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Apr 1, 2005

Editor’s Note

Publication: Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management
Volume 9, Issue 2

Manuscript Submission Requirements

All manuscripts submitted to the Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic and Radioactive Waste Management should be accompanied with a list of four potential reviewers that are suggested by the author(s). This list should include the complete name, address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address, and a list of at least five key words that identify the expertise of each reviewer. The periodical is not obligated to use all or any of the recommended reviewers; however, we feel that this policy will lead to an improved review process. The new manuscripts should be submitted to   Journals Department   ASCE   1801 Alexander Bell Dr.   Reston, VA 20191-4400

Special Issues

We had several dedicated issues in the past on special topics and we plan to follow this practice in the future. The following topics are planned for future dedicated or special issues:
Use and effects of antibiotics in CAFOs,
Metals removal, and
Health risk assessment.
For authors who are interested in submitting an article for consideration for one of the special issues, they should contact the editor by phone at (913) 551-7453 or by e-mail at [email protected] to submit a paper and confirm deadlines for special issues. Each of the special issues may also contain a few articles that are not related to the special issue.

Papers in This Issue

In this issue, we have technical articles on “Removal of oil from water by bentonite organo-clay;” “Characterization of wastes, leachates, and gas at landfills operated in arid climate;” a “Dynamic model for calculating the infiltration of rain water through an unsaturated zone, and its application to EPA’s PRESTO model;” “Errors in the estimation of leachate pollution index;” “Management of atrazine bearing wastewater using a UASB reactor—Adsorption system;” “Modeling of a groundwater circulation well removal action alternative;” and “Removal of phenol by industrial solid waste.”

Information & Authors


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Go to Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management
Practice Periodical of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste Management
Volume 9Issue 2April 2005
Pages: 85


Published online: Apr 1, 2005
Published in print: Apr 2005


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Rao Y. Surampalli

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