
Several recent studies have investigated the opportunities of differential interferometry synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR) using satellite data for structural health monitoring (SHM) of civil structures. However, its use in structural engineering is still debated because of the lack of a general understanding of the potential and limitations of the technology for bridge SHM. To overcome this issue, specific methods of data processing and displacement assessment with error quantification need to be developed. The present paper aims at giving an insight into the use of small baseline subset-differential synthetic aperture radar interferometry (SBAS-DInSAR) as a remote-sensing technology for civil infrastructure monitoring combining information at a large scale with those associated with a single bridge. In particular, an operational framework for the selection and processing of a measurement time series representative of the structural behavior of the bridge of interest is designed in a way that fully remote characterization and assessment can be carried out by exploiting web-mapping platforms according to the crowd-sensing paradigm. The workflow, designed consistently with a structural engineering perspective, has been tested with reference to a number of bridges crossing the Tiber river in Rome (Italy), showing that the proposed fully remote monitoring procedure can effectively support satellite data processing and interpretation. Moreover, some issues in view of the general use of satellite data for bridge monitoring emerged from the study. Gaps in the measurement point distribution over the bridge decks are frequently observed over all the monitored area, therefore simplified methodologies aimed at estimating expected displacement ranges of different bridge typologies under serviceability loads have been defined enabling a rational interpretation of the data in the light of the selected radar sensor band of operation. Simplified formulations and charts for service and environmental loads are then presented with a twofold objective: (1) supporting the satellite data elaboration and interpretation by means of easy to manage open-source tools; and (2) providing estimates of the expected operational displacements of healthy structures to guide data interpretation and even algorithms for radar signals processing able to incorporate the response of structures to temperature variations.

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All data, models, or codes that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


This study was partially funded by ReLUIS Project 2022-2024 WP 6 (structural health monitoring and satellite data) promoted by the Italian Civil Protection Department. Activities associated with the Spizzichino Bridge are funded by the Superior Council of Public Works and ReLUIS in the framework of the WP3 (Task 3.2) and WP5 Special Projects (Task 5.6) of the research aimed at assessing and validating the national guidelines for the mitigation of the risk of bridges and transportation networks. Part of the research activities were also developed by the third author in the framework of the PNRR program, National Center for Sustainable Mobility, SPOKE 7 “CCAM, Connected Networks and Smart Infrastructure”—WP4. Additional support from the TIRS-MOMI FOE Project is also gratefully acknowledged.


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Journal of Bridge Engineering
Volume 29Issue 11November 2024


Received: Jan 9, 2024
Accepted: Jun 13, 2024
Published online: Sep 5, 2024
Published in print: Nov 1, 2024
Discussion open until: Feb 5, 2025


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Assistant Professor, Dept. of Biosciences and Territory, Univ. of Molise, via Francesco de Sanctis 1, 80166 Campobasso, Italy; Secondary Branch of L’Aquila, Institute for Construction Technologies, National Research Council of Italy, 67100 L’Aquila, Italy (corresponding author). ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0189-3683. Email: [email protected]
Emanuele Petracca, Ph.D., P.E. [email protected]
Dept. of Biosciences and Territory, Univ. of Molise, via Francesco de Sanctis 1, 80166 Campobasso, Italy. Email: [email protected]
Researcher, Secondary Branch of Naples, Institute for Construction Technologies, National Research Council of Italy, 80146 Naples, Italy. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4854-0850. Email: [email protected]
Full Professor, Dept. of Biosciences and Territory, Univ. of Molise, via Francesco de Sanctis 1, 80166 Campobasso, Italy; Secondary Branch of L’Aquila, Institute for Construction Technologies, National Research Council of Italy, 67100 L’Aquila, Italy. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4918-5398. Email: [email protected]

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