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Sep 15, 2010

“If These Women Can Do It, I Can Do It, Too”: Building Women Engineering Leaders through Graduate Peer Mentoring

Publication: Leadership and Management in Engineering
Volume 10, Issue 4


To address the dropoff of women in engineering at the graduate level, the Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) program at Syracuse University collaborated with the Graduate School and Colleges of Engineering and Computer Science and Arts and Sciences to create a program for women graduate students in science and engineering. This paper provides an overview of available data on women in engineering and of the barriers they encounter. It then discusses the authors’ experiences with the WiSE Future Professionals Program (WiSE-FPP). Assessment data showed that WiSE-FPP provided a strong peer support network for program participants and gave the women an opportunity to engage with other women in STEM going through the same experiences. The peer mentoring offered by the program helped address barriers of isolation and the lack of successful women role models at the graduate level.
Just a few decades ago, it was rare to meet a woman with an undergraduate degree, much less a master’s degree or Ph.D., in engineering. The dearth of women in engineering was the consequence of social, political, and economic structures that reinforced gender stereotypes and role expectations. Due to social and political shifts in the middle of the 20th century, women have become more integrated into the engineering community. With social pressures from the women’s movement and legislation that addressed gender equity at universities and in the workplace, many of the formal barriers for women were removed.
More women began pursuing degrees and careers in engineering, resulting in a 30-fold increase in the percentage of Ph.D.s in engineering awarded to women since 1970 (Handelsman et al. 2005). Yet even with this increase, parity is still a long way off. Women remain underrepresented at all levels and sectors of engineering. In 2008 women made up only 10.4% of the civil engineering workforce, compared to 46.5% of the entire workforce in the United States (U.S. Department of Labor 2009). Table 1 shows the percentage of engineering degrees from 4-year universities that were awarded to women in 2008. At all levels, the percentage of degrees in engineering awarded to women was well below 50%. And while the numbers were slightly higher for bachelor’s and master’s degrees in environmental engineering, the percentage of women decreased significantly at the doctorate level.
Table 1. Percentage of Women at Each Level of Engineering Education, 2008
DisciplineBachelor’sdegreeMaster’sdegreeDoctoratedegreeTenured ortenure-trackprofessor
Civil engineering26.7%21.1%21.7%12.5%
Environmental engineering40.5%43.0%35.5%22.4%
Civil and environmental engineering28.7%25.0%24.0%13.6%
Mechanical engineering11.9%14.6%14.2%9.6%
Electrical engineering12.1%19.7%16.6%10.7%
Chemical engineering34.9%32.3%27.0%13.3%
Biomedical engineering38.6%42.8%34.9%18.4%
Aerospace engineering15.1%15.3%10.3%8.9%
Note: Data from Gibbons 2008.
To address the dropoff of women in engineering at the graduate level, the Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) program at Syracuse University collaborated with the Graduate School and Colleges of Engineering and Computer Science and Arts and Sciences to create a program for women graduate students in science and engineering. This paper provides an overview of available data on women in engineering and of the barriers they encounter. It then discusses our experiences with the WiSE Future Professionals Program (WiSE-FPP). We found that WiSE-FPP provided a strong peer support network for program participants and gave the women an opportunity to engage with other women in STEM going through the same experiences. The peer mentoring offered by the program helped address the barriers of isolation and the lack of successful women role models at the graduate level.

