Aug 27, 2010

Thin-Layer Gravity Current with Implications for Desalination Brine Disposal

Publication: Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Volume 137, Issue 3


Measurements of stratification and dissolved oxygen (DO) illustrate a hypersaline gravity current with salt loads similar to a desalination plant brine discharge. Over a 48-h sampling period in August 2005, alternating cycles of high- and low-temperature hypersaline water were observed along the bottom of Corpus Christi Bay in Texas, coincident with low benthic DO and tidal flushing from an adjacent smaller bay. The gravity current underflow was typically less than 10% of the overall water depth. Strong salinity gradients prevented wind-mixing of the entire water column. Hypoxic and near-hypoxic conditions were associated with limited DO replenishment from the ambient water. High DO levels in the underflow source water did not deter the development of offshore benthic hypoxia. A quasi-Lagrangian analysis is used to evaluate the relationship between ambient mixing and lateral mixing within the underflow. The analysis is further applied to estimating DO demand rates in the hypersaline plume. Mixing between the ambient water and the underflow predominately occurs over the sloping bay boundary. Once the gravity current reaches the flatter section of the bay, mixing is substantially reduced and DO is progressively depleted at the bottom. The transit time of the underflow (i.e., residence time or isolation time for water near the bottom) and wind-mixing energy appear to be key factors governing stratification persistence and potential hypoxia development. The observations and analyses provide insight into possible fate, impacts, and open questions associated with similarly scaled salt loadings from a desalination plant into a shallow bay.

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Funding for this project was provided by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Texas Water Allocation Assessment grant USACE2001-999-015 to TWDB), the Texas Advanced Technology Program (UNSPECIFIED003658-0162-2003 to Hodges), the Texas Water Development Board (UNSPECIFIED2005-001-059 to Hodges), the National Science Foundation (NSFCBET 0610034 to Hodges), and a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (to Kulis). Equipment and boats were provided by the UT Center for Research in Water Resources and TWDB. The authors acknowledge the invaluable assistance of TWDB personnel Carla Guthrie and Holly Weyant, along with UT students Cedric David, Shipeng Fu, John Middleton, Terry Palmer, and Jessica Watts for the summer 2005 field program. Data analysis by undergraduate research assistant Lauren Nance and REU student Andrew Brouwer provided insights used in this work. The authors are grateful to Prof. Paul Montagna of Texas A&M Corpus Christi for insights into hypoxic events and the use of his data in developing our research program.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Volume 137Issue 3March 2011
Pages: 356 - 371


Received: Aug 9, 2008
Accepted: Aug 25, 2010
Published online: Aug 27, 2010
Published in print: Mar 1, 2011


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Ben R. Hodges, A.M.ASCE
Dept. of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Texas at Austin, 1 University Station C1786, Austin, TX.
Jordan E. Furnans, M.ASCE
INTERA, Inc., 1812 Centre Creek Dr., Suite 300, Austin, TX; formerly, Texas Water Development Board, 1700 North Congress Ave, P.O. Box 13231, Austin, TX.
Paula S. Kulis, S.M.ASCE
Dept. of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Texas at Austin, 1 University Station C1786, Austin, TX.

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