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Case Studies
Mar 29, 2017

Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimation Using the Revised Km-Value Method in Hong Kong

Publication: Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Volume 22, Issue 8


A brief overview of a statistical method to estimate the probable maximum precipitation (PMP) is presented. This study addresses some issues associated with Hershfield’s Km-value method to estimate PMP in China, which can be solved by the revised Hershfield’s Km-value method. This new derivation makes it clear that the frequency factor Km is dependent on only two variables, the standardized variable, ϕm, the maximum deviation from the mean scaled by its standard deviation, and the sample size, n. It is found that there is a consistent relationship between Km and ϕm. Therefore, Km can be used to make a preliminary estimate of PMP under some conditions when sufficient rainfall data are available. The advantages and disadvantages of this revised Km-value method are also discussed here with a case study for the estimation of 24 h PMP in Hong Kong. The 24 h PMP estimate in Hong Kong based on the local rainfall data is approximately 1,753 mm.


Probable maximum precipitation (PMP) has been defined as “the greatest depth of precipitation for a given duration meteorologically possible for a design watershed or a given storm area at a particular location at a particular time of year, with no allowance made for long term climatic trends” (WMO 2009). Hydrologists use PMP to estimate the probable maximum flood (PMF) in the design of a particular project in a given watershed, such as the height and reservoir storage capacity of a dam or dimension of flood-carrying structures (spillway and flood carrying tunnel). In this way, the risks of loss of life and damage could be reduced.
The available methods for PMP estimation are mainly categorized in two ways: hydrometeorological estimation methods and statistical methods in practice. Hydrometeorological estimation methods can be generally classified as follows (WMO 2009; Lin and AECOM 2014): a storm model approach (Collier and Hardaker 1996), moisture maximization (Micovic et al. 2015), a generalized method, storm transposition, and a depth-area-duration (D-A-D) method. The statistical estimation is a possible approach, a kind of modified frequency analysis based on historical precipitation records. Among several statistical procedures, Hershfield’s Km-value method is the best known (National Research Council 1985; WMO 1986, 2009). It was initially developed by Hershfield (1963), who defined a frequency factor Km omitting the observed maximum value from a sample series for the estimation of PMP. Hershfield combined samples by either including or excluding the maximum value and produced some nomographs with adjustments. Koutsoyiannis and Papalexiou (2016) set up mathematical expressions of Hershfield’s adjustment factors through these nomographs. Subsequently, Hershfield (1965) improved the method by constructing an empirical graph with Km varying between 5 and 20 depending on the mean value of annual rainfall maxima and rainfall duration. Preliminary appraisal of this technique in Canada (Bruce and Clark 1966) and in the U.S. (Myers 1967) showed that the PMP estimates obtained by this approach are closely comparable to those obtained by the conventional moisture maximization and storm transposition methods. According to Wiesner (1970), this method has the advantage of taking into account the entire rainfall data set, expressing it in terms of statistical parameters. Using the same data set as Hershfield used, Koutsoyiannis (1999) fitted a generalized extreme value (GEV) to the frequency factors and found that the highest value, 15, of Km corresponds to a 60,000 year return period event. Papalexiou and Koutsoyiannis (2006) studied the maximum precipitation depths derived by moisture maximization at a few stations in the Netherlands. They concluded that a probabilistic approach to estimating extreme precipitation values is more consistent with natural behavior and provides a better basis for estimation. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in its various manuals and technical publications (WMO 1969, 1986, 2009) has also recommended this method for estimation of point PMP for those river basins whose daily rainfall data are available for a long period of time.
However, a standardized variable, ϕm, the maximum deviation from the mean of a sample scaled by the standard deviation of the sample, derived directly from the frequency equation, was used to replace Km in China. Its envelope value was used by some researchers to calculate the PMP (Wang 1999; Hua et al. 2007) in China. They recommended that ϕm was more reasonable and consistent with the frequency equation. In contrast, Lin (1981) and Lin and Vogel (1993) recommended that Km replace ϕm under some circumstances, and Lin used this revised method to estimate the PMP of the Zhelin Reservoir on the Xiushui River in Jiangxi Province, China, in 1981 and in Austin, Texas, U.S., in 1993.
Regarding the fact that Hershfield’s Km-value method has been used in China, the purpose of this study was to determine the differences and relationships between the frequency factor Km defined by Hershfeild and the standardized variable ϕm. In this paper, Hershfield’s Km-value method will be reviewed with some criteria developed for using the method in a reasonable way. The advantages and disadvantages of this revised Km-value method will also be discussed in connection with a case study on the estimation of 24 h PMP in Hong Kong.

