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Technical Papers
Oct 18, 2013

Loss Functions for Small Marine Vessels Based on Survey Data and Numerical Simulation of the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami

Publication: Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
Volume 140, Issue 5


Data for approximately 20,000 small marine vessels damaged by the 2011 Great East Japan tsunami, including information on motor types and tonnage, were collected and used to develop loss functions. The observed maximum tsunami heights from the field survey were used, and the maximum tsunami flow velocities from numerical simulation were obtained. Damage ratios were calculated, and loss functions were fit using linear regression analysis and log-normal distributions. The damage probability was significantly increased when the tsunami height was more than 2 m or when the flow velocity was more than 1m/s. The results show that small vessels (weighing less than 5 t) with outboard motors were the most vulnerable. In addition, vessels at locations farther from the tsunami source had less damage because they were hit by smaller tsunamis with slower arrival times, which most likely gave them a chance to evacuate to deep sea. The results of this study, including the loss functions, will be useful for macroscale tsunami hazard and loss predictions involving small marine vessels.


The 2011 Great East Japan tsunami caused widespread damage and greatly affected the economy of the country, especially in the Sanriku area. The tsunami claimed more than 18,000 lives and destroyed more than 1,150,000 buildings (National Police Agency 2011). In addition, approximately 28,612 marine vessels in 319 ports were damaged or destroyed (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery 2012). Most of them were small marine vessels weighing less than 5 t because the Sanriku area is a well-known aquaculture area. Thus, fishermen were greatly affected, especially by the loss of many vessels. This study was conducted to develop loss functions to describe the probability of vessel damage in areas from Hokkaido to Chiba considering five important parameters: (1) surveyed tsunami height; (2) simulated flow velocity; (3) arrival time; (4) tonnage; and (5) materials. Loss functions were created against tsunami height and velocity because these two parameters are the most common results of tsunami hazard evaluation. Tsunami arrival time had a similar value in different ports; thus, the areas were divided depending on the distance from the tsunami source, which was directly related to the response time of the fishermen. The findings of this study will be valuable in improving future damage assessments in other high-risk areas, such as along the Nankai Trough, the east coast of Hokkaido, and along the Japan Sea coast.

Literature Review

Vulnerability of Marine Vessels Based on Historical Tsunamis in Japan

The vulnerability of marine vessels were reviewed using information on four tsunami events in Japan, namely, the 1896 Meiji-Sanriku tsunami, the 1933 Showa-Sanriku tsunami, the 1983 Japan Sea tsunami, and the 1993 Okushiri Island tsunami. The locations of these events are shown in Fig. 1. Shuto (1987) summarized the boat and ship damage that resulted from the tsunamis in 1896, 1933, and 1983. The damage data for the 1896 event provided information on whether vessels survived, were damaged, or were washed away. The term washed away was applied to vessels that were washed from their moorings and recovered somewhere else or were missing. Most of the vessels were nonmotorized or small motorized vessels. The ratio (D1) of the number of vessels damaged or washed away to the total number of vessels in each port was determined using Eq. (1)
where A = number of vessels that were washed away; B = number of vessels that were damaged; and C = number of vessels that survived. The results were plotted against the reported maximum tsunami height for each village [Fig. 2(a)]. The damage data for the 1933 event provided information on two types of vessels: small vessels without motors [Fig. 2(a)] and large vessels with motors [Fig. 2(b)]. The damage ratio formula [Eq. (1)] was used to plot the damage ratios for the 1933 event in the same way as for the 1896 event.
Fig. 1. Earthquake rupture areas of past tsunamis and the 2011 tsunami and locations of the prefectures affected by the 2011 tsunami (near the source, Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima, and far from the source, Hokkaido, Aomori, Ibaraki, and Chiba)
Fig. 2. Damage ratios of marine vessels versus maximum tsunami height, based on historical tsunami data [data from Shuto (1987) and Aketa et al. (1994)]: (a) small or nonmotor vessels; (b) medium or large vessel (weighing less than 10 t) with motors
For the 1983 event, a weighted damage ratio (D2) was calculated using the following:
where a = number of vessels that were washed away; b = number of vessels that had major damage; c = number of vessels that had moderate damage; d = number of vessels that had minor damage; and e = number of vessels that were not damaged. The vessels were classified as follows: vessels without motors, vessel weighing less than 5 t, and vessel weighing 5–10 t. The weighted damage ratio is plotted with respect to the measured maximum tsunami height for each village in Figs. 2(a and b). Aketa et al. (1994) used the same definitions to apply the damage ratio (D2) to data for vessel damage during the 1993 tsunami [Fig. 2(a)].
Based on the damage ratios calculated for the previous four tsunami events mentioned, it was concluded that damage was observed for some small vessels when the tsunami height was more than 2 m, and that damage was observed for all small vessels when the tsunami height was more than 5 m. However, half of the large vessels had no damage even when the tsunami height was more than 5 m. Not enough data are available to determine damage ratios for large vessels for tsunami heights more than 10 m.

