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Technical Papers
Apr 12, 2018

Crop Water Use and Crop Coefficients of Maize in the Great Plains

Publication: Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Volume 144, Issue 6


Maize water use was measured by water balance in a 6-year field trial in the west-central Great Plains of the United States. Seasonal water use of the 102-day maturity class variety varied from 616 to 774 mm, with an average of 666 mm. About 10% of the seasonal crop evapotranspiration from the drip-irrigated crop was estimated to be evaporation from the wet soil surface following precipitation or irrigation. Seasonal crop evapotranspiration averaged 68% of tall (alfalfa) reference evapotranspiration and 82% of short (grass) reference evapotranspiration. Derived basal alfalfa-reference crop coefficients, Kcb, matched the ASCE Manual of Practice 70 (MOP #70) [Jensen, M. E., and Allen, R. G., eds. (2016). Evaporation, evapotranspiration, and irrigation water requirements, ASCE Manual of Practice 70, 2nd Ed., ASCE, Reston, VA] values fairly well during crop development, but mid-season values were about 1.05, which exceeded MOP #70 values by about 10%. Short reference Kcb values matched MOP #70 {and Food and Agricultural Organization Irrigation and Drainage Paper #56 [Allen, R. G., Pereira, L. S., Raes, D., and Smith, M. (1998). Crop evapotranspiration: Guidelines for computing crop water requirements, FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper 56, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.]} recommended values fairly well. The derived basal crop coefficients were linearly related to crop canopy ground cover, which provided an excellent way to scale Kcb during both the crop development and maturation stages.


Increased water requirements for growing populations and environmental restoration, along with declining groundwater supplies, will result in reduced water supply for irrigated agriculture in the western United States and many semiarid areas of the world. However, the productivity of irrigated agriculture must be sustained and increased to meet increasing global food needs. Thus, irrigated agriculture must become more productive with reduced water supplies.
Efficient irrigation water use depends on correct irrigation scheduling to meet, but not exceed, crop water requirements. A common way to predict crop water requirements for irrigation scheduling is the two-step method described in Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Irrigation and Drainage Paper #56 (FAO-56) (Allen et al. 1998). This method relates the crop evapotranspiration, ETc, to that of a reference crop, ETref, with a crop coefficient, Kc. Accuracy of this methodology is improved by use of a dual crop coefficient (Allen et al. 1998), in which the crop coefficient Kc is partitioned into a basal crop coefficient, Kcb, and a wet soil evaporation coefficient, Ke. The basal crop coefficient includes plant transpiration from a nonstressed crop and slow diffusive evaporation through a dry soil surface. When soil water availability or plant hydraulics is inadequate to meet the atmospheric evaporative demand, actual transpiration is decreased and Kcb is multiplied by a stress coefficient to predict the resulting reduced transpiration.
Reference ET is calculated from weather parameters that are used to predict energy transfers at the crop surface. Two reference crops are commonly used: a short 0.12-m grass surface and a tall 0.5-m alfalfa surface. Although use of the grass reference, ETo, is more common worldwide for a wide variety of crops, the taller alfalfa reference better describes the midseason ETc of many annual field crops (Wright and Jensen 1972; Jensen and Allen 2016) and is commonly used in the Great Plains of the United States.
Crop coefficients are derived by careful measurement of the ETc of a nonstressed crop and comparing the crop ETc with the ETref over the same time period
ETc is commonly measured by water balance (WB) techniques either in lysimeters or open fields through careful measurement of water inputs (precipitation and irrigation) and of soil water content changes. Weighing lysimeters are precise tools to measure ETc over short time intervals. Allen et al. (2011a, b) described factors important in measuring and reporting ETc data. The authors follow those guidelines in this paper.
Doorenbos and Pruitt (1977) in FAO Irrigation and Drainage Paper #24 published the first comprehensive set of ETo-based crop coefficients based partially on weighing lysimeter measurements made in Davis, California. These Kc values were updated in FAO-56 based on the Penman-Monteith combination equation for a grass reference. The dual crop coefficient method was also presented in FAO-56, which presented Kcb values for many crops. Wright (1982) presented new crop coefficients measured in weighing lysimeters in Idaho based on an alfalfa-reference crop. Allen et al. (2007) and Jensen and Allen (2016) in ASCE Manual of Practice #70 (MOP #70) presented lists of Kc and Kcb values based mainly on the Wright data but adapted to the ASCE Standardized Penman-Monteith equation for an alfalfa reference (ASCE 2005). The maize crop coefficients measured in this study will be compared with values presented in these publications.
Many maize water use studies have been carried out in the western United States (Wright 1982; Stegman 1988; Steele et al. 1996; Nielsen and Hinkle 1996; Howell et al. 1997, 1998, 2006; Suyker and Verma 2009; Piccinni et al. 2009; Payero and Irmak 2011; Djaman and Irmak 2013), China (Li et al. 2003; Kang et al. 2003; Parkes et al. 2005; Zhao et al. 2013; Zhang et al. 2013), India (Tyagi et al. 2003), Portugal (Rosa et al. 2012), and Brazil (Martins et al. 2013). Most of these studies report single crop coefficient values based on a grass reference. Howell et al. (2006) and Djaman and Irmak (2013) measured maize alfalfa-reference Kc values in Bushland, Texas, and south-central Nebraska, respectively. Recent studies in Portugal, China, and Brazil estimated Kcb values for maize based on grass reference using the SIMDualKc model (Rosa 2011; Rosa et al. 2012; Zhao et al. 2013; Zhang et al. 2013; Martins et al. 2013).
There remains a need for additional data on standardized alfalfa-reference basal crop coefficients, including methods to adjust crop coefficients for temporal variation, for current high-yield maize varieties and for varying cultural practices. In 2008, the USDA-ARS Water Management Research Unit in Fort Collins began a field study of the water use of maize under a range of irrigation levels. The objective of this paper is to present ETc and alfalfa- and grass-based Kcb values from 6 years (2008–2013) of fully irrigated maize from the study.

