CICTP 2017: Transportation Reform and Change—Equity, Inclusiveness, Sharing, and Innovation


  • Proceedings of the 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, held in Shanghai, China, July 7–9, 2017. Sponsored by the Transportation Research Board, Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), and Transportation & Development Institute of ASCE.

    This collection contains 527 peer-reviewed papers on critical transportation issues, research, and developments.

    Topics include: aviation management; intelligent transportation systems; logistics and freight transportation; rail and transit operations and management; traffic safety, security, and emergency management; transportation policy, planning, and modeling; big data applications in transportation; infrastructure maintenance and preservation; multimodal transportation; road traffic operations and management; transportation energy and the environment; and green pavement and sustainable infrastructure.

    This proceedings will be a valuable resource for practitioners and researchers interested in state-of-the-art research in transportation science and engineering.

For selected items:

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)

Operation and Management

Policy, Environment, and Energy

Traffic Safety, Security, and Emergencies