Technical Papers
Dec 29, 2022

Encoding 3D Point Contexts for Self-Supervised Spall Classification Using 3D Bridge Point Clouds

Publication: Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
Volume 37, Issue 2


Geometric features, such as normal and curvature, have been prominently used for point cloud-based unsupervised spall classification. In addition, some researchers use hand-crafted features (e.g., out-of-plane distance, eccentricity, principal curvatures in 2D slices). These features perform well in low noise settings; however, the performance tapers down significantly when the quality of point clouds is affected by factors such as higher noise and inconsistent point-to-point spacing. Instead of relying purely on handcrafted features, the research presented in this paper investigates the potential for combining domain knowledge with deep learning to automatically learn better quality defect-sensitive features for point cloud-based spall classification. Specifically, generic three dimensional (3D) shape and 3D neighborhood features have been encoded as inputs to a deep autoencoder network for self-supervised spall classification from point clouds. Overall, this approach only resulted in marginal improvement over classification results from the current state-of-the-art unsupervised approach that uses handcrafted features. However, significant improvement in the results were observed in datasets that had higher noise levels. Given that noise is pervasive in datasets from outdoor settings like civil infrastructure, this added robustness to noise improves the reliability of point cloud-based condition assessment for concrete bridges.

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Some or all data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request, particularly the quasi-real point cloud data generated by the authors in the form of point cloud files (in.ply format) and corresponding ground truth (in.mat format).


The project is funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), #1328930. The authors gratefully acknowledge NSF’s support. The authors also acknowledge the kind support from project collaborators Dr. Scherer and Luke Yoder for sharing the data collected by UAV during field studies, and Michael Baker International and Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for giving permission to scan a bridge. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations presented in this paper are those of authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF and other patrons.


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Go to Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
Volume 37Issue 2March 2023


Received: Jun 6, 2022
Accepted: Oct 25, 2022
Published online: Dec 29, 2022
Published in print: Mar 1, 2023
Discussion open until: May 29, 2023


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Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon Univ., 5000 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]
Burcu Akinci, M.ASCE [email protected]
Paul P. Christiano Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carnegie Mellon Univ., 5000 Forbes Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213. Email: [email protected]

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