Materials and Methods

Experimental Site

The field experiments were carried out at the USDA-Agricultural Research Service Limited Irrigation Research Farm (LIRF) located northeast of Greeley, Colorado [40°26′50″ N, 104°38′10″ W, and 1,425 m above sea level (Fig. 1)]. The farm is located within a region of irrigated farmland, and irrigated fields surround the farm except for a 300-m-wide strip of rainfed grass east (predominantly downwind) of the farm. The 16-ha facility was developed to conduct research on irrigated crop water requirements and crop response to deficit irrigation. Irrigated maize is the dominant annual crop in the region. County irrigated maize grain yields (15.5% grain moisture) averaged 11  Mgha1 during the 6 years of the experiment (USDA-NASS 2015).
Fig. 1. Location of the USDA-ARS Limited Irrigation Research Farm (LIRF) in the U.S. Great Plains; inset shows the outlined experimental area within the research farm (map data © 2017 Google, image © 2018 DigitalGlobe)
The average annual precipitation at the semiarid site at the western edge of the central High Plains is 350 mm, with 215 mm between May 1 and September 30 (PRISM 2015). Annual and seasonal average precipitation during the 6 years of the study was slightly below normal (325 and 199 mm, respectively) primarily because of very low seasonal precipitation in 2012.
A 4-ha experimental field (Fig. 1) was divided into four equal crop sections in 2008–2011. Maize (Zea mays L.) was grown in rotation with sunflower (Helianthus annuus), dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum). Maize was grown for 1 year in each section of the field following winter wheat. Each field section was divided into four replicate blocks, and each block was divided into six 9×43-m plots containing 12 crop rows oriented north-south (with 0.76-m row spacing), to which six irrigation treatments were randomly assigned (randomized block design). The irrigation treatments always followed the same treatment of the preceding wheat crop. The east and west edges of each crop section contained a six-row fully irrigated buffer. In 2012 and 2013, only maize and sunflower were grown in rotation, and the number of treatments and section size were doubled. In this paper, the crop water use of the fully irrigated treatment is presented and discussed. A companion paper will describe crop water use under deficit irrigation for the remaining treatments.
The largest portion of the field experimental area contains Olney fine sandy loam soil (fine-loamy, mixed, superactive, mesic Ustic Haplargids). Other soils in the field are Nunn clay loam (fine, smectitic, mesic Aridic Argiustolls), in Blocks 3 and 4 of Section D, and Otero sandy loam (coarse-loamy, mixed, superactive, calcareous, mesic Aridic Ustorthents) in most of Section A (USDA-NRCS 2015). The soils are classified predominantly as sandy loams with some areas and layers of sandy clay loams and loamy sands. The field capacity water content of soil horizons averaged 0.24  m3m3 from 0- to 45-cm depth, 0.21  m3m3 from 45- to 75-cm depth, and 0.19  m3m3 from 75- to 105-cm depth. The effective root zone depth was assumed to be 105 cm because very little water uptake was measured below this depth. Total plant available water (TAW) was estimated from pressure plate analysis to be 50% of field capacity, or about 114 mm in the 105-cm root zone depth.

Crop and Irrigation Management

DeKalb brand 52-59 (VT3) maize seed (Monsanto Company, St. Louis, Missouri) was planted in 2008–2011 with a John Deere Maxiplex planter (John Deere, Moline, Illinois) in early May at 80,000 to 82,000  seedsha1. Final plant populations averaged 80,000  plantsha1. This 102-day maturity class variety first released in 2006 was a popular variety and maturity class in the region at the time of the study. The variety allowed good herbicide-based weed control and minimized lepidopteran (ear and root borer) insect damage. In 2012 and 2013, DeKalb variety 52-04, a similar but newer variety with the same 102-day maturity class, was planted at the same population as in 2008–2011.
The crops were managed to achieve high yields under fully irrigated conditions. Minimum tillage (reduced tillage in 2008, no tillage in 2009, and strip tillage in 2010–2013) was used to maintain surface residue from the previous wheat crop (approximately 50% residue cover at planting) and minimize surface evaporation and precipitation runoff.
In 2008, 2009, and 2011, a small irrigation was applied following planting to ensure adequate soil water for seed germination and to incorporate herbicide. In 2012, preplant sprinkler irrigation was applied to create adequate soil water conditions for planting and germination. In 2010 and 2013, rainfall was adequate for germination and herbicide incorporation.
Nitrogen fertilizer (urea ammonium nitrate, UAN, 32%) was side-dress applied near the seed at planting at 34  kgha1N. Additional nitrogen was applied through the irrigation water (fertigation) to meet fertility requirements based on expected yields at full irrigation, preplant soil tests for nitrogen availability, and nitrogen concentration in the groundwater used for water supply.

