Open access
Case Studies
Apr 28, 2021

Water End-Use Disaggregation for Six Nonresidential Facilities in Logan, Utah

Publication: Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Volume 147, Issue 7


Most urban water-use monitoring, modeling, and conservation research has focused on a large but relatively homogenous group of residential water users. Commercial, industrial, and institutional (CII) facilities use large volumes of water, but their diversity in amounts, timing, locations, and other use factors makes them difficult to monitor and study. We monitored water use at four manufacturing and two assisted-care facilities in Logan, Utah, at 5-min and 5-s frequencies for up to 1 year. We used the data to disaggregate and quantify the temporal signature of end uses that included toilets, showers, landscape irrigation, industrial processes, and humidifiers. We also quantified variability in volume, duration, frequency, and timing of end uses, variability across facilities, and average water use per end use. Results identified water-use events both specific to CII users and in common with residential users. We shared findings with participating business representatives, who verified that results matched their understanding of water-use behaviors within their facilities.


The nonresidential sector comprises about 29% of national water withdrawals, and these withdrawals exhibit a diurnal pattern that can be completely different from those of residential users (Blokker et al. 2011; Dieter et al. 2018). The sector can be classified into three categories: (1) commercial, i.e., private facilities providing or distributing a product or service, such as hotels, restaurants, or office buildings; (2) industrial, i.e., facilities that mostly manufacture or process materials, as defined by the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS); and (3) institutional, i.e., public facilities such as schools, courthouses, government buildings, and hospitals (Moran 2009). Monitoring and understanding water use by commercial, industrial, and institutional (CII) users is challenging because their use varies from region to region, within the same region among different categories of users, and even within the same category from one user to another.
Unlike residential water use, estimating CII water use by indirect measures (e.g., number of residents in the case of residential water use or number of employees in the case of CII use) rarely is possible. Some users—industrial users in particular—use water as an input in their production lines, and they may also have end uses similar to those of residential units (e.g., toilets and faucets). Estimating water use by employees for different CII groups has proved challenging (Nourani and Bader 2009) because it sometimes is difficult to obtain information regarding the number of employees working for a business. Even when the number of employees is tracked, the number may vary due to working shifts, seasonal surges, or lulls in production. Water use in other businesses may not correlate very well with the number of employees because water is an input to their production process, or because the facility has a large irrigated landscape. Additionally, the NAICS codes often used to classify and group businesses do not provide much information about water use.
Managing water use by the CII sector requires knowledge of when, by whom, and how water is used inside a facility (e.g., cooling towers, humidity maintenance systems, washing machines, batch wash, and so forth). Many high-frequency water-use monitoring studies have been conducted worldwide for residential users over the last 20 years using a variety of end-use disaggregation methods, such as Trace Wizard (DeOreo et al. 1996), Identiflow (Kowalski and Marshallsay 2003), HydroSense (Froehlich et al. 2009), and Autoflow (Beal et al. 2011) (Table 1).
Table 1. Water end-use studies conducted after 2000 by method
DeOreo et al. (2011)USTrace Wizard
Mead and Aravinthan (2009)AustraliaTrace Wizard
Willis et al. (2009)AustraliaTrace Wizard
Heinrich (2007)New ZealandTrace Wizard
Roberts (2005)AustraliaTrace Wizard
Stewart et al. (2010)AustraliaTrace Wizard
Mayer et al. (2004)USTrace Wizard
Loh and Coghlan (2003)AustraliaTrace Wizard
Deoreo et al. (2001)USTrace Wizard
Mayer et al. (2000)USTrace Wizard
Kowalski and Marshallsay (2005)UKIdentiflow
Kowalski and Marshallsay (2003)UKIdentiflow
Froehlich et al. (2009)USHydoSense
Stewart et al. (2018)AustraliaAutoflow
Nguyen et al. (2015)AustraliaAutoflow
Nguyen et al. (2013)AustraliaAutoflow
Yang et al. (2018)AustraliaAutoflow
Beal et al. (2011)AustraliaAutoflow
Aquacraft developed Trace Wizard (DeOreo et al. 1996) to disaggregate residential end uses of water from a single flow-trace file obtained from a utility-owned water meter. Flow traces consist of readings at 10-s intervals to the nearest 0.04 L. Trace Wizard, which has worldwide applications (DeOreo et al. 2011; Mead and Aravinthan 2009; Willis et al. 2009; Heinrich 2007; Roberts 2005; Stewart et al. 2010; Mayer et al. 2004; Loh and Coghlan 2003; Deoreo et al. 2001; Mayer et al. 2000), applies a decision tree algorithm to characterize individual water-use events based on a specific set of event characteristics such as volume, duration, maximum flow rate, most frequent flow rate, and so forth. A well-trained and experienced analyst must manually review and verify all classified events. Accuracy is reduced when more than two events occur simultaneously.
Identiflow also applies a decision tree method to disaggregate end uses (Kowalski and Marshallsay 2003). The tree design can handle multiple simultaneous events; however, the verification process still requires a person to check the accuracy of the classified events from the tree. Identiflow has been used widely in domestic properties within the United Kingdom (Kowalski and Marshallsay 2005, 2003).
HydroSense (Froehlich et al. 2009) uses a probabilistic-based classification approach that relies on pressure sensors to disaggregate and identify water end-use events. This approach records the pressure waves at each water-use appliance and assumes that they are different across end uses. When an appliance is used, a pressure change occurs in the plumbing system and a pressure wave is generated. Based on the location and the value of the pressure wave, water end-use events are classified using Bayesian probabilistic models. Although the tool can achieve a high level of accuracy in classifying water end-use events, HydroSense requires installing pressure sensors at each end use, making the process effort- and money-intensive.
The Autoflow (Beal et al. 2011) tool uses a combination of a hidden Markov model (HMM), dynamic time warping (DTW), and probability analysis to classify events into different end-use categories. The HMM and DTW algorithms are used to extract the physical characteristics and shape pattern of each water-use event in the trace. These properties are used to identify the most likely water-use category to which each event belongs.
Much less attention has focused on CII users and facilities. The USACE Institute for Water Resources Municipal and Industrial Needs (IWR-MAIN) model (Dziegielewski and Boland 1989) estimates CII water use using industry-specific water-use coefficients that represent the amount of water that each employee uses per day, in gallons. The industry-specific coefficients were calculated using CII water-use data, industry type (NAICS code), and employment data gathered statewide from more than 2,200 different industrial facilities in various surveys to estimate total water use for each industry. The 2008 water-use efficiency plan for the state of California submetered 25 CII sites to estimate the water use for each end use. The study found that restaurants, office buildings, and health care facilities are the largest water users in the CII sector, faucet events are the most frequent events, and landscape irrigation events are the most water-intensive events (Innes et al. 2006). In Florida, researchers linked parcel-level information for every land parcel in the state, including the habitable space where employees work (heated building area), to develop water-subsector-specific water-use coefficients and to enhance the ability to estimate CII water use (Nourani and Bader 2009; Morales et al. 2011).
At the institutional level, water measurements at 0.25 Hz were made on the Utah State University campus to quantify potential water savings after installing high-efficiency water fixtures in two high-traffic men’s and women’s bathrooms (Horsburgh et al. 2017). Measurements allowed researchers to (1) identify water fixture malfunctions, (2) quantify the variability in water use by fixtures, and (3) differentiate gender behavior in water use. This study is the only study we reviewed that made the raw high-frequency meter readings, the disaggregation algorithm, and the results publicly available.
Existing commercial and industrial studies have yet to use smart meters or end-use disaggregation algorithms to describe facility water uses. Measuring and monitoring commercial and industrial water use at high frequency is challenging because multiple businesses or facilities may share the same water meter (e.g., strip malls). Users also may have different sizes of service lines and may be served by multiple service lines, meters, and registers. Users may experience large fluctuations in uses or may use water continuously (so that there is no chance to isolate appliances or end uses). Users also may have a low water cost compared with other business or industrial inputs. It also can be difficult to identify the person to contact to solicit participation in a study.
To address some of these challenges for commercial and industrial users, this research used three data streams collected at three different temporal scales—monthly billing, 5 min, and 5 s—between 2014 and 2016. We paired monthly billing data to business licensing and landscape data to rank and recruit a small number of facilities with the largest water uses to participate in higher-frequency data collection. We used water-use data collected at 5-min frequency to describe time-of-day patterns and validate the quality of data collected at a still higher frequency of 5 s. We used 25 million data records collected every 5 s over approximately 11 months from four manufacturing and two assisted-care facilities in Logan City, Utah, to characterize time-of-day water use and water use by different water fixtures and processes. We designed the data collection to answer three research questions:
How should water use by fixture and process in the facilities be quantified using a noninvasive approach?
What is the peak demand and how demand changes with the time of day?
What are the main similarities and differences between the manufacturing, assisted-care, and residential users?
The remaining sections describe the facility recruitment, monitoring, and end-use disaggregation methods, and the results and conclusions. The results can help participating facilities and water providers better understand current CII water use and opportunities to conserve.


