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Mar 31, 2011

Salinity Effects from Evaporation and Transpiration under Flood Irrigation

Publication: Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Volume 137, Issue 12


Transpiration and evaporation rates from irrigated pastures can be adequately assessed by conventional methods and more recently, by the use of stable isotopes δH2 and δO18. However, the salinity effects that transpiration and evaporation have on infiltrating irrigation waters and residual soil-waters have not been independently assessed in a flood irrigation setting. In this study, oxygen-18, deuterium and chloride concentrations of irrigation water, soil-water, and groundwater were monitored with soil-water content over time to independently assess the salinization effects of evaporation and transpiration. This study was carried out across four flood irrigation sites that overlie a heterogeneous loam-sand and limestone vadose zone. Results showed that minor evaporation losses were detected across most flood irrigation sites through the use of stable isotopes δH2 and δO18. The associated increase in chloride concentration of irrigation water as a result of evaporation (minor fractionating water loss) was low (0mg/l to 129mg/l) compared to the chloride increase as a result of transpiration (150mg/l to 2,800mg/l) noted in shallow soil-water. Across all sites, the fractionating water loss detected in soil-water was minor (<1 δO18 from the source) with isotopic signatures reflecting partially evaporated irrigation waters. The high soil-water chloride concentrations, minor fractionating loss, and corresponding decrease in soil-water content suggest that transpiration is the dominant cause of water loss and therefore the largest contributor to salinity effects during flood irrigation. Salinity effects caused by transpiration (0.4 to 2.6t/ha) were 3 to 50 times greater than the salinity effects caused by evaporation from irrigation and soil-waters (0.01 to 0.3t/ha).


During flood irrigation, water loss to the atmosphere occurs through two pathways: (1) evaporation (E) from the irrigation water and soil-water and (2) transpiration (T) from the crop. Both fluxes result in the concentration of salts in residual irrigation waters and soil-waters (a process referred to as salinization); however, evaporation can be managed and is the undesirable component of water loss from any irrigation practice. This study offers a new method via the use of stable isotopic and chemical tracers to independently assess the contributions that these processes (E and T) have on infiltrating irrigation waters. This technique was applied to four flood irrigation bays, which vary by soil type, crop type, and irrigation delivery (pump rate and bay architecture).
Long-term salt accumulation in the soil zone is determined by the salinity of the irrigation water, the volume applied, and the amount of drainage water. While transpiration cannot be managed, reducing evaporation losses by only applying the minimum amount to satisfy plant transpiration and a leaching fraction leads to the most efficient irrigation.
In water-balance studies, evaporation and transpiration rates can be quantified via the widely accepted conventional FA056 Penman-Monteith method (Penman 1948; Monteith 1965; Allen et al. 1998), lysimeters (weighing or nonweighing), the water balance approach, soil-water depletion techniques, and recently, via sophisticated climate stations or flux towers, using the eddy covariance technique (Mauder et al. 2007).
A major challenge with these methodologies is determining which flux (E or T) has a greater contribution to salinization in the soil profile. Quantifying such effects can only be assessed by the monitoring of soil-water and plant interactions postirrigation. The monitoring of environmental isotopes δH2 and δO18 in soil-water and xylem-leaf water have been recently used to independently quantify evaporation rates from soils (Allison and Barnes 1983, 1984; Zimmermann et al. 1967) and transpiration rates from a crop (Dawson and Ehleringer 1998; Ehleringer and Dawson 1992); however, this work has not been expanded to quantify the salinization effects of the two processes during flood irrigation.
