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Technical Papers
May 8, 2020

Chronic and Acute Coastal Flood Risks to Assets and Communities in Southeast Florida

Publication: Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Volume 146, Issue 7


Chronic and acute coastal flood risks in Miami-Dade County are assessed over the range of sea-level rise (SLR) scenarios for the coming decades. The HAZUS-MH coastal flood hazard modeling and loss estimation tool are used to determine flood extent and depth and corresponding monetary losses to buildings associated with different sea water levels (SWLs). The frequency of SWLs is estimated using a nonstationary mixture normal-generalized Pareto distribution under current condition and future SLR scenarios. Also, the least adaptation level to cope with SLR-induced amplification of coastal flooding is assessed in terms of an increase in flood threshold. The results indicate that under current sea-level conditions, coastal flood risks are predominantly from exposure to acute extreme events. However, chronic risks from repetitive nonextreme flooding may exceed those from extreme floods under future SLR scenarios. Therefore, adaptation strategies may incorporate consideration about chronic flooding to avoid increasing cumulative losses under future SLR scenarios.


Coastal flooding poses significant human, ecological, and economic risks in the United States (NWS 2014; Walsh et al. 2014) and globally (Hallegatte et al. 2013; Hinkel et al. 2014). Climate change increases the exposure of coastal communities to flooding due to the rising sea levels and possible increased storminess (Shepard et al. 2012; Ezer and Atkinson 2014; Rahmstorf 2017). Sea-level rise (SLR) decreases the freeboard between local flood thresholds and high water levels from tides and storm surges, which leads to increases in the frequency of both minor flooding (Sweet et al. 2014; Moftakhari et al. 2015; Vandenberg-Rodes et al. 2016) and extreme events (Ezer and Atkinson 2014; Kemp and Horton 2013; Vousdoukas et al. 2017). SLR has been shown to be the primary factor influencing the frequency and intensity of coastal events (Woodworth and Blackman 2004) and may be deemed as the chief manifestation of climate change impacts in coastal regions (Nicholls et al. 2007; Sweet and Park 2014).
Exposure to extreme coastal flooding and subsequent acute damages have been extensively investigated (Wahl et al. 2015; McInnes et al. 2016; Vousdoukas et al. 2017). However, chronic losses from frequent minor flooding events are largely neglected (Moftakhari et al. 2015; Hino et al. 2019). Recent studies have shown that the frequency and extent of minor flooding, also referred to as tidal or nuisance flooding, has been increasing in response to rising sea levels (Sweet and Park 2014; Moftakhari et al. 2015; Ray and Foster 2016; Dahl et al. 2017). While damages from a single minor flooding event may be insignificant, the cumulative losses from repeated exposure of assets over a long planning period may be increasingly important (Moftakhari et al. 2018). Thus, implementation of effective SLR adaptation strategies is predicated upon an improved understanding of exposure and vulnerability to both minor and extreme coastal flooding (Purvis et al. 2008; Hallegatte et al. 2013; Aerts et al. 2014).
Extreme value distributions such as generalized extreme value (GEV) or generalized Pareto (GP) distributions are commonly used for frequency analysis of flood events (Boettle et al. 2013; Menéndez et al. 2008; Salas et al. 2018). However, under nonstationary sea-level conditions, they are not sufficient for full characterization of flood probability distributions (Sweet and Park 2014; Stephens et al. 2018; Ghanbari et al. 2019). Recently, Ghanbari et al. (2019) developed a coherent and statistically rigorous mixture probability model that represents the entire range of sea water level (SWL) values, encompassing both the bulk and the upper tail of the sea-level distribution. The mixture model uses the normal distribution for the bulk data and the generalized Pareto distribution (GPD) for the upper tail values. The approach explicitly accounts for nonstationary sea-level conditions using SLR as a covariate. The nonstationary mixture model can be used to assess expected damages and other flood risk measures while considering both minor and extreme flooding over a range of sea-level rise scenarios.