Data on Women in Engineering

There certainly have been improvements over the last 15years in the number of women entering engineering. In 1995, only 17% of all engineering bachelor’s degrees were awarded to women (Hill 1997). During the same year, 11% of all engineering graduate students were women. Sixteen percent of all engineering master’s degrees awarded in 1995 went to women, and women earned 12% of doctorate degrees in engineering (National Science Foundation [NSF] 1998). Even with the increase in the number of women obtaining engineering degrees, the percentage of women has declined at each level of education, a phenomenon frequently referred to as the “leaky pipeline.”
The leaky pipeline becomes even more apparent in the percentage of engineering faculty who are women. Women in tenured or tenure-track faculty positions in civil and environmental engineering are below the 25% mark (see Table 1). In a 2000 survey administered to Association of American Universities members, only 2.7% of engineering chairs were women (Niemeier and Gonzalez 2004). Of the current 377 Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology accredited programs, only thirty-nine had women deans. Of those thirty-nine, only six were in the field of civil and/or environmental engineering.
Data comparing the percentages of women who receive doctorate degrees and those who obtain a tenure-track faculty position reveal an average 10% dropoff rate (Niemeier and Gonzalez 2004). The dropoff rate is particularly high in the areas in which more women are obtaining degrees, such as environmental, chemical, and biomedical engineering. Of the four traditional areas of engineering—chemical, mechanical, electrical, and civil—women were more often drawn to chemical and civil engineering because of the common perception that these areas offered greater opportunities to have a positive social impact. In contrast, mechanical and electrical engineering have been, and continue to be, heavily dominated by men. Although engineers in these fields can certainly contribute to the social good, the general perception is that these areas are not as readily primed to allow professionals to contribute to positive social consequences. In the last few decades, engineering has broken up into more subdisciplines, adding specialized engineering fields such as environmental, biomedical, and aerospace. As detailed in Table 1, the percentages of women remain highest in those areas in which the ability to have a positive societal impact is most obvious, such as environmental, chemical, and biomedical engineering, and lowest in aerospace, mechanical, and electrical engineering.
While there are more women in certain fields of engineering, the numbers remain low overall. Since women are more likely to choose professions that they believe will provide social good (Muller 2003), the dearth of women in civil and environmental engineering is particularly surprising. Civil and environmental engineers have a great deal of capacity to address social issues through research focused on environmental health, environmental protection, and improved quality of life. Yet women do not flock to these disciplines the way they do to many of the social sciences, such as psychology or sociology. What are the barriers that continue the trend of the underrepresentation of women?

Barriers to Success

Contrary to previous arguments, there are no substantial differences in women’s and men’s aptitudes that can explain the low number of women in engineering (Muller 2003; Seymour and Hewitt 1997). Valian (2006) argued that any difference between genders in interest in math and science is due not to innate interest or abilities, but rather to the difference in the degree to which men and women receive support. Gender stereotypes about who would make a good engineer remain prominent at all levels of education (Muller 2003). According to Valian, gender schemas, or social attitudes regarding what it means to be a man or woman, keep women out of engineering. These attitudes influence how people interact with others and what they expect from others based on their gender. Because of gender schemas, men are more likely to be encouraged to enter the engineering disciplines, while women are more likely to be told that these are not appropriate fields to pursue. The encouragement toward math and science for men and discouragement for women begin early in elementary school and are carried on throughout all levels of college. The lack of support continues for women who pursue careers in engineering. Even many women who have received a Ph.D. in engineering and became tenure-track faculty typically received little to no support in their academic and research endeavors (Goodman Research Group 2002; Jenks and Maninder 2005; Rosser 2003).
Another reason for the low representation of women in engineering, including civil and environmental engineering, is the lack of female role models and mentors (Goodman Research Group 2002; Jenks and Maninder 2005; National Research Council 2009; Rosser 2003; Rosser and Taylor 2009). Because of the lack of women at all levels of education and careers in engineering, there are too few female role models for junior female members of the engineering community. Engineering is a particularly taxing field. Without support and guidance from other women, at both the junior and senior levels, women may find engineering to be an inhospitable discipline and may choose to focus their education and career goals toward other fields where they can find more support.

