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Technical Papers
Jan 17, 2018

Experimental Evaluation of Influence of Member Thickness, Anchor-Head Size, and Orthogonal Surface Reinforcement on the Tensile Capacity of Headed Anchors in Uncracked Concrete

Publication: Journal of Structural Engineering
Volume 144, Issue 4


Cast-in-place headed anchors with different head sizes embedded in plain and reinforced concrete members of various thicknesses were subjected to pullout tests. The influence of member thickness, anchor-head size, and orthogonal surface reinforcement on the tensile capacity and performance of anchor bolts was evaluated. The member thickness varied from 1.5 to 3.0 times the anchor embedment depth, and headed anchors with small, medium, and large heads were tested. The experimental results of the study showed that increasing member thickness and/or use of orthogonal surface reinforcement lead to increased anchorage capacity and ductility, whereas the anchorage stiffness decreases slightly. In contrast to anchorage ductility, tensile breakout resistance and anchorage stiffness increased significantly with increasing size of the anchor head. The experimental results corresponded closely to the results of a previous numerical study that suggested a modified model incorporating several modification factors for improving the predictive capability of the concrete capacity (CC) method. In the present study, these factors yielded improved prediction of the tensile breakout capacity of the tested headed anchors.


Various types of fastening systems, including cast-in-place and postinstalled anchors, are often used in structural engineering and construction applications to transfer external loads to concrete structures. A tensile-loaded mechanical anchor fails, in general, via concrete-related failure modes, such as concrete cone breakout and concrete splitting. Concrete splitting failure may occur when an anchor is placed in a relatively thin concrete member or very close to adjacent anchors or concrete free edges. Concrete cone breakout failure is characterized by the formation of a cone-shaped fracture surface in the concrete at the anchoring zone. This failure mode is fairly common at tensile stresses lower than the tensile capacity of the steel in the anchor. Previous theoretical and experimental studies on single cast-in-place anchor bolts under tension loads showed that the concrete cone circumferential cracking initiates at approximately 30% of the ultimate load (Eligehausen et al. 2006). These cracks initiate from the anchor head and propagate toward the concrete surface as the load increases. The crack propagation remains stable up to anchor peak load, at which the length of concrete cone crack is up to approximately 50% of the total length of a full cone. As the deformation at peak load is exceeded, the crack propagation becomes unstable, and a complete failure cone forms.
In general, concrete cone breakout and splitting failures are characterized as brittle-failure modes, because, beyond the peak load, the load-displacement curves associated with these failures decline sharply due to rapid and unstable propagation of concrete cracks. In these modes, the full tensile capacity of the concrete is expended, thereby resulting in concrete cracks at the anchoring zone. Nevertheless, if the steel in the anchor experiences a tensile stress that exceeds its ultimate tensile strength, steel failure may occur, but the concrete remains undamaged. The steel in the anchor undergoes ductile failure, which is rarely observed but may occur if the steel is ductile and the anchor embedment depth is extremely large compared to the shank diameter of anchor.
As depicted in Fig. 1, concrete-material neighboring fastening systems operated via a mechanical bearing head often experience two stress fields: (1) a local stress field resulting from the interaction between the anchor bearing head and the concrete, and (2) a global stress field resulting from concrete-member bending induced by the anchor transverse load. This bending induces concrete tensile stresses, which lead to concrete cracking, at the anchoring zone. The magnitude of these stresses can be reduced by increasing the global bending stiffness of the member. The global bending stiffness of a concrete member depends mainly on the concrete properties (i.e., concrete strength and Young’s modulus), member thickness, and amount of surface reinforcement; hence, these parameters may affect the tensile breakout resistance of the anchors. Also, the size of the bearing part of anchors has an effect on the local stresses in the vicinity of the anchors; the concrete local stresses under the anchor bearing part decrease with increasing head size.
Fig. 1. (a) Local stress field; (b) global stress field in the vicinity of headed anchors
Unfortunately, current design models for predicting the tensile breakout capacity of anchors are based on the simplifying assumption that member thickness, surface reinforcement, and size of the anchor bearing part have no effect on the anchorage capacity and performance. Recently, however, the role of the global bending stiffness of the concrete member and size of the anchor bearing part in the tensile breakout capacity of headed anchors has been considered.
Nilforoush et al. (2017a, b) performed extensive numerical studies to evaluate systematically the influence of member thickness, anchor-head size, and orthogonal surface reinforcement on the tensile breakout capacity of headed anchors at various embedment depths. Those studies revealed that the capacity of the anchors increases with increasing member thickness, increasing size of the anchor head, or in the presence of orthogonal surface reinforcement. Based on their numerical results, three modification factors were proposed to account for the influence of the aforementioned parameters. In addition, the concrete capacity (CC) method for predicting the tensile breakout capacity of anchors was modified and extended by incorporating their proposed modification factors.
In the present study, the influence of member thickness, anchor-head size, and orthogonal surface reinforcement on the anchorage capacity and performance is experimentally evaluated for cast-in-place headed anchors under monotonic tensile loads in uncracked concrete. A total of 19 single cast-in-place headed anchors were tested in plain and reinforced concrete members of various thicknesses. The tested headed anchors had various head sizes (i.e., small, medium, and large). The experimental results are presented in terms of (1) anchorage ultimate load, (2) anchor displacement at ultimate load and at a load corresponding to the initiation of concrete cone circumferential cracking (considered as 30% of the ultimate load), (3) anchorage load-displacement relationship, (4) anchorage stiffness and ductility, and (5) failure mode and geometry. Furthermore, the validity of the proposed modified CC method incorporating the recently proposed modification factors is discussed.