Irrigation Control and Water Balance Measurements

Weather data from a Colorado Agricultural Meteorological Network (CoAgMet 2018) automated ET weather station (GLY04) located on a 0.4-ha irrigated grass lawn adjacent to the research plots was used to calculate hourly ASCE Standardized Penman-Monteith alfalfa- and grass-reference evapotranspiration (ETr and ETo, respectively) (ASCE 2005). The hourly weather data were checked for errors by comparing with expected values (ASCE 2005, Appendix D) and data trends from nearby weather stations. In early 2008 before the on-farm weather station was operational, data from a nearby station (GLY03, 2-km distance) was used to calculate reference ET. Precipitation was measured with a tipping bucket rain gauge at the weather station, and two tipping bucket gauges within the plots. Data from the three gauges were compared and, if within 2 mm, were averaged. Otherwise, the values of the two gauges that were within 2 mm were averaged.
Crop water use was estimated using the two-step FAO-56 methodology (Allen et al. 1998) with basal crop coefficients adapted from Table E–2 in Jensen and Allen (2016) and adjusted for measured crop canopy growth and senescence. Irrigations were applied every 4–7 days, depending on the predicted soil water deficits. Irrigation amount was based on estimated crop water use minus any precipitation amounts since the last irrigation, and adjusted as needed based on measured soil water deficits to maintain the soil water content (SWC) in the upper 55% of the TAW in the active root zone.
Irrigation water from a groundwater well was delivered to the end of each plot through underground PVC pipe and applied through a surface drip irrigation system with thick-walled drip tubing (16-mm outside diameter, 2-mm wall thickness, 30-cm in-line emitter spacing, 1.1-Lh1 emitter flow rate) placed near each row. The tubing was installed each year after planting and removed before harvest. Irrigation applications to each treatment were measured with turbine flowmeters (Badger Recordall Turbo 160 with RTR transmitters, Badger Meter, Milwaukee, Wisconsin). Meters were cross calibrated to ensure accuracy and consistency. Maximum deviation among meters was ±2% at the beginning of the experiment and ±3% at the end of the experimental period. Irrigation applications were controlled by and recorded with Campbell Scientific CR1000 data loggers (Campbell Scientific, Logan, Utah). A constant-pressure water supply controlled with a variable-frequency drive booster pump, low pressure loss in the delivery system, and relatively flat topography resulted in predicted water distribution uniformity among and within plots exceeding 95%.
SWC was measured 2 or 3 times each week on the days before and/or after irrigation in the crop row near the center of each plot. Soil water content was measured in 30-cm-depth increments between 30- and 150-cm depth, and at 200-cm depth with a neutron soil moisture meter (NMM; CPN-503 Hydroprobe, InstroTek, San Francisco, California). The NMM was calibrated gravimetrically at the site and the calibration was verified annually. The calibration was used to convert instrument relative counts to volumetric SWC. The NMM measures SWC within an approximately 15–30-cm radius from the measurement point and was assumed to represent the soil profile within 15 cm of the measurement depth (e.g., the 30-cm-depth measurement represented the 15–45-cm depth). The SWC in the surface 15 cm was measured in the row near the NMM access tube with a portable time domain reflectometer (Minitrase, Soilmoisture Equipment, Santa Barbara, California) with 15-cm-long rods.
Crop evapotranspiration was calculated based on the water balance:
where ΔS = change (increase) in soil water content in the root zone; I = irrigation application; P = precipitation; UF = upflux of water from groundwater (assumed zero because the groundwater table was >5  m below the surface); DP = deep percolation loss of soil water below the root zone; RO = surface runoff of precipitation or irrigation; and ETc = crop evapotranspiration, the loss of water to the atmosphere. For the experimental field, RO was assumed zero because of relatively small field slopes, adequate soil infiltration, surface residue, and drip irrigation. Thus, for this study, ETc was estimated by rearranging Eq. (2) as
Maximum root zone depth was assumed to be 105 cm because there was no evidence from the NMM measurements of water uptake from deeper depths. Thus, soil water storage was calculated from the SWC measurements (average of four replications) at depths of 0–15, 30, 60, and 90 cm, converted to equivalent water depths.
Deep percolation (DP) was assumed to occur when precipitation exceeded the soil water deficit (SWD = field capacity minus SWC) in the full root zone at the time of precipitation, and was calculated as the precipitation amount minus the soil water deficit measured before the precipitation and minus estimated ETc between the measurement and the precipitation. Irrigation never exceeded SWD and, thus, was assumed to cause no DP. An increase in SWC below the root zone following precipitation provided confirmation of DP. Because of the semiarid climate and careful irrigation scheduling, DP losses estimated by this methodology occurred only in 2008 following a large precipitation event (95 mm in 3 days).
Surface evaporation was estimated for the field conditions by assuming that the total evaporable water (TEW) between wetting events was 12 mm and that evaporation occurred only from the wetted sunlit soil surface (Allen et al. 1998, 2005). For example, if a precipitation event exceeded 12 mm when the canopy cover was 50% and effective residue cover was 25%, the total surface evaporation of the precipitation event was assumed to be 12  mm×(10.5)×(10.25)=4.5  mm. The soil surface wetted by the drip irrigation system varied between 30 and 60%, depending on irrigation amount, and the sunlit soil surface wetted by drip irrigation was small once the canopy began to grow because the drip emitters were under the canopy. Surface evaporation on any day was limited by a maximum evapotranspiration of 1.05×ETr (Allen et al. 2005).
Crop ETc was calculated between SWC measurements that occurred before irrigation or precipitation events. After irrigation or precipitation, SWC measurements were not used to calculate water balance ETc because they may have occurred before soil water was fully redistributed and because they often occurred within 1–3 days of before-irrigation measurements. Thus, water balance calculations were made every 4–7 days during moderate to high ETc periods and every 7–14 days at the beginning and end of the season.
Estimated wet soil evaporation over a measurement interval (usually a single wetting event) was subtracted from calculated ETc over the interval to derive a basal ETcb, and this ETcb was divided by the cumulative ETr or ETo over the same interval to derive basal Kcb values for both references. This Kcb value was assigned to each day of the measurement interval.
Because small errors in SWC measurements result in substantial relative errors in cumulative ETc estimates over short time intervals when cumulative ETc is small, 11-day moving average Kcb values were calculated for each day. These 11-day intervals were long enough to incorporate derived Kcb values from 2 or 3 water balance periods, but short enough to not unduly mask Kcb trends. Because of fewer SWC measurements and low ETcb rates at the beginning and end of the season, water balance estimates of Kcb values at the beginning and end of the season were considered undependable.
Green canopy ground cover, fc, was measured in the center of each plot approximately weekly near solar noon with a digital camera from a nadir view 6 m above the ground surface. The camera field of view encompassed 4rows×4  m. The digital image pixels were differentiated between green plant canopy and background (soil, surface residue, and senesced leaves) with manually trained image analysis software (DeJonge et al. 2016). The fc was calculated as the ratio of green pixels to total pixels.
Additional details of field conditions and methodology used in this trial were described by Trout and Bausch (2017). Complete detailed climatic, daily water balance, and crop phenology data for the 2008–2011 seasons are available from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library, Ag Data Commons (USDA-ARS 2018).
In 2008, 2010, and 2012, a Bowen ratio energy balance (BREB) system was used to measure maize evapotranspiration near the center of a field directly south of the experimental plots. Mkhwanazi et al. (2015) and Bausch and Bernard (1992) provide details of the BREB instrumentation, operation, and data analysis. The approximately 120×150-m field was planted with the same variety at the same population within 2 days of the plots and was irrigated to meet full irrigation requirements. BREB ETc was calculated over 30-min intervals throughout the day and summed to obtain daily values. Cumulative daily BREB ETc values were compared with cumulative ETc values calculated by water balance, and daily BREB Kc values were calculated as the ratio of BREB ETc/ETr.


