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Dec 16, 2012

Professional Societies Making Engineering Outreach Work: Good Input Results in Good Output

Publication: Leadership and Management in Engineering
Volume 13, Issue 1


This paper addresses the current and potential impact of the outreach activities that engineering professional societies (and others) offer to children and young adults and describes how to advance the outreach state of the art by using methods and tools that most engineers routinely use in their technical projects but do not typically transfer to an outreach project: research, training, adoption of best practices, and awareness of user needs and culture. Also critical, assessment (establishing goals, identifying outcomes metrics, and evaluating success) is discussed in the companion paper “Outcomes-Based Assessment: Driving Outreach Program Effectiveness” published in this special issue. Specifically, the paper discusses challenges facing professional society outreach efforts; key and proven practices for outreach success, including assessment; and the use of social science research in designing outreach programs. An extensive list of resources available to assist in designing effective engineering outreach is also provided.
Outreach to children and young adults is an important component of professional society missions. We know that outreach activities provide valuable leadership opportunities for society members, create visibility for the society beyond its membership, and are satisfying and fun to mount. What we often do not know is whether these activities achieve the overarching goal of encouraging people to enter and persist in engineering studies and, ultimately, to pursue careers in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Authors of a National Academy of Engineering (2002) report, Raising Public Awareness, estimated that engineering organizations spent $400 million on outreach, communications, and educational activities, not including the value of volunteers’ time, a number based on responses to a question on a 2001 National Academy of Engineering (NAE) survey for total annual outreach expenditures.
This paper addresses the current and potential impact of the outreach activities that engineering professional societies (and others) offer to children and young adults and describes how to advance the outreach state of the art by using methods and tools that most engineers routinely use in their technical projects but do not typically transfer to an outreach project: research, training, adoption of best practices, and awareness of user needs and culture. (Assessment—establishing goals, identifying outcomes metrics, and evaluating success—is also critical and is discussed in the companion paper “Outcomes-Based Assessment: Driving Effectiveness of an Engineering Outreach Program for Girls” in this special issue.) Specifically, the paper discusses challenges facing professional society outreach efforts; key and proven practices, including assessment, for outreach success; and the use of social science research in designing outreach programs. An extensive list of resources available to assist in designing effective engineering outreach is also provided.

Engineering Outreach: A Large Investment Delivering Modest Results

The National Academy of Engineering (2007) report Rising Above the Gathering Storm highlighted the critical U.S. need for engineers and technologists. As summarized by Dr. Charles Vest, president of NAE, “Our economy, national security, and quality of life depend on engineers, so it is disturbing to see how few Americans, particularly young people, understand the importance and excitement of engineering” (Vest 2012). The important recommendations of the report are the foundation of the president’s National Competitiveness Initiative (Office of Science and Technology Policy 2007), federal legislation, and discussions among government, academic, industry, and engineering profession leadership. They are also reflected in the Obama administration’s policy on encouraging women and girls in STEM, which states that “increasing the number of women engaged in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields is critical to our Nation’s ability to out-build, out-educate and out-innovate future competitors.” (The White House 2011). These recommendations are reiterated in Rising Above the Gathering Storm, Revisited: Rapidly Approaching Category 5, which found that the outlook for US competitiveness had not only worsened, but is reaching a tipping point. (NAS 2010) and in a 2012 ACT policy report “Maintaining a Strong Engineering Workforce” (Noeth et al. 2003).
As minority groups increase as a percentage of the U.S. population, increasing their participation rate in engineering is necessary to maintain the overall participation rate in engineering among the U.S. population (NAE 2007; National Science Foundation [NSF] 2002; NAE 2011). Increasing diversity in engineering is also essential to fueling innovation. As Nick Donofrio, former executive vice president of innovation and technology at IBM, noted, “Other countries are going to outnumber us in graduating engineers, but we need diversity of thought and innovation to stay ahead. We need women and minorities, or we have a bleak future” (quoted in Frehill et al. 2008).
The number of women entering or graduating from engineering programs at the undergraduate level has modestly increased in recent years, but the percentage of women has declined as the number of men earning engineering degrees has increased. From 2001 to 2009, the number of women earning undergraduate engineering degrees grew by 7.0% while the number of men grew by 22.3%, resulting in a decline in the percentage of undergraduate engineering degrees awarded to women from 20.1% to 18.1%. Women from minority groups are severely underrepresented in engineering. During 2001–2009, the percentage of undergraduate degrees going to Hispanic women grew slightly from 1.6% to 1.8% and the percentage going to Black women declined from 1.7% to 1.3% (NSF 2012).
This situation is not due to a lack of investment of time and finances by engineering professional societies. These societies are leading and prominent providers of engineering outreach messaging, activities, and materials in the United States. Professional societies reach hundreds of thousands of children, young adults, and volunteers annually. In addition, engineering societies’ impact extends beyond direct initiatives offered by the societies. Volunteers and materials from societies are found in activities driven by corporations, colleges and universities, K–12 schools, and youth-serving programs. Most societies have professional staff and volunteer committees dedicated to engineering outreach, and many have developed or identified discipline-specific activities for implementation by member volunteers. As noted earlier, engineering professional societies invest an estimated $400 million annually in outreach to address these issues. This impressive outlay of resources generates a dismal return when one considers the primary outcomes metric: how many students choose to enter, and then persist in, engineering.
To further complicate matters, outreach activities take many shapes and forms, from dedicated websites for outreach (e.g., Engineering Outreach Society, to activities offered by individual members and visits to classrooms. This lack of overarching, coordinated, and well-assessed outreach programs makes it difficult to maintain standards or know which activities are successful. A more comprehensive professional approach is needed to identifying outreach activities that are effective.
Those underrepresented in engineering—racial and ethnic minorities and girls and women of all races and ethnicities—are a key audience, but there is little evidence that outreach activities reach individuals in these groups effectively. Although all societies have increasing diversity in the engineering profession as a stated mission, a 2004 American Society of Engineering Education study found that a high percentage of outreach programs reach, or are intended to reach, minority students, “the actual numbers of minority participants within these programs are low” (Douglas et al. 2004). For example, of the programs surveyed, only 15% of the participants reached were Black, 5% Hispanic, 3% Asian American, and 2% Native American. (The number of girls reached within minority populations was not reported, but it can safely be assumed that it was low.) Developing the awareness and techniques to attract underrepresented girls to engineering activities and to engage them in a community of potential engineers is an urgent priority.