Current Design Models

The mean tensile breakout capacity of headed anchors can be determined by the CC method proposed by Fuchs et al. (1995). In the United States, this method is known as the concrete capacity design (CCD) method. According to the CC method, the mean tensile breakout capacity of a single cast-in-place anchor in uncracked concrete far from the concrete free edges and/or adjacent anchors can be evaluated as follows:
where Nu,m = mean concrete cone breakout capacity of a single anchor {N [international system (SI)] and lb [United States customary units (US)]}; fc = concrete cylinder compressive strength [MPa (SI) and psi (US)]; and hef = anchor effective embedment depth [mm (SI) and in. (US)].
This method has been incorporated into several design standards, such as ACI 349 Appendix D (ACI 2006) and ACI 318 (ACI 2014), in the United States as well as various design-oriented documents in Europe [e.g., Comité Euro-International du Béton, CEB Design guide (CEB 1997) and CEN/TS 1992-4 (CEN 2009a)] and internationally in the fib Bulletin 58 (fib 2011). The CC method assumes a concrete cone angle of approximately 35° with respect to the concrete surface, which leads to an idealized projected cone area of approximately 3.0hef×3.0hef on the concrete surface (Fuchs et al. 1995).
For deep anchors (where hef280  mm), ACI 349 Appendix D (ACI 2006) and ACI 318 (ACI 2014) allow use of a modified CC method, which is given in Eqs. (2a) and (2b). The modified method uses an exponent of 5/3 (=1.667) rather than 1.5 for the effective embedment depth of deep anchors (hef280  mm) and appropriately changes the leading coefficient of the CC method
Nu,m=16.8fchef1.5for  hef<280  mm(SI)Nu,m=40fchef1.5for  hef<11  in.(US)
Nu,m=6.585fchef5/3for  280  mmhef635  mm(SI)Nu,m=26.7fchef5/3for  11  in.hef25  in.(US)
The application of Eqs. (2a) and (2b) is limited by the concrete compressive strength and anchor embedment depth, which have maximum allowable values of 70 MPa and 635 mm, respectively.
The CC method is an empirical model based a large number of pullout tests on anchors at various embedment depths. The tested anchors were housed in unreinforced and reinforced concrete members of various thicknesses, leading to a wide scatter in the obtained capacities. However, the CC method was derived based on the mean values (i.e., 50% fractile) of the scatter data. Fig. 2(a) shows the ratios of measured concrete cone breakout capacities to the values predicted by the CC method [Eq. (1)] as a function of anchor embedment depth for 320 pullout tests on single cast-in-place headed anchors in literature. These data were compiled and evaluated from Zhao (1993), Eligehausen et al. (1992), and Nilsson et al. (2011). The tested anchor bolts were embedded in uncracked concrete members and positioned far from the concrete free edges and adjacent anchors.
Fig. 2. (a) Ratio of measured to calculated cone failure load of single anchor bolts as a function of anchor embedment depth; (b) ratio of bearing stress under the head of tested anchors at peak load to the concrete compressive strength as a function of anchor embedment depth [(a and b) test data from Eligehausen et al. 1992; Zhao 1993; Nilsson et al. 2011]
In addition, the tested anchor bolts had different bearing sizes, and, therefore, the concrete in the vicinity of anchor bolts experienced different bearing stresses; the bearing stress under anchor heads (σb) varied from 1.3 to 20.2·fc. The ratio of bearing stress under the anchor head at peak load to the concrete compressive strength (σb/fc) for all test data in Fig. 2(a) was calculated and plotted in Fig. 2(b) as a function of anchor embedment depth. As the figure shows, the tested short anchors (hef100  mm) had relatively large heads [mean ratio of bearing stress to concrete compressive strength (σb/fc) was approximately 4.6], whereas the tested deep anchors (hef>100  mm) had fairly small heads [mean ratio of bearing stress to concrete compressive strength (σb/fc) was approximately 14.8]. This figure explicitly indicates that the CC method was not developed based on a consistent size of anchor heads throughout the entire range of anchor embedment depths studied because the bearing stress under the head of anchors was considerably variable. In fact, if short anchors (hef100  mm) had been tested with smaller heads, they would have been failed with lower capacities. In addition, large anchors (hef>100  mm) would have been failed with higher capacities if they have been tested with larger heads.
In practice, anchor bolts with various head sizes are often installed in concrete members with various bending stiffnesses. In some cases, the CC method [Eq. (1)] may underestimate the anchorage capacity [this may be the case for deep headed anchors with large heads in thick reinforced concrete (RC) members] or even may overestimate the anchorage capacity (this can be the case for short headed anchors with small heads in relatively thin unreinforced concrete members). These can be seen in Fig. 2(a), where there are scatter data even below the 5% fractile of test results (i.e., design values that correspond to 75% of the mean capacities at tests) and also above the 95% fractile of the test results (i.e., considered 125% of the mean capacities obtained at tests).

