Technical Papers
Oct 19, 2020

Intensity Measures for Regional Seismic Risk Assessment of Low-Rise Wood-Frame Residential Construction

Publication: Journal of Structural Engineering
Volume 147, Issue 1


Ground motion intensity measures (IMs) provide a link between the probabilistic seismic hazard analysis and probabilistic structural response analysis. IMs that are well correlated with the structural response allow an estimation of the seismic response of the structure with low uncertainty (i.e., high efficiency), reducing the computational effort involved in the structural response analysis. In this paper, the efficiency of 10 different IMs for estimating the seismic response of wood-frame single-family houses is evaluated and compared. Six nonlinear models of one- and two-story houses with varying fundamental periods are analyzed. Based on the results, the 5%-damped average spectral pseudoacceleration at a period of 0.16 s is the recommended IM for estimating peak interstory drifts and peak roof accelerations in wood-frame houses. On the other hand, for collapse assessment of wood-frame houses the filtered incremental displacement with one pulse segment, a 4 Hz cut-off frequency, and a period of 0.5 s, is the most efficient IM, followed by peak ground velocity which is also a very efficient alternative. Finally, an expression for the spatial correlation of 5%-damped average spectral pseudoaccelerations is developed for use in regional seismic risk assessments.

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Models and data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


The authors would like to acknowledge CONICYT—Becas Chile, the Nancy Grant Chamberlain Fellowship, the Charles H. Leavell Fellowship, the Shah Graduate Student Fellowship, and the John A. Blume Fellowship for their financial support to the first author for conducting his doctoral studies at Stanford University under the supervision of the second author. Portions of this work were conducted as part of the doctoral dissertation of the first author. Records used in this investigation were obtained from the PEER NGA-West2 ground motion database. The authors are grateful to the various government agencies responsible for the installation and maintenance of seismic instrumentation and for making their data publicly available, and to PEER for collecting, processing, and distributing these records. Finally, the authors would like to thank the two anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions that contributed to improve the quality of this paper.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Structural Engineering
Journal of Structural Engineering
Volume 147Issue 1January 2021


Received: Nov 10, 2019
Accepted: Jul 21, 2020
Published online: Oct 19, 2020
Published in print: Jan 1, 2021
Discussion open until: Mar 19, 2021


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Academic Instructor, Departamento de Obras Civiles, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María, Santiago 8940572, Chile (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]
Eduardo Miranda, M.ASCE
Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford Univ., Stanford, CA 94305.

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