The application of the mixture model in a screening-level flood risk assessment framework is demonstrated for Miami-Dade County, which encompasses one of the highest values of assets exposed to coastal flooding (Genovese et al. 2011; Hanson et al. 2011). The region covers approximately 6,300  km2 on Florida’s southeastern coast with a population of approximately 2.8 million inhabitants in 2017. Approximately $38 billion of property and 618 km (384 mi) of roads lie 0.9 m (3 ft) above the current mean sea-level (MSL) (Tompkins and DeConcini 2014). Communities, as well as economic and environmental sectors in low elevation and highly populated areas of Miami-Dade County, are increasingly exposed and vulnerable to both minor and extreme coastal flooding due to SLR (Genovese et al. 2011; Spanger-Siegfried et al. 2017).
To date, the evaluation of SLR impacts in Miami-Dade County has mostly emphasized extreme flooding driven by hurricanes and tropical cyclones (i.e., storm surge) (Genovese et al. 2011; Klima et al. 2012; Genovese and Green 2015). However, only a few studies have investigated the effects of SLR on chronic risk from minor flooding (Wdowinski et al. 2016; Moftakhari et al. 2017a). Recurrent minor flooding is already emerging as a new issue in some parts of the county (e.g., the city of Miami Beach). With the rising sea levels, many coastal cities in this region will face more frequent minor coastal floods per year (Sweet et al. 2014; Sweet and Park 2014). Thus, a simultaneous assessment of chronic and acute risks from both frequent minor and extreme flooding under future SLR scenarios is vital to improve investments on flood adaptation strategies that would safeguard the Miami-Dade coastal region against the adverse effects of SLR.
Flood adaptation strategies in coastal regions are implemented under deep uncertainty about critical driving forces (e.g., SLR) and stakeholder preferences (e.g., climate policy targets). These uncertainties pose a challenge to coastal planners and decision makers (Kwakkel et al. 2015). Traditionally, it is assumed that the future can be predicted and in order to reduce vulnerability a restricted plan for the outlined future (i.e., static optimal plan) is developed (Dessai and Hulme 2007; Hallegatte et al. 2012; Walker et al. 2013). However, the strategy fails if the future tends to be different from the hypothesized futures. A more prudent approach would be to use a dynamically robust plan that will be successful in a wide range of future scenarios with the flexibility to dynamically change adaptation over time as the future unfolds (Kwakkel et al. 2015; Haasnoot et al. 2013). To achieve this approach, several adaptation strategies should be evaluated against different SLR scenarios to develop robust decision-making processes (Lempert et al. 2006; Groves and Lempert 2007; Haasnoot et al. 2013).
This study aims to investigate the effects of SLR on chronic and acute coastal flood risks in Miami-Dade County by incorporating a nonstationary mixture probability model in a screening-level flood risk assessment framework. Specifically, the objectives of the study are to: (1) evaluate exposure of the region to coastal flooding over a range of SLR conditions; (2) evaluate changes in chronic and acute coastal flood risks under different SLR scenarios; (3) estimate the SLR values up to which adaptation levels, in terms of increase in a flood threshold, could perform acceptably and meet the policy target; and (4) identify the minimum adaptation level that might be needed to maintain the current level of flood risk. The study estimates the vulnerability of the region to coastal flooding over the course of the 21st century and identifies areas where chronic and acute flood risks are potentially high. The results can provide managers and decision makers in Miami-Dade County with preliminary information about current and future coastal flood risks. The improved understanding of risks and adaptation levels enhances the capacity for resilient coastal management.

Materials and Method

The nonstationary mixture normal-GPD probability model developed by Ghanbari et al. (2019) was used within a screening level risk assessment framework to simultaneously assess chronic and acute coastal flood risks under higher MSL conditions in Miami-Dade County. The flood extent and depth corresponding to different SWL values are estimated using HAZUS coastal flood hazard modeling and monetary losses to buildings were estimated using the HAZUS loss estimation tool. Adaptation levels in terms of increases in the flood threshold were evaluated over a range of continuous SLR values to support the development of robust decision-making processes. Three possible SLR scenarios were considered to perform an assessment of expected time to certain rises in MSL, including intermediate-low, intermediate, and intermediate-high, as defined in Sweet et al. (2017).