Recent Proposals for Refinement of the CC Method

Nilforoush et al. (2017a, b) systematically investigated, via numerical simulations based on nonlinear fracture mechanics, the influence of member thickness, anchor-head size, and surface reinforcement on the tensile breakout capacity of headed anchors. Cast-in-place headed anchors at various embedment depths (hef=50500  mm) were simulated in plain and RC members of various thicknesses (H=1.55.0hef). The simulated anchors also had various head sizes [ratio of the bearing stress under the anchor head at peak load to the concrete cylinder compressive strength (σb/fc) varied from 4 to 20].
Based on these studies, it was found that the tensile breakout capacity of an anchor bolt increases with increasing thickness of the concrete member or if the concrete member is orthogonally reinforced. The numerical results showed that the tensile breakout capacity further increases by increasing the bearing area of the anchor head. Moreover, it was found that the CC method [Eq. (1)] underestimates the tensile capacity of deep-headed anchors (hef280  mm), whereas it overestimates the capacity of short anchors (hef100  mm) with fairly small heads in relatively thin plain members. This can be seen in Fig. 3, where the numerical results of series (a) from Nilforoush et al. (2017b) for headed anchors with small heads at various embedment depths are presented. This figure shows the relationship between the ratio of cone breakout capacity to the square root of concrete compressive strength (Nu/fc0.5) and anchor embedment depth. Fig. 3 also shows the corresponding ratios predicted by the CC method [Eq. (1)]. A trend line fitted to the numerical results revealed that the ratio of concrete cone breakout capacity to the square root of concrete compressive strength (Nu/fc0.5) is proportional to hef1.68 (i.e., hef5/3).
Fig. 3. Ratio of concrete cone breakout capacity to the square root of concrete compressive strength of simulated headed anchors with small heads as a function of anchor embedment depth (plotted data from Nilforoush et al. 2017a): (a) for hef up to 200 mm; (b) for hef up to 500 mm
To account for the overestimation of concrete cone breakout capacity of short-headed anchors, Nilforoush et al. (2017a, b) recommended use of the modified CC method [Eq. (2b)], associated with the deep anchors (hef280  mm), as well as for short embedment depths of anchors, as given in [Eq. (3)]
Eq. (3) is valid for a single headed anchor with a relatively small head (i.e., with a mean bearing stress of σb=15·fc at peak load under the anchor head) in an uncracked unreinforced concrete member with a thickness of H=2.0hef. Compared with other relations, this equation yielded smaller deviations over the entire range of anchor embedment depths (hef=50500  mm) investigated. Furthermore, to account for the influence of member thickness, anchor-head size, and surface reinforcement on the anchorage capacity of headed anchors in uncracked concrete, Eq. (3) was extended by incorporating three modification factors (namely, ψH, ψAH, and ψSr, respectively), which are defined as follows:
ψSr={1.35(hefH)0.251.20for  H3.0·hef1.00for  H>3.0·hef
where H = member thickness [mm (SI) and in. (US)]; hef = anchor embedment depth [mm (SI) and in. (US)]; Ab = anchor bearing area [mm2 (SI) and sq in. (US)]; and Abcode = code-equivalent bearing area corresponding to a bearing stress of σb=15·fc under the anchor head at peak load, which can be determined from [Eq. (5)]
ψH was limited to 1.20, based on the numerical results of headed anchors in plain concrete members of various thicknesses. The numerical results revealed that, for ψH<1.0, unreinforced concrete members fail by concrete splitting, whereas both RC and unreinforced members fail via concrete cone breakout for ψH1.0. Nilforoush et al. (2017a) found that the favorable influence of surface reinforcement on the anchorage capacity decreases with increasing thickness of the concrete member. In addition, it was concluded that the proposed ψSr factor is applicable if the concrete member is orthogonally reinforced and has a reinforcement-content of at least (ρ=0.3%) in each direction.
In spite of a large number of experimental and theoretical investigations into the capacity of headed anchors, the influences of the global and local stress fields in the vicinity of anchors on the anchorage capacity are still unknown. There have been a few previous experimental and numerical studies on the influence of anchor embedment depth, anchor-head size, and surface reinforcement on the concrete cone resistance of anchor bolts (e.g., Eligehausen et al. 1992; Ožbolt et al. 1999, 2007; Baran et al. 2006; Lee et al. 2007; Nilsson et al. 2011) but none have systematically evaluated the influence of all these parameters.
Nilforoush et al. (2017b) compared some available test results from literature with the predictions of anchorage capacity using the proposed modification factors and found good agreement with the test results. However, further systematic experimental studies are needed to verify and generalize the proposed modification factors. The present experimental study aims to further demonstrate the validity of the numerically proposed modification factors for predicting the anchorage capacity of headed anchors with different head sizes in plain and reinforced concrete members of various geometries.

Experimental Investigation

Test Program

A total of 19 single cast-in-place headed anchors were tested under monotonic tensile loads. Testing parameters such as the concrete member thickness, anchor-head size, and presence of orthogonal surface reinforcement in the concrete member were considered. Table 1 provides the matrix of the experimental program, which consisted of three test series. In Series 1, headed anchors were tested in plain concrete (PC) members of various thicknesses (i.e., H=330, 440, and 660 mm) to evaluate the influence of member thickness. In Series 2, headed anchors with three different head sizes (i.e., small, medium, and large) were tested in PC members of identical thickness (H=660  mm) to evaluate the influence of the size of the anchor head. In Series 3, headed anchors were tested in RC members of various thicknesses (H=330, 440, and 660 mm) to evaluate the influence of surface reinforcement on the anchorage capacity and performance.
Table 1. Matrix of Test Program
SeriesTest identifierSlab height (mm)Slab length and width (mm)Concrete composition
1PC-330-M13301,300Plain concrete
2PC-660-S16601,300Plain concrete
3RC-330-M13301,300Reinforced concrete (8Ø12#150  mm)
RC-440-M1440Reinforced concrete (8Ø16#150  mm)
RC-660-M1660Reinforced concrete (8Ø20#150  mm)
The test specimens were identified by names consisting of three parts. The first part specifies the concrete condition (PC or RC). The second part specifies the thickness of the concrete member, and the third part indicates the size of the anchor head (S=small, M=medium, and L=large), followed by the test replicate number.