Table 1 shows maize growth stages (Abendroth et al. 2011) for each year of the study. The crop was planted in early May each year, reached the R1 growth stage (tassel and silk formation) between 83 and 90 days after planting (DAP), reached the R6 growth stage (physiological maturity) 140–156 DAP, and reached full senescence (usually by killing frost) 145–160 DAP. Table 1 also shows these stages in terms of maize growing degree days (GDD) since planting [10°C min, 30°C max; MOP #70, Eq. (F1)]. Grain yields (15.5% grain moisture content) were 13.2, 12.1, 11.2, 13.6, 15.5, and 15.0  Mgha1 for 2008–2013, respectively, and averaged about 20% higher than the county average yield for irrigated maize (USDA-NASS 2015). In 2009, a hail event just before the R1 stage [day of year (DOY) 210] damaged leaves and reduced the horizontal canopy structure, and may have reduced ET slightly.
Table 1. LIRF 2008–2013 Maize Crop Growth Stages for the Fully Irrigated Treatment
Plant (DOY)133131131123121134
80% fc676176353460518736047267060603

Note: DAP = elapsed days after planting; DOY = planting day of year; GDD = cumulative growing degree days (30°C maximum, 10°C base) between planting and selected growth stages; growth stages are described by Abendroth et al. (2011): V7 = 7 leaves, 80% fc = 80% canopy ground cover, VT/R1 = tassel and silk emergence (beginning reproductive), R4 = end of milk stage (beginning of maturation), R6 = black layer (physiological maturity), Senescence = full leaf senescence.

Estimated DAP and GDD.
Killing frost.
Fig. 2 shows the measured SWD and the estimated readily available water (RAW) in the developing root zone in 2011. The RAW was estimated to be 55% of TAW (27.5% of field capacity) and increased as the root zone depth increased from 5 to 105 cm. The figure also shows the predicted SWD from the modeled water balance. The SWD fluctuated between 0 and 50 mm and did not exceed the RAW limit (dashed line) at any time during the season, or at any time during the 6-year study except in 2010 at the end of the season (after DOY 246) when irrigation was terminated too early. Soil water measurements indicated very little water uptake below a 45-cm depth, as would be expected with well-scheduled, frequent drip irrigation.
Fig. 2. Measured (squares) and modeled (solid line) soil water deficit (SWD) for fully irrigated maize in 2011, along with estimated readily available water (RAW) in the root zone (dashed line); the RAW was estimated to be 55% of field capacity and proportional to estimated root growth
Table 2 shows the seasonal water balance components for each year. Precipitation during the growing season was near the long-term average for the location (215 mm) each year except 2012. For this location, seasonal ETr exceeded ETo by 20–25%, which is similar to ETr/ETo ratios measured in the central Great Plains by Djaman and Irmak (2013) and Payero and Irmak (2011). Seasonal irrigation applications varied from 366–664 mm to meet crop water requirements and prevent the soil water deficit from exceeding the readily available water. Seasonal change in soil water storage in the root zone varied depending on the amount of early- and late-season precipitation. Deep percolation was predicted to have occurred only in 2008 when a large multiday precipitation event followed an irrigation. Seasonal ETc averaged 666 mm or 68% of seasonal ETr and 82% of seasonal ETo. The portion of ETc lost to surface evaporation was estimated to be about 10%. More than 75% of the estimated surface evaporation was from early- and late-season precipitation events and less than 20% derived from drip irrigation.
Table 2. Seasonal Water Balance Components for the LIRF Water Productivity Study
YearPrecip (mm)Ref ETr (mm)Ref ETo (mm)Irrigation (mm)ΔS (mm)Deep Perc (mm)ETc (mm)Evap (mm)ETcb (mm)ETc/ETr

Note: Deep Perc = deep percolation loss of water below the root zone; ETc = crop evapotranspiration; ETcb = estimated crop basal ET (ETcEvap); Evap = estimated evaporation from wet soil; Precip = seasonal precipitation; Ref ETo = grass-reference ET; Ref ETr = alfalfa standardized-reference ET; ΔS = change in soil water storage from planting to end of season. All components were cumulative between planting to 172 days after planting.