Sea Water Level Data (SWL)

69 years of hourly SWL data at the Key West tidal station over the 1950–2018 period ( 2019a) were used for coastal flood frequency analysis. The hourly sea-level data are reported relative to the latest National Tidal Datum Epoch (NTDE), which references the 1983–2001 period with mean higher high water (MHHW) as the tidal datum. It should be noted that the Virginia Key and South Port Everglades tidal stations are closer to the County, however, both stations have been operational for less than 30 years. The datum for the Virginia Key tidal station was used to adjust SWL data in Key West tidal station ( 2019b).

Losses to Buildings from Coastal Flooding

HAZUS-MH, FEMA’s standardized modeling tool for estimating potential losses from flood events, was used to estimate monetary losses to buildings associated with different SWLs. First, HAZUS coastal flood hazard modeling was used to determine flood extent and depth corresponding to different SWL exceedances above MHHW (i.e., 0.3–3 m with equidistant steps of 0.3 m). Coastal flood hazard modeling in HAZUS is similar to that presently used by FEMA to produce coastal Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) (Scawthorn et al. 2006a, b). The approach considers lands that are adjacent to the sea and are situated below the stillwater flood surface to be inundated areas. Low-lying areas without a hydraulic connection to the flood source are identified during overlaying the stillwater flood surface over a digital elevation model (DEM) in order to identify disconnected areas that should not be considered as floodplains (i.e., bathtub method without hydrological connectivity) (Yunus et al. 2016). The approach neglects the effects of terrain roughness and vegetation on the spread of floodwater flow (Ramirez et al. 2016). In addition, the duration of the flood event is not considered, and it is assumed that the flood propagation is only limited by topography. These limitations and assumptions are the reason that the bathtub model could overestimate flood extents (Mcleod et al. 2010; Allen et al. 2010; Bates et al. 2010). Regardless of the shortcomings of the bathtub method, the simplicity of the algorithm and low computational complexity of this model has made it a valuable method to create regional to large scale potential coastal inundation maps (e.g., Mokrech et al. 2014; Lloyd et al. 2016). The bathtub method is primarily based on topography, and the quality of DEM can significantly affect the inundation area (Van de Sande et al. 2012). In this study, we used 1/9 arc-second (approximately 3-m) DEM data.
The produced flood hazard maps (i.e., flood extent and depth) were subsequently used in the HAZUS flood loss estimation module to calculate physical damages, which were interpreted in direct dollar values of building replacement cost (i.e., the cost of replacement by an identical object) (Scawthorn et al. 2006a; FEMA 2018). Consequently, monetary losses to buildings were estimated at the Census block scale for different SWL exceedances above MHHW (i.e., 0.3 to 3 m with equidistant steps of 0.3 m). The losses were estimated based on the general building stock inventory data aggregated at the Census block scale in HAZUS level 1 analysis (Scawthorn et al. 2006b). This approach provides an estimate of the direct losses to buildings and the immediate impact of building damages on the community such as business interruption and job losses are not incorporated.
The available datums in HAZUS-MH are NAVD88 and NGVD29. Thus, the reference datum for Key West tidal station was used to change the datum for SWL data from MHHW to NAVD88. The estimated damages from HAZUS were used to develop a loss function [i.e., losses versus SWL of h, Ci(h)] for each Census block (i) in the region, which accounts for spatial variability. It was assumed that losses value is linearly changed between consecutive SWLs.

Mixture Normal-GPD Probability Model

Historical adjusted SWL data from the Key West tidal station was used to estimate the annual exceedance probability of SWL of h under current and future conditions using a nonstationary mixture normal-GPD probability distribution (Ghanbari et al. 2019). The mixture model uses the normal distribution to characterize the nonextreme (i.e., bulk) component of the SWL data and the extreme component of the data (i.e., upper tail) is represented by the GPD. The nonstationarity of SWL data is incorporated by expressing the location parameters of the normal and GP distributions as functions of SLR instead of time. Thus, the future risk of coastal flooding under alternative SLR levels can be evaluated regardless of projected time to certain sea-level conditions. Following Ghanbari et al. 2019, the mixture cumulative distribution function (F) of SWL (h) is defined as
where u, α, and ξ denote the location (i.e., threshold), scale, and shape of the GPD; variables μ and σ represent location and scale of the normal distribution; ϕ denotes the probability of independent exceedances over threshold; and erf = error function.