We used three water-use data sets with monthly, 5-min, and 5-s temporal scales. The City of Logan shared monthly water-use billing data for the years between 2014 and 2016 for all 472 commercial and industrial facilities within the city. The city collected the monthly data using commercial Neptune meters (Tallassee, Alabama) and E-Coder registers (Tallassee, Alabama). They recorded water use at approximately monthly intervals via radio from a nearby car. The city also shared linked business licensing and stormwater data. The business licensing data included mailing address, business class, NAICS code, license number, and physical address. The stormwater data included parcel size, landscaped areas, and land cover. We used the linked data to identify the top 30 water-use facilities within the city by volume. We recruited the first, second, third, and fifth largest water-use facilities to participate in 5-min and 5-s monitoring for an 11-month period. These facilities all were from the manufacturing sector. The fourth largest use facility did not consent to participate. We had the resources to work with two additional facilities, and thus recruited the two largest assisted-care facilities, which were the 9th and 10th largest water-use facilities overall. The assisted-care facilities had very different types of water use than the manufacturing facilities, and their water use somewhat resembled that of the multifamily residential use sector, which also is understudied. The remaining top 30 facilities either were from the manufacturing sector but used much less water than the top 5 manufacturing facilities, or were the only top-30 facility from a particular sector and could not be replicated.
The 5-min and 5-s data sets were collected from the six recruited facilities between July 2017 and August 2018 using the city’s existing Neptune water meters. City of Logan staff replaced their E-Coder registers on those meters with new Metron Innov8 VN registers (Boulder, Colorado). The Innov8 registers logged water-use data at 5-min intervals and transmitted data once per day via a cellular data network to a password-protected website (Water Consumption Web Portal 2018). We selected the Innov8 registers because we easily could obtain 5-min data via cellular telemetry, they also had pulse outputs we could record with a separate datalogger at 5-s resolution, and City of Logan staff were willing to install them. After installation, we attached the 2-wire pulse output cables from the Innov8 VN registers to MadgeTech 101A pulse counters (Warner, New Hampshire). The registers sent an electronic pulse every time 3.785 L of water passed through the meter (further details are given in next section). We recorded the number of pulses every 5 s. Several meter pits were confined spaces. These pits required City of Logan staff assistance each time we needed to access meters and download data.
We used the 5-min data to characterize time-of-day use patterns and to verify the quality of the 5-s data. We used the 5-s data to classify water use inside each participating facility into different end uses. If the water volume difference between the 5-min and 5-s data sets was less than 2%, we assumed the 5-s data to be accurate.
Fig. 1 summarizes the study methods, starting from the monthly billing data set and ending with validation of the event classifications. The following subsections describe the linking of monthly water-use data, exploratory statistical analysis, 5-min and 5-s data collection, meter testing, facility walk-through, event classification, and data analysis.
Fig. 1. Flow chart of study methods. (Image by David E. Rosenberg.)