Challenges Facing Professional Society Outreach

Anecdotally and through research on specific program activities, we know that engineering outreach programs have the potential to make a tremendous impact on the presidential and congressional goal supported by engineering and science industrial and academic leaders throughout the country of broadening the participation of girls and young women in engineering and technology (NSF 2004, 2006 a, b; Heller and Martin 1994; Mannix 2001; Goodman et al. 2002; American Association of Engineering Societies 2003; Jain et al. 2009). While societies expend considerable resources on K–12 outreach activities designed to introduce precollege children to, and engage them in, engineering and engineering career paths, no comprehensive record of these activities beyond anecdotal evidence or reports of discrete offerings exists. In an unpublished survey of engineering societies by the Society of Women Engineers in 2009, six organizations—one with 10,000 to 20,000 members and five with 20,000 to 50,000 members—responded to a question on their knowledge of member outreach activities. Only the smaller society reported that it knew most of the activities their members undertook; all others could only estimate the participation of their members. This lack of data makes it difficult to maintain standards or know if the activities are successful.
We have established that in light of the significant investment of time and financial resources, engineering outreach efforts have minimal impact. Why? The traditions and cultures, funding models, governance, and structures of professional societies are barriers to changing the status quo. Understanding these challenges, summarized in Fig. 1, is necessary to transform the barriers into platforms for success.
Figure 1. Challenges for engineering outreach

Multiple Stakeholders with Multiple Objectives

There are many stakeholders in engineering outreach, and their goals and objectives are not always compatible in practice. These disconnects can undermine outreach efforts. For example, while the universally stated goal of society outreach is to introduce children and young adults to engineering and recruit more people into the profession, an unstated but influential goal is to provide leadership training and volunteer activities for members. The latter too often leads to the volunteers themselves becoming the de facto audience of outreach efforts rather than the children and young adults that the activities supposedly serve. If keeping volunteers engaged is an unstated goal, then proven practices like vetting, training, and critiquing volunteers is difficult lest they become offended, disaffected, or less enthusiastic about society involvement or even membership (Bogue and Marra 2007; Wharton 1991). Nonetheless training for volunteers to increase their knowledge and understanding of targeted audiences and motivation to reach them is basic to outreach success (Haynes and Nykiel 2005).
Other stakeholders bring additional objectives. Many companies use a three-pronged philanthropic strategy of “do good, look good, and feel good” (Rosen 2012). Corporate sponsors value having their name associated with an activity acknowledged as successful by attendees and volunteers. Of course, sponsors expect that their philanthropy will “do good” and that the event will yield future engineers. But corporate sponsors, like the volunteers they sponsor, are often unaware of how to properly assess and evaluate the efficacy of programs. Given the time and training needed for performing research, developing objectives, and implementing pre- and post-event evaluations, often sponsors accept volunteers’ evaluations that rely on “look good” measures of quantity (i.e., number of children, adult influencers, and volunteers who gave positive feedback on the event) rather than quality (i.e., sustained impact on participants, continuous improvement, and measured outcomes). More than 100 corporate CEOs formed a coalition, Change the Equation (, to “foster widespread literacy in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) that sparks an innovative spirit in students and prepares them for postsecondary options.” Recognizing that their philanthropic investments in STEM should see greater results, the coalition issued “Design Principles 2.0 for Effective STEM Philanthropy” (Change the Equation 2012). Consistent with the arguments presented here, the design principles will increasingly focus corporate sponsorship on programs that provide evidence of meeting objectives.

Working to Reach Underrepresented Populations

Volunteers are key to reaching—or, it has to be said, repelling—diverse audiences. The dilemma for traditional professional societies in developing activities that attract and are effective with boys and girls of all races and ethnicities is that the society members themselves are predominantly male and Caucasian. Husbands et al. (2002) noted that most organizations have an “unproductive image of ‘who a volunteer is,’” leading them to recruit leaders and volunteers they know and who look like them rather than those who are from the demographics that the activities are designed to attract and serve. Ultimately, this disconnect underscores the need to create inclusive environments in the engineering organizations, to attract diverse volunteers into outreach activities, and to build culture and gender awareness in all volunteers. Such initiatives will also make society membership more attractive to those underrepresented in engineering who are not now joining, including younger engineers. To be successful, organizations must go beyond asking nontraditional members to volunteer; such members must be recruited to leadership positions, have the ability to drive changes in existing programming and the organization overall, have the expectation of being listened to (Latting 1990), and be recognized for their contributions to the society and the discipline.

