Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Special Collection on Stochastic Methods for Analyzing Nonstationary Extreme Hydrologic Events

Guest Editors:
Jayantha Obeysekera, Ph.D., P.E., Research Professor, Florida International University
Jose D. Salas, Ph.D., Emeritus Professor, Colorado State University

Current practices of designing hydraulic structures generally assume that extreme hydrologic events are stationary. Nonstationarity in hydrological records has been a growing concern because of the effect of various factors such as human intervention in river basins, low-frequency climatic variability, and climate change due to increased greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. The current engineering practice is only beginning to adopt nonstationary methods for hydrologic design practices. Given systematic trends in hydrologic response throughout the world and the projected trends in anthropogenic influences due to human activity, a paradigm shift from current practice to one that incorporates future conditions and uncertainties is necessary. This Special Collection on 'Stochastic Methods for Analyzing Nonstationary Extreme Hydrologic Events' features recent research and case studies on this topic around the globe.

Papers in this Collection

Exploration of Daily Rainfall Intensity Change in South Korea 1900–2010 Using Bias-Corrected ERA-20C
Dong-Ik Kim; ORCID ID iconHyun-Han Kwon; Dawei Han; and Yong-Tak Kim
Published online: April 27, 2020

Attribution of Hydrologic Changes in a Tropical River Basin to Rainfall Variability and Land-Use Change: Case Study from India
S. Setti; R. Maheswaran; D. Radha; ORCID ID iconV. Sridhar, M.ASCE; K. K. Barik; and M. L. Narasimham
Published online: May 19, 2020

Modified Signal-to-Noise Ratio Method for Early Detection of Climate Change
ORCID ID iconChetan Sharma; and C. S. P. Ojha, F.ASCE
Published online: May 20, 2020

Nonstationary Modeling of Meteorological Droughts: Application to a Region in India
Subhadarsini Das; ORCID ID iconJew Das, A.M.ASCE; and ORCID ID iconN. V. Umamahesh, A.M.ASCE
Published online: November 24, 2020

Flood-Induced Geomorphic Change of Floodplain Extent and Depth: A Case Study of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico
ORCID ID iconYihan Li, Ph.D., S.M.ASCE; Daniel B. Wright, A.M.ASCE; and Yuan Liu, Ph.D., S.M.ASCE
Published online: July 19, 2022

Nonstationary Hydrological Distribution Estimation Using Hierarchical Model with Stochastic Covariates
Cong Jiang; ORCID ID iconLihua Xiong; and Wentao Xu
Published online: February 13, 2023

Importance of Copula-Based Bivariate Rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for an Urbanized Catchment Incorporating Climate Change
ORCID ID iconAmrutha Suresh; and ORCID ID iconSreeja Pekkat, Aff.M.ASCE
Published online: April 26, 2023