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Feb 18, 2011

Eliminating Shrinkage Effect from Moment Curvature and Tension Stiffening Relationships of Reinforced Concrete Members

Publication: Journal of Structural Engineering
Volume 137, Issue 12


Experimental results on cracking and deformation behavior of RC members subjected to short-term loading are frequently misinterpreted because shrinkage effect is not taken into account. Even at first loading, free shrinkage strain of concrete may well exceed the cracking strain. The shrinkage strain, restrained by reinforcement, significantly affects the cracking resistance and short-term deformations of RC members. Despite this, most known constitutive laws were derived by using the test data of shrunk RC members under the influence of tension stiffening coupled with shrinkage effect. In this paper, a numerical procedure has been proposed for eliminating shrinkage from moment-curvature and tension-stiffening relationships. The procedure is on the basis of the smeared crack approach and layer section model. It combines direct and inverse techniques of analysis of RC members. The inverse technique, earlier proposed by the first writer, aims at deriving tension-stiffening stress-strain relationships from experimental moment-curvature diagrams. The shrinkage effect was eliminated by assuming in the direct technique a positive (expansion) free shrinkage strain. On the basis of the proposed procedure, free-of-shrinkage tension-stiffening and moment-curvature relationships were derived by using test data of shrunk RC beams obtained by the writers and reported by other investigators. It was shown that negative portions of the tension-stiffening curves disappear after eliminating shrinkage.