Distributed Implementation and Ad Hoc Approaches by Volunteers

Another disconnect is that societies’ formal expertise in outreach is held by a small number of staff, while the implementation is typically done by very large numbers of volunteers geographically dispersed from each other and from the society leadership. Volunteers, when well trained, can make an impact (Baker et al. 2000; Wasik 1998; Haines 1990). While there is a dearth of literature on volunteerism in terms of motivation and effective management (Husbands et al. 2002), there are examples of effective training programs (Felix et al. 2004, Countryman 2009, 2011). Managing volunteers—from recruiting to screening to requiring training—is a foundational challenge to providing effective outreach. The staff experts have little formal “authority” over the actual outreach interaction and can only work to persuade the volunteers to adopt best practices. If the outreach staff of a society is judged by how many activities are offered and how many volunteers are engaged, there is no motivation to understand whether the nominal audience—the participants—are learning what they are intended to learn, much less act on it.
Volunteer members, the backbone of society outreach efforts, are knowledgeable on engineering and enthusiastic about their profession. But typically, they have little training beyond the mechanics of the activity, have no knowledge of marketing to young people, lack cultural and gender awareness, are inexperienced in the delivery of education, and generally do not have the expertise to implement the best outreach activities. It is illogical that any engineering professional would undertake outreach projects without appropriate preparation. How many engineers would design a new process or component using only ideas observed from others or without understanding the requirements of the design? Successful projects survey internal and external conditions, define prospective audiences, research specs, review existing designs (especially for activities or programs that have run for years), identify outcome metrics and decide how to measure them, validate and verify the project design, and more. Yet, the former scenario is the prevailing practice in engineering outreach. For example, many organizations’ long-running but outdated outreach programs are considered successful when measured by how many children, volunteers, and sponsors it attracts.
Again, if we look at industry as a model, offering the same product year after year without assessing changing customer needs, emerging markets, cost-effectiveness, or quality improvement opportunities would be a nonstarter. Over time, the product would fail to attract new customers and would convince existing customers to find a competitor. Although this is a nonviable industry model, this is the typical society outreach activity today. Too many programs are developed based on experiences, information, or support volunteer leaders thought they would have like to have had or remembered experiences that “turned us on” to engineering. These activities have continued without change not because they effectively engage participants in engineering in the long term, but because they continue to attract volunteer involvement, participants, and funding. The latter are important but alone cannot achieve the long-term goals.
Outreach activities that succeed in the overarching goal of motivating participants to prepare for and ultimately pursue an engineering career are based on established best practices: reports on which kinds of activities and practices work, academic and demographic research, surveys and other assessment tools to measure participant response, participants’ experiences and expectations, and meaningful evaluation of results. These practices, covered in more depth in the sections that follow, too often are missing from society-promoted or -sponsored outreach efforts.

Key Practices for Outreach Success

Assessment-Based Programming

To achieve good outreach, as measured by whether it engages children in engineering, activities need to be based on a solid foundation. Assessment-based practice is the core of successful event planning and delivery in outreach, just as it is in every engineer’s career success. Ideally, assessment begins at inception, either of the event or activity itself or of the annual organization cycle for delivery. Three practices are key to successful assessment-based programming. The first and overarching practice is integrating assessment throughout planning—from the selection of a primary goal and supporting objectives, to the identification of activities that can achieve them, to measurement of whether they were achieved, to the application of results to continuous improvement. Two additional practices—(1) the use of proven practices and (2) relevant social science research that looks at the characteristics of targeted audiences and the efficacy of outreach approaches and methodologies (now available in user-friendly formats)—help organizers define those objectives, identify how they will measure success, and create a sound platform for development and continuous improvement. In the sections that follow, we discuss these key practices and highlight several initiatives that provide resources easily accessed and are designed to be user friendly.

Understanding What Works and What Needs Work

Seeing happy kids at an event is heartwarming and satisfying, but the only way to understand the real impact of an activity is to measure it. Assessment should be integral to all activities or program planning and not limited to simple surveys and participant counts (Bogue and Marra 2007). Thinking about assessment from the beginning of the society’s planning cycle, rather than considering it as an add-on done primarily to meet funding requirements, is key to successful outreach efforts. Everyone involved in mounting an event, from the organizers to the volunteers, needs to understand whom they will be serving (audience), what problem requires action (needs assessment), what they aim to achieve through the event (goal), how that aim will be operationalized (objectives that can be measured), what activities or information will best serve the objectives (agenda), how to best design the activities or information delivery (proven practice of the society’s own and of others and insights from social science research), whether the goals and objectives were reached (e.g., surveys, formal observations, time and resource analysis) and finally how to achieve the continuous improvement of the event, activity, or overall programming.
For example, if the overarching goal is to introduce girls to engineering as an active, problem-solving profession, one of the organizers’ objectives may be to understand how participants describe engineering after an event. Knowing that they want participants to see engineering in this way, the organizers decide to offer a hands-on engineering challenge activity. The measurement of whether the activity achieves the objective is how participants respond to specific questions on a postevent survey. If participants actively connect the enjoyment of the hands-on experience to the enjoyment of an engineering career, then the organizers know their objective was met. If not, then they have the information to make the event better achieve their objectives—in addition to providing an enjoyable time for participants—the next time around. (A more detailed description of assessment for outreach practitioners is provided in the companion paper “Outcomes-Based Assessment: Driving Effectiveness of an Outreach Program for Girls” in this special issue.)