Addressing the Barriers

Taken together, the gender schema bias against women and the limited number of women role models in engineering create a general lack of community and social support for women in engineering. Where a strong support network with other women does not exist, marginalization and isolation of women continue to propagate (Dominici et al. 2009). One of the primary ways to address limited support for women is through formal and informal mentoring programs. Mentoring programs are an effective method for addressing the accumulated disadvantages women in science and engineering face (Chesler et al. 2003). Mentoring provides women much-needed support and encouragement in their academic and career endeavors. In addition to the support benefits, mentoring has been shown to improve women’s confidence in their skills and abilities (MentorNet 2010; Rosser and Taylor 2009). In sum, mentoring programs for women in engineering provide them with role models, support networks, encouragement, and confidence in their academic and career endeavors.
Although having senior position mentors can have positive influences on women in engineering (Gutner 2008), peer mentoring is particularly important because it gives women support networks with other women who are going through similar experiences, either in their education or in their careers. According to Chesler and Chesler (2002), peer mentoring is more likely to meet the support needs of women in engineering than hierarchical mentoring relationships. Peer mentoring programs provide a way for women in engineering to overcome isolation by developing relationships and building support networks with other women at similar stages in their careers. Research has suggested that peer mentoring provides role models for women faculty in engineering and has positive impacts on their career advancement (Chesler et al. 2003). Similarly, women graduate students benefit from developing peer mentorship relationships.
A number of initiatives and programs incorporate mentoring programs to address barriers to women in engineering in elementary and high school and at the undergraduate and faculty levels. For example, the Carnegie Science Center’s Girls, Math and Science Partnership provides mentoring for elementary and high school students. The National Science Foundation ADVANCE program provides support for universities to increase the number of women in STEM in academia. NSF encourages mentoring programs for faculty and now requires a mentoring program for postdocs for all grant recipients. There are also a variety of mentoring programs for women undergraduates studying engineering and science, including the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program and Distributed Research Experiences for Undergraduates (DREU). NSF ADVANCE supports women postdocs and faculty by providing multiyear funding to faculty-focused programs, such as the Network for Women Faculty and Women in Engineering Leadership Institute (WELI), in which faculty mentoring is a primary component. Some programs are aimed at mentoring women at all levels in engineering, math, and science, such as the Women in Engineering ProActive Network (WEPAN). MentorNet, an online mentoring network, provides e-mentoring for women and other underrepresented groups at all levels in science and engineering.
Yet there are surprisingly few mentoring programs that focus specifically on the graduate student level. Most programs are aimed at undergraduate students or faculty or have a multilevel focus. It is particularly important for students at the graduate level to have a strong social support network. While mentoring relationships for women in engineering at all levels have been shown to have positive influences (Gutner 2008), mentoring at the graduate student level is important for women to make strong connections early in their career development. Many women graduate students in engineering have few, if any, other women graduate students in their home department. Unlike undergraduate students, who are required to take courses outside their own discipline and interact with a variety of students across campus in their dorms, extracurricular activities, and classrooms, graduate students are often plugged into their own specialized studies and have little contact with others outside their department. With limited numbers of women in engineering departments at both the graduate student and faculty level, women graduate students can be very isolated (Belden et al. 2002; Committees on Women Faculty in the School of Science 1999; Congressional Commission on the Advancement of Women and Minorities in Science, Engineering and Technology Development 2000; Lord and Cohoon 2006; Rosser 2004; Sargent 2001). They have less access to social networks than their male peers (Lord and Cohoon 2006). Both faculty and peer mentoring are retention strategies for women graduate students in engineering (Committee on the Guide to Recruiting 2006).
The experiences graduate students have in their specific disciplines are strongly influenced by how well they feel connected to their research team, department, and the wider university campus. These experiences have an effect on whether they remain in school until the completion of their degree and the types of jobs they will seek on graduation. Creating a positive community for graduate women is much needed, especially since they are often bereft of senior women mentors and role models to whom they can turn for support (Rosser and Taylor 2009). Further, research suggests that peer support networks help reduce women’s decisions to leave their graduate programs (Lord and Cohoon 2006).
In sum, a lack of social support can lead to dissatisfaction in academic and career experiences for women graduate students in engineering. To address the need for specific programs that provide this type of support, the Women in Science and Engineering program at Syracuse University led a collaborative effort to create a professional development and academic support program specifically designed for women graduate students in the sciences, math, and engineering departments known as the Women in Science and Engineering Future Professional Program.

