Open access
Case Studies
Apr 10, 2018

Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques for Assessing Irrigation Performance: Case Study in Southern California

Publication: Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Volume 144, Issue 6


This paper presents the potential of remotely sensed data in addressing spatially distributed irrigation equity, adequacy, and sustainability. The surface energy balance algorithm for land (SEBAL) was implemented to map actual evapotranspiration (ET) over an irrigation district in southern California. Potential ET was also mapped based on the Priestley–Taylor method, modified to account for the effect of horizontally transported energy on enhancing/suppressing ET. Remotely sensed products were integrated with ground-based data in a Geographical Information System (GIS) environment to quantify several irrigation and drainage performance indicators. The among- and within-field coefficients of variation of actual ET were comparable to previous studies, suggesting that water consumption was uniform across the irrigation district. The relative ET was high, indicating that irrigation supply was adequate. The extensive network of open drains was also found to be functioning at an optimal level according to the results of two performance indicators based on the magnitude and uniformity of groundwater depth.


Historically, the western United States has been known for its arid climate, low precipitation, and frequent droughts, which have made water management a very complex issue in this part of the world. Water governance in the western United States must be performed in such a way as to not only provide for increasing demands from competing sectors, but also to protect ecosystems and critical habitat for flora and fauna. In addition, new concerns on the possible consequences of climate change have added to the complexity of this already challenging task.
Accounting for about 65% of total water withdrawals, irrigation has been the largest use of freshwater in the United States since 1950. Not surprisingly, the majority of agricultural withdrawals (86%) and irrigated area (75%) were in the 17 contiguous western states (Hutson et al. 2004). Therefore, it is of great importance to accurately determine how much water needs to be diverted for irrigation and how it is partitioned into different consumptive and nonconsumptive uses. Quantifying water balance components at irrigation scheme scales has a wide variety of applications, including but not limited to initiating and evaluating water conservation practices, improving irrigation scheduling (Santos et al. 2008), developing irrigation modernization scenarios (Isidoro et al. 2004), assessing biophysical and economical water productivities (Teixeira et al. 2008), and managing soil salinization (Faci et al. 1985; Khan et al. 2006; Marlet et al. 2009).
For irrigation schemes in arid and semiarid regions such as those in the western United States, the most significant water balance component is crop evapotranspiration (ET). Although accurate point measurements of crop ET have been extensively used in managing agricultural water resources, recently developed remote sensing techniques have acceptable levels of accuracies (Gowda et al. 2008) while providing spatially distributed data that enable a higher level of analysis at the scale of individual pixels. Another advantage of air- or space-borne remote sensing data is their objectiveness, an important characteristic that can revolutionize developing and standardizing benchmarks for comparing irrigation schemes from around the world.
When combined with water balance information, remotely sensed ET can also be utilized in evaluating the performance of irrigation and drainage systems (Ahadi et al. 2013). Irrigation performance is traditionally evaluated based on point measurements. A major caveat of this approach is that the results can only provide one value representing the entire area downstream of the measurement location. Considering that water application and partitioning are highly variable from field to field, the results of traditional methods are less useful as the scale of the study increases from field to district and basin. Recent developments in remote sensing and GIS techniques have made it possible to assess scheme-wide performance on a pixel-by-pixel basis (Bastiaanssen and Bos 1999).
Despite the numerous benefits of remote sensing techniques, there is still a gap between research projects and practical applications of these techniques in the real world (Ambast et al. 2002). Bastiaanssen and Bos (1999) and Bastiaanssen et al. (2000) stated that more demonstration projects are needed to increase the level of awareness among water managers about the potential of air- and space-borne imagery and promote the use of these tools for improving irrigation performance. The study presented herein was carried out over an irrigation district in semiarid southern California. A satellite-based energy balance approach was implemented to map ET. The results were integrated in an ArcGIS environment with ground measurements of agrohydrological parameters to estimate several performance indicators addressing irrigation equity and adequacy at different spatial and temporal scales. A new irrigation sustainability indicator was also introduced and another previously defined indicator was evaluated for the first time.