Fig. 3 shows the daily ASCE Standardized alfalfa-reference ETr for the 2011 crop and the daily crop ETc calculated from the two-step dual crop coefficient approach, in which the Kcb value was calibrated to fit the water balance measurements. The graph shows typical daily fluctuations in midseason daily ETr that typically range from 6 to 10  mmd1 for the region, and ETc values that closely match ETr midseason but are less than ETr at the beginning and end of the season, except following precipitation events that wet the soil surface and result in high soil evaporation.
Fig. 3. Daily alfalfa-reference evapotranspiration, ETr (dashed line), and crop evapotranspiration, ETc (solid line), for the 2011 maize crop
In 2008, 2010, and 2012, the ETc from an adjoining drip-irrigated maize field was measured with a BREB system. Fig. 4 shows the comparison of the cumulative ETc measured by the BREB system and the water balance–measured ETc from the plots. In 2008 and 2012, water balance ETc exceeded BREB ETc in the adjoining field, with a seasonal difference of 7%. This difference likely resulted from minor stress in the BREB field due to less frequent and less total irrigation applications than the plots. In 2010, water balance ETc was slightly less than BREB ETc in the first half of the season, but slightly greater in the second half of the season with nearly the same seasonal ETc values.
Fig. 4. Comparison of water balance cumulative ETc (WB) from the main plots with Bowen ratio energy balance ETc (BR) on the adjoining maize field in (a) 2008; (b) 2010; (c) 2012

Basal Crop Coefficient: Alfalfa Reference

Fig. 5 shows the water balance–derived Kcb curve for the 2011 maize crop based on the alfalfa reference. The horizontal rows of dots [Kcb (WB)] represent the calculated daily Kcb values between consecutive pairs of SWC measurements based on the ratio of accumulated ETcb to accumulated ETr over that time interval. These intervals ranged from 4 to 8 days except at the end of the season. The scatter in the WB-calculated Kcb values is due to the effect of small random variability in measured SWC. Because of this scatter, 11-day moving average Kcb values [Moving Avg Kcb (WB)], which included 2 or 3 measurement intervals, are shown to better represent the evolution of Kcb through the season. Also plotted in the figure are manually calibrated Kcb [Kcb (cal)] values that produced ETc values by the dual crop coefficient two-step method and resulted in a good visual fit of modeled SWC to calculated SWC (e.g., Fig. 2). The curves show relatively good agreement between the calibrated and calculated Kcb values. The dotted line represents daily Kc (Kcb+Ke) values when estimated wet soil evaporation was added to ETcb and shows peaks for each precipitation or irrigation event. The evaporation coefficient, Ke, was limited to 1.05Kcb [i.e., Kc was energy limited to a maximum value of 1.05 (Allen et al. 1998, 2005)].
Fig. 5. Alfalfa-reference crop coefficient curves for the 2011 maize crop
The solid lines in Fig. 6 show the 11-day moving average water balance–derived Kcb curves for each of the 6 years plotted by DAP. The dashed lines show 11-day moving average Kc curves from the daily BREB ETc measurements on the adjoining field for years 2008, 2010, and 2012. Even with 11-day running averages, there is substantial irregularity in the water balance–derived curves. The variability is because of the inability to measure the WB components precisely enough in the field to accurately estimate small amounts of cumulative ETc that occur over a short time period. This is why precision weighing lysimeters are required to measure WB daily ETc. Although there are year-to-year variations, the shapes of the curves are similar. The curves exhibit the expected increase during canopy growth, a midseason plateau after the canopy reaches full cover, and a decline as leaves senesce. The BREB Kc values tend to be larger than the water balance values early and late in the season because of the inclusion of soil evaporation.
Fig. 6. Water balance–derived alfalfa-reference basal crop coefficients, Kcb (solid lines), and BREB (BR, dotted lines) derived crop coefficients, Kc, for maize for the 2008–2013 seasons
The primary outliers are the delayed development in 2011, the early decline in 2010, and the high maximum values in 2013. The delayed development in 2011 was due to early planting and delayed germination (Table 1) because of low soil and air temperatures. The early Kcb decline in 2010 was due to inadvertent early termination of irrigation and the resulting high SWD that exceeded RAW and resulted in stress after DAP 110. The reason for the unexpectedly high Kcb midseason peaks in 2013 may be unaccounted deep percolation loss. Although deep percolation was not predicted by the methodology used, increases in SWC below the root zone in 2013 indicated that DP may have occurred.
Fig. 7 shows the WB Kcb values plotted versus normalized days after planting in which the effective cover date (based on 80% canopy ground cover) is assigned a value of 100 days and the initial and developmental stage is based on a percent of this period (MOP #70, Table E–2). This normalization decreases the year-to-year variability in the Kcb curves. On this normalized timescale, the six curves exhibit relatively good temporal agreement, with the exception of 2012, which exhibits rapid early development but a delay in reaching full cover (Table 1). The thick line in Fig. 7 represents mean values of the 6 years. The late-season 2010 Kcb data (>DAP110) are not included in the plotted mean values because of the stress that occurred that year. Likewise, the high Kcb values in 2013 (DAP 77–123) are not included in the plotted mean values.
Fig. 7. Measured alfalfa-reference maize basal crop coefficient, Kcb, for 2008–2013 cropping seasons at Greeley, Colorado; mean Kcb for the 6 years (thick line); and Kcb values from Table E–2 of Jensen and Allen (2016) (dashed line); based on normalized days after planting
Fig. 7 also shows the Kcb relationship from Table E–2 for field corn in the ASCE Manual of Practice #70 (Jensen and Allen 2016). These values are based on 1975 and 1976 Kimberly, Idaho, lysimeter data (Wright 1982), modified for the ASCE standardized-reference ET equation. The Kimberly crops required about 4 days longer to germinate and to reach full cover, and they were harvested substantially earlier as compared to these crops (Wright 1982), although Wright’s tables show substantial Kcb values beyond his listed harvest date.
Measured Kcb values match the table values well during the development (except for 2010) and late maturation phases, but exceed the table values during midseason and early maturation. The MOP #70 relationship has a maximum Kcb value of 0.96, while these data indicate a midseason value exceeding 1.0 in all years. The MOP #70 table values also show a decline in Kcb beginning 20 days after effective full cover, while these data do not indicate a decrease until 40 days after effective cover.
The MOP #70 also provides alfalfa-reference Kcb values based on growing degree days. Fig. 8 shows the water balance data along with MOP #70 Table F–1A values based on normalized maize GDD since planting [MOP #70, Eq. (F-1)]. The measured Kcb data match the normalized GDD timescale data well during the developmental phase (except 2012) but exceed the table values during midseason. The maize used in this experiment also appears to be a longer GDD maturity crop than the Kimberly crop on which the table values were based.
Fig. 8. Measured alfalfa-reference maize basal crop coefficient, Kcb, for 2008–2013 cropping seasons at Greeley, Colorado; mean Kcb for the 6 years (thick line); and Kcb values from Table F–2A of Jensen and Allen (2016) (dashed line); based on normalized GDD after planting