Women in Science and Engineering at Syracuse University

WiSE was developed at Syracuse University in 1999 by two senior faculty, the department chairs of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences, in collaboration with the deans of the College of Arts and Science and the College of Engineering and Computer Science. The overarching goal was to improve the academic climate for women in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields at Syracuse University via three main objectives: (1) to recognize the dynamic presence of women in STEM at Syracuse University at all levels; (2) to promote new scholarship initiatives in learning, mentoring, and advising approaches in STEM to maximize women’s educational and career success; and (3) to change the university climate to nurture women’s participation in STEM fields.
WiSE was established as a collaborative and interdisciplinary program to promote knowledge sharing and facilitate communication across disciplines. Interdisciplinary approaches have been shown to provide programs with greater success in innovation and collaboration (Building Engineering and Science Talent 2004). Through the collaboration of multiple colleges, a greater number of faculty and administrators became involved to help get the program off the ground. The need for collaboration is particularly salient for women in STEM, who have few other women colleagues in their own departments.
At its inception in 1999, WiSE included a mentoring program and a campuswide lecture series. The mentoring program offered role models and peer support to help undergraduate women in science and engineering engage in their education and career development. The program paired the undergraduate women with professionals in academia and industry who provided the students with mentoring and academic and professional training. In 2003, WiSE extended its programming to include a Learning Community (WiSE-LC) for women undergraduate students in science and engineering. WiSE-LC offered students an opportunity to live together on one floor of a dorm on campus as a way to develop peer mentoring relationships. Residential learning communities provide students with a nexus for academic, career, and social experiences. WiSE-LC residents developed study groups, ate meals together, and engaged in extracurricular activities together.
Seven years after its inception, WiSE embraced women graduate students in science and engineering with the Women in Science and Engineering—Future Professionals Program (WiSE-FPP). The primary objective of WiSE-FPP was to prepare women graduate students in STEM for leadership roles in their prospective fields by providing opportunities and guidance for developing peer and faculty mentoring relationships, establishing goals and timelines for the successful completion of their degrees, and proactively engaging in their career planning.

Program Overview of WiSE-FPP

WiSE-FPP was a joint program created by Syracuse University Graduate School and the Colleges of Engineering and Computer Science and Arts and Sciences. The Graduate School was home to a nationally leading teaching assistant training program, including the Future Professoriate Program, dedicated to providing graduate students in all disciplines with the skills, knowledge, and training necessary to obtain a faculty position and thrive in their professorship duties. The goals of the Future Professoriate Program were to prepare graduate students for the variety of responsibilities they would encounter as faculty members and provide positive change in academic culture by emphasizing the importance of teaching in graduate education. With a strong background in academic and professional preparation for graduate students, the Graduate School was well positioned to collaborate with the Colleges of Engineering and Computer Science and Arts and Sciences to develop a professional program for graduate students in science and engineering.
In 2007, the Graduate School distributed a survey to graduate students in these colleges to assess their professional development needs. The data collected suggested that graduate students in science, math, and engineering had special needs that could be addressed in a unique program aimed at individuals in these fields whose career goals were not limited to academia. In particular, women graduate students in science and engineering expressed a need for a program that would be focused on their professional development needs as women in these disciplines. Such a program would address many of the barriers to women in STEM discussed above, including isolation and lack of women role models.
Departing from the Graduates School’s original Future Professoriate Program, WiSE-FPP offered a multitrack approach for students interested in either industry or academic careers. The goal of WiSE-FPP was to provide women graduate students with the training and support they need to be successful in their academic and career endeavors. WiSE-FPP offered students opportunities to develop peer and faculty relationships, chart the necessary steps for the successful completion of their degree, and prepare for obtaining and retaining a professional position in academia or industry on graduation. The development of WiSE-FPP required the support of the chancellor, deans, and faculty of the participating colleges. Because mentoring was a primary element of WiSE-FPP, it was necessary to have faculty, especially women faculty and faculty with women advisees, take lead roles as mentors for the future WiSE-FPP students. With backing from the faculty and administration, WiSE-FPP was able to move forward in its pilot program.
During the first year of WiSE-FPP, the faculty facilitators sent out a call to all faculty in the Colleges of Engineering and Computer Science and Arts and Sciences for recommendations of women graduate students in good standing for this pilot professional development program. In their nomination letters, faculty were required to describe the progress of the nominated student and comment on her research skills and experiences. Nominees were informed of the program goals and activities and their own responsibilities, including attending the majority of WiSE-FPP events and completing evaluations of the events and their experiences with WiSE-FPP. During the 2007–2008 pilot year, WiSE-FPP associates included one master’s and ten Ph.D. students from the departments of engineering, physics, earth sciences, chemistry, biology, mathematics, and psychology, including two students from civil and environmental engineering.
The same nomination process was followed for the second year of WiSE-FPP; faculty in the same engineering and arts and science departments were contacted through a call for nominations for women graduate students to participate in the second year of the program. Associates from the first year were also invited to return for a second year. During the second year, nine of the eleven associates returned and were joined by an additional twelve newly nominated associates, for a total of twenty-one WiSE-FPP associates in the 2008–2009 academic year. The associates were from the departments of chemistry, biology, science education, earth science, physics, psychology, communication sciences and disorders, and engineering; three were from civil and environmental engineering.
Upon acceptance by WiSE-FPP leadership and agreement from the nominee, the nominees became WiSE-FPP associates. They received a yearly stipend of $400 for participation, $200 administered from WiSE and $200 from the Graduate School. Associates could participate for up to 2years and were required to complete their professional portfolio at the end of this time. The professional portfolio is a document created by the associate as a road map for her academic and professional development. It includes her degree requirements, academic and career goals, teaching and research philosophies, CV, and a record of her internships and job searches. (See Appendix I for a complete list of the portfolio components.) Each portfolio is individualized to reflect the academic and career goals of each associate and varies depending on the trajectory of the associate.
Because the women were at different stages in their academic careers and had varying goals, WiSE-FPP offered academic and professional development in both industry and academia. The associates who were more interested in faculty positions were able to focus more on developing a comprehensive CV, teaching philosophy, student evaluation reflections, and academic job searches. For those with the goal of obtaining a job in industry, WiSE-FPP offered opportunities to develop a resume, a research philosophy, and industry job search strategies. WiSE-FPP thus provided associates in the first 2years of their program an opportunity to evaluate their progress in degree completion, develop goals and a timeline for reaching those goals, and begin creating a teaching or research philosophy. Associates in the later stages of their degree program, especially those graduating within a year of their time in WiSE-FPP, were able to benefit from their associateship by creating a CV or resume and professional portfolio that were tailored to their imminent job search and by fine-tuning their research and teaching philosophies.
While the associates had unique goals and were at varying stages in their degrees, they all shared a common bond of being a woman completing coursework and research in a STEM discipline. This common bond, complemented by the variety of disciplines, career goals, and degree progression, offered the women opportunities to learn from each other while enjoying a network for academic, professional, and personal support. WiSE-FPP thus provided these women graduate students the opportunity to cultivate peer support networks that may otherwise be difficult to find.