Methods and Materials

Study Area

The Palo Verde Irrigation District (PVID) is located in Imperial and Riverside counties in southeastern California. With about 500  km2 of territory, PVID was privately developed in 1925 to serve local water users. The majority of irrigated fields within PVID are under surface irrigation (laser-graded borders and furrows), receiving water from the Colorado River through an extended network of irrigation canals (400 km) and open drains (230 km). The alluvial soils of PVID were deposited over the years by Colorado River floods. The medium texture of these soils allows them to hold a considerable amount of water and to be easily drained. Alfalfa, cotton, small grains, and vegetables are the most dominant crops in this irrigation district. Fig. 1 shows a false-color satellite image of the PVID and the location of the diversion dam that directs Colorado River water, as well as the network of irrigation canals and open drains.
Fig. 1. (a) False-color Landsat TM5 image of PVID along the Colorado River in southern California (image courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey) and (b) its network of irrigation canals and open drains

Input Data

Several types of point and distributed data were collected or estimated to allow for evaluation of irrigation performance across the study area. These included water inflow/outflow, precipitation, groundwater depth, actual ET, and potential ET.

Water Inflow/Outflow

Colorado River water is diverted into PVID’s main canal using a small diversion dam. Since the district is relatively flat and the fields are mostly blocked-end furrows and borders, the surface runoff is not significant, and any generated runoff is directed toward the drains. Therefore, water outflow from PVID consists of two components, drainage and canal spills. The high density of deep open drains (about 0.5 km per every km2 of land), along with the medium texture of PVID’s alluvial soils, significantly enhances the movement of water from the root zone toward the drains. All of the drains merge and discharge into a main outfall drain at the downstream end of PVID. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) measures the flow rates of water diversion, drain discharge, and all canal spills on a daily basis and reports them online. These data were downloaded from the USGS (2010b).


PVID benefits from a network of 32 rain gauges distributed uniformly across the entire district. This means that there is a rain gauge for every 13.7  km2 of PVID’s cultivated land (439  km2). The point measurements of rain gauges were interpolated in ArcGIS to develop precipitation maps for each event.

Actual Groundwater Depth

PVID has a network of 260 piezometers distributed uniformly across the entire district (one piezometer for every 1.7  km2 of PVID’s cultivated land). Depth to groundwater was measured at each piezometer once every month. These point measurements were collected, analyzed for quality, and then interpolated (Krigin method) in the ArcGIS environment to generate monthly maps of actual groundwater depth (GWDa).

Actual Evapotranspiration

The surface energy balance algorithm for land (SEBAL) Idaho implementation was used to map actual evapotranspiration (ETa) across the study area (Bastiaanssen et al. 1998b). The performance of SEBAL has been assessed and validated in numerous applications (Bastiaanssen et al. 1998a; Ramos et al. 2009), showing a high accuracy at field and catchment scales (Bastiaanssen et al. 2005). In SEBAL, net radiation (Rn) is estimated through quantifying all of the incoming and outgoing short- and long-wave radiation components. Once Rn is determined, soil heat flux (G) is modeled as a ratio of net radiation and a function of surface temperature and fraction of vegetation cover.
The innovation of SEBAL is in mapping sensible heat flux (H). This parameter is estimated for two extreme pixels and then interpolated for all other pixels. One extreme pixel (cold pixel) represents a well-watered crop at full cover, where the available energy is used mainly for changing the phase of water from liquid to gas, leaving a negligible amount of energy to be used in generating a temperature gradient (H about zero). The other extreme pixel (hot pixel) represents a dry, bare soil, where the available energy is used primarily in heating the atmosphere (maximum H). The final step of SEBAL involves estimating the latent heat flux (LE) as the remainder of the surface energy balance equation
Space- or airborne imagery—as input data to models such as SEBAL—provides only a snapshot of LE at the time of overpass. As a result, instantaneous estimates of ET need to be scaled up to longer periods (daily and seasonal) for most practical purposes. In the earlier versions of SEBAL, instantaneous ET was extrapolated to daily values using the evaporative fraction (EF or Λ). This concept is based on the assumption that the ratio of instantaneous ET to instantaneous available energy (RnG) is constant during the day (Brutsaert and Sugita 1992; Crago 1996), especially under cloud-free conditions (Zhang and Lemeur 1995). Once this ratio is determined, daily ET could be calculated by multiplying the EF ratio and the daily value of available energy.
Although the EF technique has provided reliable results in many studies (Gowda et al. 2008), its accuracy decreases in arid regions because of the occurrence of afternoon advection. Trezza (2002) modified the EF ratio by replacing available energy with alfalfa reference ET (ETr), which encompasses the effect of energy imported from dry neighboring areas. Upscaled daily ET estimates using this new method (ETrF) have been shown to be significantly improved (Romero 2004; Allen et al. 2007a, b). Alternatively, grass-based reference ET (ETo) has been used in extrapolating instantaneous ET values (EToF method). Colaizzi et al. (2006) compared estimates of five different upscaling techniques with measurements of precision weighing lysimeters at Bushland, Texas, where strong advection of heat is common. For cropped surfaces, the EToF method worked better than ETrF and EF methods. Chávez et al. (2008) also indicated that, under advective conditions, EToF outperforms ETrF and EF methods. Since PVID is surrounded by dry desert regions, EToF was selected as the up-scaling method in this study.
All cloud-free Landsat TM5 scenes collected between January 2008 and January 2009 were downloaded from the website of the USGS Global Visualization Viewer (GLOVIS) (USGS 2010a). These scenes were all processed using the LPGS processing system, which results in 60-m resolution for the thermal band and 30-m resolution for other bands. PVID is located on the overlap zone of two Landsat paths (38 and 39; Row 37). This allowed the acquisition of six extra scenes from Path 39 in addition to 15 scenes from Path 38 (total of 21 scenes). Required weather parameters (including ETo) were acquired from a California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS) weather station located within PVID (Station 135).