Basal Crop Coefficient: Grass Reference

Fig. 9 shows the 11-day moving average water balance–derived grass-reference Kcb values for the 6 years versus DAP. As expected, these curves show the same general shape and the same anomalies as the alfalfa-reference curves, but the Kcb values are about 20% higher. The thick black line shows the mean Kcb values across the 6 years. As in Figs. 68, late-season 2010 and the high peaks in 2013 are excluded from the mean curve.
Fig. 9. Measured grass-reference maize basal crop coefficient, Kcb, for 2008–2013 cropping seasons at Greeley, Colorado; curves represent 11-day moving average values of water balance data; dashed line is the recommended four-segment relationship from FAO-56 for Idaho growth stages; dotted line is a four-segment relationship visually fit to the data
Superimposed on the Kcb curves is the linear four-segment Kcb relationship for the grass reference from FAO-56 (Allen et al. 1998) (dashed line) based on Idaho growth stages. Because of the relatively arid conditions at the LIRF location (mean midseason minimum relative humidity = 23%), the midseason Kcb value has been adjusted upward from 1.15 to 1.22 based on the recommended climatic adjustment in FAO-56 [Eq. (62)]. These data fit the FAO-56 relationship well in the development and midseason stages. The 102-day maturity class variety reached the end of the midseason phase about 10 days earlier than the FAO-56 standard curves for Spain; California, United States and Idaho, United States, and it reached full senescence about 10 days earlier than the Idaho late stage but 10 days later than the Spain/California late stage.
Also superimposed on the figure is a visually fit four-segment Kcb relationship (dotted line) showing the shorter season. The water balance data are not able to accurately establish an initial and final Kcb value, although these data tend to indicate that the end-season Kcb value is somewhat lower than the initial-season Kcb value, likely because of higher shading and aerodynamic resistance to evaporative fluxes resulting from the standing senesced crop and fallen leaves. This relationship shows the development, midseason, and maturation phases beginning on DAP 30, 70, and 114, respectively, and the season end on DAP 160. These phases occurred near maize growth stages V4, V14, R4, and full senescence, respectively, and canopy ground cover values of 6, 80, 77, and 0%, respectively. The beginning of the midseason phase preceded maize tasseling (VT) by 10–15 days.

Kcb Is Related to Canopy Ground Cover

The primary input to the surface energy balance for large areas is solar radiation. The primary energy output is ET. Therefore, a relationship would be expected between the transpiration of a crop and intercepted solar radiation. Several studies have shown this positive relationship when the canopy extent is represented by a leaf area index (Howell et al. 1997; Li et al. 2003; Kang et al. 2003), by the fraction of the ground surface covered by the green crop canopy (Bryla et al. 2010; Allen and Pereira 2009; López-Urrea et al. 2014), or by a remotely sensed vegetation index (Neale et al. 1990; Bausch and Neale 1989).
Fig. 10 shows the relationship between the maize canopy fractional ground cover, fc, and the water balance moving average Kcb value on the day fc was measured. Fig. 10(a) shows a strong linear Kcb:fc relationship for fc<0.8 with intercept and final end point values of 0.17 and 1.05, respectively. These end points are equivalent to initial- and midseason Kcb values. For fc>0.8, there is no relationship, but the data average is near the midseason Kcb value, indicating that 0.8 represents full cover conditions and that additional ground cover does not significantly increase transpiration. Figs. 10(b and c) show similar relationships for the development stage (before R1) and reproductive and maturation stage (after R1). These show that the relationship is similar during crop development and senescence, except that the intercept is somewhat lower during senescence, indicating that the end-of-season Kcb value is somewhat lower than the initial value.
Fig. 10. Measured alfalfa-reference maize basal crop coefficient, Kcb, for 2008–2013 cropping seasons at Greeley, Colorado, versus fractional canopy ground cover, fc: (a) full season, (b) before R1, and (c) after R1, where R1 refers to maize tasseling; lines and equations represent linear least-squares regression fits to the data for fc0.8