Test Specimens

The typical geometry of the test specimens is shown in Fig. 4(a). In all cases, a single headed anchor was placed in the center of a concrete block. Concrete blocks with identical length (L) and width (W) were used for all specimens (L=W=1,300  mm), whereas the height (H) of concrete blocks varied. The tested reinforced concrete specimens had mesh reinforcement at 150 mm spacing at the top and the bottom. The thickness of concrete cover on the top of reinforcements was 50 mm. A reinforcement ratio of ρ0.3% was applied for each direction in all reinforced specimens. The reinforcement configurations are listed in Table 1.
Fig. 4. Typical geometry of (a) test specimens; (b) tested cast-in-place headed anchors
The test specimens were designed to fail via brittle failure modes associated with concrete (i.e., concrete cone breakout or splitting failure). Therefore, the tensile strength of headed anchors was designed sufficiently high to prevent steel failure. The anchors were composed of standard threaded 36-mm-diameter rods with a round bearing head at the end. The initial aim of the experiment was to test the anchors at an identical embedment depth (of hef=220  mm). However, after casting the concrete blocks, an effective anchor embedment depth of hef=200  mm was realized for small-headed specimens (i.e., PC-660-S1 and PC-660-S2).
To determine the influence of size of the anchor head, three different sizes (small, medium, and large) of bearing head were tested. The geometry of headed anchors with small, medium, and large heads is shown in Fig. 4(b). For the small-headed and medium-headed anchors, round nuts with diameters of dh=48 and 55 mm, respectively, were affixed to the end of threaded rods. For large-headed anchors, a thick circular steel plate with diameter dh=90  mm was tapped and fastened to the end of threaded rods. Although the threads of the steel rods fitted perfectly into the tapped steel plate, a standard hex nut was tightened underneath the steel plate to ensure that the plate remained in place during anchor pullout loading.
The threaded rods were covered with 2-mm-thick plastic tubes (Fig. 5). These tubes were used to prevent friction and adhesion between the anchor shaft and concrete body, thereby ensuring transfer of the entire anchor load through the anchor bearing head. The ratio of the bearing stress (σb) under the head of anchors at peak load (predicted by the CC method) to the concrete cube compressive strength (fcc) was determined. Values of 12.5, 7.1, and 1.6 were obtained for the ratio (σb/fcc) associated with small-headed, medium-headed, and large-headed anchors, respectively. According to Eligehausen et al. (2006), the concrete cylinder strength fc and cube strength fcc are related as fc0.85·fcc. This relation yields values of approximately 14.7, 8.4, and 1.8 for the ratio (σb/fc) associated with small-headed, medium-headed, and large-headed anchors, respectively.
Fig. 5. Tested headed anchors with different head sizes

Material Properties

Class B500B reinforcement (yield strength fyk=500  MPa) was used in the concrete specimens. The headed anchors consisted of a Grade 10.9 steel rod with yield strength fyk and ultimate strength fuk (according to manufacturer’s specifications) of 900 and 1,000 MPa, respectively.
The concrete blocks were cast using ready-mixed normal-weight concrete made of crushed aggregates. The concrete mix design is summarized in Table 2. Immediately after casting, the concrete blocks were covered for 24 h by polyethylene sheets and then cured with wet burlap for an additional 7 days. The concrete blocks were kept indoors at an ambient temperature of 10°C until testing. To eliminate the influence of increased concrete strength at the time of testing, anchor pullout loading was conducted after curing the concrete for approximately 60 days. The compressive and tensile splitting strength of concrete were measured on additional concrete cubes (sides of 150 mm; at least five cubes were used for each test), in accordance with EN 12390-3 (CEN 2009b) and EN 12390-6 (CEN 2009c), respectively.
Table 2. Concrete Mix Design
Aggregate 0–4 mm500kg/m3
Aggregate 4–8 mm450kg/m3
Aggregate 8–16 mm840kg/m3

Note: w/c = water-to-cement ratio.

Furthermore, the concrete fracture energy was measured by means of a three-point bending loading test on standard concrete notched beams (550  mmlong×150  mmwide×150  mm high), in accordance with RILEM TC 50-FMC (1985). The concrete cubes and beams were cast from the same concrete batch as the concrete blocks and were cured and kept under the same conditions as the concrete blocks. The compressive and tensile splitting strength of concrete as well as the concrete fracture energy were measured the same day as the anchor pullout loading tests. After finishing the anchor pullout loading tests, the modulus of elasticity of concrete was also measured on drilled concrete cores (eight cores from the tested concrete blocks, four cores from PC blocks, and four cores from RC blocks) in accordance with SS 13 72 32 (Swedish Standard 2005). The cores had a diameter of 65  mm and height of 150  mm. The mean values along with their corresponding coefficient of variations for the measured cube compressive strength (fccm), tensile splitting strength (fctm,sp), modulus of elasticity (Ecm), and fracture energy (Gf), are listed in Table 3.
Table 3. Mechanical Properties of the Concrete
PropertyMean valueUnitCOV (%)

Note: COV=coefficient of variation; Ecm = mean concrete modulus of elasticity; fccm = mean concrete cube compressive strength; fctm,sp = mean concrete tensile splitting strength; Gf = mean concrete fracture energy.