Types of Damage to Marine Vessels Caused by Tsunamis

This section briefly describes the types of damage that tsunamis cause to marine vessels in terms of some tsunami parameters (e.g., tsunami height and flow velocity) based on experience from past tsunami events and from experiments.


Grounding can happen when the initial water level is lower than the receding tsunami wave, which results in the vessel being grounded at the sea bottom.


Stranding can be defined as the elevation of the vessel’s bottom being higher than the pier elevation. The buoyancy force and vessel’s draft are considered in evaluating a stranding condition. Kawata et al. (2004) used a 1,000-t vessel as an example, and stated that stranding would occur if the tsunami height was more than 3.5 m.

Failure of the Mooring Rope

Based on an analysis of the elongation ratio and tension force of mooring ropes, Kawata et al. (2004) found that for a vessel weighing more than 1,000 t, a tsunami height more than 7 m or a flow velocity more than 3.9m/s would cause failure of the mooring rope. Based on the results of a model experiment and analytical results for 1- to 3-t vessels, Kato et al. (2009) and Tsubota et al. (2007) concluded that a mooring rope with a diameter of 1 to 2 cm could withstand a flow velocity of 2m/s.

Loss of Stability

Vessel stability can be defined as the vessel’s resistance to being inclined or its tendency to return to an upright position. For small moving (unanchored) vessels, the Japan Association of Marine Safety (2003) states that a vessel will be stable if its speed reaches at least five times the tsunami flow velocity. The maximum vessel speed can be calculated using information on the tonnage and horsepower, and is approximately 510m/s for vessels weighing less than 10 t (Kazama et al. 2006; Ohashi et al. 2007). Therefore, the maximum tsunami flow velocity at which such vessels can remain stable is 12m/s.

Tsunami Fragility Functions

Linear regression analysis and normal or log-normal distributions have been widely used to derive fragility functions that express the relationship between tsunami characteristics and the probability of damage. These tools have been applied mainly to the analysis of damage data from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, including building damage in Indonesia (Koshimura et al. 2009), Thailand (Suppasri et al. 2011), and Sri Lanka (Murao and Nakazato 2010); bridge damage in Indonesia and Sri Lanka (Shoji and Moriyama 2007); and damage to mangrove trees in Thailand (Yanagisawa et al. 2009) and Indonesia (Yanagisawa et al. 2010). Similarly, they have been applied to the 2011 tsunami to estimate the damage to buildings (Suppasri et al. 2012, 2013), pedestrian bridges (Muhari et al. 2012), road and highway bridges (Shoji 2013), and breakwaters [Port and Airport Research Institute (PARI) 2013]. In this study, the fragility function concept was applied to the development of loss functions because the previously mentioned studies used data on damage to structures to calculate damage probabilities, whereas this study used economic data on vessel damage and loss.