Potential Evapotranspiration

The concept of potential ET (ETp) has been used in estimating some performance indicators. However, the exact definition of this parameter and the approach to estimating it have been debated among researchers. In this study, ETp was considered as the level of water consumption that a specific crop could potentially reach. This is similar to the concept of standard (nonstressed) crop ET (ETc) in that both are estimated for stress-free conditions, when the amount of crop water consumption is limited by energy availability. Two distributed ETp estimation methods have been used before in evaluating performance over large and heterogeneous irrigation schemes: available energy (RnG) method, implemented by Roerink et al. (1997) and Bastiaanssen et al. (1996), and the Priestley–Taylor approach (Priestley and Taylor 1972), utilized by Bastiaanssen et al. (2001), Bandara (2003), and Karatas et al. (2009). A major concern with both methods is that only radiative energy is considered and the advective energy is neglected (Glenn et al. 2007). As explained before, irrigated areas in arid/semiarid regions frequently experience advective conditions. When water is available, the effect of advection on enhancing ET would be large in these regions, resulting in significant errors if neglected.
In this study, ETp was estimated on a pixel-by-pixel basis using the Priestley–Taylor (PT) equation (Priestley and Taylor 1972)
where α = Priestley–Taylor parameter; Δ = slope of the water vapor saturation curve; γ = psychrometric constant; and other terms are defined as previously. To account for the effect of advection, the above equation was calibrated for the local condition of PVID through a process similar to what was implemented by Diaz-Espejo et al. (2005). In this process, the original α value of 1.26 was modified to force the PT equation to estimate ET rates similar to what was estimated over a reference grass surface, using the Penman-Monteith equation (Allen et al. 1998).

Performance Indicators

Several performance indicators (PI) were studied at different spatiotemporal resolutions. These PIs can be arranged in three groups based on what aspect of the system they address:
Equity: water consumption uniformity (WCU);
Adequacy: relative ET (RET) and depleted fraction (DF); and
Sustainability: drainage ratio (DR), drainage distribution uniformity (DDU), and relative groundwater depth (RGD).

Water Consumption Uniformity

The WCU is a measure of irrigation equity (Bastiaanssen and Bos 1999), assessed through estimating the coefficient of variation for ETa at two levels, namely, within (CVw) and among (CVs) irrigation units. In order to extract required statistical parameters for each field in PVID, a crop classification layer was used in ArcGIS as a mask layer. Developed from Landsat TM5 imagery by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), this classification layer defined field boundaries and provided information on the cropping pattern in 2008. Since the thermal band of Landsat TM5, used in mapping ETa, has a coarser resolution than the other six bands, an inner buffer of 60 m was applied to field boundaries to avoid including edge pixels in analysis. The mean and standard deviation of ETa were obtained for every field that had an area larger than 4.0 ha after applying the buffer. This reduced the number of studied units from more than 2,000 fields to 1,485.