Test Setup and Procedure

The test setup is shown in Fig. 6(a) and schematically illustrated in Fig. 6(b). The anchor pullout loading was applied in an unconfined test setup; the span of vertical support was taken as sufficiently large to permit the formation of an unrestricted concrete cone. The vertical support was a stiff circular steel ring with an inner diameter of Lsup=880  mm. The steel ring was directly placed on a thin gypsum layer on the concrete surface to accommodate the concrete surface roughness. Moreover, anchor pullout loading was performed on the top of the anchor shaft using a displacement-controlled system to capture the postpeak load-displacement behavior of anchor bolts. The loading was applied to the bolts by means of a hollow cylinder hydraulic jack with a capacity of 100 t. The load was applied using a 36-mm-diameter high-strength steel rod connected to the top of the anchor shaft by a coupling nut. The jack was placed on a stiff cross steel beam resting on the circular steel ring (Fig. 6). Prior to loading, the bolts were all manually preloaded to 30  kN using a mechanical tightening nut at the end of the loading rod to provide full confinement between the steel ring and testing concrete block. The bolts were then loaded under displacement control at a constant displacement rate of 1  mm/min until peak load. After reaching the peak load, the rate of (this displacement-controlled) loading was increased to 2  mm/min.
Fig. 6. (a) Experimental setup; (b) schematic view of test setup
The applied load was measured by a load cell placed on the top of the jack. For measuring the anchor displacement, a measurement platform fabricated from a square steel plate (150×150  mm) was secured perpendicular to the anchor bolt, 50 mm above the concrete surface, using a hex nut above and another below the platform [Fig. 6(b)]. The surface of the platform served as the reference level for anchor displacement, which was measured by two draw-wire displacement sensors installed symmetrically at the corners of the platform. These sensors measured the displacement of the anchors relative to two rigid points (i.e., rigid frames) outside the concrete block (i.e., on the solid ground). The frames were supported from outside the blocks, and contact with other structural members and testing equipment (which could have produced inaccurate displacement readings) was prevented. The sensors could measure displacements of up to 150 mm with an accuracy of <0.1%. The axial displacement of the bolts was taken as the average of the two wire sensor measurements up to the end of loading.
To ensure precise displacement reading, the anchor displacement was simultaneously measured with two LVDTs installed symmetrically at the other corners of the measurement platform, 100 mm from the anchor. The LVDTs had a maximum traveling length of 25 mm and an accuracy of <0.001  mm. A data acquisition system was used to record the load and displacement data continuously. The anchor displacements measured by the sensors were very similar to those measured by the LVDTs, thereby confirming the precision of the displacement measurements recorded by these sensors.

Experimental Results and Discussions

Experimental results, such as the ultimate load of the tested anchors Nu,test, anchor displacement at peak loads ΔNu, anchor displacement at the initiation of concrete cone cracks Δ0.3Nu (i.e., considered as the displacement at 30% of the ultimate load), and the concrete cube compressive strength fcc on the day of testing, are summarized in Table 4. As the table indicates, fcc varies from 37.70 to 41.03 MPa. The CC method [Eq. (1)] stipulates that the tensile breakout capacity is proportional to the square root of the concrete compressive strength. Therefore, a normalized ultimate load Nu,test* to a concrete compressive strength of fcc=40  MPa (corresponding to a concrete cylinder compressive strength of fc=0.85·fcc=34  MPa) was calculated by multiplying the measured ultimate loads Nu,test with a normalizing factor of (40/fcc,test)0.5.
Table 4. Test Results
SeriesTest identifierfcc (MPa)Nu,test (kN)ΔNu (mm)Δ0.3Nu (mm)Nu,test* (kN)N¯u,test* (kN)Nccmeth. (kN)Nbending (kN)NProposal (kN)Failure mode

Note: C=cone breakout; Nbending = bending cracking failure load predicted by the yield line theory [Eq. (6)]; Nccmeth = mean tensile breakout capacity predicted by the CC method (fc=0.85·fcc=0.85×40=34  MPa); NProposal = mean tensile breakout capacity predicted by [Eq. (4a)]; Nu,test = anchor ultimate load at test; Nu,test* = normalized ultimate capacity to a concrete compressive strength of 40 MPa; N¯u,test* = mean normalized capacity at tests; S/B=splitting/bending; Δ0.3Nu = anchor displacement at the initiation of concrete cone cracks; ΔNu = anchor displacement at ultimate load.

Effective anchor embedment depth for anchors with small heads was hef=200  mm. Therefore, for comparison reasons, the measured capacities at tests were further normalized to an effective embedment depth of hef=220  mm by multiplying the obtained capacities with the normalizing factor of (220/200)1.5.
Failure mode at peak load was concrete cone breakout. However, bending cracking also occurred directly after the peak load was reached.
Test was aborted before reaching the anchor ultimate load because of detachment of the anchor from the loading rod. The reported ultimate load and anchor displacement were obtained during a second loading attempt.
Table 4 also provides the mean normalized ultimate load associated with each test category N¯u,test*, observed failure mode, and failure load predicted by the CC method [Eq. (1)] and the proposed model [Eq. (4a)].
In addition, a corresponding bending cracking failure load Nbending for the tested concrete slabs was evaluated based on the yield line theory and is presented in Table 4. According to Nielsen and Hoang (2016), the bending failure load for a simply supported circular slab subjected to a concentrated load at its center can be determined as follows:
where mp = crack (yield) moment per unit width of slab. For the plain concrete slabs, mp may be considered as the concrete bending cracking moment mcr, whereas for the reinforced concrete slabs, it can be considered as the reinforcement yield moment msy. Based on the theory of elasticity, the crack (yield) moment mcr and msy per unit width of concrete slab can be determined as follows:
where fctk,fl = characteristic flexural tensile strength of concrete; W = elastic section modulus per unit width of slab; H = slab height; fyk = characteristic yield strength of reinforcement; As = reinforcement area per unit width of concrete slab; and d = distance from the most extreme concrete compression fiber (i.e., compression face) to the centroid of tension reinforcement. According to EN 1992-1-1 (CEN 2004), fctk,fl may be considered as fctk,fl=0.7·fctm,fl, where fctm,fl is the mean flexural tensile strength of concrete, which can be determined as follows:
where fctm = mean axial tensile strength of concrete, which is related to fctm=0.9·fctm,sp. The calculated bending cracking failure loads based on the yield line theory are the upper bound in the sense that the actual failure load will never be higher, but may be lower than the load predicted.
Moreover, the anchorage ductility was evaluated by defining a ductility factor (DF), which was considered as the ratio of the displacement at ultimate load to the displacement at the initiation of concrete cone cracks (ΔNu/Δ0.3Nu). The mean values of ductility factor for the tested headed anchors are shown in Fig. 7(a). The anchorage stiffness was also measured as the secant stiffness to 30% of the ultimate load (K0.3Nu) and to the ultimate load (KNu). The mean values of K0.3Nu and KNu for the tested headed anchors are presented in Figs. 7(b and c), respectively.
Fig. 7. (a) Ductility factor; (b) secant stiffness to 30% of ultimate load; (c) secant stiffness to the ultimate load