Coastal Flood Risk Assessment

Flood risk emerges from the interaction of flood hazard probability, exposed values, and their vulnerability (Crichton 1999; Merz et al. 2010). A commonly used risk indicator for flood risk assessment is average annual losses (AAL) (Kron 2005; Purvis et al. 2008). AAL can be estimated by integrating the area under a loss exceedance function, which is a function that presents the relationship between exceedance probability of SWL of h [here p(h)=1F(h)] and the value of losses that the level of water inflicts on property and assets [here Ci(h)] (Jonkman et al. 2008; Grossi et al. 2005). In this study, risks from coastal flooding were categorized into two types: (1) chronic risk from frequent nonextreme (i.e., minor) flooding events with multiple occurrences per year, which are largely driven by tidal fluctuations rather than storm surge; and (2) acute risk from infrequent extreme flood events with less than one event per year frequency that usually arise from hurricanes and extreme weather conditions. Annual losses as a function of the exceedance probability of the daily SWL (i.e., loss exceedance function) were estimated for each Census block as
where ny denotes the number of SWL observations per year; Ci represents the loss function corresponding to the ith Census block; F1 = inverse cumulative distribution function of the SWL from Eq. (1); and p represents the daily SWL exceedance probability. Subsequently, acute AAL was estimated as follows:
where Li(p) = loss exceedance function corresponding to the ith Census block; k = number of census blocks in Miami-Dade County; τ1 denotes the upper bound of daily exceedance probability for estimation of acute AAL; and τ1 may be determined such that acute risk encompasses occasional extreme flooding events with an annual return period larger than 1 year.
Similarly, chronic AAL was estimated by
where τ2 represents the upper bound of daily exceedance probability in the estimation of chronic AAL; and τ2 may be determined such that the chronic damages from frequent minor flooding events are independent. Thus, τ2 represents the inverse of the smallest expected length (i.e., number of days) between two consecutive minor flooding events that lead to independent damages (i.e., the smallest daily exceedance probability). For example, if damages that are at least 1 day or 5 days apart are assumed to be independent, τ2 would be equal to 1 or 1/5  day1, respectively. Schematic representation of the relationship between losses and exceedance probability of SWL of h is shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Schematic of the relationship between losses and exceedance probability of sea water level of h.

Study Region

The coastal flood risk assessment was limited to the eastern part of Miami-Dade County because the preliminary results using the bathtub method provided unrealistic flooding in response to SLR in western regions. It is possible that the western regions could experience flooding due to reduced drainage capacity when the existing extensive canal and pumping infrastructure system is compromised as sea level rises. However, the determination of the potential flooding in western portions of the county requires the application of a comprehensive hydrologic/hydraulic routing model, which also simulates the rising groundwater levels due to both rainfall and SLR. Such a modeling task was beyond the scope of this study. Moreover, coastal flooding induced by tidal or storm surge currents is likely to be concentrated in the coastal regions.

Projected SLR Scenarios

The regional SLR projections for the Key West tidal station from the report by Sweet et al. (2017) were used to perform an assessment of expected time to certain changes in MSL by 2100. The available projections include low, intermediate-low, intermediate, intermediate-High, high, and extreme SLR scenarios, which correspond to 0.3, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, and 2.5-m global SLR, respectively. While the intermediate low scenario has a 73% chance of being exceeded under representative concentration pathway (RCP) 4.5 climate change scenario, the intermediate and intermediate-high scenarios have 17% and 1.3% chances of being exceeded under the RCP 8.5 climate change scenario, respectively (Kopp et al. 2014; Sweet et al. 2017). The chance of exceedance of more extreme scenarios (i.e., high or extreme scenario) is extremely low.