Relative Evapotranspiration

RET was estimated as the ratio of ETa to ETp. This indicator was used as a measure of irrigation adequacy to investigate the presence and severity of water shortages. The interpretation of results was accomplished at two levels: including all fields and limiting to fields at full canopy cover. Elimination of the fields that were not close to full cover was achieved by setting a threshold value of 0.65 on the soil adjusted vegetation index [SAVI (Huete 1988)]. All fields with an average SAVI less than this threshold were excluded from the second level of analysis.

Depleted Fraction

DF is a rather new term for an old concept that has been given several names such as irrigation efficiency, water efficiency, water application efficiency, and consumptive use coefficient. All of these terms provide information on the fraction of water that has been depleted from available resources (Jensen 2007). According to Bos et al. (2005), DF is defined as
where Pg = gross precipitation over the study area; and V = volume of applied (Va) or diverted (Vd) water. For the sake of developing benchmarks and comparing irrigation schemes, it is important to differentiate between applied and diverted water, because operational and maintenance constraints may impose a large variation in the amount of canal spills. Estimated DF would be gross (DFg) or net (DFn), if Vd or Va were used in the above equation, respectively.

Drainage Ratio

The DR is another performance indicator that provides information on what portion of applied water has left the study area in the form of drainage. DR is inversely related to DFn (Bos et al. 2005)
The leaching fraction (LF) necessary for maintaining a favorable salt balance can be taken as a critical value of DR. If estimated DR is less than required LF, soil salinization may become problematic in the future. A DR value greater than LF means that applied water can be reduced without affecting the current level of agricultural production. Adjusting irrigation management to reduce DR may not have any effect on the quantity of water available to downstream users, but the effect on preserving its quality could be significant.

Drainage Distribution Uniformity

The DDU was introduced in this study for the first time. DDU is assessed by evaluating among and within field coefficient of variation (CVs and CVw) of the actual groundwater depth. A low DDU is only an indication of uniform depth to groundwater and does not necessarily mean that water is at a depth that allows an adequate root respiration. Therefore, this indicator should be studied along with other drainage performance indicators, such as relative groundwater depth (explained subsequently). In areas where the crop water requirement is met by controlling the level of groundwater, DDU could serve as a measure of traditional irrigation distribution uniformity.

Relative Groundwater Depth

Bos (1997) proposed the RGD as the ratio of actual groundwater depth (GWDa) to critical groundwater depth (GWDc). Although it was defined over a decade ago, RGD has never actually been estimated over any irrigated area, to the best of the authors’ knowledge. Since for most crops, groundwater should be kept at levels below the root zone to avoid any negative effects caused by waterlogging and/or soil salinization, it is assumed that GWDc is equal to the effective root depth for every crop group. Table 22 in Allen et al. (1998) suggests a range of effective depths for each crop. In this study, the upper limit of this range was selected as GWDc. These values were assigned to each field in PVID, using the crop classification layer. Then, the minimum value of GWDa was obtained for each field from the interpolated maps of depth to groundwater for the months of February and September, when groundwater is farthest from and closest to the surface, respectively. RGD estimates based on minimum GWDa and maximum GWDc (as opposed to average values) are more conservative because they represent the portion of the field that has the highest potential for waterlogging issues. Values less than unity indicate that the water table is within the crop root zone, a situation that irrigation managers should avoid for most crop types.

Results and Discussion

Input Data

Water Inflow/Outflow

The volume of water diverted from the Colorado River for irrigating PVID lands between January 2008 and January 2009 was 1,088  millionm3 or 2,479 mm when divided by the total cultivated area. The monthly average flow rates ranged between 14.5 and 49.3  m3/s in January and June, respectively. With a volume of about 125  millionm3, canal operational spills were 11.5% of the total annual water diversion. Monthly average canal spills measured at discharge structures varied from 2.3 to 4.5  m3/s in January and June, respectively. It is very important to take the amount of canal spills into account when evaluating system performance, since this water returns to the river with little to no changes in quality. Monthly average flow rates of drainage discharge measured at the downstream end of the outfall drain ranged between 10.2  m3/s in January and 16.2  m3/s in July, which shows a lag in comparison with the peak flow rate of diversion. With a volume of about 438  millionm3, the total annual amount of drainage was 40% of diversion. This portion increases to over 45% if only applied water (diverted minus spills) is considered.