Proven Practices: No Need to Reinvent the Wheel

A proven practice is an initiative or program whose effectiveness in attaining its desired outcomes is supported by carefully crafted goals and objectives, comprehensive research, and assessment and evaluation. Developing and evaluating outreach activities that are research based, assessment based, and inclusive is an important endeavor that does require up-front investment but will yield greater results in the long run. Becoming aware of and reusing existing proven practices in professional society outreach, implementing consistent assessment practices, and integrating cultural awareness into outreach activities will improve the effectiveness of outreach. Creating an inclusive program cannot be seen as unnecessary or treated as an add-on, but must be integral to outreach efforts.


The foundation of any outreach resource or activity should be adopting the positioning and messaging as identified by the National Academy of Engineering in Changing the Conversation: Messages for Improving Public Understanding of Engineering (Committee on Public Understanding of Engineering Messages 2008). This project was the first-ever effort to use market research techniques to try to improve the public image of the engineering profession. The report offers messages and tag lines, tested with diverse audiences, that reposition engineering as a satisfying profession that involves creative ideas and teamwork, not just personal benefits and technical skills. It also recommends strategies and tools that the engineering community may use to conduct more effective outreach. By consistent use of tested messages in coordinated communications, the engineering community will benefit as repetition reinforces a message that is appealing to young people: make a world of difference through an engineering career.
The following are several outreach programs that have aggressively leveraged the Changing the Conversation messaging and positioning:
WGBH Design Squad ( is an online companion to the Design Squad television series. The goal of the website is to give children a stronger understanding of the design process and the connection between engineering and the things we all use in everyday life.
The National Academy of Engineering’s Engineer Your Life website ( is a guide to engineering careers for high school girls and the adults in their lives (parents, counselors, teachers, and other educators). The site introduces high school girls to young women engineers who embody these messages. It showcases engineering careers and illustrates that an education in engineering is both desirable and within their reach. It also provides engineers with compelling resources, training, and messages to use in their outreach events.
The Society of Women Engineers’ (SWE’s) Aspire outreach website features an event-in-a-box approach to volunteer activities ( and volunteer training on Changing the Conversation (Committee on Public Understanding of Engineering Messages 2008) and guidance from Techbridge, a STEM girl-serving initiative, discussed below, on how to be an effective role model.
The American Society of Civil Engineers ASCEville outreach pages designed for children ( includes a set of volunteer resources for use with different grade levels.
The Boston Museum of Science Engineering Is Elementary curriculum ( is a research-based, standards-driven, and classroom-tested curriculum that integrates engineering and technology concepts and skills with elementary science topics.

Reaching Underrepresented Populations

Practices that will attract more diverse participation at both the volunteer and attendee levels too often are seen as unnecessary or treated as add-ons rather than integral to outreach efforts (Shanahan 2006). Practices that do not explicitly reach out to diverse populations also fail to take advantage of the expertise of others—particularly researchers and diversity-based engineering societies. Effective outreach practices to reach and serve more diverse audiences are documented by a variety of national organizations and initiatives.
In addressing the question of why there are so few women in the STEM professions, the American Association of University Women (AAUW) summarized eight recent research findings that provide evidence that social and environmental factors contribute to the underrepresentation of women in science and engineering. They found that
“the answer lies in part in our perceptions and unconscious beliefs about gender in mathematics and science. Luckily, stereotypes, bias, and other cultural beliefs can change; often the very act of identifying a stereotype or bias begins the process of dismantling it” (Hill et al. 2010)
Without volunteer awareness of their own biases and the gender and cultural differences between them and young people, volunteers may unwittingly undermine the outreach activity. Outreach 4 Change ( has training resources from subject matter experts to build awareness and cultural competence in outreach volunteers.
Techbridge ( offers practical guidelines for corporate outreach that professional society volunteers can use in training and development. “Get Involved … Make a Difference: A Guide for Classroom Visits and Field Trips for K–12 Students” (Countryman 2009) presents practical tips and suggestions and profiles successful case studies in outreach to K–12 students. It is a part of a toolkit comprising sample hands-on activities and organizational tools that can be used for classroom visits by role models, field trips by students to the workplace, job shadow programs, and other outreach activities.