Data and Methods

Data on Marine Vessel Damage Caused by the 2011 Great East Japan Tsunami

For a collaborative research study by Tohoku University and the Willis Research Network, conducted as part of the Pan-Asian/Oceanian tsunami risk modeling and mapping project, data were collected on 20,134 damaged small marine vessels, including information on the registered location (port name), tonnage, motor type, material, damage type, and insurance. Fig. 3 shows the data distributions. Approximately 99% of the vessels in this present study were in the ports in which they were registered [Fig. 3(a)], but the exact locations in the ports were unknown. To address this limitation, it was assumed that all of the vessels were in the location at which they were registered during the tsunami. As is the case for buildings (higher buildings are more resilient than smaller buildings because of their intrinsically stronger structural makeup), it was expected that larger and heavier vessels would have less damage than smaller vessels. Therefore, the vessels were first classified by tonnage.
Fig. 3. (Color) The distribution of damaged vessels by (a) location; (b) tonnage and motor type; (c) cause of damage
Approximately 92% of the vessels weighed less than 5 t, which can be considered the weight limit for small vessels. Small vessels were further divided by motor type (outboard or inboard). Fig. 3(b) shows that approximately 71% of the vessels weighing less than 5 t had outboard motors and 21% had inboard motors. An outboard (exposed) motor is more vulnerable to potential wave damage, which impairs the ability of the boat to move to safety. In general, vessels weighing less than 5 t are of the fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) type, and vessels weighing more than 5 t are constructed of aluminum or steel. A loss ratio was calculated for each vessel, defined as the actual insurance payment divided by the insured value, to quantify the damage level.
The four main causes of vessel damage reported are shown in Fig. 3(c). Approximately 22% of the reported vessel damage was directly related to the tsunami, (i.e., sinking or overturning of vessels).
The data were then categorized into three types according to the characteristics of the tsunami height and the arrival time: (1) the whole region, (2) regions near the tsunami source, and (3) regions far from the source of the tsunami. Iwate, Miyagi, and Fukushima were considered to be regions near the source of the tsunami, because they were hit by tsunamis more than 10 m in height that arrived within 1 hour, leaving little time for fishermen to take action in response. However, the tsunami arrived at Hokkaido, Aomori, Ibaraki, and Chiba more than 1 hour later, which increased the time available for the fishermen to respond, and the reported tsunami heights at those locations were less than 10 m.
Approximately 80–90% of the data corresponded to 100% losses, according to the damage criteria of the data set because stranded vessels on land were mostly considered 100% losses. Fig. 4 shows examples of damaged marine vessels that were considered 100% losses. The loss ratio range of 90.1–100% was set as damage level 10 and 10% increments of loss ratio ranges below 90.1% were set as damage levels less than 10. For example, the loss ratio range of 0–10% was set as damage level 1, and the loss ratio range of 10.1–20% was set as damage level 2. Although damage level 10 should be the best prediction corresponding to a large number of samples, other damage levels also demonstrated a range of occurrence probabilities of different damage levels at the same tsunami parameters. These criteria made it easy to comprehend the probability of exceeding certain critical loss ratio ranges, as opposed to a measure of average loss, which requires more user knowledge to make an assessment and understand the implications.
Fig. 4. Examples of damaged marine vessels: (a) stranded inboard motor; (b) stranded outboard motor; (c) crushed on structure; (d) burnt; these examples were considered as 100% losses (image by Anawat Suppasri)

Surveyed Maximum Tsunami Height

Surveyed maximum tsunami heights were obtained by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami Joint Survey Group (2011). One maximum tsunami height along the coast was selected as a representative value for each port. The selected maximum tsunami height was then applied to all vessels in the ports to which they were registered, because the exact locations of the vessels in the ports were unknown. As a result, the use of the maximum tsunami height for each port was conservative, and there might be a slight overestimation because it was possible that not all vessel damage corresponded to the same maximum tsunami height in the port. This was a limitation because the positions of the vessels were dynamic, and it was not possible to know the exact locations of all vessels.