With the increasing application of high-strength materials resulting in longer spans and smaller sections, deflections frequently are the governing criterion in the design of RC structures. Cracking and tension-stiffening characteristics probably have the most significant effect on numerical results of deformations of RC members subjected to short-term loading (Gilbert 2007; Juozapaitis et al. 2010; Gribniak et al. 2010a, b). Tension stiffening is a property of concrete attributable to bond with reinforcement in sections between one crack and another to carry a certain amount of the tensile force normal to the cracked plane and to contribute to the overall stiffness of the structure. Tension stiffening is sometimes confused with tension softening, which is a property of plain concrete and may be modeled by using fracture mechanics principles. Many theoretical models have been proposed to predict cracking and tension stiffening. Generally, these models may be separated into four main approaches (Gribniak 2009):
Semiempirical: the earliest approaches on the basis of the simple formulas of strength of materials and effective geometrical characteristics of a cross section adjusted to test data. Such simplified calculation techniques are broadly represented in the design codes.
Stress transfer: the approaches aiming at modeling bond between concrete and reinforcement steel. The models, which are on the basis of bond stress-slip mechanisms, deal most realistically with discrete cracking phenomena (Lackner and Mang 2003; Kunnath et al. 2009; Wu and Gilbert 2009). However, this approach is not extensively used in practice because it often leads to complex mechanisms that require knowledge of complicated parameters.
Average stress-average strain: simple approaches, extensively used in numerical analyses, on the basis of the smeared crack model. Tension stiffening can be attributed either to the concrete (concrete-related model) or to the tensile reinforcement (steel-related model). In the former approach, it may be assumed that tension stiffening is effective either in the whole tension area or in the specified zone (close to reinforcement), called the effective area. In the effective area approach, the influence of tension stiffening is limited to a volume of concrete in relatively close proximity to the bar. Outside this zone, tension softening, the second mechanism of postcracking, prevails (Vecchio and Collins 1986; Torres et al. 2004). The steel-related model (Gilbert and Warner 1978; Hofstetter and Mang 1995; Feenstra and de Borst 1995; Salys et al. 2009) has been relatively rarely applied.
Fracture mechanics: the approaches on the basis of fracture mechanics principles to predict cracking behavior of RC elements. The fracture mechanics model is often used in combination with other approaches. Feenstra and de Borst (1995) proposed a numerical model, which combines fracture mechanics concepts with tension stiffening attributed to the effective tensile zone. Fantilli et al. (1998) modeled behavior of tensile RC members combining the fracture mechanics and the stress transfer approaches.
In this study, the approach on the basis of use of a uniform tension-stiffening relationship over the whole tension area of concrete has been applied. Stress in the concrete is measured as the combined stress attributable to tension stiffening and tension softening, collectively called tension stiffening. On the basis of this approach, a number of stress-strain constitutive relationships for cracked tensile concrete have been proposed. A comprehensive review on this issue has been performed by Kaklauskas (2001), Bischoff (2001), and Ng et al. (2010). Most of the tension-stiffening relationships were derived in a straightforward manner by using tensile tests of RC members. The first writer in coauthorship (Kaklauskas and Ghaboussi 2001) has proposed an alternative, inverse approach for deriving tension-stiffening relationships from test moment-curvature diagrams of RC members.
Shrinkage is another important, although most frequently neglected, effect related to short-term deformations of RC structures. In general practice, shrinkage along with creep is taken into account in prestress loss and/or long-term deformation analysis. However, even at first loading, free shrinkage strain of concrete may be of a magnitude well exceeding the cracking strain. Because of the restraining action of reinforcement, shrinkage induces tension stresses, which might significantly reduce the crack resistance and increase deformations of RC members. Because the previously mentioned effect is not taken into account, experimental results on the deformation and crack width behavior of RC members, subjected to short-term loading, are frequently misinterpreted. Furthermore, most known constitutive laws were derived by using test data of shrunk RC members under the influence of coupled tension-stiffening and shrinkage effects.
The necessity to assess shrinkage influence on short-term deformations of RC members has been recognized by Bischoff (1983), Gilbert (2001), Kaklauskas and Gribniak (2005), Gribniak et al. (2008), Kaklauskas et al. (2009), and Gribniak (2009). Japanese researchers (Hashida and Yamazaki 2002; Tanimura et al. 2005, 2007; Sato et al. 2007) have performed a comprehensive experimental and theoretical investigation of the shrinkage effect on different types of RC members. Bischoff (2001), Fields and Bischoff (2004), and Bischoff and Johnson (2007) have reported experimental and theoretical investigations of shrinkage influence on tension stiffening in tension RC members. Similar analysis for flexural members has been performed by Bischoff and Johnson (2007) and Scanlon and Bischoff (2008). Empirical design code techniques indirectly include the shrinkage effect on deflections. In the numerical modeling, shrinkage can be taken into account in two ways: directly or indirectly. In the first case, it can be assessed as a prescribed deformation or a fictitious force. This analysis should be on the basis of tension-stiffening models with the excluded shrinkage effect. Such models can be obtained from moment-curvature diagrams with eliminated shrinkage. These are hereafter called the free-of-shrinkage relationships. In the second case, analysis is performed by using the laws in which tension stiffening is coupled with shrinkage.
In the present study, the inverse technique proposed by Kaklauskas and Ghaboussi (2001) has been improved by introducing a numerical procedure for eliminating shrinkage from moment-curvature and tension-stiffening relationships. On the basis of the proposed procedure, free-of-shrinkage moment-curvature and tension-stiffening relationships were derived by using test data of shrunk RC beams obtained by the writers and reported by other investigators.

Deformation Analysis of RC Flexural Members

The present investigation is aimed at developing a numerical procedure for eliminating shrinkage from moment-curvature and tension-stiffening relationships of RC members subjected to short-term load. The procedure combines direct and inverse techniques of analysis of RC members. In the direct technique, a moment-curvature diagram is calculated for the assumed material stress-strain relationships. The inverse technique aims at determining an average stress-average strain tension-stiffening relationship from a moment-curvature diagram of an RC member.

Approaches and Assumptions

The techniques are on the basis of the following approaches and assumptions: (1) smeared crack approach; (2) linear strain distribution within the depth of the section implying perfect bond between concrete and reinforcement; (3) uniform shrinkage within the section; (4) shrinkage-induced stresses do not exceed tensile strength of concrete fct(t); and (5) all concrete fibers in the tension zone follow a uniform stress-strain tension-stiffening law.

