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Technical Papers
Apr 18, 2020

Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Hybrid Techniques for Construction Engineering and Management

Publication: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
Volume 146, Issue 7


Construction engineering and management are vital for successful project execution, and both researchers and practitioners continually seek ways to improve construction processes. Fuzzy logic plays an important role in many construction engineering and management applications, which are reviewed in this paper. This paper discusses the limitations of fuzzy logic and how this theory has been combined with other modeling techniques to develop fuzzy hybrid techniques, and describes the aspects of construction problems and decision making that are most effectively modeled using these techniques. Fuzzy hybrid techniques that are most common in construction are presented and examples from construction literature and the author’s research program are provided. The author shares her vision of future research in this area, which is based on her expertise and experiences collaborating with construction industry partners, who have helped shape her research program and its impact on industry. Finally, the author presents her thoughts on the challenges construction researchers face in translating research to practice and measuring its impact, and she discusses some potential solutions from her research program. This paper is based on the 2019 Peurifoy Construction Advancement Address, which the author presented in Montreal, Canada, in June 2019.


Construction management has always been necessary for organizations to deliver project results that meet or exceed performance objectives, such as time, cost, productivity, quality, and safety. Managing the construction process requires the development and application of techniques that improve organizations’ abilities to plan, structure, forecast, control, and evaluate projects. The decisions and processes involved in managing construction projects are complex and contain considerable uncertainty. Construction management also involves challenges that arise because all projects are to some extent unique, so knowledge and data cannot be directly transferred from one project to another for use in predicting future project outcomes. Therefore, construction organizations rely heavily on experts to make quick decisions, which are characterized by subjective reasoning. Although most decision making in construction requires the use of modeling techniques that can capture and process subjective uncertainty and linguistically expressed expert knowledge, uncertainty has been treated as a random phenomenon in traditional modeling approaches. To address these challenges, researchers have applied fuzzy logic to construction process modeling and decision making. Although fuzzy logic alone has a number of limitations, researchers have integrated fuzzy logic with other techniques that have complementary strengths, leading to the development of advanced and powerful fuzzy hybrid techniques.
This paper provides an overview of the role of fuzzy logic and fuzzy hybrid techniques in construction engineering and management. Applications of these techniques, which have been developed by the author and the greater construction research community, are also presented. The author shares her perspective on future research directions in fuzzy hybrid techniques with the aim of encouraging further advancement of this field of study to improve construction engineering and management practice. The author also provides her experience-based views on the role of industry collaboration in shaping research, as well as her thoughts on the challenges construction researchers face in translating research to practice and measuring its impact. Finally, the author presents potential methods of increasing the impact of research on practice, which may stimulate discussion in the academic construction community. This paper is based on the 2019 Peurifoy Construction Advancement Address, which the author presented in Montreal, Canada, in June 2019.

Background on Fuzzy Logic

When it was introduced by Zadeh (1965), fuzzy set theory transformed the way that uncertainties are modeled. Fuzzy sets extended the notion of classical (i.e., crisp) sets, and classical (i.e., Boolean) logic was therefore extended to handle fuzzy sets, leading to the new approach of fuzzy logic. Fuzzy sets were first introduced to represent the values of real-world parameters when the boundaries between different states of a parameter are not sharp (i.e., not crisp), due to the subjectivity or vagueness of the measure (e.g., warm weather), incomplete information, or ambiguity in specifying an exact value (i.e., nonspecificity or resolutional uncertainty) (Pal and Bezdek 1994). Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic provide an approach to modeling the uncertainties of real-world parameters that is complementary to probability theory, which addresses random uncertainty (Zadeh 1995). Fuzzy logic enables the mathematical translation of linguistic variables into numeric form; it also allows reasoning with ambiguous information and in the absence of complete and precise data (Zadeh 1965).
As an illustration of fuzzy logic, consider the productivity of a construction crew, which can be affected by a number of variables, including its size, its skill, the temperature in the surrounding environment, and the quality of its supervision. Some uncertainty in these variables is a result of subjective uncertainty or vagueness because the variables are best described in linguistic terms, such as high-quality supervision or warm temperature. For example, in classical logic a temperature of 23°C may be classified as hot, while a temperature of 22°C may be classified as warm, but no temperature can be hot and warm at the same time. In reality, the temperature on any given day can be simultaneously hot to a certain degree and warm to a different degree. A drop in temperature of one degree should not change the classification of that temperature from hot to warm, although it may be hot to a lesser degree.
Classical (i.e., crisp) set theory imposes a sharp boundary on uncertain concepts: an element either fully belongs or does not belong to a set. Fuzzy set theory provides a way to overcome these classification challenges by allowing an element to partially belong to a set through its membership degree. Membership functions make it possible to capture the gradual transition and overlap between concepts. Because of overlap, fuzzy logic systems react more smoothly to changes in their environment and therefore better match reality. For example, the classification of a temperature of 22°C versus 23°C should be almost the same, and a model that accounts for temperature to predict productivity should give almost the same results with both of these temperatures as input. Unlike its name implies, fuzzy logic is not about inaccurate thinking or decision making; rather, “fuzzy” refers to the nonsharp boundaries between concepts and not to the logic itself.