Simulated Maximum Tsunami Flow Velocity

The 2011 Japan tsunami was reconstructed based on the source model developed by Sugino et al. (2013) to determine the maximum tsunami flow velocity. They divided the predicted source area into 48 segments with dimensions of 50×30km for segments near the trench line and 50×50km for the other segments. The predicted amount of slip in each segment varied from 0.0 m to a maximum of 77.9 m near the trench. Based on the preceding fault parameters, the initial sea surface condition was assumed to be the same as the sea bottom deformation, which was calculated using the equations proposed by Okada (1985). Nonlinear shallow water equations, as described in Imamura (1996), were used in this study to simulate the tsunami inundation.
In this study, the simulation of the 2011 Japan tsunami was performed for two domains of bathymetric data obtained from the Council of Disaster Prevention of Japan to construct a nested grid system with cells 405×135m in size. The existence of breakwaters and other structures was not taken into account in the simulation because of the size selected for the numerical grid for the smallest domain (135 m). The maximum tsunami height and flow velocity results from the simulation are shown in Fig. 5. The modeled tsunami heights were verified using survey data obtained by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami Joint Survey Group (2011). The verification was based on K and κ, the Aida numbers (Aida 1978), defined as follows:
In these equations, xi and yi = surveyed and computed tsunami heights at location i; and n = total number of data points. Thus, K is defined as the geometric mean of Ki, and κ is defined as deviation or variance from K. These indexes are used as criteria to validate the model through comparisons between modeled and measured tsunamis. The Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE 2002) provides guidelines that suggest that 0.95<K<1.05 and κ<1.45 indicate good agreement between the tsunami source model and the propagation and/or inundation model evaluation. Values of K=0.96 and κ=1.43 were obtained for n=1,352, which indicates fairly good agreement between the simulated tsunami height and the observed data. The simulated flow velocity was verified using the tsunami flow velocity that was estimated using available survivor videos from the Sendai plain (Hayashi and Koshimura 2013) and Kesennuma City (Fritz et al. 2012). Because the smallest grid size used in the numerical model was 135 m, it was not possible to conduct a point-by-point verification. Therefore, a square of 500×500m in size was defined at each place where the tsunami velocity was observed in a survivor video, and the range of the maximum simulated tsunami velocities was compared with the range of velocities in the observed data. In Kesennuma City, the simulated tsunami velocity had maximum values in the range of 7.3to9.6m/s (Fig. 6), whereas the data from the survivor videos (Fritz et al. 2012) suggested a range from 3to11m/s. For the Sendai plain, a range of maximum simulated velocities of 5.7to6.5,4.7to5.1,and4.2to4.6m/s was obtained for squares a, b, and c, respectively, in Fig. (7). Hayashi and Koshimura (2013) reported a range from 5.5to8m/s for square a, a value of 3.5m/s for square b, and a value of 3.5m/s for square c. This comparison suggested that the simulated tsunami flow velocities were comparable to the velocity values determined from the survivor videos.
Fig. 5. (Color) (a) Simulated maximum tsunami heights; (b) simulated maximum tsunami velocities (four inset boxes); dots indicate the locations of the marine ports
Fig. 6. (Color) Simulated tsunami velocities for the locations of the tsunami velocity observations by Fritz et al. (2012), indicated by empty black square
Fig. 7. (Color) Simulated tsunami velocities at the locations of tsunami velocity observations by Hayashi and Koshimura (2013), indicated by three squares (a), (b), and (c)
The values of the maximum tsunami flow velocity at each port was then extracted. The flow velocity values were then used, together with the damage data for boats in the ports, to develop loss functions for the vessels.

Developing Loss Functions

The vessel damage probabilities for each damage ratio were calculated and plotted against a median value within the range of the selected samples (varied from many tens to many hundreds). Linear regression analysis was performed to develop the loss functions. Assuming a log-normal distribution of the response, the cumulative probability P of occurrence of damage is given by either Eq. (5) or Eq. (6)
where Φ = standard normal distribution function; x = hydrodynamic features of the tsunami, used as demand parameters (e.g., inundation depth, current velocity, and hydrodynamic force); and μ and σ (or μ and σ) = the mean and standard deviation, respectively, of x (or lnx). The two statistical parameters of the loss function, μ and σ (or μ and σ), are obtained by plotting x (or lnx) against the inverse of Φ on normal or log-normal probability paper and performing least-squares fitting of this plot. Consequently, two parameters are obtained by determining the intercept (=μorμ) and the slope (=σorσ) in Eq. (7) or Eq. (8)
Through the regression analysis, the parameter values that yielded the best fit (in terms of minimizing the sum of the squared errors) of the loss functions to the inundation depths were determined.

Results and Discussion

The damage data and the plotted loss functions were analyzed against the surveyed maximum tsunami heights and simulated flow velocities, as mentioned previously. In general, the variation in the damage probabilities between levels 2 and 10 was approximately 0.2–0.3. Damage level 10 (100% loss) was used as a representative curve to discuss and compare the performance of each data set and vessel type. It should be noted that the damage data were correlated with the observed tsunami heights and modeled tsunami velocities in the ports. This means that the most likely mechanisms by which the vessels were damaged when they were swept away by the tsunami were neglected. This condition was set because the information about the damage mechanisms that occurred during the tsunami inundation were unknown. Therefore, the mechanisms were neglected because of the incompleteness of the available observations and to avoid inconsistent analyses.