Evaporation leads to enrichment in water molecules with heavier isotopes (δH2 and δO18) because of preferential loss to the atmosphere of water molecules consisting of lighter isotopes (δH1 and δO16), a process referred to as fractionation (Zimmermann et al. 1967; White and Gedzelman 1984). In contrast, transpiration does not result in any fractionation, allowing the two processes to be separated out in the water balance. Since transpiration and evaporation affect residual water isotopic compositions differently, the relative contribution of these two water loss fluxes may theoretically be resolved from observed changes in residual irrigation soil-water isotopic compositions (Dincer et al. 1978).
Enrichment and fractionation of δH2 and δO18 abundances of soil-water owing to evaporation have been used to aid the determination of water origins (Gat and Tsur 1967; Gat 1971) and to estimate the degree of evaporation (Allison and Barnes 1983, 1984; Zimmermann et al. 1967). In their studies, empirical procedures were developed for quantifying evaporation rates from soils; however, little is known about the effect that the independent processes of evaporation and transpiration have on infiltrating irrigation waters and residual soil-waters, or about their contribution to salinity effect.
The analysis of stable isotopes hydrogen and oxygen bound in plant and soil-water offers one of the most powerful tools for addressing plant water uptake (Dawson and Ehleringer 1998; Ehleringer and Dawson 1992). Both the evaporation process and irrigation events result in soil-water content and isotopic profiles that vary with soil depth (Allison and Hughes 1983; Ehleringer and Dawson 1992). As the roots uptake water at different depths without fractionation (Thorburn et al. 1993; Walker and Richardson 1991), the isotopic signature of water in the plant stem is the average of the soil-water isotopic values weighted by the proportion of water acquired from each soil layer. Simple linear mixing models have been developed to estimate the relative contributions of numerous water sources to plant uptake.
Few studies have highlighted the potential utility of coupling isotopic techniques to independently assess salinization from evaporation and transpiration and particularly from flood irrigation. One way is by using conservative tracers such as chloride concentrations of soil-water, which can be used conjunctively to separate effects of transpiration and evaporation. For example, Simpson et al. (1987) reported large increases of salinity in shallow groundwaters beneath irrigated regions compared to Nile River input total dissolved solids concentrations, which were not accompanied by heavy isotope enrichment proportional to the increase in dissolved solids. Dincer et al. (1979) distinguished between the water loss by evaporation and by transpiration of the aquatic plants in the Okavango swamp. Therefore, the combination of chloride and stable isotope data for agricultural drainage waters can provide valuable new insights into the main mechanisms (E or T) responsible for salinization and suggest which management changes are more likely to improve water-use efficiency and water quality of drainage waters most effectively.
In the irrigation districts of southeast South Australia, the soil zone is shallow (0.5 to 1 m thick) and overlays the Padthaway Formation, a hard calcrete-topped limestone. Previous studies undertaken in this region indicated that the presence of this calcrete layer might control drainage and constrain the depth of the evaporation front to within the upper soil horizon only (van den Akker et al. 2006). Because of the presence of the calcrete layer, the approaches developed by other studies (Allison and Barnes 1983, 1984) to investigate evaporation from the soil may not be applicable in this setting. Therefore, this warrants further investigation.
The objective of this study was to quantify the independent effects of evaporation and transpiration from flood irrigation. In this study the build up (enrichment) of stable isotopes of soil-water (by evaporation only) is compared to that of salinity, which is increased by the combined evapotranspiration flux (evaporation+transpiration). This was achieved by the monitoring of soil-water content, δH2 and δO18, and Cl- concentrations in irrigation water, soil-water, and groundwater over time at four flood irrigation sites in Southeast South Australia.