Revised Km-Value Method

Hershfield’s procedure of estimating PMP was originally developed based on the general frequency equation (Chow 1951)
where XT = rainfall for return period T; X¯n and Sn = mean and standard deviation of a series of n annual maximum rainfall values for a given duration; and K = frequency factor associated with T and the probability distribution selected to fit the data. If the maximum observed rainfall, Xm, is substituted for XT, Km for K, Eq. (1) could be as follows:
Then Km is the number of standard deviations to be added to the mean to obtain Xm. Km is computed using the equation
where Xm = highest value for this series; and X¯n1 and Sn1 are respectively the mean and standard deviation excluding the highest value from the series. By enveloping Km from a large number of computed Km, Hershfield estimated PMP using Eq. (4):
The statistical expressions for PMP are rederived to obtain a better understanding of the method. The standardized variable ϕ is introduced to replace K from Eq. (1), so
where ϕm = standardized variable or maximum deviation from mean scaled by its standard deviation Sn. It is computed directly from the equation
For the distribution of a series of n annual rainfall maxima we have
where EX and σ = expected value and population standard deviation, respectively. ϕM is the maximum value of ϕm. To estimate XPMP, the population parameters in Eq. (8) must be substituted, i.e., EX by X¯n and σ by Sn. The true value of the population parameter ϕM would be unknown before XPMP happened. If the estimate for Km is the same as that presented by Hershfield, then Km is defined as the number of standard deviations to be added to the mean to obtain Xm of the incomplete sample series (X1,X2,,Xn1), and
where X¯n1 and Sn1 = mean and standard deviation of the incomplete sample series, respectively. Thus, the equation for calculating Km is
The relationship between X¯n1 and X¯n is X¯n=[(n1)X¯n1+Xm]/n. The definition of Sn is Sn2=1/n1i=1n(XiX¯n)2. Combining the foregoing two equations with Eqs. (7) and (10), Eq. (11) can be derived. The detailed derivations of Eq. (11) are included in the Appendix:
Since both Km and ϕm are always greater than 0, making C1=(n1)3/n2(n2), C2=n1/n(n2), Eq. (11) can be rewritten as
Using Eq. (12) [or Eq. (13)], along with the obvious inequalities 0<1/Km1 and 0<1/ϕm1, the following inequalities, which restrict the range of Km and ϕm, can be derived:
The lower limit of Km is approximately 1, while the upper limit of ϕm is approximately n. Obviously, Km is always greater than ϕm. However, the difference in value between Km and ϕm gets smaller as n increases. This means that the frequency factor Km approaches the upper limit ϕM when the sample size n increases. For example, in the case of ϕm=5 and ϕm=10, Tables 1 and 2 show the variations of Km. As n increases, Km approaches ϕm. Therefore, statistically, Km has a consistent relationship with ϕm and can be used in the estimation of PMP. For practical use, Eq. (4) is applied to estimate PMP. Because the standard deviation Sn is defined as the coefficient of variation Cvn multiplied by the mean X¯n, Eq. (4) can be written
Table 1. Results of C1, C2, and Km with Different Samples n When ϕm=5

Note: C1=(n1)3/n2(n2); C2=n1/n(n2); Km=ϕm1/C1C2ϕm2.

Table 2. Results of C1, C2, and Km with Different Samples n When ϕm=10

Note: C1=(n1)3/n2(n2); C2=n1/n(n2); Km=ϕm1/C1C2ϕm2.