Loss Functions Based on the Surveyed Maximum Tsunami Heights

The results of this study (Fig. 8) were compared with those of previous studies using the same threshold tsunami heights of 2, 5, and 10 m. For vessels weighing 5 t or less with outboard motors, the damage probabilities corresponding to the three tsunami heights were 0.4, 0.7, and 0.9, respectively. The damage probabilities for vessels weighing 5 t or less with inboard motors were 0.2, 0.5, and 0.75, respectively. As expected, vessels weighing 5–20 t had the least damage; their damage probabilities decreased to 0.05, 0.2, and 0.45, respectively. These results were consistent with those of previous studies in which vessels weighing 5–20 t had less damage because of the resistance of their weight to wave motion and because of the strength of their structures. The construction materials were also important; vessels weighing 5 t or less were typically made of FRP or occasionally wood, both of which are weaker than the steel and aluminum that are commonly used in larger vessels. Moreover, once FRP vessels were damaged, it is quite difficult to repair them, because they cannot be partially repaired as steel vessels can. In addition, the influence of motor type was confirmed. For the same tsunami height, vessels with outboard motors had a higher probability of damage because an outboard motor was more likely to be damaged or destroyed than an inboard motor, because of its location. The distance from the tsunami source was also found to influence the probability of damage; the curves for locations near the source increased more rapidly because these locations were attacked by higher tsunamis and left less time for fishermen to respond (Fig. 9). For example, the damage probabilities for a 2-m tsunami height increased to 0.7, 0.5, and 0.1 for the three types of vessels considered by locations. In contrast, for a location far from the tsunami source (Fig. 10), the damage probabilities for a 2-m tsunami height decreased to 0.2, 0.1, and 0.03, respectively. That is, locations farther from the tsunami source had lower damage probabilities because they were hit by lower tsunami heights and slower tsunami arrival times, which allowed more opportunity for vessels to evacuate to deep sea.
Fig. 8. Loss functions of maximum tsunami heights, based on data for the whole region, for vessels (a) weighing less than 5 t and with outboard motors; (b) weighing less than 5 t and with inboard motors; (c) weighing 5–20 t
Fig. 9. Loss functions for maximum tsunami heights, based on data from the regions near the tsunami source, for vessels (a) weighing less than 5 t and with outboard motors; (b) weighing less than 5 t and with inboard motor; (c) weighing 5–20 t
Fig. 10. Loss functions for maximum tsunami heights, based on data for the regions far from the tsunami source, for vessels (a) weighing less than 5 t and with outboard motors; (b) weighing less than 5 t and with inboard motors; (c) weighing 5–20 t

Loss Functions Based on the Simulated Maximum Flow Velocity

The results for the whole region are shown in Fig. 11. For vessels weighing 5 t or less with outboard motors, for a threshold flow velocity of 1m/s, as mentioned previously, the probability of damage level 10 was found to be approximately 0.6, whereas the probability of damage level 2 was approximately 0.9. The probabilities of all types of damage levels approached 1.0 when the flow velocity was more than 5m/s. For vessels weighing 5 t or less with inboard motors, at 1m/s, the damage probability for level 10 decreased to 0.4, whereas it increased to 0.8 when the flow velocity was 5m/s. For vessels weighing 5–20 t, the damage probability for level 10 at a flow velocity of 1m/s decreased to 0.1, but it was approximately 0.5 when the velocity was 5m/s. These results confirmed the influence of tonnage and motor type on the vulnerability of vessels to tsunami damage reported in the previous section on tsunami height. The effect of distance from the tsunami source (Figs. 12 and 13) was similar to that of tsunami height, for the same reasons as mentioned in the previous section.
Fig. 11. Loss functions for maximum flow velocities, based on data for the whole region, for vessels (a) weighing less than 5 t and with outboard motors; (b) weighing less than 5 t and with inboard motors; (c) weighing 5–20 t
Fig. 12. Loss functions for maximum flow velocities, based on data for the regions near the tsunami source, for vessels (a) weighing less than 5 t and with outboard motors; (b) weighing less than 5 t and with inboard motors; (c) weighing 5–20 t
Fig. 13. Loss functions for maximum flow velocities, based on data for the regions far from the tsunami source, for vessels (a) weighing less than 5 t and with outboard motors; (b) weighing less than 5 t and with inboard motors; (c) weighing 5–20 t