WiSE-FPP Programming

WiSE-FPP programming included a variety of formal and informal activities for the associates. During the first year, WiSE-FPP activities included three lectures and informal meals with each speaker (one in the fall semester and two in the spring semester), two career planning discussion sessions (both in the fall semester), two peer-to-peer coffee meetings (one in each semester), and a work-life balance panel discussion (spring semester). The guest lecturers were women in the STEM fields. Two spoke about their research in the sciences, and one spoke about the direction of women in science and engineering.
The career planning discussions each had a different focus. The first, “Working in Academe: Teaching, Research, and Service,” was centered on becoming a faculty member. Three women faculty from two different universities discussed strategies for career success in academia and ways to develop a personal road map for meeting individual goals. The second career planning session, “Working in Industry: Skills, Commitment, and Challenges,” focused on developing a career in industry. Four women who worked in industry provided insight into career planning and networking for a job in industry. The work-life balance panel consisted of three women faculty members and one woman senior graduate student in engineering. The panelists discussed challenges they faced in balancing their work and family lives and the strategies they used to find balance.
Peer mentoring events were coordinated to give the associates a chance to develop personal relationships and exchange ideas with other women graduate students. The peer-to-peer events included catered meals at an associate’s home and coffee sessions at a local coffee shop. These events were informal opportunities for the associates to get to know each other and develop peer support networks with other women in science and engineering. The associates set their own agenda for each meeting and discussed topics of their choice. Topics included finding the right job, interviewing techniques, communication in interviews, balancing work and family life, time management, portfolio development, gender politics, and general experiences as a graduate student.
Associates also began developing their professional portfolios (see Appendix I). The purpose of the portfolio was to help associates develop an individualized plan and supporting materials directing them toward successfully completing their degree and staying on course for positions in academia or industry. Associates in their first year of WiSE-FPP are required to have working drafts of all components. Associates in their second year are required to complete their portfolio at the end of the year. During the first year of the program, associates began creating drafts of each part of the portfolio. Those who returned the following year finished each component for their final portfolio.
Several changes were made to programming in the second year of WiSE-FPP. On the basis of feedback following the first year, a professional portfolio workshop was added. This workshop involved five panelists, two from academia and three from industry. Prior to the workshop, associates submitted their CVs or resumes and other professional documents they wanted reviewed to two of the panelists. This gave the panelists an opportunity to go over the documents and make comments on them before meeting with the associates. The workshop session was organized so that each panelist met with three or four associates at a time to provide individual feedback. After the first group met, the associates switched tables and moved to the next panelist to whom they had sent their resume or CV. Again, the panelist met with a second group of three or four associates to review the materials they submitted. The workshop offered the associates one-on-one feedback from professionals in the area in which they wished to pursue their career.
Due to the positive feedback on the work-life balance panel, a second panel was held in the spring semester of the second year. The panel consisted of three women faculty and one woman graduate student. In addition, during the second year two speakers spoke about research by women in the geosciences and paleoceanography, and peer-to-peer sessions included a dinner at an associate’s house in the fall semester and coffee at a local café in the spring semester.

