of Five Baseline Sites Case Study Input Data
SiteFort WorthSan AntonioParisHoustonAtlanta, Texas
Thickness [m (in.)]0.05 (2)0.20 (8)0.03 (1)0.20 (8)0.08 (3)0.36 (14)0.10 (4)0.20 (8)0.15 (6)0.25 (10)
Modulus [GPa (ksi)]2.41 (350)0.38 (55)2.41 (350)0.46 (67)3.45 (500)1.23 (178)3.45 (500)0.28 (40)2.41 (350)1.76 (255)
Subgrade modulusa (ksi)48 (7)55 (8)55 (8)41 (6)41 (6)
PI (%)2926363550
LL (%)6158605473
OMC (%)2422232029
MDD [kg/m3 (pcf)]1465.7 (91.5)1465.7 (91.5)1475.3 (92.1)1587.4 (99.1)1417.6 (88.5)

Note: HMAC = hot mix asphalt concrete; LL = liquid limit; MDD = maximum dry density; OMC = optimum moisture content; PI = plasticity index.

Subgrade moduli correspond to OMC.
The Paris site was used as a worst-case scenario in parametric studies, and field observations showed the worst pavement conditions at the initial site visit. Hence, details of this site are described here as an example. This road was rehabilitated in April 2007 and again in July 2007; minor cracks still reappeared on the pavement surface shortly after rehabilitation. Fig. 8 summarizes the Paris site field measurement results. The Paris site suffered from a poorly maintained drainage ditch and large trees near the pavement section. The LSC model predicted that the MC threshold for crack initiation and appearance was MCI=21% and MCP=16%, respectively. This accords very well with field observations. As shown in Fig. 8, new cracks were observed in late September 2007. The lowest average MC was 15–17%. Elevation survey data also reached the lowest value near that time, confirming significant shrinkage behavior in the underlying and adjacent soils. Fig. 9 shows the predicted (a) and actual (b) location of the newly developed longitudinal crack. The top figure presents the LSC model plot of the simulated top 50 largest tensile stress points within the subgrade. The predicted most likely location of the crack is near 1 m (40 in.) from the edge. The actual longitudinal cracking was developed near outer-wheel lane at about 1/3 lane width from edge, around 4–5 mm (1.5–2 in.) wide and in some areas over 0.46 m (18 in.) deep. Cracks were also visible along the shoulders at some locations.
Fig. 8. Field data measurements for Paris site (FM 910)
Fig. 9. Paris site predicted and actual longitudinal crack location: (a) plot of top 50 largest tensile stress points in subgrade; (b) newly developed longitudinal shrinkage cracks (image by Anand J. Puppala)
Similar analyses were performed to compare results from other sites. Table 3 summarizes the field measurements with site attributes and LSC model results. All results from the LSC model show good correlations with field measurements. The measured and estimated MCs when the longitudinal cracks first appeared are close for the Fort Worth, San Antonio, and Paris sites. The model suggested that the most likely location of the crack at the Fort Worth site was about 0.91 m (3 ft) from the edge. The actual distressed area, which was observed within the outer wheel path, corresponded well to the model estimation. The San Antonio site was newly constructed, and no cracks were observed at the initial field visit. Severe longitudinal cracks, some of which were approximately 1 in. wide, were observed 2 years later near the pavement edge, which matches the predicted 0 distance from pavement–shoulder interface. The Houston site should have experienced longitudinal cracking damage when the MC dropped below 14%. However, no longitudinal cracks were observed at this site because even during the dry season, the average MC was above 21%, which was above the predicted crack initiation threshold. The high MC can be attributed to a creek in the vicinity of the pavement. The Atlanta site showed longitudinal cracks close to the shoulder during the initial visit. Due to equipment vandalism, field data for this site were incomplete. However, based on historical performance, this site is highly susceptible to moisture variation and, thus, is expected to experience substantial longitudinal cracking damage.
Table 3. Summary of Five Study Sites Field Measurements and LSC Model Results
AttributesFort WorthSan AntonioParisHoustonAtlanta
LocationFM 157, Venus, TexasFM 1052, Uvalde, TexasFM 910, Clarksville, TexasFM 1236, Needville, TexasFM 1840, New Boston, Texas
VicinityFarmlandFarmlandLarge treesPoor drainage ditchPoor drainage ditch
Initial conditionSevere longitudinal and transverse cracking, settlementNone observedLarge cracks, dippingSevere longitudinal crackingSevere longitudinal and transverse cracking
RainfallSporadic rainfallLong dry spellsSteady rainfallSteady rainfallSteady rainfall
Monthly mean MC16%August–November 2007September 2007–March 2008August–November 2007; January 2008
Moisturevariation20%August–October 2007September, November, December 2007; February 2008April 2007
New cracksYesYesYesNoNo
Time new cracks observedSeptember 2007October 2007September 2007
MCI (%)2220211826
MCP (%)Estimated1715161420
Most likely location for longitudinal crackingc [m (ft)]0.91 (3)002.13 (7)0
Section has not cracked yet.
Data not available due to equipment vandalism.
Distance from pavement-shoulder interface.