Strain in Concrete Attributable Shrinkage and Associated Creep

Shrinkage of an isolated plain concrete member would merely shorten it without causing any stresses [see Figs. 1(, a and c)]. Reinforcement embedded in a concrete member provides restraint to shrinkage deformation, leading to compressive stresses in reinforcement and tensile stresses in concrete [see Figs. 1(, b and d)]. If the reinforcement is asymmetrically placed on a section, shrinkage causes a nonuniform stress-strain distribution within the height of the section. The maximal tensile stresses appear on the extreme concrete fiber, close to the larger concentration of reinforcement [see Figs. 1(f, g)].
Fig. 1. Deformations of concrete and RC members attributable to shrinkage: (a) plain concrete section; (b) symmetrical RC section; (c) free shrinkage deformation; (d) shrinkage-induced deformations in a symmetrically reinforced element; (e) asymmetrical RC net section; (f) asymmetrical RC section; (g) and deformations in an asymmetrically reinforced element
Because shrinkage is a long-term effect, creep always relieves shrinkage-induced stresses. Concrete is an aging material, so its strength and modulus of elasticity increase with time, as does the shrinkage strain. Analysis is also complicated by interdependence between a stress history and a creep strain. The Trost-Bazant method, called the age-adjusted modulus method (Bazant 1972), gives a simple procedure for computing a strain under a varying stress. The method introduces the aging coefficient χ(t,t0), which assesses that the stress Δσc(t,t0) gradually applied from time t0 to t will cause smaller strain than the stress Δσc(t,t0) instantly applied at time t0 and kept constant until time t. For shrinkage analysis of a noncracked member assuming zero initial stress at time t0, the strain in concrete can be expressed as follows (Gilbert 1988):
in which Eea(t,t0) = age-adjusted effective modulus of concrete; Ec(t0) = modulus of elasticity of concrete at time t0; φ(t,t0) = creep factor; and εcs(t,t0) = mean free shrinkage strain of concrete assumed negative.