Linking of Monthly Water-Use Data

We used MySQL Workbench version 6.3.7 to design a database schema to store the monthly water-use, business licensing, and stormwater data provided by City of Logan. We then imported the three data sets into the relational database (Atallah and Rosenberg 2020). The three data sets were linked by the physical address attribute, which was the common attribute among the three data sets.

Exploratory Statistical Analysis

To identify patterns in the monthly commercial and industrial (CI) data, we applied Shapiro–Wilk normality and ANOVA tests to characterize the frequency distribution of the monthly billing data and identify which facility types significantly explained Logan water use (Atallah 2018) (Table 2). Because many parametric statistical tests rely upon the assumption of normality, we used the Shapiro–Wilk normality test to verify or refute the null hypothesis that the Logan CII data are normally distributed. The frequency distribution of water-use data showed that the majority of users consumed less than 7,600  L/day. The p-value for the Shapiro–Wilk test was 2.2×1016, which is less than 0.05 and indicates that the water-use data were not normally distributed (Atallah 2018). This skewed distribution of these CII water-use records followed similar skewed findings in several residential water-use studies (Abdallah and Rosenberg 2014; Suero et al. 2012; Rosenberg et al. 2008). Because the distribution of water use did not fit a normal distribution, we log-transformed the data and again performed the Shapiro–Wilk test. The test p-value was 0.5, which was high enough (p-value>0.05) to accept the hypothesis of normality of the log-transformed data.
Table 2. Significance of business type to explain water use in Logan, Utah
Business typeSignificance (p-value)
Health care and social assistance0.04
Retail trade0.11
Wholesale trade0.15
Real estate rental and leasing0.17
Professional, scientific, and technical services0.24
Educational services0.25
Finance and insurance0.26
Other services (except public administration)0.32
Administrative and support, and waste management and remediation services0.41
Arts, entertainment, and recreation0.47
Public administration0.62
Transportation and warehousing0.66
Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting0.72
Fig. 2. Data collection windows for 5-s data.
Fig. 3. Metering and data collection system for 5-min and 5-s data with incoming flow line, meter, register, pulse output cable, and pulse counter.
We also identified which lot size, location, and facility-type factors explained water use. NAICS codes classify facility types based on the particular product or service they supply and place them into the appropriate group among 20 different facility types (manufacturing, assisted-care, construction, education, and so forth). Because facility type is categorical, we developed a generalized linear model for the Logan city data. The p-values for the manufacturing and the health-care and social-assistance sectors were less than 0.05, which suggests that these two sectors explain period-average water use (Table 2). For other CII categories such as retail trade, wholesale trade, and information, p-values were greater than 0.05, which suggests these facility types do not explain water use. Lot size and location did not explain water use.
We also estimated the average daily water use for each CII facility as the total water use for a facility divided by the number of billing-period days. We then ranked facilities according to their average daily water use. Rankings indicated that the top CII categorized water users in the City of Logan were manufacturing and health-care facilities. Therefore, we focused recruitment for further high-frequency monitoring on those facilities.
From the 472 CII facilities, we identified the top 30 as mostly manufacturing and assisted-care facilities, and recruited 6 facilities to participate in monitoring their water use at high frequency (every 5 s). Four manufacturing facilities, ranked 1, 2, 3, and 5 in daily water use, produced circuit boards, metals, or printed materials. They had unique features, including 24/7 working hours, up to four different water meters serving a single facility, and up to 18,600  m2 of irrigated turf grass. The four manufacturing facilities provided replication within this sector. The two assisted-care facilities ranked 9 and 10 in average daily water use, and each had more than 70 residents and over 300 different fixtures in each facility (e.g., faucets, toilets, urinals, sprayers, showers, storage tanks, and commercial cloth washers). The assisted-care facilities had very different types of water use than the manufacturing facilities, and their water use somewhat resembled that of the multifamily residential use sector (except for large industrial-scale kitchens and laundromats). Several components of assisted-care facility water use—toilets, showers, and faucets—might compare directly with that of prior residential studies (DeOreo et al. 2016) or manufacturing facilities. To our knowledge, each facility’s sole water source was metered city water.
A representative for each facility signed an informational letter that described the study and the data-sharing provisions. These provisions included permission to place an anonymized version of the high-frequency data we collected within a data repository for permanent publication and potential reuse (Atallah and Rosenberg 2020). To respect the anonymity of the facilities as required in the data-sharing agreement, we refer to different facilities by an ID (Manufacturer 1, Manufacturer 2, Assisted-Care 5, and so forth).