Evolution of Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Hybrid Techniques in Construction Engineering and Management

Although fuzzy logic has a long history in a broad range of disciplines, its application in construction engineering and management is relatively new in comparison with other engineering disciplines, such as control systems engineering. Chan et al. (2009) provided an overview of fuzzy logic and fuzzy hybrid techniques in construction management research from 1996 to 2005, during which time there was a steady increase in their application in construction. Hybridization is the process of combining two or more techniques in order to integrate their strengths and overcome their shortcomings. At the time of Chan et al. (2009), fuzzy logic techniques were more commonly applied than fuzzy hybrid techniques in construction management research. However, researchers soon realized that models based on fuzzy logic alone are limited in their ability to address all facets of most construction problems for the following reasons: an inability to learn from data, extensive reliance on expert knowledge, a context-dependent nature, a lack of capacity for generalization, and an inability to capture dynamic conditions. Construction research has therefore evolved to focus on integrating fuzzy logic with other techniques that have complementary strengths; the resulting fuzzy hybrid techniques have the necessary functionality to overcome each technique’s limitations. Research on fuzzy hybrid techniques in the construction domain has increased over the past decade, and applications have become highly diversified (Gerami Seresht et al. 2018).

Aspects of Construction Problems and Decision Making Most Effectively Modeled Using Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Hybrid Techniques

Based on the author’s experience, construction problems and decision making are most effectively modeled using fuzzy logic and fuzzy hybrid techniques when
Problems are characterized by subjective uncertainty, ambiguity, and vagueness, which are not naturally modeled as random phenomena. Such uncertainty, ambiguity, and vagueness may stem from the use of approximate reasoning and linguistically expressed expert knowledge, with the latter often not formally documented in construction.
There is a reliance on experts to make quick decisions using subjective information and approximate reasoning based on their experience rather than on precise numerical data (e.g., good ground conditions, bad weather), when solutions require the combination of a large body of expert knowledge with subjective and sometimes contradictory opinions, and when more than one answer or solution is possible.
Problems are characterized by inexact input and output and imprecise or unstructured variables, requiring heuristic reasoning based on experience and judgment rather than algorithms.
A problem or process is unique, therefore requiring new input variables and modeling techniques that can capture variability in the absence of adequate historical data.
Numerical project data do not meet the standards of quantity or quality required for effective modeling using probabilistic methods, or the data are not completely reflective of new project contexts, limiting the direct transfer of knowledge and data from previous projects for use in predicting how future projects may unfold.
There is a need to account for the underlying characteristics of a problem and the complex relationships between variables that cannot be measured in certain terms and that are frequently ignored. If subjective factors and expert reasoning are ignored, or if such information is modeled using methods that are intended for other purposes, such as probabilistic methods, the resulting systems may be inaccurate because they capture only part of the problem.
There is a need to make the construction decision-making process more transparent, allowing experts to express themselves in linguistic terms rather than strictly in numerical terms, which better suits their thought processes and makes these systems more readily accepted by industry practitioners.

Fuzzy Hybrid Techniques for Solving Construction-Related Problems

There are four main categories into which most applications of fuzzy hybrid techniques in construction engineering and management can be grouped (Fig. 1). In fuzzy optimization techniques, multiple construction project objectives are optimized. Fuzzy machine learning techniques are often used in construction for predictive modeling or classification. Fuzzy multicriteria decision-making techniques provide decision support in construction. Fuzzy simulation techniques are used to model and predict the behavior of construction systems under different conditions (Gerami Seresht et al. 2018). Each of these fuzzy hybrid techniques is described in this section, with examples of applications from construction literature.
Fig. 1. Fuzzy hybrid techniques commonly used in construction.

Fuzzy Optimization Techniques

Construction tasks, such as scheduling and project site layout, often have multiple objectives (e.g., cost, time, resource use, quality, and safety) that must be met simultaneously. These tasks are therefore formulated as nonlinear optimization problems, but because of their complexity, the optimum solution cannot always be determined analytically. In such cases, merely good solutions are sometimes sought through heuristic and metaheuristic optimization. In construction problems, however, subjective uncertainty must frequently be dealt with, and traditional heuristic and metaheuristic optimization cannot account for it. When fuzzy logic is combined with optimization, the resulting fuzzy optimization is able to process fuzzy variables and/or fuzzy restrictions (Haghighi and Ayati 2016). The optimization algorithm can be improved when fuzzy logic is applied to the optimization method itself (Cheng and Prayogo 2017). Fig. 1 shows examples of optimization that have been combined with fuzzy logic for use in construction.

Fuzzy Machine Learning Techniques

With the advent of new technologies for automated data collection, storage, and analysis, construction organizations have been increasing the amount and types of data they collect. This change has led to greater interest in machine learning, which is a field of computer science wherein systems are developed that can learn from data for different applications [e.g., pattern recognition (Lu et al. 2018), predictive model development (Zuo and Xiong 2018), and data classification (Li et al. 2017)]. These systems cannot, however, process subjective variables and reasoning, which are often present in construction problems. Fuzzy logic systems based purely on expert knowledge, on the other hand, are not able to learn from data and adapt to new contexts (e.g., different construction sectors or different projects in the same sector). Models that integrate fuzzy logic and machine learning (i.e., models that combine knowledge- and data-driven approaches) are more reflective of reality than those that use only one kind of approach; they can learn from data, and they are appropriate for use in construction (Hüllermeier 2015). Fig. 1 shows examples of machine learning that have been combined with fuzzy logic and applied in construction.

Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision-Making Techniques

In construction, expert knowledge is often used in decision making. Multicriteria decision making (MCDM) can help a group of experts select and rank alternative solutions according to various conflicting criteria. While MCDM has been used successfully, it does not capture the vagueness and subjective uncertainty that often accompany construction problems, which are further complicated by incomplete information, imprecise data, multiple criteria, and multiple decision makers. In addition, some criteria are not naturally evaluated numerically (i.e., assigned a crisp number) by experts. In these cases, it is more appropriate for experts to use linguistic assessments and natural language to evaluate criteria. To make it possible for experts to use natural language in their evaluations, fuzzy logic is integrated with MCDM to develop fuzzy MCDM (Chen and Pan 2018). Fig. 1 shows examples of MCDM that have been combined with fuzzy logic for use in construction.

Fuzzy Simulation Techniques

Simulation is used in construction to develop and execute computer-based models of systems, such as construction processes and project management practices, in order to understand underlying behaviors, make predictions, and improve performance. The behavioral uncertainties of real-world construction systems fall into two categories: probabilistic or random uncertainties that can be modeled using numerical data, and nonprobabilistic uncertainties that include subjective or linguistically expressed information. Commonly used simulation techniques can address some of the complexities of construction systems, such as dynamism and the interactions between influencing factors, but they are not able to account for nonprobabilistic uncertainties, and they rely on the availability of sufficient numerical data. By integrating fuzzy logic with simulation techniques, researchers have developed fuzzy simulation techniques that can handle both probabilistic and nonprobabilistic uncertainties and overcome the lack of sufficient numerical data in modeling. Fig. 1 shows examples of simulation techniques that have been combined with fuzzy logic and applied in construction.

Examples of Applications of Fuzzy Logic and Fuzzy Hybrid Techniques from the Author’s Research Program

The author has been applying fuzzy logic in her research program for close to 30 years and has witnessed its increased acceptance and use in construction. She has expanded the scope of application of fuzzy logic by solving a wide variety of practical problems, many of which have been identified as important by her construction industry partners. Over time, her research has evolved to focus on fuzzy hybrid techniques, which have led to more advanced models and applications. Some of her most recent fuzzy hybrid applications are described in this section.

Fuzzy Machine Learning and Fuzzy Optimization to Predict Construction Labor Productivity

Productivity is a major concern of the construction industry, and methods to improve productivity were identified as an area of interest by several of the author’s industry partners. A multitude of factors and practices on both a project and an organizational level interact and affect productivity. Some of these variables are difficult to quantify and are best evaluated subjectively, while others are quantitative. Because of the large number of variables that affect productivity, it is challenging to use either purely expert knowledge or purely statistical methods to establish the relationships between variables. The author therefore combined fuzzy logic with clustering, machine learning, and genetic algorithms, an evolutionary optimization technique, to develop labor productivity prediction models for different project contexts. Her research team collected expert knowledge and field data and used fuzzy c-means (FCM) clustering to develop fuzzy inference systems (FISs) to model the complex relationships among variables that affect productivity. These FISs were used to predict concreting labor productivity for four different project contexts (industrial, warehouse, high-rise, and institutional buildings). The FISs were optimized using genetic algorithms to improve both accuracy and interpretability, the latter of which allows users to understand the reasoning behind the models and their results (Tsehayae and Fayek 2016). These techniques were also applied to develop labor productivity prediction models for electrical and shutdown activities. The context-specific FISs were then adapted for different project contexts using linear and nonlinear evolutionary-based transformation, thereby reducing data collection requirements for developing new models in different contexts (Tsehayae and Fayek 2018).

Fuzzy Machine Learning and Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision Making for Project and Organizational Competencies and Performance

Construction organizations are seeking innovative approaches to measuring their internal competencies, so they can improve their project and organizational performance, which has traditionally been assessed using predefined performance measures. However, the relationships between competencies and performance measures are rarely defined. Competencies are both functional (i.e., practice–based) and behavioral (i.e., people–based). It is challenging for organizations to model and map competencies to performance because of the multidimensional nature of the variables and their relationships. The author and her research team used fuzzy machine learning and fuzzy MCDM to overcome this challenge (Omar and Fayek 2016). They integrated prioritized fuzzy aggregation, factor analysis, and fuzzy neural networks (FNNs) to develop a model that can identify the competencies that contribute most significantly to improvements in project key performance indicators (KPIs), as shown in Fig. 2. The model makes it possible for construction organizations to focus on improving the competencies that have the greatest effect on overall project performance. The author and her research team are now expanding these models to the construction organization level to determine what makes organizations competent and how to measure, predict, and improve construction organization performance (Tiruneh and Fayek 2019).
Fig. 2. Identifying and quantifying the relationship between project competency evaluation criteria and project key performance indicators (KPIs). (Reprinted from Automation in Construction, Vol. 69, M. N. Omar and A. R. Fayek, “Modeling and evaluating construction project competencies and their relationship to project performance,” pp. 115–130, © 2016, with permission from Elsevier.)