WiSE-FPP Assessment Methods

The authors conducted an assessment of the first 2years of WiSE-FPP. The assessment results supported findings in the literature (Chesler and Chesler 2002; Committee on the Guide to Recruiting 2006; Lord and Cohoon 2006) that the development of peer networks is an important component for women in STEM to succeed in their careers and future leadership roles. This section discusses the methodology of the assessment interviews and focus groups for both years.
We were interested in learning how WiSE-FPP and the peer relationships the associates developed in the program influenced the associates’ experiences as women graduate students in science and engineering. At the end of the first two academic years, assessment interviews were held to gather feedback. In the first year, two focus groups were held in the WiSE office on campus with three associates in the first group and five associates in the second group. An additional single interview was also conducted, for a total of nine interviewees out of the eleven participating WiSE-FPP associates. The focus group and interview questionnaire were broken into six categories: WiSE-FPP programming, WiSE-FPP events, peer support, course of completion, professional development, and additional comments and recommendations. For each section, questions were asked about associates’ expectations and assessments of the WiSE-FPP program components and activities. The associates also completed a survey questionnaire, distributed electronically, that asked them to rate WiSE-FPP program events throughout the year.
During the second-year assessment, seventeen associates out of twenty-one were interviewed individually at the end of the spring semester. We had received feedback from the associates who participated in the first-year assessment that the focus groups were not conducive for everyone to be able to express their feelings. In response, as our primary assessment method, we decided to conduct individual interviews to better accommodate the needs of the associates who were not comfortable expressing their opinions in larger groups. However, we also conducted one focus group with nine associates to be able to make the second-year assessment congruent with the first-year assessment. Individual interviews took place in the WiSE office. The focus group lunch was held in a seminar room across the hall from the WiSE office.
The associates were also asked to rank WiSE-FPP events. The questionnaire was distributed electronically to the associates and returned at the time of their individual interview. Similar to the first-year questionnaire, the second-year questionnaire asked associates about their experiences with WiSE-FPP, their mentor relationships, and recommendations for future WiSE-FPP activities. The interviews and focus groups were recorded, transcribed, and coded by the WiSE graduate assistant. Common themes were extracted from the interview and focus groups as a way to uncover patterns in interview responses. The following section provides an analysis of the common themes pulled from the data. For the purpose of this paper, we focus on assessment of the peer mentoring aspect of the program.