Adopting Proven Programs

There are three significant compilations of proven outreach programs. First, in 2004, BEST (Building Engineering & Science Talent) used rigorous research-based evidence to rate seven K–12 programs as “notable” in their effectiveness (BEST 2004b). Published in “What It Takes: Pre-K–12 Design Principles to Broaden Participation in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics” are the shared features from those programs to infer a framework of design principles. As a package, the design principles are considered what it takes to succeed: defined outcomes, persistence, personalization, challenging content, and engaged adults. Second, three reports, entitled “New Formulas for America’s Workforce: Girls in Science and Engineering” (NSF 2004), “New Formulas for America’s Workforce 2: Girls in Science and Engineering” (NSF 2006a), and “New Tools for America’s Workforce: Girls in Science and Engineering” (NSF 2006b), catalog 10 years of research on girls in science and engineering, including many outreach programs.
Third, the Bayer Corporation (2010) used the BEST framework to identify four criteria for evaluating programs: challenging content and curriculum, an inquiry learning environment, defined outcomes and assessment, and sustained commitment and community support. These criteria were used to identify 38 best practice programs and five promising practices programs. “Planting the Seeds for a Diverse U.S. STEM Pipeline: A Compendium of Best Practice K–12 STEM Education Programs” is a guide to “spark new partnerships and better ideas” in outreach efforts.

Using Social Science Research in Designing Outreach Programs

Although academic research can be impenetrable to people outside the field in which it is written, such research is valuable, and good programs use it in the development process to maximize effectiveness (Olson and Fagen 2007). There are many social science topics to consider and several theories in social sciences that developers of outreach programs should take into account, such as social cognitive theory, self-efficacy, social cognitive career theory, social identity, stereotypes and stereotype threat, beliefs about intelligence, spatial skills, and implicit bias, each discussed in the paragraphs that follow.
Social cognitive theory (Bandura 1989) posits three influences on people: their own behavior, their personal traits (e.g., personality, thoughts), and the environmental context. Each of these affects the other at one point or another. For example, when a child experiences an outreach activity, her prior experience will affect how she reacts to that experience, and the experience may then alter her behavior and thoughts about STEM in the future.
From the social cognitive perspective, self-efficacy, or the thoughts that individuals have regarding their ability to perform well in certain contexts or areas of ability (such as math or engineering), plays a key role in development. Individuals gauge their self-efficacy in an arena based on personal and observed experiences, discussions with others about their abilities, and their biological responses (e.g., sweaty palms, increased heart rate) to certain situations (Bandura 1989). For example, a girl who generally scores in the average range on math exams and who has not heard from teachers that she is good at math and gets anxious before math class would judge her self-efficacy in math as low. But a girl who also scores in the average range on exams but who does not experience anxiety before them and has an encouraging teacher might rate her self-efficacy in math as high. Social cognitive theory can also be applied to one’s choice of school subjects, major, and career (Olson and Fagen 2007).
From a social cognitive career theory perspective, the experiences described above might lead the first girl to a non-STEM career and the second girl to a STEM career. The significance for program development is that low self-efficacy has been shown to lower motivation to (in this case) pursue math. Outreach interventions can directly target developing self-efficacy as an objective or goal. Because self-efficacy in STEM can be improved by supportive mentors and adults, outreach efforts should focus on encouraging all children that they can succeed in STEM. In addition, even when math or science grades for boys and girls are similar, girls tend to think they are weak in those subjects and do not engage in them. Because these negative self-beliefs arise in part from cultural stereotypes (Hill et al. 2010), outreach programs must strive to analyze and lessen stereotypes and reactions to them.
Individuals also have social identities based on aspects of their surrounding culture and social groups, including the intersections of gender, race, and ethnicity. Dominant groups may view other groups, and the people perceived to be in them, positively or negatively compared with other groups. For example, boys as a group may perceive that girls as a group cannot do well at building things. At the same time, individuals within those groups derive some self-esteem based on these comparisons (Tajfel and Turner 1979). So because boys are “known” to be better at math, girls may accept this image of them.
Gender stereotypes about girls not being good at STEM-related studies might cause girls to identify less with STEM fields than boys do. Girls who do self-identify with STEM might experience stereotype threat (Steele and Aronson 1995; Marra et al. 2007), in which, for example, their identity as a girl faces the stereotype that girls are not good at math, which then affects their ability to perform while taking a math test. Stereotype threat has been shown in studies to lead to lower test scores, individually and as a stereotyped group, in an area in which the stereotype predicts that they will do poorly. This occurs because the person being tested carries the extra burden of the projected stereotype and the prospect of confirming that stereotype. This phenomenon has been shown in several situations, including examples with Caucasian men underachieving, and much research exists on ways of lessening the effect of stereotype threat for all populations (Singletary et al. 2010).
Research has also shown that when children and adults believe that their own hard work can improve their intelligence, they will work harder to overcome challenges. People who think intelligence is static, however, will often give up when faced with a challenge because they think it should not be hard and that effort will not help solve the problem (Hill et al. 2010). This research is particularly important in STEM because many people still believe that the ability to learn math and science is an innate talent or gift, rather than the product of hard, consistent work. These findings suggest that outreach volunteers should praise a child’s effort (“You worked hard to make that experiment work”) rather than saying the child is “smart” (“Your experiment worked because you are a natural engineer”). It is also possible to teach youth to believe that they can change their intelligence with effort, indicating that outreach, especially for groups underrepresented in STEM, should present the idea that intelligence is malleable. One way to stress this idea (also called a “growth mindset” as opposed to a “fixed mindset”) is to highlight famous people in STEM who needed to make great effort to succeed in school (Hill et al. 2010). Research has found that students who believed they had innate talent (fixed mindset) were risk adverse, less likely to seek out friends who were smarter than they, and less able to take advice and constructive criticism (see Hill et al. 2010).
One aspect of engineering that garners a lot of attention is the average difference in spatial skills between boys and girls. Although boys tend to score better on tests of spatial skills than girls, research has shown that these skills can be improved with practice (Hill et al. 2010). Thus, outreach to all students should include tasks that use these skills, such as video games or puzzles.
Demographic research also yields information about the prospective audience. For example, awareness that more girls than boys now take higher-level math (Hill et al. 2010) can inform the development of an activity designed to convince girls to use their math as engineers rather than with the older goal of convincing them to take higher-level math. In addition, although girls and boys graduate from high school and enter college prepared to complete the work required of a STEM degree, only 15% of women want to major in STEM (Hill et al. 2010). Thus, outreach should focus on the positive aspects of STEM fields.
Finally, even volunteers who outwardly treat boys and girls equally may subconsciously believe that the boys are better than the girls in STEM. This “implicit bias” (Greenwald and Banaji 1995) can affect how teachers and volunteers treat students, but learning about one’s own implicit bias and taking steps to reduce its influence on decisions and personal interactions will result in better outreach to youth. Implicit bias, or bias that is so much a part of our upbringing and thinking that we don’t recognize it as such, is a very effective way of undermining the best outreach efforts. A volunteer who believes that girls “just don’t like video games” will not be motivated to figure out how to get girls engaged in a video game activity. Consider having all volunteers take Harvard’s Implicit Association Test ( The test indicates that that even the best conscious intentions and conscious reflection can cannot easily “undo” our unconscious biases. The test can also measure change in attitudes and beliefs after a subject has learned to make different associations.