Fuzzy Multicriteria Group Decision Making and Weighting of Expert Opinions

Many of the author’s research projects require that experts provide their opinions in multicriteria group decision making (MCGDM); either these opinions must be aggregated or consensus must be achieved among experts. Since better solutions are achieved when multiple experts participate in decision making, it is common to find a group of decision makers representing different points of view, backgrounds, and levels of expertise working together to solve construction problems. If the group of experts is heterogeneous (i.e., the importance of the experts’ opinions varies based on their experience and knowledge levels), it is common to assign qualitative or quantitative weights to the experts’ opinions based on how relevant their expertise is to the problem (i.e., based on an expert’s degree of importance).
The author has developed a variety of techniques for assigning weights to experts and aggregating their opinions or reaching consensus in applications that involve MCGDM. The systems developed using these techniques contain collective knowledge that is more heavily weighted toward greater expertise, thereby improving the MCGDM process. For example, Elbarkouky and Fayek (2011b) determined expert weights from a consensus weight factor for each expert based on the similarity of his or her opinions to the opinions of other experts, and used these weights in modified similarity aggregation. They used this method in a fuzzy similarity consensus model to define stakeholder roles and responsibilities in different project delivery systems.
To determine expert weights based on essential qualification attributes, Elbarkouky and Fayek (2011a) used an FIS incorporated in fuzzy preference relations consensus to reduce conflicts in the assignment of task responsibility between owners and contractors in different project delivery systems. Awad and Fayek (2012) determined expert weights based on experience measures using a multiattribute utility function combined with the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). They then used the weights in aggregating experts’ opinions to develop an FIS for predicting the risk of contractor default in surety bonding. Monzer et al. (2019) used fuzzy AHP to determine the relative importance of a set of attributes related to decision makers’ expertise in order to derive expert importance weights. They combined this technique with fuzzy aggregation operators to aggregate experts’ opinions on the probability and impact of construction project risks (i.e., threats) and opportunities in order to determine project contingency. Fayek and Omar (2016) used a fuzzy technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) to aggregate a group of decision makers’ views on the importance and levels of satisfaction of a set of interrelated criteria, which they used in prioritized fuzzy aggregation to evaluate the relative importance of construction project competencies that affect performance.

Fuzzy System Dynamics to Predict Project-Level Productivity and to Perform Risk Analysis

Although labor productivity is important to construction owners and contractors, overall project productivity is equally important in determining cost performance. Based on her industry partners’ input and changing needs, the author and her team expanded labor productivity prediction models to include other resources, such as equipment and materials. In order to identify the most significant drivers of productivity, they also explored relationships between factors that affect productivity and how those factors interact and change over the course of a project. They accomplished these tasks by developing fuzzy system dynamics (FSD) modeling approaches that process both fuzzy and deterministic inputs and capture the dynamic aspects of productivity, using them to create a predictive model of multifactor productivity for equipment-intensive activities (Gerami Seresht and Fayek 2018). The author and her team modeled relationships between system variables using either mathematical equations or FISs developed via FCM clustering. They used fuzzy arithmetic in mathematical equations containing subjective system variables, and explored different fuzzy arithmetic operations to determine the best approach for reducing uncertainty overestimation in the simulation results of the FSD model. They are now exploring integration of fuzzy machine learning techniques to define the relationships between system variables in order to increase model accuracy. Siraj and Fayek (2016) used these FSD modeling approaches to develop a model to assess construction project risks and opportunities and to determine project contingency (Siraj and Fayek 2016); this model is now being expanded to determine the most appropriate risk response strategies and to assess the impact of these strategies on project contingency.

Fuzzy Agent-Based Modeling to Assess Construction Crew Motivation and Performance

Another important aspect of productivity is construction crew motivation and performance, which is of concern to many owners, contractors, and labor organizations. The overall performance of a crew is a function not only of its individual members, but also of the dynamics of the crew as a whole, and the situation or context in which the crew performs its tasks. The author and her team applied modern motivation theories, based on the concepts of efficacy, engagement, identification, and cohesion, and modeled these factors, not only at the individual level, but also at the crew level and in the project context (Raoufi and Fayek 2018). They also defined a number of metrics to measure the impact of crew motivation on performance, the latter of which has some subjective measures, such as counterproductive behavior. In order to model the attributes, behaviors, and interactions of crew members and crews with each other and their environment, and to derive overall crew behavior to predict performance, the author and her team developed a fuzzy agent–based modeling (FABM) method. This method enables agent-based modeling to incorporate subjective uncertainty in the form of membership functions, fuzzy rules, and an FIS to model agent attributes and behaviors. This model accurately predicts crew performance based on crew motivation levels, so that both motivation and performance can be most effectively improved. The author and her team are now expanding their FABM to include probabilistic uncertainty, and they are using Monte Carlo simulation to explore and compare the performance of crews in various scenarios.