5-min and 5-s Data Collection

The 10 water meters serving the 6 participating facilities varied in size from 25 to 102 mm (1.5 to 4 in.). Two participating facilities had 102 mm (4-in.) compound meters that required two registers (to measure low and high flows). On the low end, all meters can measure flow rates as low as 2  L/min regardless of meter size. Compound meters consist of a combination of an AWWA Class II turbine meter for measuring high rates (>12  L/min) of flow and a nutating disc–type positive displacement meter for measuring low rates (<2  L/min). The two meters are enclosed in a single main case. Any value between 2 and 3  L/min can be measured on either head. On the high end, 25-mm (1.5-in.), 2-, and 102 mm (4-in.)  meters—both single and compound—can measure up to 600, 1,700, and 3,800  L/min, respectively. An automatic valve directs flows through the disc meter at low flow rates and through the turbine meter at high flow rates. At high flow rates, the automatic valve also serves to restrict the flow through the disc meter to minimize wear (Neptune 2016). The meters have an accuracy of ±1.5%. The 25-mm (1.5-in.), 2-, and 102 mm (4-in.) service lines suppling the facilities were larger than the 0.75 or 1-in. lines that typically supply residential properties.
The 5-s data were stored in the internal memory of the pulse counters and collected on site. At 5-s frequency, the storage capacity was 31 days. When the memory filled, the pulse counter stopped recording. To protect the MagdeTech pulse (Warner, New Hampshire) counters from moisture damage, we placed them inside weatherproof enclosures that we then zip-tied to the underside of the manhole that provided access to the water meter and meter pit. For data collection, approximately monthly site visits were conducted to retrieve the data logs. We used MadgeTech software to export the 5-s data from the pulse counters to a Microsoft Excel workbook (Fig. 2). Visits depended on winter weather conditions and the schedule of city staff who provided access to manholes. Despite the weather-proof enclosures, on several visits we found that moisture had entered the datalogger compartment and we could not download data.
Because the dataloggers produced counts of pulses by each meter head every 5 s along with the respective timestamp, we calculated the volume of water in liters by multiplying the count of pulses by the volume of water per pulse (3.785  L/pulse). Finally, we designed a simple MySQL database to hold the high-frequency records. The database had four tables: (1) Participant, which contained personal information of the participating facilities, such as the name and the address; (2) Meter, which contained attributes of the meters connected to different participating facilities, such as the size and the type of the meter; (3) Pulse counter, which contained attributes of the pulse counters, such as the serial number of each device and its status; and (4) WaterUse, which contained the data value table that held the high-frequency records. Foreign keys were used to connect the four tables. The WaterUse table had more than 25 million records of water use measured at 5-s intervals.

Meter Testing

To check the compatibility of the meter, register, and pulse-counter components when assembled together, we tested the metering components at the Utah Water Research Laboratory (UWRL) in May 2016 using different pipe sizes, meter sizes, and variable flow rates (Fig. 3). We also used the tests to determine what pulse resolution (i.e., volume per pulse) to use with the pulse counter. The register options were 0.38, 3.8, 38, 380 L/pulse (0.1, 1, 10, 100, and so forth gal./pulse). The Innov8 register’s sensor transmits the actual turns of a magnet inside the meter to a microcontroller, which displays the magnitude of water use on the register’s display and generates output pulses according to a user-configurable pulse resolution. When the flow rate is too high, we suspected that the meter’s sensor and/or pulse output module might become overwhelmed by the number of rotations of the magnet and underreport the actual volume of water flowing through the meter. Based on the monthly billing data records of the participating facilities, we estimated that flow rates varied from 76 to 265  L/min. In our lab tests we increased flow rates to 380  L/min.
Laboratory test results showed that, at flow rates below 95  L/min, the pulse output modules and pulse counters could accurately record flow using a pulse resolution of 0.3785  L/pulse. However, for flow rates above 95  L/min, we discovered that a pulse resolution setting of 0.3785  L/pulse massively underestimated the flow rate through the meter. Because of this limitation, and because we did not expect flow rates for participating facilities to exceed 265  L/min, we used a resolution of 3.785  L/pulse (1 gal.) for the study. Thus, we recorded data using the finest pulse resolution that could be captured accurately using the pulse output modules and pulse counters across the flow rates we expected.

Facility Walk-Through

We conducted a walk-through of each participating facility with an employee. During the walk-through, we identified the technology, demographic, and behavioral factors that affected water use at each facility, such as size of the facility (number of employees/residents and landscape area), different types of water uses inside the facility, irrigation behavior, working routines, and questions facility staff had about water use and conservation that the study could help answer.