Twenty-five precipitation events were recorded during the study period, all in forms of rainfall. Out of all events, only two had an average depth greater than 10 mm. The total annual precipitation depth was 71 mm, underscoring the aridity of this region.

Actual Groundwater Depth

Depth to groundwater was affected by irrigation intensity. The deepest levels were observed in February 2008, after irrigations had been ceased for some time. Diversion to the main canal was also shut down for maintenance purposes during the first week of January. The average GWDa was 3.3 m in February, which was equal to the average depth of open drains. After February, groundwater levels rose until they reached 2.8 m from the surface in September and October 2008, which was toward the end of the main irrigation season. From this point, GWDa declined until it reached 3.2 m in January 2009. Fig. 2 demonstrates cumulative frequency curves developed from interpolated maps of GWDa for the 3 months of February, June, and September 2008. These months were selected to show three different levels of groundwater from lowest to highest. According to Fig. 2, no PVID groundwater levels were closer than about 2.0 m to the soil surface, an indication of a successfully functioning drainage system.
Fig. 2. Cumulative frequency distribution of depth to groundwater during February, June, and September 2008

Actual Evapotranspiration

On average, the annual ETa over PVID’s cultivated land (439  km2) was 1,286 mm. This was similar to the annual ET estimate of 1,268 mm, reported by Taghvaeian and Neale (2011) over the same period based on a district-wide water balance approach. Annual field-level ETa ranged from less than 70 mm for fallow fields to more than 2,000 mm for alfalfa fields. Water consumption of other dominant crops was less than alfalfa at 1,063 and 1,320 mm for Sudan grass and cotton, respectively. Fig. 3 presents a SEBAL-ET map on September 17, 2008, as an example of the 21 processed images.
Fig. 3. SEBAL-derived spatially distributed daily ET on September 17, 2008 (DOY: 261)
Crop coefficients (Kc) were determined by dividing SEBAL-ETa by the grass-based reference ET estimated at the CIMIS weather station. The frequency distribution and cumulative frequency of Kc values over PVID are demonstrated in Fig. 4 for two satellite overpass dates of April 8 and July 13, 2008. On both dates, the most frequent Kc occurred at about 1.1, which is about the Kc of alfalfa and cotton at peak water use. Since alfalfa has a year-round growing season, the April 8 Kc distribution was mainly controlled by alfalfa. The frequency distribution changed on July 13 for Kc values smaller than 0.2 and larger than 1.0, but it had minimal differences for values in between these two limits. This evolution can be attributed to the growth of other crops such as cotton. Cotton is planted in mid-March in PVID, so its water consumption is still small in early April (Kc values less than 0.25). By mid-July, however, most of the cotton fields are at full cover, consuming water at the highest rates. As a result, the low-Kc frequencies move to a range between 1.0 and 1.2.Kc values larger than 1.2 appeared to belong to recently irrigated fields.
Fig. 4. (a) Frequency distribution of Kc on a pixel-by-pixel basis for two dates in 2008: April 8 (DOY: 99) and July 13 (DOY: 195); (b) the cumulative frequency of Kc for the same dates

Potential Evapotranspiration

In estimating ETp, the PT parameter, α, was adjusted to include the effect of advective energy on enhancing and/or suppressing water consumption. Adjusted values were estimated through dividing the Penman-Monteith ETo by the equilibrium ET. Fig. 5 shows adjusted daily α values for the period from March 1 to October 1, a time frame that represented the main agricultural growing season and when advective energy was expected to be significant.
Fig. 5. Adjusted values of daily PT parameter (α); dashed and solid gray lines represent 1.26 and 1.4, respectively
Out of 215 days of analyzed data, only one day had an α value less than 1.26. On this date (May 24) PVID rain gauges recorded an average precipitation depth of 14.4 mm, the most intensive rainfall during the study period. Therefore, it is highly probable that moist and cool air from surrounding deserts converged over PVID, resulting in water consumptions lower than what was predicted by the available energy. Except for 3 days, adjusted α values were all above 1.4, suggesting that advection was a major contributor to water consumption of PVID crops. Several previous studies reported α values greater than 1.4 (Diaz-Espejo et al. 2005; Pereira and Nova 1992) and 1.5 (Li and Yu 2007), offering that such values indicate the occurrence of enhanced advective conditions.