Adaptation of Rising Coastal Flood Risk

Coastal planners and decision makers should evaluate and implement various adaptation strategies to manage and reduce enhanced future flood risk due to uncertain SLR (Hinkel et al. 2013; Baxter 2013). All three elements of flood risk (i.e., flood hazard probability, exposed values, and their vulnerability) can be altered by different strategies (Baxter 2013). For example, technical engineering measures such as sea walls, forward pumps, flood barriers, and levees lower the chance of flooding and spatial zoning regulations limit the number of people and values at risk. Other measures such as elevating houses and wet or dry flood proofing (Baxter 2013) may reduce flood risks by lowering the vulnerability of buildings (Kreibich et al. 2005; Kreibich and Thieken 2009). Although the choice among these solutions requires diligent planning, deployment of any of these measures ultimately leads to an increase in the SWL at which a community begins to flood (i.e., increase in the flood threshold).
In this study, chronic and acute AAL were estimated under different SLR levels when hypothetical adaptation strategies (e.g., seawall, flood barriers, levee, and coastal retreat) were adopted to increase the level at which the region begins to flood (i.e., increase in the flood threshold). The flood adaptation was incorporated in the analysis by truncating the loss exceedance function at the exceedance probability of the new flood threshold (i.e., revised τ2) and estimating the AAL as the area of the remaining part of the loss exceedance function. Chronic and acute AAL from coastal flooding events were calculated under continuous SLR levels (i.e., 0–60 cm) and increase in flood threshold (i.e., 0–90 cm) with equidistant steps of 3 cm.

Results and Discussion

The return period of future coastal flooding events will likely become shorter in Miami-Dade County if sea level continues to rise. Subsequently, both chronic and acute coastal flood risks could increase. However, under higher MSL conditions, the bathtub model applied here suggests that the chronic risk from frequent nonextreme flooding could surpass the acute risk from occasional extreme events. In addition, the minimum adaptation level that might be needed to maintain the current level of flood risk varies with SLR values. Due to the simplification of the physical processes in the determination of flood extent and depth, the results from this study should be used with care but they should be useful for screening-level assessments of damages due to future stresses such as SLR.

Determination of Limits for the Estimation of Chronic and Acute Risks (τ1 and τ2)

The upper limit (τ1) in the estimation of acute AAL is approximately 1/365  day1, because acute risk is defined as risks from infrequent extreme flood events with a frequency of less than one event per year. The precise estimation of expected time between independent damages (i.e., 1/τ2) requires information about the relation between the building recovery time (e.g., number of days) and the functionality reached for a given damage level (i.e. building restoration functions) (Lin and Wang 2017). However, this information specific to the study region is rarely available. Thus, in the current study, in order to approximate the upper limit (τ2), the sensitivity of chronic AAL to the lengths between independent damages (i.e., 1–90 days) was explored under three SLR levels (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2. Empirical relationship between chronic AAL and the number of days between independent losses under: (a) 15-cm SLR; (b) 45-cm SLR; and (c) 60-cm SLR.
The results show that the number of days between independent losses does not affect chronic AAL under 15-cm SLR because the expected length between flood events would remain greater than 90 days. However, under higher MSL values (e.g., 45 and 60 cm SLR) the number of days between independent losses affects the estimated chronic AAL. Clearly, as the length of time between independent events decreases, the chronic AAL increases. However, the rate of change becomes less steep when the number of days is more than about 21. Thus, it was assumed that losses should be at least 21 days apart to be considered as independent. Furthermore, it may be assumed that buildings are protected and losses are negligible when SWL is lower than the flood threshold. Thus, τ2 should be less than the daily exceedance probability of the flood threshold, which is 0.52 m above MHHW at the Key West station (Sweet et al. 2018). Hence, τ2 was set as the minimum of 1/21 (0.048  day1) and the daily probability of exceedances over the flood threshold, which for instance is equal to 0.0005, 0.003, and 0.84 under current condition, 15 and 60 cm SLR, respectively.