Site Description

The four irrigation study sites selected for this study lie within the interdunal flats near the townships of Padthaway and Keith in Upper Southeast South Australia (Fig. 1). Pasture, clover, and lucerne crops are flood irrigated at these sites. The climate within the study areas can be characterized by warm-to-hot dry summers and cool-wet winters. The average annual maximum temperature is 22°C, with February being the hottest month at 29.8°C and July being the coldest month at 5.5°C. Annual potential evaporation is 1,600mm/year and 1,700mm/year for Padthaway and Keith, respectively.
Fig. 1. Site location, flood irrigation study sites, Padthaway prescribed wells area, and Tatiara prescribed wells area
Soil particle size (% sand, silt, and clay), bulk density, water content, and soil-water chloride was previously determined at each site from soil cores (see Harrington et al. 2004; Wohling 2007). Soil cores were collected at 50-cm-deep increments from either excavation pits or during drilling. Based on the particle-size distribution, the soil classification for the topsoil ranges from loam at Padthaway to sand in the Hundred of Stirling. Each site exhibits one or more calcrete layers that were encountered at depths of <0.50m at Padthaway and <1m at the Hundred of Stirling. The texture of most upper parts of the Padthaway Formation resembles a weathered marly clay.

Field Measurements

Field measurements were made in four flood irrigation bays consisting of pasture, clover, and lucerne. Collection of water samples from irrigation water, soil-water (suction lysimeters), and groundwater took place during two irrigation events at each site, which occurred within the 2005/2006 irrigation season spanning from November 2005 to March 2006. The ponded water samples were collected at five evenly distributed places in the flood bay (stations labeled A to E, Fig. 2) to detect isotopic change during surface water movement. Controlled, Class A pan evaporation experiments were also conducted in parallel to monitor the evolution of chloride and δH2 and δO18 concentrations over time as a result of potential evaporation. Fig. 2 shows the sampling locations at a typical instrumentation site, consisting of capacitance probes, suction lysimeters, and piezometers.
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of a typical flood irrigation site, showing instrumentation and sampled water-balance components of a flood irrigation system; transect of irrigation depth measurements, isotope, and Cl- sampling locations
All water samples were analyzed for δH2 and δO18 concentration, total dissolved solids (TDS) (mg/L), and chloride (Cl- mg/L). A measurement of TDS was used to give an overall assessment of the salinity, while Cl- helps distinguish between increases in salinity caused by evapotranspiration and soil-water interaction. The measurement of δH2 and δO18 allows us to determine evaporation (E only), while the buildup of Cl- along with decrease in soil-water content enables an assessment of the total evapotranspiration flux (E+T).
Groundwater samples for δH2 and δO18 were analyzed by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) isotopic laboratory in Adelaide by using a Europa Scientific Ltd. GEO 20-20 dual inlet gas ratio mass spectrometer. Results are expressed as δO18 (O18/O16) in per mil (‰) as a deviation from the Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (V-SMOW). The overall precisions of the δO18 and δH2 analysis are ±0.1 and ±1, respectively.

Capacitance Probes

Capacitance probes (C-Probes) were installed to measure the dielectric constant of the soil and therefore the water content by the capacitance method. They represent the best experimental in situ techniques for monitoring root activity (plant water use) and soil drainage. While the water-content measurements provide an indication of advancing wetting fronts, they cannot resolve the difference between large and small drainage fluxes.
Holes were drilled (50 mm diameter) to depths of 3 m via air hammer techniques to accommodate the C-probe. Soil capacitance is measured via sensors positioned at nominal depths of 10, 20, 30, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 cm within the vadose zone. Sensors were located both within the topsoil horizon and underlying Padthaway Formation. C-probes were used to determine lag times and the extent of water movement through the profile after an irrigation event and were used to map and monitor crop water uptake (root activity). The C-probes utilized a telemetry system to log and transmit data every 15 min. At the Padthaway irrigation sites, two C-probes were installed within the irrigation bays; and at the Hundred of Stirling irrigation sites, one C-probe was installed in the middle of the bay.

Suction Lysimeters

Suction lysimeters were installed to measure soil-water salinity (and chloride) and isotopic ratios of hydrogen (δH2/δH1) and oxygen (δO18/δO16) within the vadose zone over time. The chloride and isotopic concentrations measured from extracted soil-water reflect the chloride and isotopic concentrations of drainage water that would eventually recharge the unconfined aquifer.
At each site, four 100-mm-diameter holes were drilled via air hammer techniques within the unsaturated zone to nominal depths ranging from 0.3 to 4.0 m (depending upon rooting depth and soil structure) and equipped with suction lysimeters installed in the bottom 5 cm of the hole. The top lysimeter was located in the topsoil and the bottom three lysimeters were position within the unsaturated zone of the Padthaway Formation. The lysimeters were constructed by attaching a 15 cm porous ceramic cup to the end of 16-mm-diameter PVC conduit. These were placed in the hole with the ceramic cup and surrounded by diatomaceous earth to provide a good contact with the surrounding soil. A bentonite seal was placed above the diatomaceous earth and the hole was cemented to the surface. Two groups of four lysimeters were installed at each of the two flood irrigation sites (NAP4 and NAP5) in Padthaway to achieve average readings across the bay. Soil-water samples were extracted via a vacuum pump from suction lysimeters after irrigation at a time when the soil profile appeared to be approaching field capacity, as determined by the capacitance response. Because drainage can continue to occur for a number of days after irrigation, the changes in the isotopic signature of the wetting front as it moves through the vadose zone were monitored over time during the second round of sampling. Using the capacitance response as a guide, the suction lysimeters at NAP4 and NAP5 were subsequently sampled every 2 to 3 days after irrigation. Repeat sampling was not possible at sites PG and MTM because sufficient amounts of soil-water required for analysis could not be obtained because of the sandier soil, lower soil-water retention, and consequently lower water contents after irrigation.


Piezometers were installed 3 to 10 m below the water table in the middle of each bay. All piezometers were constructed from 50-mm-diameter Class 12 PVC pipe with slotted screens just below the water table. δH2 δO18, EC, and chloride concentrations were measured in groundwater, sampled from the piezometers 1–2 days after irrigation. A whaler pump was used to pump groundwater until three bore volumes had been purged.