Performance Indicators

Water Consumption Uniformity

Within field coefficient of variability (CVw) of annual ETa ranged from 1.0 to 80%, with an average and median of 7.0 and 3.4%, respectively. Although variabilities as high as 80% were detected, 85% of the fields had a CVw lower than 10%. Using maps of CVw, PVID managers can locate the remaining 15% of the fields with CVw values larger than 10% and focus their attention on these flagged fields rather than the entire district. This is an example of how the distributed nature of remotely sensed indicators can save time and energy in evaluating and improving scheme-wide irrigation performance. The low values of average CVw suggest that, overall, water application at the field level was uniform across PVID. A primary reason could be that almost all PVID fields are precisely leveled, using modern laser grade-control systems. Among the fields, the coefficient of variation (CVs) for PVID fields was 38.2%, but this large value does not translate into poor irrigation equity since PVID fields are highly diverse in crop type, growing season, and water requirement. Table 1 compares the CV estimates found in this study with the reported values in the literature.
Table 1. Previously Reported Coefficients of Variation [among (CVs) and within Field (CVw)] of Actual ET
PublicationModelRS platformNumber of overpassesStudy areaStudy unitMain cropsCVs (%)CVw (%)
This studySEBALLandsat TM21California, U.S.1,485 fieldsAlfalfa, cotton38.27.0
Kharrou et al. (2013)NDVI-ETLandsat ETM8Haouz plain, Morocco3 zonesWheat17.0N/A
Zwart and Leclert (2010)SEBALLandsat ETM12Office du Niger, Mali5 zonesRice2.48.9
Ahmad et al. (2009)SEBALMODIS19Rechna Doab, Pakistan9 subdivisionsRice, wheat2.44.0
Ahmad et al. (2009)SEBALMODIS19Rechna Doab, Pakistan15 subdivisionsSugarcane, wheat4.97.5
Roerink et al. (1997)SEBALLandsat TM1Rio Tunuyan, Argentina10 secondary unitsOrchards, vineyards8.6N/A
Roerink et al. (1997)SEBALLandsat TM1Rio Tunuyan, Argentina31 tertiary unitsOrchards, vineyards6.1N/A
Bastiaanssen et al. (1996)SEBALLandsat TM1Nile Delta, Egypt53 districtsRice, cotton, maize10.015.0

Note: ETM = enhanced thematic mapper; NDVI = normalized difference vegetation index; RS = remote sensing.

Crop-specific water consumption uniformity was also studied over cotton and alfalfa fields. For 22 large cotton fields, CVw and CVs were 3.2 and 8.5%, respectively. The uniformity was also promising for 45 large alfalfa fields in PVID, with CVw and CVs values of 3.1 and 9.4%, respectively. According to Molden and Gates (1990), a CVs of less than 10% is considered good uniformity. Santos et al. (2008) reported a higher variability for 13 cotton fields in the Genil-Cabra Irrigation Scheme (GCIS) in southern Spain (CVw=5% and CVs=12%). GCIS fields were under a modern pressurized system with an on-demand delivering regime, while PVID fields were under surface irrigation and a modified-demand water delivery.