Influence of Member Thickness

Fig. 8 shows the load-displacement curves of headed anchors in PC members of various thicknesses. As can be seen, the anchor ultimate load and the anchor displacement at ultimate load increase slightly with increasing thickness of the concrete member. In addition, the anchorage stiffness decreases slightly with increasing member thickness, whereas the anchorage ductility improves slightly (Fig. 7). The postpeak anchorage behavior reveals that the anchors, especially those in the thinnest members, are quite brittle. This is evidenced by the sharp decline in the load-displacement curves, after peak loads, attributable to the development of rapid and unstable concrete cracks.
Fig. 8. Load-displacement curves of anchor bolts in plain concrete members of various thicknesses: (a) H=1.5hef; (b) H=2.0hef; (c) H=3.0hef
Fig. 9 shows the crack patterns at failure for the headed anchors embedded in PC members of various thicknesses. The anchors failed via concrete cone breakout, except for those in the thinnest members, which underwent mixed-mode concrete cone and splitting/bending failure. In fact, concrete cone circumferential cracking is initiated at the head of these anchors and propagate toward the concrete surface as the load increases. However, concrete bending/splitting cracking dominates the failure at anchor peak load and divides the concrete block into several separate pieces. This mixed-mode failure mechanism gives rise to more brittle behavior for headed anchors in the thinnest concrete members compared with those in thicker members.
Fig. 9. Crack patterns at failure in PC members: (a) H=1.5hef; (b) H=2.0hef; (c) H=3.0hef
With increasing member thickness and consequent increased global bending stiffness of the member, the failure mode changed from the mixed-mode concrete cone and splitting failure (observed in the thinnest PC members) to pure concrete cone breakout. This increase in member thickness prevents bending/splitting cracking but promotes circumferential concrete cone cracking, as previously indicated by Nilforoush et al. (2017a, b). Based on Eqs. (6) and (7), a critical member thickness (Hcr) at which the concrete bending cracking occurs for the plain concrete members can be evaluated
To calculate the critical bending cracking member thickness Hcr, the corresponding measured anchor failure loads Nu,test in plain concrete members of various thicknesses (i.e., Series 1) is substituted for Nbending in Eq. (10). This equation gives Hcr values of 346, 375, and 422 mm, respectively, for the PC members with the thicknesses of H=330, 440, and 660 mm. Because the thickness of the thinnest concrete slabs (H=330  mm) is lower than its critical thickness (Hcr=346  mm), the concrete bending cracking, therefore, dominates the failure of these slabs. This indicates that the thickness of the thinnest slabs has to be increased to larger than 346 mm to prevent the concrete bending/splitting failure of these slabs.

Influence of Anchor-Head Size

The load-displacement curves of headed anchors with different head sizes are compared in Fig. 10(a). As Figs. 7 and 10(a) show, the anchorage stiffness and capacity increase significantly with increasing size of the anchor head, whereas the anchorage ductility and anchor displacement at peak load decrease considerably. In addition, the curves of the large-headed anchors are quite linear compared with those of medium-headed and small-headed anchors. A comparison of the postpeak behavior (i.e., after the peak load is reached) revealed that the large-headed anchors are quite brittle, undergoing sudden failure without prior noticeable anchor displacement, whereas the small-headed anchors are rather ductile, undergoing large deformations. To better understand the behavior of headed anchors with various head sizes, the relative capacity of anchors (N/Nu) are plotted in Fig. 10(b) as a function of relative anchor displacement (Δ/Δu). The relative capacities and displacements were determined by dividing the load-displacement curves of anchors with different head sizes to their corresponding peak loads and displacements at peak loads. As the figure shows, it seems that the concrete cone crack growth is stable up to anchor peak load for all head sizes. However, when anchor displacement exceeds the displacement at peak load, the crack growth becomes unstable for the medium-headed and large-headed anchors. This is evidenced by the sharp decline in the relative capacity of the medium-headed and large-headed anchors. On the contrary, the small-headed anchors showed larger relative capacity and displacement after peak load compared with their medium-headed and large-headed counterparts. This is because the concrete under the head of small-headed anchors was subjected to a high bearing stress of 14.7·fc at ultimate load, which causes local crushing of the concrete under the anchor head and a consequent gradual anchor pullout
Fig. 10. (a) Load-displacement curves of headed anchors with different head sizes; (b) relative anchorage capacity as function of relative anchor displacement for headed anchors with different head sizes
According to ACI 318 (ACI 2014), the characteristic bearing stress under the anchor head is limited to 8.0·fc for the failure mode associated with the concrete cone breakout in cracked concrete. For anchors located in a region of a concrete member where no cracking is expected at service load levels, the characteristic bearing stress can be increased to 11.2·fc (8.0·fc·1.4=11.2·fc). The characteristic value is equivalent to 5% fractile of the mean value, which is taken as 0.75% of the mean value [ACI-318 (ACI 2014)]. If the characteristic bearing stress under the head is divided by 0.75, a mean allowable bearing stress of 15·fc is obtained for anchors in uncracked concrete. If the mean bearing stress under the anchor head becomes larger than 15.0·fc, then the anchorage may be governed by pullout failure rather than concrete cone breakout failure.
Fig. 11 shows the crack patterns at failure for headed anchors with various head sizes. As the figure shows, all anchors (irrespective of head size) undergo failure via concrete cone breakout. The average concrete cone angle with respect to the loading direction increases with increasing head size. In addition, the diameter of the cone at the concrete surface is 4.0hef for anchors with small and medium heads and >4.0hef for anchors with large heads. This finding concurs with the results of the numerical study conducted by Nilforoush et al. (2017b).
Fig. 11. Failure patterns of anchors with various head sizes: (a) small; (b) medium; (c) large
Furthermore, in the case of large-headed anchors [Fig. 11(c)], the formation of concrete cone cracks is hindered by the vertical support, and the failure mode changes to bending cracking. The same behavior was observed in experimental and numerical studies on influence of size of the anchor head by Eligehausen et al. (1992) and Nilforoush et al. (2017b), respectively. This behavior gives rise to the postpeak brittleness of the large-headed anchors (Fig. 10). It should also be emphasized that the change in the failure mode occurred after reaching the peak load, so it does not seem to affect the anchorage capacity, although it does affect the postpeak anchorage behavior. The observed brittle postpeak anchorage behavior for anchors with the large head could have been prevented if the concrete member had been reinforced.