Fuzzy Arithmetic for Risk Analysis and Contingency Determination

Introduced by Zadeh (1975), fuzzy numbers are specific fuzzy set types that are used when exact values are not precisely measurable. The author has used fuzzy numbers and fuzzy arithmetic in several applications. For example, the author and her team applied fuzzy arithmetic methods to determine construction project contingency (Elbarkouky et al. 2016), and used them in FSD models to predict productivity (Gerami Seresht and Fayek 2018) and to determine construction project contingency (Siraj and Fayek 2016). There are two approaches for implementing fuzzy arithmetic. The first is the α-cut method, which is simple to implement but results in overestimation of uncertainty that increases with each calculation step and reduces the interpretability of the results. The second uses the extension principle, which reduces overestimation but has been limited in implementation to computational methods that use only two t–norms (i.e., min and drastic product); the application of these t–norms creates challenges in implementing fuzzy arithmetic. The min t–norm produces the same result as that of the α-cut, along with the same overestimation of uncertainty, but the drastic product t–norm produces results that are highly sensitive to changes in inputs, limiting its use in construction. The author and her research team developed novel computational methods for performing fuzzy arithmetic by the extension principle on triangular fuzzy numbers using the drastic product t–norm and the Lukasiewicz (i.e., bounded difference) t–norm. The drastic product and Lukasiewicz t–norms reduce overestimation of uncertainty and sensitivity to changes in inputs, thus making the use of fuzzy arithmetic in construction more effective (Gerami Seresht and Fayek 2018, 2019). These computational methods are being further developed to include trapezoidal and Gaussian fuzzy numbers and to incorporate other t–norms, such as the family of Yager t–norms, which are parametric.

Future Research in Fuzzy Hybrid Modeling for Construction

Fuzzy hybrid modeling techniques require further research to facilitate their more widespread use in construction research and application. Emerging areas of research the author has observed include
Improving methods of eliciting and aggregating expert knowledge, combining such knowledge with data-driven techniques, and integrating data in different formats.
Exploring how the increasing availability of data allows more data-driven methods of formulating fuzzy sets, and investigating novel approaches to using increased data availability to improve fuzzy hybrid modeling techniques in construction.
Combining expert-driven and data-driven methods of membership function development and calibration, as well as developing more robust and automated data-driven methods of specifying membership functions and determining the most appropriate fuzzy operations for fuzzy hybrid systems.
Using data-driven methods to adapt and transfer fuzzy hybrid models to new contexts, eliminating the need to develop new systems from first principles, and greatly reducing the data requirements of each new context.
Developing optimization techniques to help with the selection of the best fuzzy system configurations.
Exploring machine learning techniques, such as reinforcement learning, that have the potential to deal with data limitations that hinder the application of traditional machine learning techniques.
Exploring methods of clustering data, such as conditional fuzzy clustering and collaborative fuzzy clustering, and machine learning methods, such as deep or hierarchical learning, that can deal with the high dimensionality (i.e., the large number of inputs) of most construction problems.
Integrating fuzzy machine learning techniques with efficient evolutionary algorithms.
Combining two or more fuzzy hybrid methods to create models with a greater capacity to deal with multiple facets of construction problems simultaneously—for example, integrating fuzzy simulation techniques with fuzzy machine learning, fuzzy optimization, and/or fuzzy MCDM techniques.
Developing methods of using experts’ importance degrees in MCGDM problems as input in the feedback mechanism of fuzzy consensus reaching and reducing experts’ importance degrees in the next consensus round if the expressed preferences are inconsistent.
Automating the collection of subjective and behavioral data, including emotional states and motivation levels—for example, using direct methods, such as sensors, to collect physiological data that can be used to derive information on human emotions, fatigue, reactions to the environment, and other physiological factors.
In addition, implementing advanced fuzzy hybrid techniques on software platforms that do not require knowledge of the techniques on which the software is based will make them more accessible to construction practitioners.
The author’s research program is now focusing on integrating many of the fuzzy hybrid techniques and tools she has developed to create a framework that will enable the transfer of data and decisions from one tool to another. The framework is shown in Fig. 3, which includes a reference for each aspect of the framework that the author has addressed. The framework will support construction management decision making at multiple levels, including activity, project, and organization, for improved project planning, execution, and control. This framework will make it possible to model both project management functions, such as scheduling, estimating, and risk analysis, and project management processes that are required for the physical construction of projects. To support her fuzzy hybrid modeling approaches and their application, the author is creating a data warehouse for both numerical data and expert knowledge, and she is exploring how the construction industry can effectively digitalize its functions and processes. This framework will provide the construction industry with real-time decision support and will contribute to improved decision-making practices, which are essential for increasing innovation and competitiveness in construction.
Fig. 3. Framework of integrated fuzzy hybrid techniques to support decision making in construction.

Industry Collaboration and Impact on Construction

The author has built a research program founded on the principle of university-industry-government collaboration, through which she continues to perform leading-edge research into fuzzy hybrid techniques to solve practical problems facing the construction industry. Her collaborative research program is facilitated by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Industrial Research Chairs (IRC) Program, which provides matching funds for industry financial contributions to “create mutually beneficial collaborations between Canadian universities and private and/or public sector partners that lead to advancements that will result in economic, social or environmental benefits for Canada and Canadians” (NSERC 2019). The author holds the IRC in Strategic Construction Modeling and Delivery, currently in its third consecutive five-year term. Her work is also supported by the Canada Research Chairs (CRC) Program, which recognizes innovative world-class researchers who have made an international impact in their fields, and which “stands at the center of a national strategy to make Canada one of the world’s top countries in research and development” (CRC 2019). The author holds the Tier 1 CRC in Fuzzy Hybrid Decision Support Systems for Construction. The success of the author’s industry collaborations has benefited her research program and impacted the construction industry in several ways, which are discussed and illustrated with examples in this section.