WiSE-FPP Peer Mentoring Assessment Findings

Overwhelmingly, the associates reported that the activities they found to be the most beneficial involved interactions with other women graduate students who were going through the same types of experiences. The peer-to-peer activities provided a forum for the associates to meet with their colleagues, discuss their experiences as women graduate students in STEM, and learn from each other. These activities, which included coffee chats, dinners, and postlecture receptions, offered the associates informal opportunities to talk and get to know each other.
As discussed earlier, women in STEM are frequently isolated and have limited support networks in the workplace (Belden et al. 2002; Committees on Women Faculty in the School of Science 1999; Congressional Commission on the Advancement of Women and Minorities in Science, Engineering and Technology Development 2000; Lord and Cohoon 2006; Rosser 2004; Sargent 2001). The objective of the peer-focused activities was to give the WiSE-FPP associates a chance to develop and foster support networks. By providing a forum for the associates to meet and talk with each other in an informal setting, they were able to make connections and build relationships with each other. Such relationships and support networks are especially important for women in STEM for their personal and professional growth at all stages of their careers (Kram and Isabella 1985).
Associates from all departments agreed that having a support system was a crucial element in their graduate school experience. However, not all associates looked to other WiSE-FPP associates for that support. Four associates said that they did not feel that they developed a rapport with other associates; the reasons they gave included not having attended enough events to get to know each other very well and having other support systems in place. For example, associates in the psychology department, which has more women graduate students than men, did not feel the need to develop relationships with other WiSE-FPP associates because they had support systems in their home department. In contrast, the engineering associates were more likely to report feeling isolated in their departments and looked to their WiSE-FPP peers as a support network. The peer-focused events were particularly meaningful to the students in engineering, physics, and chemistry, all male-dominated fields.
In addition to the peer-only events, the associates from all disciplines said that they found the work-life balance panels particularly inspiring. The panels consisted of women graduate students and faculty, so it was both a peer mentoring and faculty mentoring event. The associates reported that the ability to learn life-balancing strategies from women at different levels in their careers was particularly valuable. The work-life balance panels provided real-life scenarios, and associates reported that they provided a “good picture” of how to handle the pressures in balancing work and personal lives. By hearing how other women dealt with negotiating multiple roles, the associates felt “empowered.” According to one associate, these panels made her feel that “If these women can do it, I can do it, too.” Rosser and Taylor (2009) argued that faculty mentoring helps improve women’s confidence; we found that peer mentoring for graduate students can have a similar effect.
The associates agreed that joining WiSE-FPP was helpful in their professional development and that building relationships was a key aspect of their professional growth. One associate reported that the feature of WiSE-FPP that she appreciated the most was “having an opportunity to meet with other women informally … [because] it was excellent bonding between associates.” Another associate said that through the peer-focused events, she was able to get “lots of good advice about teaching and how to deal with students and [about] writing my teaching philosophy.” Several associates commented that they enjoyed the peer coffee chats because of the casual atmosphere. Their comments indicated that the associates liked the opportunity to meet with their peers and develop peer mentoring relationships.
A civil and environmental engineering associate from China provided a perspective that was shared by other international associates. She reported that WiSE-FPP gave her an opportunity to get to know other women graduate students in engineering, particularly beneficial because she was able to learn from them about cultural differences and “deal with cultural shock.” The program enabled her to learn from fellow associates about cultural norms in the American academy such as how universities operate, appropriate relationships with professors, and strategies for dealing with challenges as a graduate student. She felt she had made many mistakes when she first arrived in Syracuse and began her graduate studies, but that the women in WiSE-FPP had helped her figure things out.


Assessment findings from WiSE-FPP reveal the importance of peer mentoring for graduate women in engineering. Overall, the associates reported that building social networks was important to them as they progressed in their academic and career development. Although some associates had support from women outside of WiSE-FPP, they all agreed that it was valuable to have women peers during their graduate education from whom they could receive guidance, support, and self-confidence.
Because isolation, lack of encouragement, and limited female role models are major barriers to women in engineering, it is necessary for women to develop support networks with other women at their level. As anticipated, we found that the WiSE-FPP peer mentoring provided this support for women graduate students. In addition, the WiSE-FPP associates noted two additional benefits that we had not predicted.
First, associates cited the program’s importance as a way to help build their confidence in their abilities to handle the stresses associated with balancing the multiple roles of teacher, scholar, wife, and mother. Empowerment was the overarching theme of the interviews: The associates reported that by hearing stories about how other women overcame challenges, they felt empowered to deal with their own struggles in managing multiple roles.
Second, WiSE-FPP offered a way for international students to become culturally assimilated into university life as a graduate student in the United States. Many of the international associates had attended college in their home country and had learned the norms at those institutions, but they had to adapt to a whole new set of cultural norms as graduate students in the United States. The peer mentoring they received from other WiSE-FPP associates helped them learn those norms and handle the stresses associated with adapting to cultural differences.