The maize basal crop coefficient curves derived in this 6-year field study are similar to the standard curves for alfalfa reference from MOP #70 (Jensen and Allen 2016) and for grass reference from FAO-56 (Allen et al. 1998) but exceed the standard midseason value for alfalfa-reference Kcb by about 10%. These data indicate an alfalfa-reference midseason Kcb value of about 1.05 and a grass-reference value of about 1.22 that continue for about 40 days from about the V14 growth stage (10–15 days before tassel) to a few days before the R4 growth stage. This coincides with the period in which fc exceeds 0.8. It is not unexpected that maize could have midseason ETc similar to or slightly exceeding that of the alfalfa reference, since it is a taller and aerodynamically rougher crop. It is also likely that current maize cultivars with upright leaf architecture planted at high populations and producing high yields could have slightly higher ETc than those used in the 1976–1977 lysimeter measurements (Wright 1982) on which the MOP #70 crop coefficients are based.
MOP #70 (Table E–1) lists a peak Kc value for maize (field corn) of 1.0, but midseason values decline to 0.98 after 20 days, implying that surface evaporation contributes 2–4% of ETc in the midseason. Howell et al. (2006) estimated midseason Kc values near 1.0 based on 3 years of lysimeter data (1989, 1990, and 1994) from Bushland, Texas. Djaman and Irmak (2013) estimated midseason maize alfalfa-reference Kc values of 1.05 in a 2-year field water balance study in south-central Nebraska. Both of those studies used sprinkler irrigation and did not estimate the wet soil evaporation component, implying that the midseason Kcb would be slightly lower than these values. In this study with drip irrigation, estimated midseason soil evaporation was less than 1% of ETc, implying that the midseason Kc and Kcb values are essentially equal.
The standard alfalfa Kcb curve (MOP #70, Table E–2) indicates that the midseason Kcb values decline by about 0.7% per day beginning about 25 days after full cover. The AquaCrop model (Raes et al. 2017, Section 3.10.3) assumes that the midseason Kcb value for maize declines by 0.3% per day beginning 5 days after full cover because of canopy aging. In these data, a decline in midseason Kcb values is not evident until fc begins to decline about 40 days after full cover.
The midseason grass-reference Kcb value in this study is very close to the FAO-56 midseason value (1.15) when adjusted for nonstandard climatic conditions. Several recent studies have measured grass-reference Kc values for maize in the Great Plains of the United States. Reported midseason Kc values were 1.03 (Suyker and Verma 2009), 1.17 (Howell et al. 2006), 1.2 (Piccinni et al. 2009; Payero and Irmak 2011), and 1.26 (Djaman and Irmak 2013). Reported midseason grass-reference Kc values reported in Asia were 1.23 (Tyagi et al. 2003), 1.25 (Parkes et al. 2005), 1.26 (Li et al. 2003), and 1.4 (Kang et al. 2003). Rosa et al. (2012), Zhao et al. (2013), Martins et al. (2013), and Zhang et al. (2013) estimated grass-based midseason basal crop coefficients for maize of 1.05, 1.10, 1.12, and 1.15, respectively, using the SIMDualKc model. The results of many of these studies are difficult to interpret because of the lack of adequate description of the field, climate, and crop conditions and measurement processes. The AquaCrop model uses a crop transpiration coefficient at full cover of 1.05 (Raes et al. 2017).
Because of the field layout and experimental conditions, it is possible that ETc of the maize in this study exceeded the equivalent ETc of uniform, adequately irrigated maize grown in a large uniform field environment. Although the experimental field was located within a predominantly irrigated area with several kilometers of irrigated crops in the predominant fetch direction, the 1-ha maize section was usually adjacent to crops with a shorter height and shorter season. Also, the individual treatment plots used were small (9×44  m) and randomly located among maize plots that were deficit irrigated to varying degrees. Thus, the fully irrigated maize tended to be somewhat taller than the surrounding crop, possibly resulting in increased effective roughness, and likely experienced slightly higher air temperature and lower relative humidity than would have occurred in a large well-irrigated field. Crop height among the maize irrigation treatments varied from 240 cm for the well-watered maize to 150 cm for the most stressed plots, with an average for the deficit treatments and border plots of 200 cm which is 40 cm shorter than the well-watered plots. The seasonal ETc values of the adjacent and nearby deficit-irrigated and border plots averaged 21% less than that measured in the well-watered plots. Although the soil water measurement location within each plot was surrounded by at least 4 m of similarly irrigated plants, this fetch would not be adequate to completely eliminate border effects due to increased advection (Allen et al. 2011a).
Wet soil evaporation in this study was estimated to be about 10% of seasonal ETc, which is low compared to estimates of surface evaporation in several other studies (Zhao et al. 2013; Zhang et al. 2013; Martins et al. 2013; Kang et al. 2003). Although the field study was designed to minimize evaporation with surface residue and in-row drip irrigation, an underestimate of evaporation would result in an overestimate of basal ETcb and Kcb. Because the evaporation component was low when the crop canopy ground cover was high, potential error in midseason Kcb due to evaporation would be small.
Some researchers and practitioners feel that crop coefficients must be regionally derived for local climate and management conditions. Although the literature indicates a range of Kc values, the authors are not convinced that variations in midseason alfalfa-reference Kcb values are location dependent and must be locally calibrated. As long as local conditions meet the FAO-56 and MOP #70 criteria (vigorous full-cover crop with adequate fetch condition and recommended climatic adjustment), midseason Kcb values for most field crops should be transferable among locations.
However, adjustments are often needed for the timescale of the Kcb relationship based on local climate and cropping practices (Nielsen and Hinckle 1996). These adjustments are not only regional but also seasonal and may be grower and variety specific. They can be best made through measurements or estimates of crop development. Maize growth and senescence rates vary with variety, climate, season, and management practice. The most difficult aspect of developing appropriate crop coefficient relationships is the timescale. Fig. 6 demonstrates the variability due only to interseasonal differences. Normalizing the time axis based on days from planting to effective full cover (Fig. 7) reduces the interseasonal variability. Use of normalized thermal time (Fig. 8) further reduces interseasonal effects. While normalization can improve the accuracy of crop coefficients when seasonal information is known, this approach cannot be applied to real-time irrigation scheduling during crop development because full cover dates are not known. The largest seasonal weather effect on plant growth in temperate climates is during the early season when low air and soil temperatures may delay germination and emergence by several days. Initiating Kcb relationships based on emergence date rather than planting date would further improve Kcb estimates.
A better method to estimate Kc relationships is to relate the crop coefficient directly to plant canopy development and senescence. Fractional ground cover correlates well with Kcb and these data indicate that this relationship is linear up to an fc saturation value of about 0.8. Allen and Pereira (2009) and Raes et al. (2017) have proposed that this relationship should be slightly curvilinear (concave downward), although adequate data to support that hypothesis are lacking. Some crop models such as AquaCrop (Raes et al. 2017) and CropSyst (Stöckle et al. 2003) use fc to estimate Kcb, whereas many other crop models use leaf area index to estimate solar radiation interception.
The authors believe that fc is a better parameter to estimate Kcb than leaf area index because it is can be estimated visually and measured at multiple scales (e.g., with nadir imaging or remotely sensed vegetation indices) and is linearly related to both Kcb and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) for many crops. Increasing availability of satellite and unmanned autonomous vehicle (UAV) imagery makes the use of fc and vegetation indices a practical operational option to estimate the evolution of Kcb relationships (Johnson and Trout 2012).
Adjustments in the soil evaporation component are also necessary to adapt to irrigation method and frequency, precipitation amount and frequency, soil and residue conditions, and plant population and configuration. These adjustments are made through the use of dual crop coefficients. Thus, studies of crop coefficients should derive basal crop coefficients by estimating wet soil evaporation by the same methods that would be used by practitioners to estimate the soil evaporation coefficient.