Current and Future Coastal Flood Frequency

Fig. 3. (left panel) illustrates changes in the return periods of future coastal flooding at the Key West tidal station under four SLR values. The year when the indicated SLR values are anticipated to occur is presented in Table 1 under all regional SLR scenarios (Sweet et al. 2017). The future return periods of coastal flooding could decrease and even under the smallest indicated SLR level (15 cm), a considerable decrease in return periods might happen. For example, the 100-year flood will become a 5-year flood under 15 cm SLR, which may happen by 2035 or 2045 under the intermediate or intermediate-low SLR scenarios, respectively.
Table 1. Year when indicated SLR values are anticipated to occur under alternative regional SLR scenarios (the values are rounded to the nearest 5-year interval)
SLR scenario (cm)SLR value
This sensitive response to SLR can be attributed to small extreme sea-level variance at the Key West station (Church et al. 2006; Hunter et al. 2013). The empirical and simulated relationships between return periods and the corresponding flood heights are depicted in Fig. 3 (right panel). The relationship between flood levels and corresponding annual return periods will change if sea levels continue to rise (Rahmstorf and Coumou 2011; Ray and Foster 2016).
Fig. 3. (Left) Current versus future coastal flood return period at the Key West tide gauge; (right) return level interval curves for the current situation and 60-cm SLR level along with the empirical return period return level intervals (dots).

Impacts of SLR on Acute and Chronic Coastal Flood Risks

Without the implementation of adaptation strategies, based on the bathtub approach used here, the total AAL could increase to almost $12 billion as a result of SLR (Fig. 4). Under the current condition, acute extreme coastal flooding accounts for most of the expected annual losses. However, cumulative chronic AAL from frequent minor flood events could exceed the acute AAL from extreme events under future MSL conditions. With a 15-cm increase in MSL, chronic flooding events would account for almost 50% of total AAL. Under 30-cm SLR value, the chronic and acute AAL could be approximately $1.6 and $0.9 billion, respectively. Chronic coastal flood risks in Miami-Dade County could be highly sensitive to even small shifts in sea-level due to low topography and densely populated coastal areas (Chakraborty et al. 2014; Genovese and Green 2015). Therefore, if sea level continues to rise, appropriate adaptation strategies might be needed to protect the region against cumulative losses from frequent nonextreme flooding events. The spatial distribution of chronic and acute AAL under current condition and 30- and 60-cm SLR is presented in Fig. 5. The City of Miami Beach has potentially the highest chronic and acute flood risks under 30- and 60-cm SLR. The low-lying areas in the western part of the city are highly vulnerable in particular to chronic risks from minor flooding induced by tidal fluctuations.
Fig. 4. Chronic and acute AAL in Miami-Dade County.
Fig. 5. (a), (b), (c) Spatial distribution of acute AAL by census block under current condition, 30-, and 60-cm SLR, respectively. (d), (e), (f) Spatial distribution of chronic AAL under current condition, 30-, and 60-cm SLR, respectively.

Assessing the Effects of Flood Adaptation Strategies

The relationships between SLR and total AAL under different flood threshold levels could be used to specify the magnitude of SLR beyond which current adaptation plans may no longer be effective to meet policy targets (i.e., tipping point) (Kwadijk et al. 2010). The analysis can subsequently provide information to develop a sequence of adaptation measures over time to meet predefined targets under an uncertain future (e.g., adaptation pathways) (Haasnoot et al. 2013; Zandvoort et al. 2017).
In this study, the current coastal flood risk ($170 million) is used as the acceptable AAL risk target (i.e., policy target) to maintain the current level of flood risk. Fig. 6 illustrates the estimated total AAL versus SLR for four flood threshold levels. As sea-level rises, total AAL could exceed the target (the current flood threshold line relative to the dashed line). Thus, it could be necessary to change the adaptation strategy level to meet the target under higher MSL conditions. The analysis also suggests the expected time at which the new adaptation strategies are needed based on different SLR projections. For example, in the case of a 30-cm increase in flood threshold, the tipping point would be reached within approximately 30, 20, and 15 years (i.e., the year 2050, 2040, and 2035) under the intermediate-low, intermediate, and intermediate-high SLR projections, respectively.
Fig. 6. Total A under continuous SLR values and four levels of flood threshold and the year when indicated sea-level rise values are anticipated to occur under intermediate-low and intermediate and intermediate-high sea-level rise scenarios (the values are rounded to the nearest 5-year interval).
The potential impacts of different SLR values on chronic and acute AAL under varying flood threshold levels are illustrated in Fig. 7. The x-axis represents the primary driving force (i.e., SLR), while the y-axis represents the adaptation strategy levels (i.e., increase in flood threshold). This analysis could be used to estimate minimum adaptation levels in terms of increases in the flood threshold to prevent increases in chronic, acute, and total AAL at varying SLR levels in order to maintain the current level of flood risk. The slope of isolines indicates that the least adaption level that would be needed to compensate the negative impacts of SLR varies by SLR. The least adaptation level that would be needed to keep the current flood risk at the same value is higher than the value of SLR itself. For example, an approximately 45-cm increase in flood threshold is needed to offset a 30-cm SLR. The vertical isolines in the middle panel illustrate the level of increase in flood threshold that might not be effective in decreasing acute AAL under different SLR values. For example, under 30-cm SLR, a 30-cm increase in flood threshold might not be effective to compensate the negative impact of SLR on acute AAL. However, they could be effective in decreasing chronic AAL.
Fig. 7. Illustration of the relationship between SLR and increases in flood threshold and (a) chronic AAL; (b) acute AAL; and (c) total AAL.
While quantification of losses using HAZUS analysis may provide reasonable first estimates for flood risk analysis, deploying a comprehensive hydrologic/hydraulic routing model could improve the flood hazard mapping. Moreover, management of surface waters in the region via the existing extensive canal and pumping infrastructure system were not considered in the current study, which likely leads to overestimation of flood risks. Furthermore, indirect losses such as traffic disruptions, business interruption, road closures, economic losses, and public inconvenience (Sweet and Park 2014; Moftakhari et al. 2018) were not included in the analysis and should be taken into account in future studies. Risks from pluvial flooding and heavy precipitation may also increase due to alterations in groundwater (Groves et al. 2018) and weather conditions. Thus, the compounding effect of pluvial/fluvial and coastal flooding (Nadal et al. 2010; Karamouz et al. 2015; Moftakhari et al. 2017b) should also be considered in future work.