Results and Discussion

Wetting Front Movement

The capacitance response from sensors located at various depths throughout the vadose zone show rapid drainage to the water table following irrigation (Fig. 3). The high capacitance responses from the sensor located in the topsoil at NAP4 is indicative of ponded irrigation water, which ponded for up to 24 h after the initial irrigation. The capacitance sensors show evidence of water loss either by root activity or evaporation to depths of 0.20 and 0.30 m. This depth corresponds to the depth of the topsoil and therefore the extent and bulk of the root zone. This is underlain by a calcrete-topped limestone. A change in the advancement rate of the wetting front was observed below this depth because water drains through the underlying limestone. Sensors positioned in the limestone indicate that postirrigation, drainage continued to occur for up to 60 h at NAP4 and 16 h at NAP5, which represents a time when the profile approaches field capacity. Because of the heterogeneous nature of the unsaturated zone, preferential flow through cracks and cavities (karstic features) may not be accounted for or detected using the capacitance response. The results confirm that water loss via evaporation and transpiration is likely to be constrained to the topsoil (upper 0.3 m) above the calcrete layer.
Fig. 3. Daily average soil-water content (as a measure of capacitance) measures during and postirrigation at (a) NAP4 and (b) NAP5; Note that the greatest change in soil-water content is constrained to the top 0.3 to 0.4 m of the soil profile, corresponding to the calcrete layer found at these depths

Vertical Distribution of Soil-Water Cl-, δH2, and δO18

Vertical distribution of soil-water Cl- measured from suction lysimeters postirrigation remained uniform with depth as a result of the high volume of irrigation water applied and high drainage (Fig. 4). However, long-term soil-water Cl- data collected monthly at these sites from 2003 to 2006 show variations in the upper part of the profile over the longer term, which was attributed to evapotranspiration from the top portion of the soil profile.
Fig. 4. Vertical distribution of soil-water δO18, δH2, and Cl- extracted from suction lysimeters following flood irrigation at (a) NAP4, (b) NAP5, (c) MTM, and (d) PG
Evaporation from the soil following irrigation at NAP4 and NAP5 was small and seemed only to affect the soil-water isotope values in the top 0.30 m (δO18 enrichment was 0.25‰ to 0.45‰ and δH2 enrichment was <5), whereas the isotope values below this depth remained steady over time (Fig. 4). The lack of isotopic enrichment below this depth suggests that (1) evaporation may be inhibited by a calcrete layer, commonly found at shallow depths (0.3 m), or (2) rapid infiltration of irrigation water via large cracks and channels coupled with a large reservoir of relatively immobile soil-water, owing to high marl content of the Padthaway Formation.
When there is no crop cover, such as during December irrigation at MTM, evaporation from saturated soil surfaces can be high from ponded water (Jensen et al. 1990). However, as most of the drainage occurred during the night (after 5:30 p.m.), evaporation from the soil was not apparent in the isotopic signatures of soil-water, which were collected the following day. At all other sites, evaporation from the soil was inhibited by dense crop cover and the calcrete layer at shallow depth (0.3 m).
Landon et al. (2000) showed that soil-water obtained from suction lysimeters may not be representative of drainage water (mobile/gravity), because differences in the isotopic values of soil-water collected using suction lysimeters, wick samplers, and core samples were found to occur because these methods collect different fractions of the total soil-water reservoir. They showed that wick samplers collect primarily mobile, gravity drainage water that is in excess of soil field capacity. Suction lysimeters collect a mixture of immobile water that is bound to the soil matrix at a tension of less than approximately 35 kPa and mobile water that is present in excess of field capacity at the time when suction is applied.
It can be postulated that because of the large volume of irrigation water applied here, the large amounts of soil-water encountered in the suction cup directly after irrigation consists mostly of irrigation water. When extracting soil-water from the suction lysimeters, only minor suction was required over a short time to obtain sufficient volumes of soil-water, suggesting that the soil-water extracted mostly consisted of mobile water (because mobile water is expected to be drawn into the cup before immobile connate water from the soil matrix).