Event Disaggregation

The event disaggregation algorithm makes use of unique data stream features created by the 5-s data collection system. The system works like a tipping-bucket rain gauge in which one electronic pulse is recorded in the 5-s period when the meter’s register fills and finally measures 3.875 L of water use [Fig. 4(a)]. Thus, we separated high-flow (1) industrial, (2) outdoor, and (3) humidifying events from lower-flow (4) indoor shower and (5) indoor toilet events. The high-flow events were characterized by (1) a start time when pulse counts per 5-s period followed a zero count, (2) sustained pulse counts of 1 or more for each 5-s period, and (3) an end time when pulse counts transitioned back to 0. A sustained count of 1pulse/5  s translates to a flowrate of 45  L/min. Lower-flow-rate shower events were characterized by a pulse count of 1 followed by multiple 5-s periods with zero pulse counts, then another 5-s period with 1 pulse count. This pattern of several periods of zero pulse counts followed by 1 period of 1 pulse count repeated for the duration of the shower event [Fig. 4(b)]. The lag time between pulse counts depended on the flow rate: shorter lag times indicated a higher shower flow rate, whereas a longer lag time indicated a lower flow rate. For example, if the lag time between single pulse counts is 30 s (six 5-s periods), then it takes 30 s for 3.875 L to accumulate in the register. Thus, one pulse (3.785 L) every 30 s corresponds to a flow rate of 7.8  L/min even though the data system records all the water use in the final 5 s of the 30-s interval. For shower events, lag times between periods with 1 pulse count varied from 10 to 45 s. Toilet events were characterized by a count of 1 pulse for one or possibly two consecutive 5-s periods.
Fig. 4. Water use collected at 5-min and 5-s intervals for August 2017.
To further characterize and differentiate event types, we identified the event start time, end time, duration, peak flow (calculated from the 5-s period with largest number of pulses), and event volume (sum of all pulse counts between start and end time multiplied by the pulse resolution). The summation of pulses between the start and end times also served as a low-pass data filter. For high-flow-rate events, this summation helps to smooth portions of the 5-s data stream in which the number of pulses per 5 s varies between two adjacent integer values [e.g., 4 and 5 pulses, corresponding to 16 and 20 L in the irrigation event in Fig. 4(b)]. For events with lower flow rates, the summation of pulses also serves to filter the data stream when the lag time between 5-s periods with single pulse counts varies. The classification for the larger-flow event types is described further subsequently.
Outdoor events were identified byime of use (most occurred after midnight and in the early morning), volumes of at least 3,785  L/event (1,000 gal.), and durations of at least 20 min. For these events, we also investigated the ratio of applied water to landscape water need for two businesses for which we monitored water use during the irrigation season. This landscape irrigation ratio (LIR) was the water volume applied to the landscape [Vevent (L/day)] divided by the water volume needed by the landscape (Utah Climate Center 2018)
where ETo = reference evapotranspiration (in./day) values for which were retrieved from the Utah Climate Center (2016); PF = plant factor, i.e., fraction of ETo needed by plants (turfgrass = 1.0); SM = area to be irrigated (m2), which was retrieved from the Cache County parcel and zoning interactive (Official Site of Cache County, Utah – Home 2016); and 0.136 is a conversion factor to report output in metric units (liters). Based on LIR, irrigation efficiency can be inferred. An irrigation system is considered efficient if the calculated LIR is less than 1. If LIR is more than 3, water is applied excessively in irrigation. Acceptable irrigation efficiencies have LIR values between 1 and 3.
Industrial events were identified by volumes of at least 645 L and durations of at least 12 min (values were identified during walk-throughs). One facility used a model water distribution network to test the durability of valves, pumps, fittings, and sensors they made. They pumped water into the network at variable flow rates for about 1 h. Network test events had volumes of more than 3,785 L and flow rates of about 114  L/min. Two manufacturing facilities printed circuit boards. They used water in pressurized jets to cut the boards into different shapes and sizes, rinse and wash boards between application steps, and cool boards after processing. During the walk-through, one manufacturing facility did not report any industrial water uses.
Humidifying events in two facilities were defined by the day of use and the flow rate. Humidification systems force moisture in the form of mist into the facility’s indoor air to maintain the humidity in the facility. Humidifying events occurred on days when relative humidity values were less than 35%. The water used in each humidification event varied from 114 to 227  L/event. The humidifier at Manufacturing Facility 3 was automated, whereas the humidifier at Manufacturing Facility 1 was manual.
The end-use disaggregation algorithm outputs a comma-separated values (CSV) file with the classified events. The attributes of the generated CSV file are the volume (liters), duration (minutes), flow rate (liters per minute), start time, and end time. The algorithm was coded in Visual Studio version 16.8.4 (C#) by Atallah and Rosenberg (2020).
It was difficult to classify faucet events because their short duration and small volume often were less than the 3.8-L volumetric resolution of the pulse count system. Water use for faucet events typically was assigned to the next event. It also was difficult to characterize individual fixtures because each facility had a large number of different fixtures inside. Water uses were different than in residential homes, and measurements were made on the bulk flow through one or more meters serving each facility. It also was difficult to classify some events with multiple subevents (e.g., some industrial processes, and industrial clothes washers and dishwashers) and simultaneous flows at multiple fixtures (overlapped events from fixtures of different types). We were able to identify overlapped events produced from the same fixture type (e.g., two concurrent showers). For overlapped shower events, the lag time decreased between 5-s periods with a single pulse.