Influence of Surface Reinforcement

Fig. 12 shows the load-displacement curves of headed anchors in RC and PC members of various thicknesses, and the failure load predicted by the CC method [Eq. (1)].
Fig. 12. Load-displacement curves of headed anchors in plain and reinforced concrete members of various thicknesses: (a) H=1.5hef; (b) H=2.0hef; (c) H=3.0hef
During pullout loading of Specimen RC-440-M1, the loading rod detached from the coupling nut at a load of 249  kN. Therefore, this test was aborted before capturing the actual peak load of the headed anchor. In a subsequent attempt, the loading rod was fastened to the anchor and loaded again. The load-displacement curve obtained in the second attempt is shown by a broken line in Fig. 12(b). As the figure shows, the anchor ultimate load during this attempt is lower than that of its companion specimen. This is attributable to the fact that the concrete surrounding the anchor had already cracked when the anchor was loaded for the second time.
Compared with the headed anchors in PC members, the anchorage ductility and failure load improve for the headed anchors in RC members. In addition, the anchor displacement at peak load and postpeak load increases when surface reinforcement is present. The same behavior was observed in an experimental study by Nilsson et al. (2011) on anchor bolts in RC members.
The ratio of ultimate load in RC members to that in PC members is shown in Fig. 13 for various member thicknesses. As the figure shows, the surface reinforcement has a more favorable influence on the tensile breakout resistance of headed anchors in thin members than in thick members. The same tendency was reported by Nilforoush et al. (2017a) for the simulated headed anchors at various embedment depths in RC members of various thicknesses.
Fig. 13. Ratio of capacity of anchors in RC members to that of PC members for various member thicknesses
Fig. 14 shows the crack pattern of the headed anchors in RC members of various thicknesses. The tested anchors, even in the thinnest members, failed primarily via concrete cone breakout. As shown in Fig. 14(a), the orthogonal surface reinforcement prevents the bending cracks observed in the thinnest PC members. This reinforcement enhances the global bending stiffness of the member, thereby preventing the occurrence of splitting/bending cracks. Nevertheless, concrete cone cracks develop even in the presence of surface reinforcement and dominate the failure of the tested anchors. Similar-shaped concrete cones formed in RC members of various thicknesses. However, the cone surface formed in RC members is shallower than that formed in PC members.
Fig. 14. Failure patterns of headed anchors in RC members of various thicknesses: (a) H=1.5hef; (b) H=2.0hef; (c) H=3.0hef

Validity of Numerically Proposed Modification Factors

To check the validity of the numerically proposed modification factors, three modification factors were extracted respectively from the experimental results of headed anchors in Series 1–3 and compared with the numerically proposed modification factors by Nilforoush et al. (2017a, b).
Fig. 15(a) shows the relationship between the relative anchorage capacity NH=1.55.0hef/NH=2.0hef and relative member thickness H/2.0hef for the tested and simulated headed anchors in plain concrete members of various thicknesses. Trend lines fitted to the test and simulation results coincide and confirm that the relative anchorage capacity increases with increasing relative member thickness. The trend lines fitted to the test and simulation results indicate that the increase rate is proportional to (H/2.0hef)0.24 and (H/2.0hef)0.25, respectively.
Fig. 15. (a) Relative capacity of anchors in PC members of various thicknesses as a function of relative member thickness; (b) relative capacity of anchors with various head sizes as a function of relative bearing area; (c) relative capacity of anchors in RC members of various thicknesses as a function of relative member thickness
In addition, Fig. 15(b) shows the relationship between relative capacity of headed anchors with various head sizes to the capacity of an anchor bolt with a code-equivalent head size (NVarious-heads/NCode-equivalent) and normalized bearing areas (Ab/Abcode). The code-equivalent anchorage capacity (NCode-equivalent) represents the capacity of a headed anchor that has a code-equivalent bearing area (i.e., corresponding to a bearing stress of σb=15·fc under the anchor head at peak load). Trend lines fitted to the test and simulation results stipulate that the relative capacity increases with increasing the relative bearing area. The increase rate at tests is proportional to (Ab/Abcode)0.133, which is slightly larger than the numerically obtained increase rate of (Ab/Abcode)0.083.
Moreover, the relative capacity of headed anchors in reinforced concrete to the capacity in unreinforced concrete (NReinforced/NUnreinforced) are plotted in Fig. 15(c) as a function of a relative member thickness (H/hef) for the tested and simulated anchors. This figure shows that the relative capacity increases by decreasing the relative member thickness. Trend lines fitted to the test and simulation results indicate that the increase rate at test and simulation is proportional to 1.31(H/hef)0.22 and 1.35(H/hef)0.25, respectively.
In all these figures, the trend lines fitted to the test results correspond closely to those fitted to the numerical results, thereby confirming the validity of the proposed modification factors for member thickness (ψH), anchor-head size (ψAH), and surface reinforcement (ψSr).