Isotopic and Salinity Values of Irrigation Water, Soil-Water, and Groundwater

δO18 versus salinity plots of soil-water, irrigation water, and groundwater are displayed in Fig. 5 for each site. δH2 versus salinity plots are not shown here, but showed a similar trend. Table 1 shows (1) the average increase in chloride concentration and enrichment of irrigation water relative to the source (irrigation bore) and (2) the average increase in chloride concentration and enrichment of soil-water relative to ponded irrigation waters. Table 1 and Fig. 5 show the comparison between the salinity effects as a result of evaporation (fractionating water loss) and transpiration from both irrigation water and soil-water. The percentage increase of chloride concentration as a result of fractionating water loss (evaporation) in irrigation water is small (0–5%) in comparison to the percentage increase of chloride concentration in soil-water (23%–117%). The low fractionating water loss detected in soil-water and large increase in chloride concentrations suggest transpiration is the dominant process across all sites.
Fig. 5. Cl- versus δO18 plots of irrigation, soil, pan, and groundwater collected during and postirrigation application at flood irrigation site (a) NAP5, (b) NAP4, (c) PG, and (d) MTM
Table 1. Average Increase in Chloride Concentration and Enrichment of Irrigation Water and Soil-Water
Study site and irrigationCrop typeSoil typeIrrigation waterSoil-waterVariable at time of irrigation
Increase in (Cl-)(mg/l)% ↑ (Cl-)δO18 enrichment (‰)Increase in (Cl-)(mg/l)% ↑ (Cl-)δO18 enrichment (‰)
NAP5-NOVCloverLoam90.760.927423.060Day irrigation
NAP5-MARClover352.951.0737731.730Day irrigation
NAP4-JANPastureLoam304.690.217026.560.1Day irrigation
NAP4-MARPasture619.530.718929.530Night irrigation
PG-JANLucerneSand0001,96853.921Day irrigation, minimal crop cover
PG-FEBLucerne300.820.092,10257.590.41Day irrigation, mature crop
MTM-DECLucerneSand1294.960.842,07879.920Day irrigation, mature crop
MTM-FEBLucerne<5<10.123,070118.080.2Day irrigation, mature crop
The δO18 and δH2 composition of soil-water extracted from the suction lysimeters buried at each end of the irrigation bay at NAP4 and NAP5 are similar and plot close to the irrigation bore water (on the x-axis), signifying minor enrichment postirrigation (Fig. 5). This minor enrichment suggests that most of the irrigation drainage that recharges the aquifer has undergone a small amount of evaporation. Therefore, the isotopic enrichment of these evaporated waters was not reflected in isotopic signatures in soil-water.
During irrigation, the increase in chloride concentration of irrigation waters at NAP4 and NAP5 ranged from 30mg/l to 60mg/l (4.7%–9.5%) and 9mg/l to 35mg/l (0.75%–2.5%), respectively. However, the chloride concentration of soil-water extracted 1 to 3 days postirrigation was much more than that of the irrigation water, showing increases of 170mg/l and 189mg/l (26.5%–29.5%) and 274mg/l to 377mg/l (23%–31%) at NAP4 and NAP5, respectively. In both cases, the minor fractionating water loss (<0.1 for δO18) and the higher chloride concentration of soil-water suggest that transpiration was the dominant process at these sites.
The greater effect of evaporation on the open irrigation water, sampled during the December 2005 irrigation at MTM, is clearly evident by the greater spread of data points (exhibiting greater fractionation), which plot further toward the right across the x-axis than observed during the February irrigation, when crop cover was 95% (Fig. 5). The corresponding increase in chloride concentration of irrigation water as a result of evaporation (fractionating water loss) was greater during the December irrigation (129mg/l, a 5% increase), than the February irrigation (<1%), where chloride concentrations remained relatively unchanged. Because of the high crop cover in February, irrigation waters were not subjected to the same amount of evaporation as those measured in the evaporation pan over the same period (Fig. 5).
As observed across all sites, the isotopic enrichment of soil-water collected 1 to 3 days postirrigation at MTM was minor (0.5‰) and reflected partially evaporated irrigation water. The increase in chloride concentration as a result of fractionating water loss was minor (0 to +129mg/L, a 0–5% increase) compared to the increase in chloride concentration as result of transpiration (+2,070 to 3,070mg/L, 79% to 118%).
The reduced influence of evaporation owing to dense crop cover was also confirmed by experiments conducted at irrigation site PG. Crop cover was close to maximum cover during both sampled irrigations, during which time the enrichment in δO18 (<0.15) and increase chloride concentrations (0 to +30mg/l, a 0–0.82% increase) of irrigation water were much less than the increases measured in evaporating pan water (δO18 enrichment was 0.66 ‰, Cl- +44mg/l to +90mg/l) over the same time period (Fig. 5).
During the January sampling event, some minor enrichment was detected in the soil-water (<1 δO18 and 1–3 ‰ δH2), which was equivalent to the enrichment of pan waters (1‰ δO18). The increase in chloride concentration of soil-water (+1,968mg/l to +2,100mg/l, 54–58%), which was subject to both E+T, was much greater than the increase in chloride of pan water (+90mg/l), which was subject to E only (Fig. 5). This suggests that the concentration of salt in the soil-water was dominated by transpiration at this site.