Relative Evapotranspiration

Average RET for all PVID fields was 0.97 when an α value of 1.26 was used. This is a high RET, suggesting that on average all studied fields were consuming water at rates similar to their potential. When considering only full-cover fields, RET increased further to 1.49, meaning that these fields had water consumption about 50% larger than their potential. Adjusting α for advective conditions reduced the average RET of all fields and full-cover fields to more realistic estimates of 0.69 and 1.06, respectively (Fig. 6). Estimating ETa values that are 6% larger than ETp on average is acceptable since α was calibrated with grass-based ETo, while the ET of alfalfa (the most dominant crop in PVID) can be up to 20% larger than grass under the same agroclimatological conditions.
Fig. 6. Average RET over all fields and full-cover fields of PVID, under nonadvective (α=1.26) and advective (adjusted α) conditions
Assuming that ETp was equal to available radiative energy (RnG), Roerink et al. (1997) reported average RET values of about 0.6 for several secondary and tertiary units in the Rio Tunuyan irrigation scheme in Argentina. Roerink et al. suggested that RET values of 0.75 and higher were satisfactory for irrigated agriculture. Using the α value of 1.26 (PT original), Karatas et al. (2009) estimated an average RET of 0.7 for the period of May to September over the Lower Gediz Basin (LGB) in Turkey, which is similar to PVID in terms of irrigation method and main crops. It may seem appropriate to compare RET estimates of LGB with the RET estimate of PVID before adjusting α. Such a comparison would favor PVID, with an average RET of 0.97. However, the effect of advection on ET may have been different for these two irrigation schemes. Although the amounts of precipitation during the study periods were similar for both regions (about 30 mm), advective conditions may have been less prevalent under the Mediterranean climate of LGB. If that was the case, comparing the average RET of LGB with the average RET of PVID after adjusting α may be more reasonable (0.7 versus 0.69). The same logic applies to comparing the RET estimate of PVID to that of the Nilo Coelho (0.76), a pressurized irrigation scheme in Brazil (Bastiaanssen et al. 2001). The results of the present study were also similar to those reported for irrigated winter wheat in central Morocco, with an average RET of 0.68 (Kharrou et al. 2013), as well as a flood-irrigated region in Uzbekistan where RET decreased from over 1.0 to less than 0.75 as the distance to the canal intake increased from less than 15 km to over 95 km (Conrad et al. 2013).

Depleted Fraction

Gross and net DF were estimated on a daily basis and averaged for each month in 2008. DFg ranged between 0.33 in December and 0.58 in May, with an annual average of 0.49. As expected, DFn values were larger, varying from 0.41 in December to 0.64 in May, with an annual average of 0.55. Fig. 7 demonstrates the intermonthly variation of DFg and DFn in 2008.
Fig. 7. Average DFg and DFn for each month in 2008
The temporal pattern of monthly DFn was different for irrigated areas in Uzbekistan, with values decreasing from April to June (minimum of about 0.4) and then increasing until September when they exceeded 0.8 (Conrad et al. 2013). For the Nilo Coelho irrigation scheme, Bastiaanssen et al. (2001) reported DFn values ranging between 0.4 in April and 0.85 in November, with an annual average of 0.61. For the condition of this irrigation scheme (perennial orchards under pressurized irrigation), DFn values beyond the operational range of 0.7–1.0 were found to result in at least 10% reduction in the yield. Three irrigation districts in central Morocco had January–February DFg values similar to those estimated in the present study, but significantly larger values (above 0.8) in March and April (Kharrou et al. 2013). For the semiarid LGB in Turkey, Karatas et al. (2009) estimated DFg values larger than 3.0 in May and September. The authors claimed that a depletion that was three times larger than diverted water was achieved through consumption of soil moisture stored in the root zone. DFg values dropped to as low as 0.28 in July, resulting in an average DFg of 0.69 for the whole study period (May to September) over the LGB. Another study found similar average DFg values of 0.60 and 0.72 for cotton and grape fields, respectively, in a subdivision of the LGB (Droogers and Bastiaanssen 2002).

Drainage Ratio

The average annual DR over PVID was 0.45, ranging from 0.36 in May to 0.59 in December. This was smaller than the average seasonal DR reported for three irrigation subdivisions in Uzbekistan, ranging from 0.55 to 0.65 (Conrad et al. 2013). Since no soil salinity study has been carried out in PVID, there is no information on leaching requirements to be used in assessing DR estimates. However, it may be safely assumed that the leaching requirement was not greater than 10–15% in PVID, since its water source had a low salinity (electrical conductivity of the Colorado River water measured by USGS above the diversion dam never exceeded 1.08  dS·m1 in 2008). If this was the case, the fact that drainage was 45% of applied water may be an indication of overirrigation in this area. Reducing the amount of applied water may have significant effects on downstream ecosystems because of the elevated levels of nutrients in irrigation return flows.

Drainage Distribution Uniformity

The CVs and CVw of the actual groundwater depth were estimated for PVID fields for the 2 months of February and September, representing periods when groundwater was farthest from and closest to the soil surface, respectively. The CVs was 13.4% in February and 15.5% in September. The CVw was significantly smaller, with average values of 0.9 and 1.1% for February and September, respectively. The uniformity of GWDa within and across PVID fields suggests that the extent and density of the existing drainage network is appropriate for removing excess water from the top soil. However, the adequacy of drainage depth cannot be assessed based on DDU and requires estimating the next performance indicator.