Event Analysis

The event analysis was divided into two components to answer the three major research questions listed in section “Introduction.” The first component involved the identification of the average water use from each water use category per facility. Average water use per facility for a category was calculated as the total volume of water used by fixtures of each category divided by the monitoring period for each business. The average water use per category estimates the similarities and differences between facilities with comparable fixtures. The second component of our analysis consisted of calculating a facility per capita water use and comparing that use with the standard residential per capita water use of the City of Logan. Our facility contacts provided a daily patient census (assisted-care facilities) and number of employees (manufacturing facilities) for the months of December 2017 and January 2018. Facility per capita water use was calculated as the total volume of indoor water use divided by the number of people working or residing within the facility.


Monthly water-use data showed that all selected participating facilities had seasonal variations in water use. The six selected facilities together used 15% of the total water delivered to Logan’s CII sector between 2014 and 2016. The 5-s readings ranged from 0 L (many readings) to 120 L for the largest irrigation events. All facilities had large irrigation water use, and the largest number of events were for faucets and toilets (Table 3). Industrial use events, network tests, and humidifying events also used large water volumes. The following subsections further describe classification results for each end use.
Table 3. Disaggregated water use by end use and facility for August 2017–June 2018 (L/event)
End useAverage water use
Manufacturing 1Manufacturing 2Manufacturing 3Manufacturing 4Assisted-Care 1Assisted-Care 2
Humidity maintainer870.6N/A416.4N/AN/AN/A
Network test34,065N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A


In the six facilities that we studied, outdoor use events varied from 3,785 to 22,700  L/event. The LIR identified for each facility ranged between 1.44 and 5. These ratios indicate that facilities used at least 1.5 times more water than the amount actually needed for their outdoor usage. Outdoor water use at Assisted-Care Facility 2 was 5 times more than actually needed in the month of June. Results also showed some outdoor water use activity for Manufacturing Facility 3 in October, even though it is recommended that the irrigation system be turned off by the end of September because the Utah growing season ends by October.
This high use mainly resulted from facilities irrigating landscaping for long durations, which exceeded 20 h at high flow rates for some events. Proper management of sprinkler irrigation systems can boost irrigation efficiencies greatly and reduce total water use. This can be maintained by matching the application rate and duration to the actual water needs of the landscape. Irrigation results showed that at least 75% of irrigation events lasted less than 120 min. Manufacturing Facility 3 had a couple of irrigation events that lasted more than 17 h. Furthermore, irrigation events for all the facilities except Manufacturing Facility 3 had a median of 56,780  L/event. Manufacturing Facility 3 had volumes that exceeded 75,708  L/event. The long durations and the large volumes of water associated with irrigation for Manufacturing Facility 3 were because the facility has more than 18,600  m2 of irrigated area. Flow-rate values for irrigation events at all the facilities varied between 75 and 265  L/min.

Industrial Use and Humidifiers

Industrial water use for Manufacturing Facilities 2 and 4 varied from 1,135 to 1,514  L/event. Pressure-wash processes were the main industrial water use inside those facilities. In contrast, water volumes for the humidifying events for the two manufacturing facilities that had humidifiers depended on the size of the facility, the humidification method used, and the capacity of the steam humidification pipelines inside each facility.


One hundred thirty-one shower events were compiled from one manufacturing facility over a period of 6 months, and 5,845 shower events were identified from the two assisted-living homes over a 4-month period. For the manufacturing facility, 75% of shower events lasted less than 8 min, whereas for the assisted-care facilities, 75% of their shower events lasted less than 11 min, with many outliers at durations of more than 15 min. The longest shower duration of 24 min was recorded at one of the assisted-care facilities. According to the data, a 6-min shower used about 75 L of water, whereas an 11-min shower used approximately 125 L of water. According to DeOreo et al. (2016), an average shower in the US uses approximately 67 L. In the manufacturing facility, 50% of the showers had flow rates that varied from 10 to 14  L/min, which exceeds the maximum flow rate of 9.5  L/min set by the US Energy Policy Act. On the other hand, 50% of shower events at the assisted-care facilities had flow rates that complied with the standards, varying from 7.5 to 11.4  L/min. A few shower events in the assisted-care facilities had flow rates of more than 21  L/min. For the assisted-care facilities, shower events were distributed throughout the day, whereas manufacturing facility shower events were either before 8:00 a.m. or after 3:00 p.m.

Unclassified Events

The remaining events were unclassified and had flow rates, volumes, and durations that varied between 45 and 60  L/min, 26.5 and 110 L, and 2 and 7.5 min, respectively. These unclassified events could include cycles of industrial clothes washers and dishwashers (e.g., in the assisted-care facilities) or overlapped events that we were unable to separate. Overall, we were not able to classify approximately 10% of all events. These amounted to approximately 454,250 L across all facilities and all times.