Soil-Water Salinity and Isotopic Signatures Monitored over Time

Wetting front movement along with soil isotopic and salinity values were measured 2 and 4 days following irrigation application at NAP4 and NAP5. The results are shown in Figs. 6(a, b): changes in water content versus soil-water chloride and Figs. 6(c, d): soil-water content versus soil-water δH2/δO18. Figs. 6(a, b) show that the isotopic composition of soil-water remains reasonably steady over time, while Figs. 6(c, d) show an increase in soil-water salinity with decreasing soil-water content over the same period. Therefore, this decrease in soil-water content and increase in soil-water salinity can only be explained by transpiration. The increase in soil-water chloride was mainly constrained to the top 0.30 m, signifying the extent and effect of evapotranspiration, which may be constrained by root activity and the calcrete layer commonly found at this depth. Below this depth, only minor changes in salinity and isotopic composition were detected over time (as shown in Fig. 4).
Fig. 6. Soil capacitance versus soil-water 18O: plots (a) and (b) showing minor fractionating loss with respect to the source and a decrease in capacitance with depth, following irrigation at (a) NAP4 and (b) NAP5; capacitance versus soil-water Cl-: plots (c) and (d) showing a decrease in soil-water content and corresponding increase in Cl-, attributed to transpiration, following irrigation at (c) NAP4 and (d) NAP5; the large decrease in capacitance from 3 m to 1 m at NAP4 is a result of drainage; the decrease in capacitance at 0.3 m is mostly attributable to transpiration