Loss functions for tsunami damage to small marine vessels were developed based on their motor type, tonnage, and distance from the tsunami source. Inboard motor vessels had less tsunami damage than outboard motor vessels. Although large vessels might require more time to start their engines or evacuate to the deep sea, their larger size (tonnage) helped to reduce damage. Vessels that were farther from the tsunami source experienced less damage because of the reduced wave heights and flow velocities at these locations, and because they had more time to evacuate to deep sea, so their damage probabilities were somewhat lower. These results were consistent with those of previous studies that analyzed historical tsunami data. The damage probability for each tsunami height and flow velocity is summarized in Table 1, and parameters for drawing the loss functions are shown in Table 2. The results of this study can be used for hazard assessment and loss estimation for future tsunamis.
Table 1. Summary of Approximate Probabilities of Occurrence of Damage Level 10 for Each Location and Marine Vessel Type versus Maximum Tsunami Height and Maximum Flow Velocity
  Tsunami heightFlow velocity
LocationVessels type2 m5 m10 m1m/s5m/s
Whole region5t outboard0.
5t inboard0.20.50.750.40.8
5–20 t0.050.20.450.10.5
Near the source5t outboard0.70.850.90.80.95
5t inboard0.550.
5–20 t0.10.250.450.30.55
Far from the source5t outboard0.20.70.950.40.7
5t inboard0.10.450.80.150.6
5–20 t0.050.20.550.050.4
Table 2. Tsunami Loss Functions Parameters for Damage Level 10
  Tsunami heightFlow velocity
LocationVessels typeμσR2μσR2
Whole region5t outboard0.99071.08460.88410.2341.10630.7087
5t inboard1.59460.95550.85750.27051.51150.8743
5–20 t2.47301.00150.87401.60581.16340.9716
Near the source5t outboard0.31891.78770.97111.89262.10350.7515
5t inboard0.39481.96020.93361.05272.18590.4496
5–20 t2.41491.23610.82411.26122.50550.9636
Far from the source5t outboard1.22220.62620.58040.46451.98820.5742
5t inboard1.68550.67540.64891.28441.21710.6319
5–20 t2.18810.77880.46481.91051.02310.7730
The results of this study were a primary attempt to apply classical methods for damaged buildings to damaged vessels in the macroscale, and might not yet be suitable for accurate loss predictions. The importance of the simulated flow velocity at very high accuracy for microscale assessment and the combination with tsunami height might improve the fitting of the functions. Studies on quantifying the relative influence of all parameters, applying tools that allow for automatic weighing of data points, allowing the absolute goodness-of-fit estimations, and quantification of uncertainty will be performed in future works.


This research was partially funded by the Willis Research Network (WRN), under the Pan-Asian/Oceanian tsunami risk modeling and mapping project, and the Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd., through the International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS) at Tohoku University. The writers appreciate the valuable comments of the reviewers and Dr. Ingrid Charvet of the Earthquake and People Interaction Centre (EPICENTRE) at University College London, as well as the assistance of Natt Leelawat of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management of the Tokyo Institute of Technology.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
Volume 140Issue 5September 2014


Received: Jul 8, 2013
Accepted: Oct 16, 2013
Published online: Oct 18, 2013
Discussion open until: Aug 6, 2014
Published in print: Sep 1, 2014



Anawat Suppasri [email protected]
Associate Professor, International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku Univ., 6-6-11-1106 Aramaki, Aoba, Sendai 980-8579, Japan (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected]
Abdul Muhari
Research Fellow, International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku Univ., 6-6-11-1106 Aramaki, Aoba, Sendai 980-8579, Japan.
Tsuyoshi Futami
Senior Catastrophe Analyst, Willis Re Japan K.K., 2-8, Toranomon 1-chome, Minato, Tokyo 105-0001, Japan.
Fumihiko Imamura
Professor, International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku Univ., 6-6-11-1106 Aramaki, Aoba, Sendai 980-8579, Japan.
Nobuo Shuto
Emeritus Professor, International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku Univ., 6-6-11-1106 Aramaki, Aoba, Sendai 980-8579, Japan.

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