State-of-the-Art Reviews
Feb 23, 2023

The System Dynamics of Engineer-to-Order Construction Projects: Past, Present, and Future

Publication: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
Volume 149, Issue 5


System dynamics (SD) applications in high-volume production operations are widely used, helping to define decision rules to reduce costs associated with the variance in planning orders and inventory. The exploitation of SD in engineer-to-order (ETO) project-oriented supply chains—e.g., in construction, shipbuilding, and capital goods—is less well established. Hence, this research reviews the literature that takes a systematic ETO perspective in modeling construction projects, exploiting SD approaches. To comprehensively identify and filter previously published works, we used a keyword searching method using Web of Science and Scopus databases. After applying relevant exclusion criteria, 143 papers were selected. Although previous reviews of ETO literature, more generally, have been done, this work contributes to the body of knowledge by specifically reviewing SD applications in ETO industries and providing insights by creating a categorization system by which to determine existing gaps. Articles are categorized into the classic four phases of a project: aggregated planning, preproject planning, project execution, and postdelivery. Analyses of the methods, attributes, and applications of SD were undertaken for each phase. Findings indicate that SD research covers the range of ETO industries, of which construction is the most dominant, demonstrating SD’s high applicability. The wealth of case-orientated research in the construction field provides a solid foundation for further SD studies in the ETO field. Further research should focus on (1) developing a general ETO archetype for performance benchmarking and strategy development in construction projects; (2) introducing analytical tools, such as control theoretic approaches as found in manufacturing production planning and control design, to improve understanding of the ETO systems’ dynamic behaviors; (3) developing cross-phase, cross-project, design–production integrated, aggregated planning models via hybrid techniques modeling, which can improve understanding of an ETO system’s performance; and (4) improving model fidelity. We also provide a research agenda for each phase of the ETO production.

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Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
Volume 149Issue 5May 2023


Published online: Feb 23, 2023
Published in print: May 1, 2023
Discussion open until: Jul 23, 2023


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Ph.D. Candidate in Logistics Systems Dynamics Group, Logistics and Operations Management Section, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff Univ., Aberconway Bldg., Colum Rd., Cathays, Cardiff CF10 3EU, UK (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]
Xun Wang
Senior Lecturer in Logistics Systems Dynamics Group, Logistics and Operations Management Section, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff Univ., Aberconway Bldg., Colum Rd., Cathays, Cardiff CF10 3EU, UK.
Jonathan Gosling
Professor in Logistics Systems Dynamics Group, Logistics and Operations Management Section, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff Univ., Aberconway Bldg., Colum Rd., Cathays, Cardiff CF10 3EU, UK.
Professor in Logistics Systems Dynamics Group, Logistics and Operations Management Section, Cardiff Business School, Cardiff Univ., Aberconway Bldg., Colum Rd., Cathays, Cardiff CF10 3EU, UK. ORCID:

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  • Evolutionary Game Analysis of Optimal Strategies for Construction Stakeholders in Promoting the Adoption of Green Building Technology Innovation, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 10.1061/JCEMD4.COENG-14071, 150, 5, (2024).

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