Resources Available on What Works

Having the time and resources to do outreach well is a valid concern for those offering and volunteering at society outreach events, and understanding or even accessing academic research may be difficult for those not in the corresponding academic field. In response, several organizations and initiatives have developed resources to translate research in STEM education, social science, and other fields into practical, jargon-free tips for outreach volunteers and professionals. Many of these resources have been funded through NSF dissemination, Gender in Science and Engineering (GSE), and extension grants. The sections that follow provide a sampling of proven resources that are designed to be user friendly and are available free through websites. Many more good resources are also available, but space requires limiting the list.


The Society of Women Engineers’ Assessing Women and Men in Engineering (AWE) Project is an NSF-funded initiative that provides easily adaptable surveys and other assessment tools for use in measuring typical STEM outreach activities (; Marra and Bogue 2004). The AWE Project also offers literature resources and capacity-building tools for STEM outreach and education personnel. AWE surveys are tested, free, and easily adaptable to engineering society activities. Paper surveys can be downloaded from the website or SurveyMonkey online versions requested by writing to [email protected]. Surveys are available for Grade 2–16 outreach activities (Spanish versions available); college-level mentoring, leaving and persisting in engineering, climate, and self-efficacy activities; and peer observation. AWE collaborates actively with the National Girls Collaborative Project and the National Academy of Engineering’s Center for the Advancement of Scholarship on Engineering Education (CASEE).
The Program in Education, Afterschool and Resilieny (PEAR) at Harvard University offers a searchable online database of assessment tools for informal STEM learning called Assessment Tools in Informal Science ( PEAR is designed to help researchers, evaluators, and practitioners access selected tools for assessing activity and program quality and outcomes. Based on research findings (Hussar et al. 2008), this database is a project of PEAR and Youth Development Researchers at 4-H.


The Applying Research to Practice (ARP) resources (, developed jointly by SWE and CASEE, provide practitioner-friendly access to research and scholarly literature rzelevant to the development of effective outreach activities. The ARP resources include papers on the following topics:
Stereotype threat (Singletary et al. 2010)
Motivational factors (Beier and Rittmayer 2008)
Self-efficacy (Rittmayer and Beier 2008)
Self-authorship (Creamer and Wakefield 2009)
Girls’ experience in the classroom (Bachman et al. 2009)
Gender differences in math performance (Amelink 2009a)
Gender differences in science achievement (Amelink 2009b)
Mentoring (Amelink 2008)
Retention of underrepresented college students in STEM (Rodgers 2009)
The talent crisis in science and engineering (Sevo 2009b)
Application of Title IX to science and engineering (Sevo 2009a)
The brain and gender differences (Davison 2012)
Increasing diversity in STEM by attracting community college women of color (Reyes 2012)
Communication styles in engineering and other male-dominated fields (Wolfe 2012)
Female interest in math (Amelink 2012)
Spatial skills (Metz et al. 2012)
Women with disabilities (Sevo 2012).
In addition to the ARP resources, the website includes information on attribution theory, changing problem solving, cooperative learning, questions in the classroom, career development theory, family influence, sense of community, and factors supporting the retention and persistence of female undergraduates.
CASEE, through its Engineering Equity Extension Service (EEES) project sponsored by the GSE program of NSF, has several research-based resources for practitioners. The Research to Practice in Engineering Education series (CASEE 2012) summarizes research in educational psychology, sociology, and behavioral science into one-page documents with practical suggestions for teachers and outreach volunteers categorized by research and audience. The Teachers Integrating Prior Scholarship (TIPS) resources include topics relevant to outreach such as reaffirming students’ self-worth, allowing them to build on prior knowledge, setting goals, increasing diversity in teams, encouraging them to appraise their efforts, encouraging questions by all students, addressing misunderstanding of STEM concepts, and others. The Data-driven Engineering Education Practices (DEEP) resources summarize research in engineering education aimed at faculty but has documents relevant to outreach volunteers on how faculty attitudes affect retention and culture in the classroom, self-efficacy, team performance, and other topics. Finally, the Responding to Administrative Priorities (RAP) resources condense social and behavioral science research for administrators, but topics relevant to outreach activities include reactions to being outnumbered (especially important for girls and minority students in STEM), video games and spatial cognition, perceptions of intelligence, and leadership skills.
A recent study (Committee on Public Understanding of Engineering Messages 2008) examined how adults and youth regard engineering and what messages would present a more accurate picture of engineering as a prosocial and relevant profession. The Changing the Conversation report and its partner website ( allow the engineering community to share messages and resources more efficiently.
An AAUW (2010) research report presented compelling evidence that can help explain the puzzle of Why So Few?. The report presents in-depth yet accessible profiles of eight key research findings that point to environmental and social barriers—including stereotypes, gender bias, and the climate of science and engineering departments in colleges and universities—that continue to block women’s participation and progress in STEM fields. The report also includes up-to-date statistics on girls’ and women’s achievement and participation in these areas and offers new ideas for what each of us can do to more fully open scientific and engineering fields to girls and women.