Multiple Perspectives and Meaningful Input

The author’s industry partnerships have brought together owners, contractors, and labor groups, some of which are direct competitors, to collaborate on issues of industry-wide importance. Through these partnerships, some of which have spanned close to 23 years, she has contributed to a culture of university-industry collaboration where each party views the other as part of the fabric of doing business and increasing knowledge in the construction domain. The multiple and diverse perspectives of her industry partners have enabled her and her team to carry out research that is important to all parties in construction and to develop comprehensive solutions that can only be addressed through a multiparty collaborative effort. The long-term sustained funding from the NSERC IRC has ensured the continuity of her research program by providing uninterrupted financial support. This program has also helped ensure that industry partners provide meaningful input to the research by contributing to the definition of problems and providing extensive in-kind support, including access to expert knowledge and data. The consistency of her partners has also ensured that her research evolves over time to address the most relevant issues facing the industry.
For example, the author’s productivity studies have covered two IRC terms, and they have involved a cross section of her industry partners. Initially, these studies focused on labor productivity (Tsehayae and Fayek 2016, 2018), as this was identified as the major concern of the construction industry at the time. These studies have since been expanded to include multiresource project-level productivity (Gerami Seresht and Fayek 2018) and overall capital project productivity (Ayele and Fayek 2019), based on the changing needs of the construction industry and the author’s partners. These studies have involved significant expert knowledge and field data collection, and they have produced a number of data collection instruments, some of which are being used by industry partners. For example, PCL Construction, a leading contractor, has incorporated these data collection tools in a training manual for foremen. In each study, participating companies received confidential reports based on their data, and all data were pooled to identify the most significant factors affecting productivity in the Alberta construction industry.

Application of Theoretical Techniques to Solve Real-World Problems

Through her industry partnerships, the author has applied her fuzzy logic techniques to solve many real-world, practical problems. The in-kind support provided by industry partners has enabled her team to develop and validate their work using real-world data to ensure the quality of the developed models and the usefulness of the developed products. Students are often on site or in corporate offices, working alongside industry personnel to conduct research and implement their findings.
A representative example of the author’s ability to use fuzzy logic to solve practical construction problems in collaboration with industry partners is the development of the Fuzzy Contingency Determinator (FCD) software tool. Capital Power Corporation (CPC), one of the author’s industry partners, is a large owner organization that constructs power generation facilities using natural gas, coal, and wind. Risk management and contingency reserve assessment are critical to its operations, but the company was facing a number of challenges using Monte Carlo simulation for risk analysis. Since it often lacked adequate quality historical data, as is frequently the case in construction, the company was relying on subject matter experts to choose probabilistic distributions of costs (i.e., inputs to the simulation) based on experience. However, it is difficult to schedule meetings for experts; it is time-consuming to arrive at consensus; and experts would rather use natural language (e.g., high, medium, low) than probability distributions of costs to assess risks, making it necessary to calibrate each expert’s meanings for the linguistic terms. CPC also wanted approaches that would accurately capture uncertain events in terms of both risks (i.e., threats) and opportunities, and would provide the company with a reliable and accurate estimate of contingency. By applying fuzzy logic techniques, the author and her team developed a novel approach to risk analysis and contingency determination that overcomes the challenges associated with existing methods of risk analysis that rely on historical data and involve time-consuming consensus-reaching processes.
The author and her team developed FCD, which both allows experts to express the probability and impact of risks and opportunities using linguistic terms, and provides users with the ability to calibrate each expert’s meaning of the terms to suit different projects. To save CPC even more time, the author and her team developed a fuzzy MCGDM approach, based on fuzzy AHP and fuzzy aggregation operators, to weight individual experts based on their level of expertise so that their opinions could be aggregated rather than forcing them to reach consensus (Monzer et al. 2019). Using fuzzy arithmetic, FCD calculates the contingency allowance for a project, as shown in Fig. 4 (Elbarkouky et al. 2016). FCD not only gives contingency values comparable to those derived through Monte Carlo simulation, but also narrows the uncertainty range, freeing up contingency reserve for use on other projects. The author’s application of fuzzy logic has helped CPC significantly reduce the time and effort required for risk analysis. FCD has significantly improved the efficiency and accuracy of CPC’s risk assessment processes and has been fully integrated into its daily practices, replacing its existing Monte Carlo simulation methods. The author and her team continue to enhance FCD, and based on demand from other industry partners, they are developing a generalized risk analysis software tool, Fuzzy Risk Analyzer (FRA), that can be customized by any owner or contractor to suit different project types and construction sectors.
Fig. 4. Fuzzy arithmetic procedure to determine work package and project contingency. (Reprinted from Elbarkouky et al. 2016, © ASCE.)