A MC-based model to estimate longitudinal cracks of low-volume roads over an expansive clay subgrade is described in this paper. Laboratory tests correlation and regression analyses were performed to characterize the shrink–swell and strength–stiffness variations of clayey subgrade soil as a function of MC. Numerical modeling results revealed the following findings for typical low-volume roads:
Although maximum tensile stresses caused by subgrade drying are located near the middle of a lane or near a pavement centerline, fracture always progresses at the shoulder–pavement interface first. This is due to the fact that the pavement shoulder is comprised of a much weaker material compared to the base and HMA layers and the bonding between shoulder and pavement is not as strong as within the pavement. Also, shoulders are more susceptible to environmental MC variations. This common situation makes the interface between shoulder and pavement more critical than that between base and subgrade.
The FEA simulation was based on the assumption that the shoulder and the subgrade have the same material properties and are subject to the same level of moisture change, i.e., shrinkage-induced tensile stresses are uniform throughout shoulder and subgrade. However, in reality, the closer the location is to the pavement centerline, and the deeper is the pavement structure, the less moisture change in the subgrade soil will be observed (Luo and Prozzi 2007). Hence, thicker, better pavement will help to minimize subgrade moisture variation, which will indirectly improve pavement performance with regard to LSC, but not in a very cost-effective manner.
A MC-based approach can provide engineers a more applicable and more efficient way to understand the complex problem of damage caused by expansive subsoil that is not limited to low-volume roads but includes other lightweight infrastructures as well; such an approach will minimize extreme-weather susceptibility, reduce costs, and improve overall structure performance.
Thicker or stronger pavement layers (e.g., increased layer thickness or modulus) do not provide better performance with respect to subgrade shrinkage cracking. Based on predicted critical MC thresholds, once the shrinkage crack initiates, a better structural design will not prevent cracks from propagating but may delay their progress. Increasing the strength and stiffness of a subgrade has a greater impact than making the pavement layers thicker or stronger. As such, consideration should be given to mitigating detrimental subgrade properties, improving subgrade strength and stiffness, and reducing subgrade moisture susceptibility. Though not discussed here because of space limitations, the developed ExSPRS program provides recommendations on ways to achieve these goals.


The authors acknowledge TxDOT for financial support of this research and the valuable guidance and input of many TxDOT personnel. The authors acknowledge Mr. Anup Sabnis, Dr. Thammanoon Manosuthkij, and Ms. Lourdes Pacheco for their valuable contribution in laboratory and field testing.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
Volume 27Issue 10October 2015


Received: Feb 17, 2014
Accepted: Oct 7, 2014
Published online: Dec 11, 2014
Discussion open until: May 11, 2015
Published in print: Oct 1, 2015



Yaqi Wanyan, Ph.D., M.ASCE [email protected]
Assistant Professor, Engineering Technology Dept., Texas Southern Univ., 3100 Cleburne St., Houston, TX 77004 (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected]
Imad Abdallah, Ph.D. [email protected]
Associate Director, Center for Transportation Infrastructure Systems, Univ. of Texas at El Paso, 500 West University Ave., El Paso, TX 79968-0516. E-mail: [email protected]
Soheil Nazarian, Ph.D., F.ASCE [email protected]
Director, Center for Transportation Infrastructure Systems, Univ. of Texas at El Paso, 500 West University Ave., El Paso, TX 79968-0516. E-mail: [email protected]
Anand J. Puppala, Ph.D., F.ASCE [email protected]
Professor, Dept. of Civil Eng., Univ. of Texas at Arlington, 432 Nedderman Hall, Box 19308, Arlington, TX 76019-0308. E-mail: [email protected]

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