Best Practices

The New Directions in Engineering Excellence resources were developed by CASEE as part of the EEES project. These are easy to use, visually attractive booklets, videos, and slide presentations for K–12, undergraduate, and informal educators to recruit, retain, and advance women in the field of engineering by better engaging the diverse skills, interests, and backgrounds of their female students and connecting educational activities to engineering opportunities. The resources emphasize evidence-based research on best practices in engineering education. A thorough resource list and bold design elements offer users the option of finding and using academic research or reading quick overviews. Users will find information to enable them to introduce female students to the practical applications of their STEM degrees, to keep those students engaged throughout their undergraduate careers and beyond, and to help them achieve their fullest potential.
Each multimedia product distills key points from research on recruitment, retention, and advancement in engineering education; provides examples of and strategies for successful recruitment, retention, and advancement; and identifies and describes formal and informal steps as well as specific activities for educators. Each booklet addresses differences in strategies based on type of learning environment (formal or informal); learning activities (academic, experiential, or attitudinal), outreach environments, age of audience, and highlighted populations of underrepresented students. The books are organized in a similar way, with an introduction to both the series and the topic followed by information on and the context of the specific topic (recruitment, retention, or advancement). Each product also covers fostering persistence, mentoring, and evaluation and assessment of efforts toward each of the topics.

Collaboration Resources

Outreach 4 Change ( is an NSF-funded initiative to increase outreach capacity and effectiveness among engineering society leadership, staff, and outreach volunteers who are striving to connect and engage girls of all races and ethnicities with engineering. The American Indian Science and Engineering Society, the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, and the Society of Women Engineers are collaborating on the effort. On March 24, 2011, Outreach 4 Change held its first workshop in St. Louis during the NSBE annual convention. This one-day event focused on training engineering association leaders, staff, and outreach volunteers. Other workshops or sessions have been held for the American Association of Engineering Societies, Engineers Week Discover-E, and the National Girls Collaborative Project.
Beyond the workshops and sessions, Outreach 4 Change is a growing community educating and communicating about the need for outreach to all girls and the methods to do so effectively. The objectives are to build outreach capacity among the professional staff and volunteers who develop and offer these programs, engender a culture of assessment in the outreach community, create cultural awareness and integrate proven practices for underrepresented groups into outreach strategic planning and implementation, and create a network of knowledgeable society staff, members, and leaders committed to developing effective K–12 outreach activities with measureable outcomes.
The National Center for Women & Information Technology ( offers a clearinghouse of evidence-based resources relevant to girls, women, technology, and computing that are relevant for all STEM disciplines. Resources include statistics on women and girls in information technology (IT), links to assessment resources, information on careers in IT (including videotaped role models), lists of top-10 resources for promising practices for students, parents, and teachers; research reports like “How Can Encouragement Increase Persistence in Computing?” (Cohoon 2011), “How Can Companies Achieve Organizational Diversity?” (Ashcraft 2008), and “How Can Reducing Unconscious Bias Increase Women’s Success in IT?” (Ashcraft 2010); curriculum materials, posters, workbooks, talking points, webinars, and videos and programs-in-a-box; and turnkey solutions with components necessary for quick and strategic action.