Salinity Effect

The salinity effect caused by the recycling of irrigation water has been assessed at each flood irrigation site. A net salinity effect to the unconfined aquifer can be calculated using drainage rate and drainage water salinity estimates. Unsaturated zone drainage rates (D mm/year) were estimated using the water balance approach [Eq. (1)]
where P = precipitation (mm), I = volume of irrigation water applied to the bay (mm), D = drainage below the irrigation bay (mm), ET = evapotranspiration (mm), and ΔS = change in soil-water content (mm), which because of the large volume of irrigation water applied, can be assumed to be negligible.
The salinity of drainage water under flood irrigation is assumably equivalent to that of the soil pore water salinity below the root zone, which is sampled at the two and three meter suction lysimeters. A salinity increase (Δsal, mg/L-1) because of the use of groundwater for irrigation is calculated as the difference between the estimated salinity of drainage water and the irrigation water applied (Harrington et al. 2004).
The net salinity effect to the aquifer (t/ha/year) from the evaporation of irrigation water and evapoconcentration of soil-water is then given by
where I = volume of irrigation water applied to the bay, D = drainage below the irrigation bay, Δsalsw = net increase of salinity of drainage water (obtained from suction lysimeters below 0.5 m) minus salinity of irrigation water, and ΔsalIW = net increase in salinity of irrigation water during the ponding period. The salt balance and net salinity effects because of transpiration and evaporation of surface waters for each site are compared in Table 2.
Table 2. Salinity Effect from Flood Irrigation per Irrigation
SiteIncrease in salt concentration from source (mg/l)Salt inputs and outputsNet salinity effect (t/ha)Total net salinity effect (t/ha)
Increase in TDS of irrigation waterIncrease in TDS of soil-waterInput (t/ha)Output (t/ha)Input (t/ha)Output (t/ha)Via evaporationVia transpiration
1st irrigation2nd irrigation1st irrigation2nd irrigation1st irrigation2nd irrigation1st irrigation2nd irrigation1st irrigation2nd irrigation1st irrigation2nd irrigation
An estimated 1.53 to 11.3t/ha of salt per irrigation was applied to flood irrigation bays (Table 2). The high salt loads applied at sites PG and MTM (9.611.2t/ha) was attributed to the higher salinity of irrigation water (4,800 to 6,400mg/L, TDS).
Across all sites, the total salt output was slightly greater than the total salt input (Table 2). This may be because of the flushing (mobilization) of accumulated salt from the soil profile between irrigations over the short term. Over the longer term, however, it is reasonable to assume that the input of salt to the unsaturated zone via irrigation equals output via drainage.
The average salinity effect caused by evaporation of surface waters is minor (15%) in comparison to the salinity effect as a result of transpiration (85%). This is supported by Dincer et al. (1979), who showed that the contribution of transpiration from aquatic plants to water loss was greatest (71%) during summer, and Simpson et al. (1992), who showed that transpiration over an entire rice cropping season accounted for 60% of total losses to the atmosphere, with evaporation providing the remainder.
At NAP4 and NAP5, ponding occurred for up to 18 h postirrigation, and the salinity effect as a result of evaporation over the irrigation and ponding period ranged from 4 to 30% compared to the salinity effect as a result of transpiration (41 to 95%). In contrast, evaporation from rapidly draining soils at PG and MTM contributed only 2 to 18% of the effects compared to transpiration (81 to 97%).
An isotope study paralleling the same study sites (van den Akker et al. 2011) showed that evaporation from flood irrigation can amount to 6 mm day; however, when the crop was mature, evaporation was strongly limited by the dense canopy cover and can be 30% lower, and in some cases, negligible (i.e., <1mm) when applied to rapid draining soils. This is supported by Fig. 5 and showed that isotopic signatures of soil-water collected postirrigation resemble partially evaporated irrigation waters, suggesting that soil-water did not undergo significant evaporation following irrigation. Transpiration of lucerne and pasture calculated by conventional methods (FAO56) can range from 4 to 6 mm per day (using crop coefficients of 0.8 and 0.9, respectively). Hence, over a 14 day irrigation cycle, water lost via transpiration can amount to >56mm between irrigations.
The cumulative water losses because of E and T and the corresponding salinity increase and soil moisture (capacitance) decrease in the topsoil (0.2 m) measured over a typical 14-day irrigation cycle following irrigation is shown on Fig. 7 for study sites NAP4 and NAP5. The results showed that 88% of water is lost by transpiration over the 14-day irrigation cycle. The water loss via transpiration and corresponding increase of salt concentration in the soil zone between irrigations is an ongoing process (amounting to+300mg/l, TDS over a 4-day period post irrigation). The salt-water balance at these sites indicates that approximately 0.2 to 0.4t/ha of salt had accumulated between irrigations over a 14-day time frame. In contrast, the increase in salt concentration via evaporation was much less (amounting to+100mg/l) because evaporation of irrigation waters occurred over a much shorter duration of 1 to 2 days, during the irrigation and ponding periods only.
Fig. 7. Comparison of transpiration (calculated via the FAO56 methodology) versus evaporation of irrigation waters (calculated via stable isotopes) during flood irrigation of a mature crop at study sites (a) NAP5 and (b) NAP4; also shown is the reduction in soil moisture capacitance and corresponding increase in soil-water salinity following irrigation
At NAP5, the salinity effect because of evaporation of irrigation water over the duration of irrigation spanning 1.5 days was 0.12t/ha, or 0.08t/ha/days; however, the salinity effect because of transpiration through concentration of soil-water salts over 14 days (between irrigations) was 0.4t/ha over 14 days, or 0.03t/ha/days (Table 2). At PG, the salinity effect because of evaporation of irrigation water over duration of irrigation was 0.032t/ha/days, and the salinity effect because of transpiration through concentration of soil-water salts over 14 days (between irrigations) was 0.40.5t/ha over 14 days, or approximately 0.3t/ha/days (Table 2).
The salinity effects because of evaporation at NAP4 were slightly more during the second irrigation than observed during the first irrigation. This was a result of irrigating at night during the second irrigation, thereby allowing water to pond and evaporate the following day. Salinity effects because of evaporation were also higher at MTM during the first irrigation when there was little crop cover (when E>T). Likewise, the salinity effect because of transpiration was 1t/ha greater during the second irrigation at MTM when the lucerne had reached maximum growth (when T>E), as shown in Table 2.