The potential chronic and acute impacts of SLR on coastal flooding were assessed in Miami-Dade County under nonstationary sea-level conditions by incorporating a nonstationary mixture normal-generalized Pareto distribution in a screening-level risk assessment framework. Flood inundation maps and corresponding monetary losses to buildings associated with different SWLs were estimated using HAZUS coastal flood hazard modeling and loss estimation tool. Under higher MSL conditions, the approach applied here suggests that the chronic risk from frequent minor flooding events may surpass the acute risk from extreme events. The possibility that chronic risk from frequent minor events may aggregate over time and turn into high-cost impacts could become a serious challenge for policymakers and politicians in Miami-Dade County. The coastal communities of Miami-Dade County should take steps toward adaptation strategies to reduce losses from minor repetitive events because their chronic impacts could pose considerable cumulative costs over time.
In order to identify the effect of different adaptation levels on future coastal flood risks, the chronic and acute AAL from coastal flooding were estimated under different plausible combinations of SLR and adaptation level values. The results specify how increases in the flood threshold could affect chronic and acute risks from minor and extreme flooding events under a continuous range of SLR values. The approach is less dependent on SLR projections than traditional top-down approaches that start from SLR scenarios. This approach also allows estimation of the minimum adaptation level to compensate the negative impacts of SLR in order to maintain the current level of chronic and acute flood risk. The results show that delayed response to chronic risks could result in costly losses that might have been avoided if appropriate adaptation strategies had been adopted in time.

Data Availability Statement

Some or all data, models, or code generated or used during the study are available from the corresponding author by request. The hourly observed sea water level data for Key West tide station are available from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association ( The local sea-level projections are provided by Sweet et al. (2017).


This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant No. 1444758 as part of the Urban Water Innovation Network (UWIN). This material is also based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. EAR-1204762.


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Go to Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Volume 146Issue 7July 2020


Received: Jul 23, 2019
Accepted: Feb 7, 2020
Published online: May 8, 2020
Published in print: Jul 1, 2020
Discussion open until: Oct 8, 2020

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Ph.D. Candidate, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO 80523 (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]
Mazdak Arabi, M.ASCE [email protected]
Borland Chair of Water Resources, Professor of Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Director of One Water Solutions Institute, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO 80523. Email: [email protected]
Jayantha Obeysekera, M.ASCE [email protected]
Director and Professor, Sea Level Solutions Center, Florida International Univ., Miami, FL 33199. Email: [email protected]

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