Professional Societies—A Call to Extend Profession Leadership to Outreach

Engineering society volunteers and outreach leaders take pride in being talented professionals. Their professional society is key in the processes that transform engineering from an occupation to a profession: establishing a body of knowledge, defining qualifications for practitioners’ competence, and creating and enforcing standards and norms of conduct. Engineering professional societies can and should build on this legacy to become the leaders in effective engineering outreach nationally. Professionalizing practice among those who develop, implement, and offer outreach activities should be based on encouraging volunteers to apply practices they routinely use in their careers—developing effective design, identifying audiences and needs, undertaking internal and external surveys of resources and best practices, defining goals and objectives, and projecting outcomes and ways to measure them at the onset of a project—to outreach practice.
Most engineering professional societies offer some kind of outreach activities even without supporting evidence. They are typically led by experienced and successful engineers and engineering managers, and in the best case scenarios, these volunteers are supported by outreach professionals on society staffs. What is missing is crossover and collaboration.
The idea of coordinating engineering societies’ outreach efforts to achieve better results is current (NAE 2002, 2007; BEST 2004a). Reports by BEST (2002, 2004) and Bayer Corporation (2010) recommended building active partnerships. A collaboration of the American Association of Engineering Societies and the National Academy of Engineering offered two forums on the Changing the Conversation report in May 2008 and February 2009. At both sessions, society leadership again agreed that more collaboration is needed. Increased collaboration is seen in the adoption of Changing the Conversation messaging in Engineers Week and in the Changing the Conversation case studies ( But professional societies are leveraging only a small number of the collaboration opportunities. Outreach activities and findings are not proactively shared among societies and may even be seen as a competitive advantage. (Many resources are posted on websites, but with the societies’ own membership seen as the primary audience.)
Underuse of collaboration is particularly true of interactions between discipline-based and diversity-based professional engineering societies. The former often regard the latter as simply a source of diverse participants rather than endeavoring to engage the latter as a valuable resource when developing or revising activities to be more effective for diverse audiences. Diversity-based organizations specialize in developing activities based on the principles discussed in this paper, and collaborations between the diversity-based and discipline-based societies can yield high results.
A successful collaboration between a discipline-based and a diversity-based professional engineering society is found in the Summer Engineering Experience for Kids program (SEEK) program. SEEK is the National Society of Black Engineers’ premiere outreach program. The free 3-week program is designed to expose Black children to STEM fields as early as the third grade and through the 12th grade. The program uses NSBE collegiate members to expose the participants to young, Black undergraduates majoring in STEM. SEEK’s curriculum is SAE International’s award-winning A World In Motion® (AWIM) curriculum ( NSBE collaborated with SAE International to modify AWIM for third- to fifth-grade students served by the first SEEK camps.


Engineering professional societies have a leadership role to play in developing and offering outreach activities designed to introduce and attract more people to engineering careers. Engineering outreach is a direct result of the mission aspirations of professional societies, and the resulting activities, offered by highly trained engineering professionals, reach hundreds of thousands of children, expending significant resources. Unfortunately, the expenditure of resources in dollars, materials, and volunteer and staff hours has not resulted in gains in the number of children planning to study engineering or planning to pursue engineering careers. Currently, the leadership role of engineering societies rests primarily on the numbers of programs offered and participants served, rather than the achievement of meaningful outcomes that measure whether outreach activities meet stated goals. The geographic dispersion and autonomy of society outreach volunteers contribute to this problem, as does an outreach culture that does not value the assessment, documentation, and reporting of activities in formats that can be easily shared and adapted by others. Collaboration among discipline-based and diversity-based engineering professional societies is also lacking. The latter have a wealth of expertise in programming, particularly programming designed to attract diverse audiences, to share but are too often regarded as primarily a source of diversity supply rather than a planning resource.
These conditions can and should change. Societies should draw on professional engineering management practice and tools to work toward a forward-looking leadership that has the potential to create sound foundations for the recruitment and development of future engineers. Many user-friendly resources are already available that will help achieve this goal. Outreach 4 Change is a platform designed for engineering professional organizations to improve the effectiveness of their outreach to girls of all races and ethnicities. In addition to facilitating relevant training, resources, and case studies, it has the potential to drive collaboration between discipline-focused and diversity-focused engineering organizations. The potential for this platform—and the many other resources identified in this paper—will be realized only if engineering organizations assume the role of outreach leaders in the engineering profession. If engineering professional societies join together to create a culture of outreach practice that is as rigorous as worksite engineering practice and that is based on proven practice, academic and demographic research, and quality assessment, they will become truly effective leaders in the national goal to increase candidates for STEM careers.


The work of the AWE Project, Outreach 4 Change, and NAE CASEE was funded by the National Science Foundation: GSE/DIF–Enhancing Engineering Society Outreach for All Girls (EESO) Workshop Project, Empowering Professional Engineering Societies through Expertise in and Use of Best Practices and Assessment-Based Programming (HRD #HRD0937306); CASEE (Engineering Equity Extension Services, #HRD-0533520); and the AWE Project (HRD GSE #0120642, 0607081, 0010224, 0734072).


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Barbara Bogue is director, AWE Project, and associate professor of engineering science and mechanics and women in engineering, Penn State University, State College, PA.
Elizabeth T. Cady is program officer, National Academy of Engineering, Washington, DC.
Betty Shanahan is executive director and CEO, Society of Women Engineers, Chicago, and principal investigator, Outcomes 4 Change, Chicago.

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Go to Leadership and Management in Engineering
Leadership and Management in Engineering
Volume 13Issue 1January 2013
Pages: 11 - 26


Received: Jul 16, 2012
Accepted: Jul 24, 2012
Published online: Dec 16, 2012
Published in print: Jan 1, 2013


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Barbara Bogue, M.Sc.
Penn State Univ., Dept. of Engineering Science and Mechanics, 212 Earth and Engineering Science Building, University Park, PA 22307.
Elizabeth T. Cady, Ph.D.
500 Fifth St., NW, Washington, DC 20001.
Betty Shanahan, MSE, MBA
203 N. La Salle St., Suite 1675, Chicago, IL 60601.

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