The development of women leaders in engineering involves more than just technical skill development. Equally important to obtaining and succeeding in leadership roles is developing support networks with peers. Such networks are important for women to develop early in their graduate careers to help build their confidence, provide them with personal and professional support, and prevent them from “leaking” from the engineering pipeline. Having opportunities to develop peer support was a principal aspect of WiSE-FPP for the associates. The associates were able to hear about personal experiences and learn from other graduate women in academic STEM programs. Because women in engineering are so often isolated, being able to meet and build relationships with other women graduate students is an important aspect in building successful women engineering leaders.
The lack of female role models remains a barrier to women advancing in their engineering careers, and peer support networks have been shown to contribute to the academic and career success of women (Chesler and Chesler 2002). Peer mentoring programs like WiSE-FPP provide women with positive role models early in their careers and offer them a chance to interact and learn from successful women at the same level. We found that peer support networks can also improve women graduate students’ general optimism and confidence levels. Through hearing other women graduate students talk about their own challenges and strategies for dealing with teaching, research, and negotiating multiple roles, the WiSE-FPP associates felt more prepared to meet their own challenges.

Appendix I. WiSE-FPP Portfolio Project Description

The portfolio is self-directed and tailored to your specific academic and career goals. The portfolio should function as your individual “road map” for successfully completing your degree and for conducting career planning either for faculty research positions or careers in industry. In that sense, every portfolio (completed in your second year with WiSE-FPP) will be individualized to reflect your road map.
Components of the portfolio are as follows:
Outline of your academic and career goals: This page should identify your academic and career goals and provide a general timeline for when you expect to reach each goal. You should clearly define each goal, such as completing comprehensive exams, oral defense, dissertation, and so forth, and state when you expect to complete each.
Description of department expectations for completing your degree and professional development in your chosen field: This description should include specific departmental criteria and faculty input on the requirements and expectations for academic and professional success.
Evolving drafts of CVs or resumes and cover letters: As your teaching and research experiences grow, you will update your CV or resume to reflect your new skills and create unique cover letters for every job to which you apply. You should include copies of all your cover letters and CVs or resumes in your portfolio.
References and letters of recommendations: You should begin thinking about whom you will ask for references and letters of recommendation as part of your job search. This part of the portfolio should include names of individuals who know you and your work and can provide positive details about you as a student and researcher. Explain your relationship to them and why you think they are appropriate references. You may also include copies of recommendation letters you have already received.
Job search information: This part of the portfolio should include information you have gathered about your job search through discussions with your advisor, workshops or lectures you have attended, and other materials you have collected. If you have begun searching for jobs, you should include a brief explanation of what you have done to search for employment and a list of places you have sent your CV or resume.
Critical reflection statement: This part of the portfolio is your opportunity to reflect on your goals and your academic and professional experiences. You should explain where you get your inspiration and the steps you have taken to meet your goals. Include your teaching and research experiences. This part should reflect your career goals and can include any of the following that are relevant to your goals:
A teaching philosophy statement for academic careers, student evaluations, evaluation by a peer of your teaching, and so forth;
A research statement that highlights your research interests and philosophy; and
An example of a final project, such as a computer program or a published paper, that you can annotate and explain.
Outline of academic and career activities: This outline should document what you have done to meet your academic and career goals. Include relevant organizations of which you are a member, activities in which you have participated, classes you have taken, and any other efforts you have made to lead you closer to meeting your goals.
Critical reflection on your experiences as a WiSE-FPP associate: This page should explain the WiSE-FPP events that you attended and note which ones you found most useful. Record the events that you attend and provide a critical analysis of each one.


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Shobha Bhatia is a Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professor for Teaching Excellence in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Syracuse University. She is also codirector of the Women in Science and Engineering Program at Syracuse University. After receiving her Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Dr. Bhatia joined the faculty at Syracuse University in 1980. She has more than eighty publications and has taken on leadership roles in a variety of professional organizations and committees. Dr. Bhatia has worked with colleagues to develop international collaborations and research programs focused on women in engineering and science.
Jill Priest Amati received her master’s degree in public administration in 2009 and is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the department of anthropology at Syracuse University. As the graduate assistant for the Women in Science Engineering Program, Amati conducted and analyzed the interviews and focus groups for the Women in Science and Engineering Future Professionals Program.

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Published In

Go to Leadership and Management in Engineering
Leadership and Management in Engineering
Volume 10Issue 4October 2010
Pages: 174 - 184


Received: Jul 1, 2010
Accepted: Jul 1, 2010
Published online: Sep 15, 2010
Published in print: Oct 2010


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Shobha Bhatia, Ph.D., M.ASCE

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