Per Capita Water Use

We estimated indoor per capita water use in December and January for the two assisted-care facilities and two manufacturing facilities to compare water use among the facilities and with residential users (Fig. 5). Liter per capita day (LPCD) estimates from the assisted-living facilities can be directly compared with Utah’s indoor residential rates because both users share many of the same water-use characteristics. Indoor per capita water use in the assisted-living facilities varied from 48 to 105 LPCD, which ranges from 14 LPCD less than Utah’s overall rate to more than 2 times Utah’s overall LCPD (Fig. 5). For the manufacturing facilities, indoor per capita water use varied from 0 to 151 LPCD and averaged 30 and 56.8 LPCD for Manufacturing Facilities 2 and 3, respectively. These values are commensurate with Utah’s industrial indoor use of 41.6 LPCD. These results provide an estimate of daily indoor water use for workers outside their homes. Zero values in industrial facilities reflected weekend days when there was no activity or water use. The overall LPCD values for the assisted-living homes were much higher than those of the manufacturing facilities, and more resembled residential use. Thus, indoor per capita water use is very contextual (Fig. 5). A person’s total indoor water use per day could be up to 35% higher than prior published values for residential users.
Fig. 5. Comparison of per capita water use for four facilities during the months of December and January with the Utah public community systems study.
Although the LPCD method is simple, it has limitations. The method focuses on average water use rates in each category of use. This simplification ignores trends, variability among users or by a single user, changes in water use due to conservation, user type, or working hours. The accuracy of the method depends on the water use, the underlying activity assumed to drive water use, and the estimate of the number of persons.

Time-of-Use Patterns

Using the 5-min data, we investigated the temporal water usage patterns for the six participating facilities by quantifying the average hourly water use over the entire period of data collection. Manufacturing facilities showed no variation in winter water use throughout different hours of the day, whereas assisted-living homes had two peaks in their hourly water use (Atallah 2018). One peak was in the early morning, and the other was in the evening, both of which were driven by shower events. All businesses had summer water peak demands from midnight to early morning. These peaks were up to 3 times the daytime use, and were driven by outdoor water-use activities.
The peak hour demand for each participating facility ranged from 114 to 7,950  L/h. Facilities exhibited diurnal patterns with peak use in dawn hours and slight variation during other times of the day. The peak demand was driven by either irrigation water use or industrial water use. Daytime/nighttime and indoor/outdoor patterns of water use for the six facilities we studied were similar to residential patterns. However, all six facilities used much larger volumes than did residential users.


We extracted more than 200,000 separate water-use events from more than 25 million individual 5-s water-use records over 11 months. This monitoring period was much longer than that of prior studies of residential users, which collected high-frequency (<10  s) water-use data for 2 weeks to 1 month (DeOreo et al. 2016).
The large outdoor water use for these six facilities matched findings of large outdoor water use by residential users in Utah (Utah Division of Water Resources 2015) and other states (DeOreo et al. 2016). On a per capita basis, indoor commercial and industrial water use for the four manufacturing facilities was commensurate with prior Utah Division of Water Resources estimates. We believe that toilets in the facilities may use from 5.3 to 11  L/flush, compared with 8  L/flush recorded for residential users in the residential end uses water study (REUWS) study and the 8  L/flush EPA toilet standard. Our largest classified toilet volume was 7.2  L/flush, but because toilet flushes typically have short duration (5  s) and may not coincide with the pulse sampling frequency, up to 3.8 L of the actual toilet flush volume may be recorded and assigned to the water use of the next event. Shower events in the one manufacturing facility with showers had an average flow rate of 11.4  L/min and exceeded the 9.4  L/min mandated US Energy Policy flow rate by 4  L/min. In contrast, shower flow rates in the two assisted-living homes we studied complied with the mandated flow rate but exceeded the 8  L/min flow rate recorded for residential users in the REUWS study.
The variation in water used to humidify Manufacturing Facility 1 and Manufacturing Facility 3 came from the manual and automatic systems the respective facilities used to maintain the humidity level. Water use by industrial humidifying systems can be compared with that used by swamp coolers in residential units. Water use by swamp coolers is not well studied, but manufacturer specifications suggest uses of 19–190 L for large units, which is 3–5 times smaller than the use logged at the two manufacturing facilities in Logan, Utah. The larger water use for manufacturing facilities is reasonable because these facilities have much larger indoor floor areas than do residences.
These findings suggest that several of the indoor and outdoor water conservation actions typically recommended for residential users may benefit these manufacturing and assisted-care facilities (Table 4). Water savings were calculated as the volume difference between current end uses and the expected use if WaterSense efficient toilets and showers that use 3  L/flush and 4.7  L/min, respectively, were installed. Landscape irrigation savings were calculated as the difference between the water used in irrigation and the water actually needed for irrigation. Automating the humidification system for Manufacturing Facility 1 could save 670  L/event.
Table 4. Potential conservation actions and associated water savings (L/11 months)
Potential conservation action/businessReduce flow rates and duration of sprinkler eventsRetrofit toilets, showers, and faucets to WaterSense efficiency standardsSwitch to automatic humidification technique
Manufacturing 170,92398,705662
Manufacturing 251,6391116,624
Manufacturing 3288,258252,800
Manufacturing 467,8801580,748
Assisted-Care 129,6901347,891
Assisted-Care 212,430511,925
Savings (L)520,9224942,760662
Identifying water-use patterns is essential for water managers to understand how their nonresidential customers utilize water throughout the day. The LPCD estimates and the hourly water-use trends showed that the two assisted-care facilities have a water-use behavior similar to that of typical residential use, with an average indoor LPCD of 246  L/capita-day. The assisted-care facilities had water demand peaks in the morning and evening hours, matching the typical peak-use periods of residential users. The conservation actions noted in Table 4 could save 5 million L over all the studied users in the 11-month period for which we collected data, or about 30% of the total water currently used. Exploring more scenarios to determine the best options in terms of water savings and convenience to the end users could help guide future conservation efforts by water managers both within the study group and nationwide.