Since Eq. (12) requires (C1C2ϕm2)>0, n should be greater than or equal to ϕm2+2. Therefore, the minimum data size Nm is deduced a criterion to use the Km-value eligibly
From Eq. (12) [or Eq. (13)] the following relation can also be derived:
where Ns is defined as the stable data size needed to give statistically reliable results for a particular ϕm. If the ratio of Km to ϕm has a value of 1.1, or a relative error of 10%, the relation in Eq. (18) can be further approximated as
Eq. (19) can be used to perform a quick PMP estimate with respect to the length of data required to develop a stable estimate. For instance, it requires 104 years of data records as stable data size if ϕm=4, referring to Fig. 1. Furthermore, when Ns>3.5n, it could raise the uncertainties of Km, usually up to 50%. Hence, these stations should be discarded to reduce the computation burden as such stations will contribute nothing to the statistical results except errors.
Fig. 1. Relationship between Ns and ϕm; solid black rectangles denote values of Ns according to equation Ns=5.76(ϕm2+2)
The distribution of the sample mean, X¯n, approaches normal distribution as n increases (Lin 1978). Let the correction factor of the population mean EX to the sample mean X¯n be Rn, which can be expressed as
If there was no sampling error, the Rn would be exactly equal to 1. However, due to sampling error Rn may be greater or less than 1 with equal chance. By taking a confidence level of 99.7%, i.e., the Xn is varying within a confidence interval of ±3σX¯ or ±3X¯nCvn/n. Then Rn could be expressed as (1+3Cvn/n) for maximum adjustment, and the adjustment X¯n is
where X¯n = adjusted sample mean of EX. The relations of Rn with Cvn and n are given in Table 3. It shows that Rn decreases toward 1 while Cvn decreases when n is fixed; and Rn decreases toward 1 while n increases when Cvn is certain.
Table 3. Results of Rn with Different Samples n When Cvn=1.0, Cvn=0.4 or Cvn=0.1
Precipitation data are usually observed at fixed time intervals. For example, 8 a.m. to 8 a.m. means daily, and such data rarely yield the true maximum rainfall amounts for the indicated duration 24 h. As we know, the annual maximum observational day rainfall amounts are very likely to be appreciably less than the annual maximum 24 h rainfall amounts determined by 1,440 consecutive minutes with unrestricted beginning and ending time. Studies of thousands of station-years of rainfall data indicate that a conversion factor of 1.13 to convert 1-day rainfall data to 24 h is reasonable to be used in practice (Weiss 1964).
Now, if we use this revised Km-value method to estimate PMP at a single station or over a small watershed, it should be taken by the following steps:
Sort the station data in descending order based on the maximum value, Xm;
Check the required minimum size Nm for each station. If n<Nm, then the station is discarded;
Check the required stable size Ns, which should meet the inequalities 5.76(ϕm2+2)Ns3.5n;
Calculate the values of Km, Cvn, and X¯n for each station;
Make the “maximum adjustment” of X¯n in terms of sampling error. Furthermore, if precipitation data are observed at fixed time interval, the rainfall should be multiplied by a conversion factor of 1.13; and
Regionalize or pick up the highest values of X¯n, Km and Cvn of Eq. (16) over the eligible stations in the concerned region and estimate the PMP.
It is noted that the essence of the reviewed Km-value method is storm transposition, but instead of transposing the specific rainfall amount of one storm, an abstracted statistic Km is transposed (WMO 2009). In the study, other parameters such as X¯n and Cvn are also regionalized within the study area for the sake of maximization.