Direct Technique: Moment-Curvature Analysis Taking into Account Shrinkage Effect

Following references (Kaklauskas et al. 2009; Gribniak 2009), shrinkage is modeled by means of fictitious axial force Ncs(t,t0). For a noncracked member, it is expressed as
in which Ac = area of concrete net section [see Fig. 2(a)]. Fictitious shrinkage force Ncs(t,t0) is applied on the centroid of a concrete section [see Fig. 2(b)]. As shown in Fig. 2(c), the fictitious force in a nonsymmetrical section acts with an eccentricity exerting bending upon the member as follows:
in which yc,c and yc,rc = centroid coordinates of plain and transformed reinforced sections, respectively. Curvature κcs(t,t0) and strain εi,cs(t,t0) at any fiber i [see Fig. 2(d)] attributable shrinkage with creep taken into account can be calculated by the following formulas:
in which Arc(t,t0), Irc(t,t0) = area and the second moment of area of the reinforced section, respectively.
Fig. 2. Deformations of asymmetrically reinforced member attributable to shrinkage: (a) reinforced concrete section; (b) fictitious shrinkage force; (c) equivalent system of fictitious shrinkage force and bending moment in respect to the centroid of the transformed section; (d) distribution of deformations across the section; (e) and layer section model
Assume that a shrunk member at time t is exposed to external short-term bending. If the member is not cracked, strains and stresses attributable to shrinkage and external bending moment M can be calculated on a basis of superposition. After cracking, superposition is not valid and the stress-strain state can be assessed from nonlinear analysis on the basis of the layer section model [see Fig. 2(e)]. Cracking and nonlinear material properties are taken into account by means of secant deformation modulus. For the purposes of numerical analysis, it has been assumed that shrinkage effect is a short-term action, that is, the fictitious force is applied instantly as follows:
in which Ac,sec(t) = transformed concrete section; n = total number of layers; bi and ti = width and thickness of the i-th layer; αi,sec(t) = modular ratio that assesses reduction in stiffness of the i-th layer after cracking; and ki = material number assumed to be 1 for concrete and 0 for reinforcement layers. In Eq. (5), the effective shrinkage strain εcs*(t) has been introduced. As the creep effect, responsible for stress relief, is neglected, the reduced shrinkage strain εcs*(t) is used to obtain adequate stresses. It can be defined from the condition of equality of the steel strains calculated from the short-term and the long-term analyses of a noncracked member. For a symmetrical section, εcs*(t) can be obtained explicitly (Kaklauskas et al. 2009; Gribniak 2009); for asymmetrical sections, it is recommended to be numerically defined from the following condition:
in which εs,cs(t,t0) and εs,cs(t) = strains in the most strained reinforcement, including and excluding creep effect, respectively.
Curvature κ(t) and strain εi(t) at any fiber i [see Fig. 2(e)] are calculated by the following formulas:
in which Mcs*(t) = moment induced by shrinkage; and Arc,sec(t), Irc,sec(t) = area and the second moment of area of the transformed reinforced section, respectively. The latter cross-sectional characteristics are calculated by the following formulas:
in which yc,i = coordinate of the centroid of the i-th layer. Coordinates of the centroids yc,rc(t) and yc,c(t) are calculated as follows:
After cracking, fictitious force Ncs*(t) and the coordinates of the centroids yc,rc(t) and yc,c(t) decrease with increasing loads primarily because of reduction in the secant deformation modulus of concrete in tension.
The direct analysis is performed iteratively through the following steps:
Elastic material properties for concrete and steel layers are assumed in the first iteration.
The effective shrinkage strain εcs*(t) is calculated by Eq. (6).
Cross-sectional characteristics Arc,sec(t), Irc,sec(t) are calculated by Eq. (8).
Fictitious shrinkage force Ncs*(t) and bending moment Mcs*(t) are calculated.
Curvature and strain in each layer are calculated by Eq. (7).
For the assumed constitutive laws σ=f(ε), layer stresses are calculated as σi(t)=f[εi-εcs*(t)] for concrete and σi(t)=f(εi) for steel.
Secant deformation modulus Ei,sec(t)=σi(t)/εi(t) is calculated for each layer.
The previously mentioned secant deformation modulus is compared with the one initially assumed or computed in the previous iteration. If the agreement is not within the assumed precision, a new iteration is started from Step 3 by using new values of secant deformation moduli.
Although the analysis neglects creep, adequate stresses in concrete and reinforcement are obtained. The curvature component attributable to creep is as follows:
in which Irc(t,t0) is calculated as for a noncracked section. Then a total curvature is as follows:

Inverse Technique: Deriving Tension-Stiffening Relationships from RC Beam Tests

In contrast to the direct analysis, which results in prediction of structural response by using a specified constitutive model, the inverse analysis aims at determining parameters of the model on the basis of the response of the structure. The present investigation deals with the behavior of RC flexural members and aims at developing a technique for selecting parameters of the tension-stiffening model. The selected parameters will allow modeling the same moment-curvature response as it was measured at the tests. This section sketches a solution of the inverse problem, discussing major aspects only, and presents a step-by-step application example of the proposed inverse technique.
The first writer in coauthorship (Kaklauskas and Ghaboussi 2001) has formulated the principles of the inverse technique for deriving tension-stiffening relationships by using the test data of RC flexural members. For a given experimental moment-curvature/strain curve, a stress-strain tension-stiffening relationship was computed from the equilibrium equations of axial forces and bending moments. The layer section model was used for computation of the internal forces. Analysis was performed with incrementally increasing bending moment. The two equilibrium equations were solved for each loading stage, yielding a solution for the coordinate of neutral axis and the concrete stress in the extreme tension fiber. Because the extreme fiber had the largest strain, other tension fibers of concrete had smaller strains falling within the portion of the stress-strain diagram, which had already been determined. The tension-stiffening relationship was progressively derived assuming portions obtained from the previous increments.
The present research uses the inverse technique modified by the second writer (Gribniak 2009). Modifications were aimed at improving computational efficiency and reducing the influence of scatter of the test data points of moment-curvature diagrams on the analysis results. The analysis is on the basis of the direct technique and the previously mentioned concept of a progressive calculation of the tension-stiffening relationship for the extreme tension fiber of concrete. The assumption of uniform stress-strain tension-stiffening law for different layers allows reduction of the dimension of the solution to a single nonlinear equation. For a given load increment, an initial value of the secant deformation modulus of a tension-stiffening relationship is assumed and a curvature is calculated. If the calculated and experimental curvatures differ, methods of iterative analysis are used to obtain the solution for the secant deformation modulus.
Fig. 3 presents a flow chart of the inverse technique. On the basis of geometrical parameters of the cross section, the layer section is composed. Stress-strain material laws for steel and compressive concrete are assumed. Computations are performed iteratively for an incrementally increasing bending moment. At each moment increment i, an initial value of the secant deformation modulus of the tension-stiffening relationship under derivation is assumed equal to zero (Ei,0=0). Curvature κth,i is calculated by the direct analysis. If the agreement between the calculated and the experimental curvature κobs,i is not within the assumed tolerance Δ(|δi,k|=|(κth,i/κobs,i)-1|>Δ), that is, condition 1 is not fulfilled (see Fig. 3), the analysis is repeated by using the hybrid Newton-Raphson and Bisection procedure (Gribniak 2009) until Condition 2 is satisfied. At each iteration k, a secant deformation modulus Ei,k is calculated. If the solution is found, that is, Condition 1 is satisfied, the obtained value of Ei.k is fixed and used for next load increments. If the limit iteration number is exceeded (k>N=30), the calculated Ei,30 is rejected, meaning that the secant deformation modulus Ei is not defined at the moment increment i, and the analysis moves to the next load step. The calculation is terminated when the ultimate loading step is reached (Condition 3). The analysis results in the derived tension-stiffening relationship. Application of this relationship in the direct analysis would give the original moment-curvature diagram.
Fig. 3. Flowchart for solving the inverse problem
As described, the inverse analysis is performed incrementally by using the constitutive law obtained at previous loading stages. Consequently, the error made at a given moment increment will have influence on the shape of the remaining part of the constitutive law under the construction. Although in absolute terms similar at all loading stages, the errors of curvature measurements at early stages have a much greater relative effect on the resulting tension-stiffening curve. Therefore, particular care should be taken in the early stages of analysis associated with small curvatures. Because before cracking concrete both in compression and tension essentially behaves elastically, a limitation on curvature has been introduced; the curvature calculated by using the elastic material properties should exceed the experimental one. If this limitation is not satisfied, the test curvature is replaced by the calculated one.
To illustrate the proposed technique, a detailed step-by-step numerical analysis has been performed for beam S-1 (see Table 1) tested by Gribniak (2009). The beam had a relatively small amount of tensile reinforcement (p=0.4%); therefore, its deformation behavior was highly affected by the tension-stiffening effect. The beam was tested under a four-point bending scheme with small load steps, approximately 80 increments in total. Such testing allows obtaining moment-curvature diagrams suitable for the solution of inverse problems.
Table 1. Basic Parameters of RC Members
1.V-01-13WB (Sato et al. 2007)2001601502536530.6a1931.06-263.0
2.V-01-13DB (Sato et al. 2007)20016015025312132.5a1931.06-5.6
3.NC1 (Tanimura et al. 2007)2502102005806379.1a1931.38-397.0
4.LC (Tanimura et al. 2007)2502102005807073.9a1931.38-12.0
5.S-1 (Gribniak 2009)30027623280309574847.32120.40-194.6
The compressive strength determined from 100×200mm cylinders.
The constitutive laws assumed in the analysis are shown in Fig. 4. Both measured and idealized stress-strain relationships for steel are shown in Fig. 4(a). The compressive behavior of concrete was modeled by Eurocode 2 [see Fig. 4(b)]. The test moment-curvature diagram is shown in Fig. 4(c). The constitutive stress-strain relationship under construction is shown in Fig. 4(d). In this example, the elastic curvature limitation was imposed. Because of this, no credible conclusions can be drawn regarding the cracking point corresponding to the start of the softening behavior in the tension-stiffening relationship [see Figs. 4(c, d)].
Fig. 4. Constitutive relationships assumed in the analysis for (a) reinforcement steel and (b) compressive concrete; (c and d) solution of the inverse problem at fixed load increment
Consider load increment 20 marked in the moment-curvature diagram. The constitutive stress-strain relationship and the corresponding secant modulus derived at load stages 1–19 are presented in Fig. 4(d). At load increment 20, the convergence was reached after eight iterations. As seen, the initial value of secant deformation modulus was assumed equal to zero. Intermediate solution points along with the initial point (E20,0=0) and the portion of stress-strain diagram derived for load increment 20 are shown in Fig. 4(d).
Because of the discrete cracking phenomenon and stochastic nature of the test data, experimental moment-curvature relationships have some oscillations. The tension-stiffening relationships obtained from the inverse analysis also have oscillations that may become dramatic because of the accumulative nature of the proposed procedure. To reduce the influence of extreme measurement points on the results, a smoothing procedure on the basis of the Monte Carlo simulation and the modified running-average method has been developed (Gribniak 2009). A MATLAB code of the proposed inverse procedure is given in the latter reference.