Development of Solutions to Immediate Problems in a Short Time Frame and Dissemination of Research Results

Through her collaborative research program, the author has completed many short-term projects that had immediate benefits and bridged the gap between academic theory and engineering practice. Developing solutions to practical problems that are identified as relevant and important by industry has helped build trust with and make an impact on the construction industry. The author has implemented these solutions in useful products and found effective ways to disseminate results so that her industry partners can use them in practice, thereby helping organizations better manage their projects and workforces and increase their competitiveness.
The author has found the following methods to be the most effective for research dissemination:
Easy-to-use software tools with user interfaces that do not require knowledge of the modeling theory behind the software. For example, SuretyAssist, a software tool that uses FISs to evaluate contractors for prequalification and surety bonding, was commercialized and licensed by a contractor prequalification company (CQ Network) because it is user-friendly in addition to being accurate (Marsh and Fayek 2010; CQ Network 2019).
Technical reports that identify actionable results and technology transfer workshops where results are discussed and practitioners are trained in the use of developed tools. For example, the author held an implementation workshop based on her productivity research that provided construction practitioners with the top factors and practices they could change and the amount of productivity improvement they could expect by changing each factor or practice.
Direct employment of students upon graduation to implement their findings in partner organizations. The most recent example is a graduate student who was hired by Suncor Energy to implement his work on advanced work packaging, which he conducted for the construction owners association of Alberta (COAA) (Halala and Fayek 2019); both organizations are the author’s industry partners.
By adapting fuzzy logic and fuzzy hybrid techniques to suit the characteristics of the construction domain and implementing these techniques in tools that are readily accepted by practitioners, the author has contributed to more widespread acceptance of fuzzy logic across both academia and industry. The solutions she and her team have developed have provided industry practitioners with an intuitive approach for expressing their opinions and have made construction decision making more transparent. With more experienced people leaving the industry than entering it, there is a lack of continuity and proper transfer of knowledge and skills between construction personnel. The methods and tools the author has developed have helped document and capture this knowledge so that it can be used in future decision making and in the training of new personnel.

Challenges in Translating Research to Practice and Potential Solutions

The author’s research program is internationally recognized both academically and in the construction industry. She has helped create a paradigm shift in how subjective uncertainty and approximate reasoning are modeled for solving construction-related problems. Through her work, she has developed solutions to construction problems that were previously inaccessible to researchers. By transferring her academic research into tools that can be used on the job by her industry partners, her work has helped improve innovation in the construction industry and helped shape construction practice.
Despite efforts undertaken through her research program, the author still faces some challenges in translating her research to practice and measuring its impact. Construction researchers have created a very large body of knowledge; however, for a number of reasons, its impact may not be proportional to its size. First, research has a much longer timeline than is often expected by industry. For results to be generalizable, researchers spend years, rather than months, collecting data, developing models, and training the students who will carry out the research. Industry expects a more immediate demonstration of return on its investment of resources. Second, academic researchers must often work in the established reward system of universities, which places greater emphasis on academic than on applied contributions, the latter including technology transfer. Third, construction industry practitioners are dealing with information overload, and researchers are challenged to find ways to efficiently communicate their research results, which are often highly complex, in order for these results to be put into practice. In this section, the author presents her perspective on possible solutions to the problem of translating research in practice and increasing its impact on the construction industry.

Dissemination and Implementation of Research Results

The focus of academic journals is to disseminate and preserve knowledge, rather than to instruct practitioners on how to apply research findings. The author proposes creating a companion journal for a top-tier academic journal that would allow researchers to publish a practice paper based on a published academic paper. This practice paper would be grounded in the theory and rigor of the published academic research, but it would focus on how the results can be applied in practice and would use language that is more readily understood by nonexperts in the field. In addition, creating efficient methods of training industry in the products researchers develop, whether new software, processes, or research findings, is critical if practitioners are to use the results. Applying research results and innovations to demonstration projects and sharing findings will increase impact and encourage other organizations to adopt research products. Sharing intellectual property developed through research partnerships is also important so that both academics and practitioners can benefit from it.

Interdisciplinary Research

Real breakthroughs in construction research require an interdisciplinary approach and the ability to communicate, collaborate, and build relationships outside areas traditionally associated with the construction industry. Collaborations that work are often based on both a complementarity of skills and a shared set of values and objectives. To promote such collaborations, the academic construction community needs more multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary funding programs and avenues for dissemination, such as strategic networks that require researchers to be from different departments, faculties, or institutions. Funding mechanisms that support people rather than projects can help facilitate meaningful research, allowing researchers to focus on longer-term programs. Formal industry-academic partnerships that are underpinned by long-term sustained funding are also beneficial in creating impactful research.

Measuring Research Impact

One of the goals of construction research is to develop practical solutions that can be readily implemented to improve construction performance and competitiveness. Research and development (R&D) partnerships are one mechanism to help achieve this goal, and demonstrating the value of these partnerships is essential for encouraging investment in research. In addition, demonstrating the measurable impact of research products is important for encouraging industry to adopt them in practice.
However, measuring the impact of research on stakeholders, such as industry, government, and society, is difficult, as the impact may not be immediately evident. As part of the author’s efforts to measure the impacts of her own research program, she developed a framework to assess the impacts of R&D partnerships on university, industry, and government (Daoud et al. 2017). While the engineering domain lacks such a formal evaluation framework, some industries (e.g., healthcare, finance, education) have formal methods of measuring research impact through a logic model. The author adapted the logic model approach to suit the construction domain and applied it to university-industry-government partnerships. For each stakeholder, the framework identifies: research inputs in the form of resources, such as funding and access to data; outputs in the form of activities, such as publications, workshops, and training; and impact of short-, medium-, and long-term outcomes in the form of internationally recognized expertise, creation of innovative technologies, impact on codes and standards, and increased profitability and competitiveness of construction organizations. This framework can help partners in a research partnership understand how their investment of resources and their activities affect targeted outcomes, and subsequently, it can help them increase the impact of their efforts. Additionally, by demonstrating the measurable value of construction R&D, this framework may encourage industry and government to implement research findings and further invest in R&D programs.