Six years of field water balance measurements of maize ETc in the Great Plains of the United States indicate that midseason Kcb values are 1.05 and 1.22 for alfalfa and grass references, respectively. The standard alfalfa-reference Kcb value of 0.96 is likely too low for current varieties and practices. The measured grass-reference value closely matches the standard value after adjustment for aridity. The timescales of the standard Kcb curves fit the measured data fairly well but are improved by normalization relative to full cover and use of thermal time. The basal crop coefficient is linearly related to fractional canopy ground cover up to an effective full ground cover of 0.8. This relationship should be used to adapt Kcb values for specific conditions and is a better option than regionally specific Kcb relationships.


The following symbols are used in this paper:
deep percolation loss of soil water below the root zone (mm);
evapotranspiration (mm, mmd1);
crop evapotranspiration (mm, mmd1);
basal crop evapotranspiration, excluding evaporation from wet soil surface (mm, mmd1);
short (grass) reference evapotranspiration (mm, mmd1);
tall (alfalfa) reference evapotranspiration (mm, mmd1);
reference evapotranspiration (mm, mmd1);
crop canopy ground cover;
irrigation application (mm);
crop coefficient;
basal crop coefficient;
soil evaporation coefficient;
precipitation (mm);
surface runoff (mm);
upflux of water from below the root zone (mm); and
change in soil water storage (mm).


A field study of this scope involves extensive planning and data collection. The authors acknowledge the diligent contributions of Walter Bausch, Dale Shaner, Garrett Banks, Liam Cummins, Doug Barlin, Ted Bernard, Gerald Buchleiter, and dozens of Colorado State University students who managed the crops and collected data. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


Mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.


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Go to Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Volume 144Issue 6June 2018


Received: Sep 19, 2017
Accepted: Dec 29, 2017
Published online: Apr 12, 2018
Published in print: Jun 1, 2018
Discussion open until: Sep 12, 2018



Retired, Agricultural Engineer, Water Management and Systems Research Unit, U.S. Department of Agriculture—Agricultural Research Service, 2150 Centre Dr., Bldg. D, Fort Collins, CO 80526 (corresponding author). ORCID: E-mail: [email protected]
Kendall C. DeJonge
Agricultural Engineer, Water Management and Systems Research Unit, U.S. Department of Agriculture—Agricultural Research Service, 2150 Centre Dr., Bldg. D, Fort Collins, CO 80526.

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