Numerical Procedure for Eliminating Shrinkage

This section presents a numerical procedure for eliminating shrinkage from moment-curvature and tension-stiffening relationships. It combines the direct and the inverse techniques described previously.
The numerical procedure is illustrated by the tests of two singly reinforced beams reported by Sato et al. (2007). The tests have included shrinkage and creep recordings. Basic parameters of the two beams (V-01-13WB and V-01-13DB) are presented in Table 1. Most of the characteristics of the beams, excepting curing conditions, were almost identical. The beam V-01-13WB was prevented from shrinking (wet curing), whereas the beam V-01-13DB was exposed to the drying condition. This resulted in different shrinkage strains (see Table 1) and, consequently, in different moment-curvature relationships shown in Fig. 5(a). The beam V-01-13WB, prevented from shrinking, had a larger cracking resistance and smaller curvatures than the beam V-01-13DB. Before the test, the latter beam had a camber because of restraining shrinkage effect. However, in common practice of constitutive modeling, such deformations are ignored. Fig. 5(a) shows the moment-curvature diagrams as obtained from tests. The shrinkage eliminating procedure was performed in the following steps sketched in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Technique for deriving free-of-shrinkage moment-curvature and tension-stiffening relationships by using the test data of two RC beams reported by Sato et al. (2007)
By using the experimental moment-curvature diagrams of the shrunk RC beams shown in Fig. 5(a), tension-stiffening relationships were derived by the inverse technique. The resulting tension-stiffening relationships with normalized stresses in regard to the tensile strength by Eurocode 2 are presented in Fig. 5(b). This figure clearly illustrates that different tension-stiffening relationships can be obtained for identical specimens when shrinkage is neglected. Although similar in shape, the relationships for the shrunk (V-01-13DB) and the nonshrunk (V-01-13WB) beam had difference in maximum stresses, reaching, respectively, 55 and 80% of the tension strength fctm(t) predicted by Eurocode 2. The limit strains, at which the descending branch reached zero stress, were also different for the beams. Furthermore, the descending branch of the beam V-01-13DB had a portion of negative stresses.
By using the tension-stiffening relationships, obtained in Step 1, moment-curvature diagrams were calculated by the direct technique. In this analysis, to eliminate shrinkage effect, the free shrinkage strain is assumed positive, that is, as the expansion strain. The calculated free-of-shrinkage moment-curvature diagrams are shown in Fig. 5(c). It is shown that the moment-curvature diagrams of the two beams have practically coincided. These diagrams were shifted to zero curvature point as a small negative curvature (camber) was attained in the beam V-01-13DB because of the assumed expansion of the concrete.
By using the preceding moment-curvature diagrams, free-of-shrinkage tension-stiffening relationships were calculated by the inverse analysis. As shown in Fig. 5(d), the tension-stiffening relationships have almost coincided, meaning that shrinkage was eliminated. The descending branch of the relationship of the beam V-01-13DB has lifted up with the negative stresses disappearing.
The validity of the proposed numerical procedure has been shown for the case of high-strength concrete when the significant autogenous shrinkage strain component was present. For that purpose, the test data of two beams reported by Tanimura et al. (2007) were used. As in the previous example, characteristics of the beams (LC and NC1, see Table 1), excepting the free shrinkage strain, were very similar. Some difference in the compressive strength of the concrete could also be seen.
As shown in Fig. 6, despite a significant difference in the test moment-curvature diagrams, the calculated tension-stiffening and moment-curvature relationships after eliminating shrinkage were in good agreement for the beams. Some marginal diversity could be explained by the difference in the concrete tension strength. As in the previous example, negative stresses in the tension-stiffening relationships were removed. The oscillations in the tension-stiffening relationships shown in Fig. 6 are attributable to numerical peculiarities of the sensitive procedure (Gribniak 2009), reflecting the stochastic nature of the discrete cracking.
Fig. 6. Eliminating the shrinkage effect from moment-curvature and tension-stiffening relationships by using the test data reported by Tanimura et al. (2007)