Relative Groundwater Depth

Similar to DDU, RGD was estimated for the 2 months of February and September. Not a single field had a RGD value less than unity in either month, meaning that the groundwater level was always below the maximum depth that crop roots could reach. However, the distribution of RGD values was different between the 2 months (Fig. 8). For example, only 2.5% of the fields had a RGD between 1.0 and 1.5 in February, but this increased to about 27% in September. No significant correlation was found between RGD and distance to drain, estimated in ArcGIS as the distance between the centroid of each field and the closest drain. This means that expanding the existing drainage network will not have any major effect on the depth of drained soil.
Fig. 8. Frequency distribution of RGD for February and September 2008
Spatially distributed information on drainage performance indicators generated by GIS techniques can significantly assist irrigation managers with locating the fields that are at higher sustainability risks. Focusing only on these fields would result in a more efficient use of resources to improve drainage performance. Fig. 9 demonstrates two examples of such maps, one based on DDU (CVw of GWDa) and the other based on RGD, where the red color specifies fields that may have drainage issues. Any mathematical combination of two or more drainage performance indicators can also be generated (e.g., by assigning different weights) based on the importance of each factor in future sustainability of crop production.
Fig. 9. (a) Distributed DDU; (b) RGD in September 2008, averaged for each PVID field


All available cloud-free Landsat TM5 imagery acquired from January 2008 through January 2009 were collected and processed using the SEBAL to map actual evapotranspiration (ETa) over the Palo Verde Irrigation District in southern California. The results were then combined with ground measurements of precipitation, water inflows/outflows, and depth to groundwater in the ArcGIS environment. Consumptive use of water by PVID crops was 52% of diverted water and 7% of the Colorado River discharge (7,815  Mm3) upstream of the Palo Verde diversion dam during the study period.
The data were used to estimate several irrigation and drainage performance indicators. Within-field water consumption was uniform, most probably because of the precise grading of flood-irrigated fields using laser technology. However, 15% of the fields had variability larger than 10%. Using the distributed information on ETa variability, irrigation managers can locate nonuniform fields and focus their attention on investigating possible reasons and potential solutions. Another indicator, the relative ET, revealed that full-cover fields were consuming water at about 6% greater than their potential rate estimated by the PT method. A relative ET of 1.06 indicates that, on average, PVID fields were provided with adequate water.
Three drainage performance indicators were also estimated over PVID to investigate irrigation sustainability. The drainage ratio was larger than typical leaching requirements of most irrigation schemes, suggesting that many fields were overirrigated. This could increase the load of nutrients in downstream ecosystems receiving the return flows, creating environmental challenges. The depth to water table was both uniform and larger than the maximum root depth of dominant crops at all times. According to these indicators, the PVID drainage system was successfully functioning, removing excess water from the root zone in a uniform fashion. The results showed that remote sensing and GIS techniques can be combined to provide a comprehensive picture of irrigation performance across irrigation schemes.


This research was funded in part by the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation under a contract with the Alliance of Universities with a subcontract to Utah State University. Additional funding was provided by Utah Agricultural Experiment Station and the Remote Sensing Services Laboratory, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Utah State University. The authors would like to express their appreciation to Mr. Roger Henning and Ms. Paula Hayden (chief engineer and staff of PVID) for kindly providing us with their databases, and for their valuable comments on the results.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Volume 144Issue 6June 2018


Received: Aug 30, 2017
Accepted: Dec 29, 2017
Published online: Apr 10, 2018
Published in print: Jun 1, 2018
Discussion open until: Sep 10, 2018



Saleh Taghvaeian, A.M.ASCE [email protected]
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Oklahoma State Univ., Stillwater, OK 74078 (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected]
Christopher M. U. Neale, A.M.ASCE
Director of Research, Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute, Univ. of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68508.
John C. Osterberg
Retired, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO.
Subramania I. Sritharan
Associate Director of Research—Land Grant Program, Central State Univ., Wilberforce, OH 45384.
Doyle R. Watts
Associate Professor, Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Wright State Univ., Dayton, OH 45435.

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