Fuzzy logic and fuzzy hybrid techniques are essential to many aspects of construction modeling and decision support, especially when these involve expert judgment and subjective uncertainty. Fuzzy logic has been applied in construction for at least four decades; however, more recent applications recognize its limitations and therefore combine it with complementary methods to develop fuzzy hybrid techniques. Fuzzy hybrid techniques have been gaining momentum in both academia and industry for construction engineering and management as more researchers apply them to solve a variety of problems, including optimization, prediction, classification, decision making, and construction systems modeling.
Despite the increased number of applications of fuzzy hybrid techniques in construction, research must expand to new areas in order to advance the practicality of these techniques and increase their widespread acceptance and use. In particular, combining new machine learning techniques that are not as data-dependent as traditional machine learning techniques with efficient evolutionary algorithms is a rich area of research for improving fuzzy hybrid methods. Novel machine learning and clustering techniques can also be explored to help reduce the high dimensionality of construction problems to create more accurate and interpretable fuzzy hybrid models. Context adaptation is an important area of research, because developing models for each new project context is time-consuming and inefficient. Integrating multiple fuzzy hybrid techniques into a single model will lead to systems that can deal with multiple facets of construction problems simultaneously, enabling researchers to create more comprehensive solutions. The use of sensors and other automated methods of collecting subjective and behavioral data has tremendous potential to advance fuzzy hybrid models that rely on such data. The author’s future research will be focused on integrating many of the fuzzy hybrid techniques and tools she has developed to create a framework of software tools that can transfer data and decisions from one tool to another to support construction management decision making at multiple levels.
Collaborative research with construction industry partners is critical for defining and carrying out meaningful studies and delivering research products that have greater potential to improve construction practice. Industry collaboration requires long-term theoretical research to develop advanced methods to create innovation, as well as short-term applied studies to solve immediate problems facing the construction industry. The ability to measure the impact of R&D and effectively disseminate results is critical for ensuring that research solutions are implemented in practice and that there is continued investment in construction research.
Effective research dissemination includes reaching both an academic and an industrial audience. Many venues exist for dissemination of academic research, such as archival journals and academic conferences. In order to translate research to practice, other methods of communication are required, including applied journals, training of industry, and demonstration projects that apply research results and innovations. Creating opportunities and mechanisms for interdisciplinary research is essential for making real breakthroughs in construction research.
The author hopes this paper will encourage other researchers to continue to advance the field of fuzzy logic and fuzzy hybrid techniques to deliver innovative solutions to construction engineering and management problems and to improve construction practice. Her ideas on how to create even greater impact on the construction industry through research hopefully will stimulate further discussion and ideas in the academic construction community.

Data Availability Statement

All data generated or analyzed during the study are included in the published paper. Information about the Journal’s data-sharing policy can be found here:


The author is honored to have received the 2019 ASCE Peurifoy Construction Research Award and to be in the company of its distinguished past recipients. She thanks the ASCE Construction Institute’s Peurifoy Selection Committee for recognizing her contributions in fuzzy logic theory and practice for construction engineering and management with this prestigious award. The author thanks her many mentors and supervisors throughout her research career, as well as her colleagues at the Hole School of Construction Engineering at the University of Alberta. Many undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and staff have contributed to her research program, and she wishes to thank them all. Many have become lifelong colleagues and friends, and she is privileged to have had the opportunity to train and mentor them through her work and through formal and informal mentoring programs. The author would also like to acknowledge the many individuals at her industry partner organizations who have believed in and sponsored her work over the past 23 years and shared their valuable experience with her and her team. Finally, the author acknowledges Canada’s federal funding agencies that support her program and have helped raise its visibility both nationally and internationally. Specifically, the author’s work is funded by the Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Fuzzy Hybrid Decision Support Systems for Construction (950-231642), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Industrial Research Chair in Strategic Construction Modeling and Delivery (NSERC IRCPJ 428226-15), and an NSERC Discovery Grant (RGPIN-2018-05174).


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Published In

Go to Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
Volume 146Issue 7July 2020


Received: Oct 15, 2019
Accepted: Dec 31, 2019
Published online: Apr 18, 2020
Published in print: Jul 1, 2020
Discussion open until: Sep 18, 2020



Aminah Robinson Fayek, Ph.D., P.Eng., M.ASCE [email protected]
Director, Construction Innovation Centre, Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Fuzzy Hybrid Decision Support Systems for Construction, NSERC Industrial Research Chair in Strategic Construction Modeling and Delivery, Ledcor Professor of Construction Engineering, and Professor, Hole School of Construction Engineering, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 7-232 Donadeo Innovation Centre for Engineering, Univ. of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 1H9. ORCID: Email: [email protected]

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