Limitations and Challenges

Based on expected flow rates, the finest volumetric pulse resolution we could use for accurate flow rate estimates was 3.785  L/pulse. This volumetric resolution prevented us from identifying short-duration and/or low-volume faucet events. These uses typically were assigned to the next event.
Maintaining regular site visits to collect 5-s water-use data was a challenge due to the city’s tight schedule. The irregular data collection resulted in gaps within the 11-month data collection window. Several months of data from some facilities and meters also were lost when moisture infiltrated some pulse counters, despite the fact that they were placed inside weatherproof enclosures.
The inherent difficulties in collecting, training, and testing data from each event type meant that we were not able to identify some events. In the four manufacturing and two assisted-care facilities, multiple water end uses often are operating at the same time. When two different types of events overlapped, we counted the smaller-volume end use as part of the larger volume end use. For example, a toilet flush during an irrigation event was classified as part of the irrigation event and would add approximately 3.875 L of use to the irrigation event. We classified 90% of all events, with the unclassified events comprising approximately 454,250 L across all participating facilities.
Scaling the information from the small number of facilities we monitored at high temporal frequency to a much larger number of facilities across the city also presents a challenge. Additionally, the results for the six facilities in the City of Logan may or may not be applicable to other cities in Utah or elsewhere. However, this scaling would provide valuable information for water managers interested in characterizing CII water use at the city level and encouraging water conservation.

Scaling from Six Facilities to a City

To provide some insight into potential scaling, we analyzed pervious area, business licensing, and monthly water-use data provided by the City of Logan pertaining to all its commercial and industrial customers. Fig. 6(a) compares the existing water use (circles) and estimated water savings (stars) of the six participating facilities with the existing water use of the other 466 facilities (crosses). Several of these facilities with large water use and a range of pervious areas may benefit from the same water conservation actions. Fig. 6(b) groups the water use of all City of Logan commercial and industrial facilities by NAICS classification. Fig. 6(b) shows that additional facilities in the manufacturing and assisted-care sectors may benefit from conservation actions. It is hard to infer anything for the other sectors. Many sectors such as administrative, arts, education, public administration, and real estate rental already have very low water use and/or few facilities. Other sectors such as accommodation, construction, finance, information, services, professional service, retail trade, and transportation have some facilities with daily water use as high as that of the study facilities. However, we do not know the end uses in these facilities or which end uses present opportunities for water conservation. It also is difficult at present to scale results for these six commercial and industrial facilities to other cities. Facilities—even within the same sector—are heterogenous, and we required a walk-through of each facility to identify the end-uses and interpret the high-frequency data. In contrast, researchers have monitored thousands of residential households at high frequency and identified and characterized relatively more-homogeneous end uses (DeOreo et al. 2016; Mayer et al. 1999). These circumstances motivate the need to expand data collection for more commercial and industrial sectors and facilities to better quantify end uses and identify water conservation opportunities. To support this goal, we have published our raw and processed high-frequency data for others to use in future work (Atallah and Rosenberg 2020).
Fig. 6. Water use among users that did and did not participate in high-frequency monitoring versus (a) pervious area; and (b) NAICS code.


This study was motivated by a desire to better understand and quantify water-use behaviors by commercial and industrial users, a sector that has been the subject of few prior studies. We used water-use data collected at monthly frequency for all 472 commercial and industrial facilities in Logan, Utah, and at 5-min and 5-s frequencies for four manufacturing and two assisted-care facilities. We used the data to answer three questions:
How should water use by fixture and process in commercial and industrial facilities be quantified using a noninvasive approach?
What is the peak demand and how does demand change with time of day?
What are the main similarities and differences between these CII users and residential users?
Our key findings include the following:
We were able to disaggregate outdoor, industrial, humidification, shower, and toilet events using a register and pulse-count data-collection system that had volumetric and temporal resolutions of 3.8 L and 5 s.
Outdoor water use comprised a large volume of total use, with event volumes from 3,785 to 227,125  L/event. Landscape irrigation ratios for all participating facilities exceeded 1, indicating that the facilities applied more water than was needed.
Hourly water-use trends showed that the two assisted-care facilities exhibited trends similar to those of residential users, with demand peaks in morning and evening hours. On a per capita use basis, the assisted-care and manufacturing facilities used volumes of water similar to those reported in the Community Systems study (Utah DWRe 2005).
Shower fixtures were efficient and operated according to standards.
The study facilities can benefit from installing more water-efficient toilets inside and landscape water checks outside. The recommendations also may benefit other manufacturing and assisted-care facilities in Logan.
Further work is needed to apply and verify study methods and findings for commercial and industrial users in other cities and states.

Data Availability Statement

The data, models, and code used in this study are available in the HydroShare repository (Atallah and Rosenberg 2020).


The study was funded by Utah Mineral Lease funds through the Utah Water Research Laboratory. Three anonymous reviewers provided comments that improved the manuscript. Carri Richards edited the manuscript for technical clarity.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Volume 147Issue 7July 2021


Received: Oct 1, 2019
Accepted: Nov 16, 2020
Published online: Apr 28, 2021
Published in print: Jul 1, 2021
Discussion open until: Sep 28, 2021



Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Utah State Univ., 4110 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322-4110 (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]
David E. Rosenberg, A.M.ASCE [email protected]
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Utah State Univ., 4110 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322-4110. Email: [email protected]
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Utah Water Research Laboratory, Utah State Univ., 8200 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322-8200. ORCID: Email: [email protected]

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