Case Studies
Nov 24, 2021

A Random Effects Model for Travel-Time Variability Analysis Using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Data

Publication: Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems
Volume 148, Issue 2


This study examined variations in travel time through a random-effects model using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth data. Previous studies mainly divided a day into discrete time windows and estimated an individual distribution function for each window. However, this overlooks the interrelated nature of travel time among the different time windows of a day. The present research suggests a conditional random-effects model that portrays time-varying travel time as a continuous phenomenon. It was shown that the lognormal probability distribution is the best-fitted unimodal distribution. It was hypothesized that the conditional model with a lognormal distribution as the best-fitting choice associated with random effects, it better fits real data than do existing models in the literature. The proposed model demonstrated a strong relationship between the mean and the standard deviation of travel time, and between these two factors and time of day. The travel time data obtained from Wi-Fi and Bluetooth detectors on a highway section of Tehran, Iran were used as a case study.

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Published In

Go to Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems
Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems
Volume 148Issue 2February 2022


Received: Apr 22, 2021
Accepted: Sep 27, 2021
Published online: Nov 24, 2021
Published in print: Feb 1, 2022
Discussion open until: Apr 24, 2022


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Senior Researcher, School of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Univ. of Tehran, Tehran 456311155, Iran (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]
Associate Professor, School of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, Univ. of Tehran, Tehran 456311155, Iran. ORCID: Email: [email protected]
Ehsan Bahrami Samani [email protected]
Associate Professor, Dept. of Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics, Shahid Beheshti Univ., Tehran 1983969411, Iran. Email: [email protected]
Lecturer, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Auckland, Auckland 1010, New Zealand. ORCID: Email: [email protected]

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  • Development of a Machine-Learning-Based Novel Framework for Travel Time Distribution Determination Using Probe Vehicle Data, Data, 10.3390/data8030060, 8, 3, (60), (2023).

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