Application and Results

In Hong Kong, PMP was first derived by Bell and Chin (1968). They used depth-area-duration (DAD) method together with moisture maximization to estimate the 24 h PMP from 21 major storms between 1955 and 1965. They further updated their PMP estimates through the introducing a seasonal adjustment factor. Hong kong Observatory (1999); Chang and Hui (2001) used the same method but without seasonal adjustment to analyze 53 storms occurring between 1966 and 1999, and got a result which was smaller than the former one. The statistical method was not used in the PMP estimates in Hong Kong before. Hence, the revised Km-value method is applied to estimate 24 h PMP in Hong Kong for the first time. The 5 min data or hourly data of 64 rain-gauge stations in Hong Kong were selected. The annual maximum precipitation series of 24 h for each rain-gauge station was obtained by using a 24 h sliding window over the 5 min or hourly data. Since Shenzhen is very close to Hong Kong, the annual maximum precipitation series of Shenzhen acquired from the Hydrologic Bureau of Guangdong Province was also used in the study. Table 4 gives us the detailed information of all the rain-gauge stations. Fig. 2 shows the locations of the rain-gauge stations.
Table 4. Period of Time and Type of Historical Data of Rain-Gauge Stations in Hong Kong and Shenzhen
NumberStation identifierPeriod of timeType
1–19H01, H02, H03, H04, H05, H06, H07, H08, H09, H10, H12, H14, H15, H16, H17, H18, H19, H20, H211984–20105 min
20–27K01, K02, K03, K04, K05, K06, K07, K081984–20105 min
28–42N01, N02, N03, N04, N05, N06, N07, N08, N09, N10, N11, N12, N13, N14, N151984–20105 min
43HKO1987–20105 min
1885–1986 (1940–1946 data missing due to the World War II)1 h
44N161985–20105 min
45–61R11, R12, R13, R14, R17, R18, R21, R22, R23, R24, R25, R26, R27, R28, R29, R31, R321987–20105 min
62R301987–20085 min
63–64N17, N181991–20105 min
65Shenzhen1981–2010Annual maximum 24 h rainfall
Fig. 2. Locations of 64 rain-gauge stations in Hong Kong and Shenzhen; circles identify the rain-gauge stations from Hong Kong observatory (HKO); triangles identify the rain-gauge stations from a geotechnical engineering office (GEO), and the asterisk identifies the rain-gauge station in Shenzhen
As described above, firstly, each rain-gauge station was displayed in descending order of maximum value, Xm. Secondly, the minimum data size, Nm was calculated for each. And all the rain-gauge stations meet the criterion. Thirdly, by applying the criterion of a stable data size Ns, N09 and N15 were discarded. Following, the values of Km, Cvn, and X¯n for each eligible rain-gauge station are calculated. Since the annual maximum precipitation series for 24 h is directly obtained by a 24 h sliding window, which is true maxima for 24 h. There was no need to apply a conversion factor of 1.13 to the mean value of stations in Hong Kong. However, the mean daily value series of Shenzhen was multiplied by 1.13 to convert 1-day data to 24 h. Furthermore, each eligible rain-gauge station need a maximized adjustment of mean in terms of sampling error at a confidence level of 99.7%. Finally, the highest values of X¯n, Km, and Cvn were obtained. They were 426.30 (of N14), 5.46 (of N14), 0.57 (of R11), respectively. Therefore, according to the Eq. (16), the 24 h PMP estimate for Hong Kong is approximately 1,753 mm.
Table 5 shows the results of parameters of all those rain-gauge stations in descending order of Xm. It is shown that the highest values of X¯n and Km come from the same station N14. As we know, rainfall is quite affected by topography, and rainfall in mountain areas is mostly larger than in plain areas. Observation value at automatic station may be a little higher than the ordinary observation station. N14 is an automatic station located in Tai Mo Shan, the highest elevation in Hong Kong. Therefore, the rainfall amount at station N14 is always larger than the other rain-gauge stations.
Table 5. Calculations of Revised Km-Value Method Applied in Hong Kong and Shenzhen

Note: The values in bold are the maximum value.

Discussions and Conclusions

Although the frequency factor Km is always greater than the standardized variable, ϕm, it usually rapidly approaches ϕM when n increases. In this study, it has already proved that Km had an obvious statistical relationship with ϕm. Therefore, some stations are discarded by applying the criteria of the minimum sample size Nm and the stable sample size Ns to reduce the computation burden. And the highest values of X¯n, Km, and Cvn are calculated and selected in parameter regionalization. Finally, the PMP at a single station or over a small watershed could be estimated by applying the Eq. (16).
If the selected data length n is less than Nm, the revised Km-value method could not be applied. For example, if ϕm=5, the minimum data size of n is at least 27 years. Although Ns representing a stable data length, it cannot guarantee a true estimation of PMP. The criterion just presents a statistically reliable estimation of how long the data series should be. Obviously, the longer data series is better for the method. The estimate of the revised Km-value method greatly depends on the data availability, including data quality and quantity. The PMP estimate will be more precise with a longer historical data series. In fact, there are few stations in the real world that are long enough to work out reliable PMP estimates. In general, a station having longer data with outlier occurring in history is very welcome for the statistical approach. So, caution must be taken when using this method to estimate PMP in practice.
Although the data used in the revised Km-value method comes from the whole study area, the PMP result is still a point PMP and mostly to be representative to the potential storm center without temporal and spatial distribution. The major advantage of this approach over others is to provide a quick and preliminary estimate of PMP at a single station or over a small watershed. The suggested PMP estimates of the revised Km-value method could only be considered as a reference value. It could not be recommended as final estimate for engineering design study. And it will be comparable with values of storm transposition or DAD method.
The 24 h PMP estimate by the revised Km-value method in Hong Kong is 1,753 mm. It is substantially greater than 1,250 mm given by Chang and Hui (2001). The difference of the two is about 503 mm. The reason for the difference is that they are estimated by totally different method based on different data. The revised Km-value method is a statistical way with the series of annual maxima rainfall till 2010. While the DAD method and moisture maximization utilized by Chang is a hydrometeorological method with the storm data and dew point data from 1955 to 1999 applied. Per the criteria presented above, if researchers want to get a stable estimate with 10% error in Km, the data length n should be longer than 89 years and 64 years for N14 and R11, respectively. But in this study, historical data are shorter than 30 years for a great majority of Hong Kong rain-gauge stations except for HKO station (119 years available). Therefore, this method cannot guarantee to yield a stable PMP estimate. Furthermore, the storm transposition and DAD method are recommended to apply to estimate the 24 h PMP in Hong Kong in the future if possible to get comparable results.