Experimental Investigation

Description of Test Beams

To study the shrinkage effect on short-term deformations and tension stiffening, tests on three RC beams have been performed. The specimens were of rectangular section, with the nominal length 3,280 mm (span 3,000 mm), depth 300 mm, and width 280 mm. The beams were tested under a four-point bending scheme with the concentrated forces dividing the span into three equal parts. Main geometrical and material characteristics of the beams S1-3, S2-3, and S3-2-3 are presented in Table 1. In the tension zone, the beams were reinforced with three deformed bars of 18, 14, and 10 mm in diameter, respectively. Stirrups in the shear span and top reinforcement were also provided.
Concrete mix proportion was assumed to be uniform for all the beams. Ordinary Portland cement and crushed aggregate (16 mm maximum nominal size) were used. Water/cement and aggregate/cement ratios by weight were measured as 0.42 and 2.97, respectively. Before the short-term tests of the beams, measurements on the concrete shrinkage and creep were performed. Free shrinkage measurements were performed on the fragments of the test beams (280×300×350mm).
Experimental moment-curvature diagrams needed for deriving tension-stiffening relationships were obtained in two ways: from deflections and from concrete surface strains, both recorded in the pure bending zone. Concrete surface strains were measured throughout the length of the pure bending zone on a 200-mm gauge length by using mechanical gauges. Four continuous gauge lines were located at different depths, with two extreme lines placed along the top and bottom reinforcement. Measured strains were averaged along each gauge line. The tests were performed with small increments (2 kN) and paused for short periods (approximately 2 min) to take readings of gauges and to measure crack development. In total, it took from 40 to 60 load increments. Deflections were automatically recorded at 1-kN load increments. Good agreement was achieved for the moment-curvature diagrams obtained from deflection and strain measurements. The present analysis is on the basis of the data obtained from average strains.