Source of Salinity

Because salinity (TDS) and Cl- concentration are very strongly correlated R2=0.987 (Fig. 8), and Cl- is chemically inert and not involved in chemical reactions in the aquifer, the increase in salinity is not caused by mineral-water interactions within the aquifer and can only be explained from concentration through evaporation or transpiration. An increase in TDS through water-rock interaction (water-mineral reaction) would result in a nonlinear Cl--TDS relationship. A TDS versus Cl- plot of evaporated pan water has been included for comparison and showed a similar linear Cl--TDS relationship as exhibited by soil-water.
Fig. 8. Cl- versus TDS relationship of soil-water beneath flood irrigation and pan evaporation


By monitoring isotopic (δH2/δO18) and chloride concentrations in irrigation water and soil-water with soil moisture content, transpiration showed itself to be the dominant process by which salts are concentrated during flood irrigation, and therefore it was the major contributor to salinity effect to the water table.
This study showed that the increases in soil-water chloride and decrease in soil-water content postirrigation was not accompanied by significant enrichment of δH2 and δO18 over time, thus suggesting that transpiration was the dominant process by which water was lost to the atmosphere. This was confirmed by experiments described by van den Akker et al. (2011), which showed that over a typical irrigation cycle, evaporation from irrigation was much less (0.5 to 6 mm) than transpiration, an ongoing process that can amount to 85 mm between irrigations.
The combined monitoring of soil capacitance, stable isotopes, and Cl- of soil-water confirmed that in this setting, evaporation and transpiration were also constrained by crop cover and calcrete layers often found as shallow as 0.30 m.
Across all sites, the isotopic composition of soil-water was similar to that of partially evaporated irrigation water, as observed during the early stages of irrigation, suggesting that no further evaporation of soil-water took place following irrigation. This observation was also supported by other studies (Barnes and Allison 1983; Allison et al. 1983). Zimmermann et al. (1967) reported that isotope profiles beneath grass were relatively less enriched than nearby profiles under bare ground and concluded that in their case, the main effect of the grass cover was the reduction in soil evaporation, leading to a less enriched profile beneath the vegetation. In addition, drainage was rapid at the tested sites, thereby limiting the degree to which infiltrating water was isotopically enriched by evaporation.
Salt-water balances and in situ measurements of soil-water salinity confirmed that the increase in concentration of salts via transpiration occurs between irrigations, whereas the increase in concentration of salt via evaporation occurred over a much shorter duration—during the irrigation and ponding period, i.e., 1–2 days.
The percentage increase in chloride concentration as a result of evaporation (fractionating water loss) during irrigation was low (0–5%) compared to the salinity increase measured in soil-water, 23–118%, as a result of transpiration. The percentage increase in salt from transpiration translated to a net salinity effect of 0.16 to 2.5t/ha per irrigation.
Across all sites, the total salt outputs were slightly greater than the total salt inputs (Table 2). This may be attributable to the flushing (mobilization) of salt from the soil profile that accumulated between irrigations. Over the longer term, however, it can be assumed that the input of salt to the unsaturated zone via irrigation equals output via drainage, and hence irrigation has to be managed to reduce the amount of irrigation water applied through minimizing evaporation.
The efficiency of a flood-irrigation network on the aforementioned sites was assessed by van den Akker et al. (2011) on the basis of evaporation by comparing the ratio of water evaporated from the flood bay to the potential evaporation measured (via class A evaporation pans) on site. The study confirmed the benefit of flood irrigation on sandy soils, which resulted in lower ponding time and lower evaporation losses.
This study shows that the increase in Cl- concentration of irrigation water attributable to evaporation was greater during irrigations with longer ponding periods (22–30%) and lower during irrigations over sandy soils under dense crop canopy cover (<2%), confirming that both crop cover and soil type were strong regulators of salinity effect from evaporation and hence irrigation efficiency.
While flood bays revealing higher irrigation efficiency resulted in a lower net salinity effect from evaporation of surface waters, this study has demonstrated that the overall salinity effect as a result of evaporation was mostly insignificant (0.10.3t/ha per irrigation) in comparison to the salinity effect from transpiration (0.162.5t/ha per irrigation).
This study has shown that transpiration was the dominant mechanism responsible for groundwater salinity increase beneath the flood irrigated areas.


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Go to Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Volume 137Issue 12December 2011
Pages: 754 - 764


Received: Jul 14, 2010
Accepted: Mar 29, 2011
Published online: Mar 31, 2011
Published in print: Dec 1, 2011


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J. van den Akker [email protected]
Post Graduate (Research), School of the Environment (Earth Sciences), Flinders Univ., GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected]
C. T. Simmons [email protected]
Director and Professor, National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training, Flinders Univ., GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia. E-mail: [email protected]
J. L. Hutson [email protected]
Senior Lecturer in Hydrology, School of the Environment (Earth Sciences), Flinders Univ., GPO Box 2100, Adelaide 5001, South Australia. E-mail: [email protected]

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