Supplemental Data

Appendix S1 is available online in the ASCE Library (

Supplemental Materials

File (supplemental_data_he.1943-5584.0001517_lin.pdf)

Appendix. Derivations of Equation Km=ϕm1/C1C2ϕm2

The Hershfield’s procedure of estimating PMP was originally developed based on the general frequency equation (Chow 1951):
where XT = rainfall for return period T; X¯n and Sn = mean and standard deviation of a series of n annual maximum rainfall values for a given duration, respectively; K is defined as a frequency factor, which is associated with T and the probability distribution selected to fit the data. If the maximum observed rainfall Xm, is substituted for XT, Km for K, Eq. (22) could be written as
Then Km is the number of standard deviation to be added to the mean to obtain Xm. Km is computed by the following equation
where Xm = highest value for this series; X¯n1 and Sn1 are, respectively, the mean and the standard deviation excluding the highest value from the series. By enveloping Km from a large number of computed Km, Hershfield estimated Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) though Eq. (25)
The statistical expressions for PMP are re-derived to obtain a better understanding of the method. The standardized variable ϕ is introduced to replace the K of Eq. (22), so
where ϕm = standardized variable or the maximum deviation from the mean, scaled by its standard deviation Sn. It is computed directly from the following equation
As known, the relation between X¯n1 and X¯n is
And according to the definition of Sn
Because i=1n1(XiX¯n1)=0, so Eq. (31) could be
Combining with Eqs. (30) and (32), there is
Both sides of the Eq. (35) were divided by Sn2:
So, based on Eqs. (24) and (28), Eq. (36) could be
Finally, according to Eqs. (34) and (37) could be written as
Because both Km and ϕm are always greater than 0. Making C1=(n1)3/n2(n2), C2=n1/n(n2), Eq. (38) could be rewritten as follows:


This work was supported by the 24 h PMP Updating Study Project of the Civil Engineering and Development Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). The data used in the paper were provided by Hong Kong Observatory (HKO).


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Published In

Go to Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Volume 22Issue 8August 2017


Received: Jun 10, 2016
Accepted: Dec 14, 2016
Published online: Mar 29, 2017
Published in print: Aug 1, 2017
Discussion open until: Aug 29, 2017



Ph.D. Candidate, College of Atmospheric Science, Nanjing Univ. of Information Science and Technology, 219 Ningliu Rd., Nanjing, Jiangsu 210044, China. E-mail: [email protected]
Professor, College of Hydrometeorology, Applied Hydrometeorological Research Institute, Nanjing Univ. of Information Science and Technology, 219 Ningliu Rd., Nanjing, Jiangsu 210044, China (corresponding author). ORCID: E-mail: [email protected]
Yehui Zhang [email protected]
Professor, College of Hydrometeorology, Applied Hydrometeorological Research Institute, Nanjing Univ. of Information Science and Technology, 219 Ningliu Rd., Nanjing, Jiangsu 210044, China. E-mail: [email protected]
Assistant Engineer, Tianjin Meteorological Observatory, 100 Qixiangtai Rd., Tianjin 300074, China. E-mail: [email protected]

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