Deriving Free-of-Shrinkage Moment-Curvature and Tension-Stiffening Relationships

The test moment-curvature diagrams of the beams are shown in Fig. 7. Because of small load increments, the diagrams did not possess a clear horizontal part corresponding to the start of formation of major cracks. Moment-curvature diagrams after eliminating the shrinkage effect by the proposed technique are also presented in Fig. 7 by a gray line. Quite a striking difference between the transformed and the original curvature diagrams (at least not acceptable for constitutive modeling purposes) can be seen for the beams with a greater reinforcement ratio.
Fig. 7. Experimentally measured and transformed moment-curvature diagrams
The derived tension-stiffening relationships without eliminating the shrinkage effect are shown in Fig. 8(a). Maximal stresses attributable to the effect causing additional tension in the bottom concrete surface and consequent reduction of the cracking resistance were well below the tensile strength. It should be pointed out that the tension-stiffening diagrams derived for the beams with a greater reinforcement ratio (the beams S1-3 and S2-3) contained portions of negative stresses. The descending branches of the tension-stiffening relationships characterized by the limit strain (corresponding to zero stress) were quite different for the beams. Because the amount of tensile reinforcement was the only different parameter between one beam and another, it is expected to be responsible for the difference. Previous research has shown the limit strain dependence on the reinforcement ratio as follows (Kaklauskas and Ghaboussi 2001):
Fig. 8. Tension-stiffening diagrams derived from experimental data of RC beams: (a) ignoring shrinkage and (b) after shrinkage elimination
Normalized limit strains, calculated by Eq. (12), were 12.4, 18.7, and 25.1 for beams S1-3, S2-3, and S3-2-3, respectively, and well agreed with the ones obtained from present tests [see Fig. 8(a)].
The derived tension-stiffening relationships after eliminating the shrinkage effect are shown in Fig. 8(b). On the basis of this figure, two observations can be made. First, maximal stresses have approached the tensile strength. Second, the tension-stiffening relationships obtained for different beams have approached one another and the portions of negative stresses practically disappeared.
The preceding analysis shows that the shrinkage occurring before the short-term loading has quite a substantial effect on deformations of RC members and the tension-stiffening relationships derived from the tests. Therefore, the shrinkage effect should be disregarded neither in constitutive modeling nor in the design problems requiring high accuracy. Future tests aimed at the constitutive modeling should either eliminate shrinkage or perform shrinkage and associated creep recordings for the subsequent assessment of this effect.

Concluding Remarks

This paper is aimed at modeling tension stiffening in flexural RC members subjected to short-term load. The joint behavior of steel and concrete interface in tension, characterized by major and secondary cracking of concrete and slippage of reinforcement, is one of the most complex issues in the theory of RC. Because of this complexity, theoretical investigations are inseparable from the experimental ones. Moreover, most constitutive laws were derived on the basis of the experimental results. Two main shortcomings should be observed regarding the tension-stiffening laws derived from test data. First, the laws were developed from the tension or shear tests but most frequently are applied for modeling of bending members. Second, the shrinkage effect was neglected. Shrinkage characterized by the free strain, for normal-strength concrete at 28 days approximately -2×10-4, attributable to the restraining action of reinforcement causes tension in the concrete and may significantly affect the cracking resistance and deformations of RC members. In spite of this, the constitutive laws were derived by using the test data of shrunk RC members, which resulted in tension stiffening coupled with the restrained shrinkage effect.
In this paper, a numerical procedure has been proposed for eliminating shrinkage from the moment-curvature and tension-stiffening relationships. The procedure combines the direct and the inverse techniques of analysis on the basis of the layer section model. The inverse technique, earlier proposed by the first writer in coauthorship, has been modified by the second writer to reduce the influence of scatter of test data points of the moment-curvature diagrams on the shape of tension-stiffening relationships under derivation. The shrinkage effect has been eliminated by assuming in the direct technique a positive (expansion) free shrinkage strain. On the basis of the proposed procedure, free-of-shrinkage moment-curvature and tension-stiffening relationships were derived by using the test data of shrunk RC beams obtained by the writers and reported by other investigators. It was shown that negative portions of the tension-stiffening curves have disappeared after shrinkage was eliminated.


The writers gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the Research Council of Lithuania (research project No. UNSPECIFIEDMIP-126/2010). The second writer also wishes to acknowledge the support by the Research Council of Lithuania for the Postdoctoral fellowship granted within the framework of the EU Structural Funds (project “Postdoctoral Fellowship Implementation in Lithuania”).


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Go to Journal of Structural Engineering
Journal of Structural Engineering
Volume 137Issue 12December 2011
Pages: 1460 - 1469


Received: Jul 14, 2010
Accepted: Feb 16, 2011
Published online: Feb 18, 2011
Published in print: Dec 1, 2011


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Gintaris Kaklauskas [email protected]
Professor, Head of Dept. of Bridges and Special Structures, Vilnius Gediminas Technical Univ., Sauletekio av. 11, LT-10223, Lithuania (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected]
Viktor Gribniak [email protected]
Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Strength of Materials, Researcher, Dept. of Bridges and Special Structures, Vilnius Gediminas Technical Univ., Sauletekio av. 11, LT-10223, Lithuania. E-mail: [email protected]

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