Comparison of Experimental Results and Predictions

The measured anchorage capacities of headed anchors in Series 1–3 are compared with the values predicted by the CC method [Eq. (1)] and proposed model [Eq. (4a)]. The ratio of the measured capacity of headed anchors in PC members of various member thicknesses (i.e., Series 1) to the capacity predicted by the CC method [Eq. (1)] and proposed model [Eq. (4a)] is shown in Fig. 16(a). As the figure shows, the ratio of the measured failure loads to that predicted by the CC method increases with increasing member thickness. Ratios of 1.0, 1.08, and 1.17 are obtained for anchors with member thicknesses of 330, 440, and 660 mm, respectively, indicating that the CC method underestimates the mean tensile breakout capacity of the anchors housed in thick members.
Fig. 16. Ratio of measured peak load at test to capacities predicted via the CC method [Eq. (1)] and proposed model [Eq. (4a)]: (a) anchors in plain concrete members of various thicknesses; (b) anchors with various head sizes; (c) anchors in reinforced concrete members of various thicknesses
Compared with the CC method, the proposed method [Eq. (4a)] more accurately predicts the failure load of tested anchors in plain members of various thicknesses. For example, values of 1.05, 1.05, and 1.04, corresponding to members with thicknesses of 330, 440, and 660 mm, respectively, are obtained for the ratio of the measured failure load to the value predicted by Eq. (4a).
Fig. 16(b) shows the ratio of the measured failure loads to those predicted by the CC method [Eq. (1)] and the proposed model [Eq. (4a)] for headed anchors with various head sizes (i.e., Series 2). As the figure shows, values of 1.08, 1.17, and 1.44, corresponding to small-headed, medium-headed, and large-headed anchors, are obtained, respectively, for the ratio of the measured capacity to that predicted by the CC method. This implies that the CC method significantly underestimates the tensile breakout strength of the large-headed anchors. Underestimation of anchorage capacity (by the CC method) associated with anchors of various head sizes results partly from to the fact that the tested anchors were embedded in thick concrete members (H=3.0hef).
The ratios of the measured failure load to that predicted by Eq. (4a) for anchors with small, medium, and large heads are 1.02, 1.04, and 1.09, respectively, indicating that the proposed model [Eq. (4a)] better predicts the failure load of anchors with various head sizes compared with the CC method.
Fig. 16(c) shows the ratio of capacities measured for headed anchors in RC members of various thicknesses (i.e., Series 3) to those predicted by the CC method [Eq. (1)] and proposed method [Eq. (4a)]. As the figure shows, the ratio of failure load to that predicted by the CC method for tested anchors in RC members with thicknesses of 330, 440, and 660 mm is 1.17, 1.22, and 1.24, respectively, whereas values of 1.03, 1.05, and 1.07, corresponding to RC members with thicknesses of 330, 440, and 660 mm, respectively, are obtained for the ratio of the measured failure loads to that predicted by Eq. (4a). This confirms that the CC method underestimates the concrete cone breakout resistance of headed anchors in RC members, whereas the proposed model [Eq. (4a)] more accurately predicts the tensile breakout resistance in RC members.
To further evaluate the validity of Eq. (4a) in predicting the capacity of single anchor bolts with various head sizes in unreinforced and reinforce concrete members of various thicknesses, the results of 124 pullout tests from the literature (Eligehausen et al. 1992; Zhao 1993; Lee et al. 2007; Nilsson et al. 2011) and 19 tests of this study are plotted in Fig. 17 and compared with predictions according to the CC method [Eq. (1)] and the proposed model [Eq. (4a)]. In these experiments, anchor bolts were tested in concrete specimens of different strengths; the concrete cube compressive strength (fcc) varied from 19.1 to 45.1 MPa. Eqs. (1) and (4a) predict the mean tensile breakout capacity of anchors based on the concrete cylinder compressive strength; thus the measured concrete cube compressive capacities at tests were converted to concrete cylinder compressive strength (fc,test=0.85·fcc,test). Then, failure loads observed at tests were normalized to a concrete cylinder compressive strength equivalent to fc=28  MPa using a normalizing factor of (28/fc,test)0.5.
Fig. 17. Normalized ultimate load as a function of embedment depth; comparison between the measured breakout capacities at tests and predictions via the CC method [Eq. (1)] and the proposed model [Eq. (4a)] (test data from Eligehausen et al. 1992; Zhao 1993; Lee et al. 2007; Nilsson et al. 2011): (a) hef up to 525 mm; (b) hef up to 1,143 mm
In addition, headed anchors were tested in concrete members of different relative thicknesses (H/2.0hef=0.571.65). Therefore, failure loads at tests were also normalized to a relative member thickness of H/2.0hef=1 using a normalizing factor of [1/(H/2.0hef)test]0.25. Moreover, the relative bearing area (Ab/Abcode) of tested anchors varied from approximately 0.8 to 8.1. Therefore, failure loads at tests were further normalized to a relative bearing area of Ab/Abcode=4.0 using a normalizing factor of [4/(Ab/Abcode)test]0.1. The applied normalizing factors are obtained based on the proposed model [Eq. (4a)], which stipulates that the tensile breakout capacity is proportional to (fc)0.5, (H/2.0hef)0.25, and (Ab/Abcode)0.1. The reinforcement content of the tested concrete slabs also varied from 0 to 1.16%, which, depending on the thickness of concrete members at tests, gives different values for the proposed modification factor ψSr. Therefore, the ψSr modification factor for the tested concrete members was evaluated, and then the failure loads at tests were further normalized to ψSr=1.0 using a normalizing factor of [1/(ψsr)test]. The normalized capacities were then plotted as a function of anchor embedment depth in Fig. 17(a) for anchor embedment depths up to 525 mm and in Fig. 17(b) for anchor embedment depths up to 1,143 mm.
As the figure shows, the CC method [Eq. (1)] considerably underestimates the tensile breakout capacities of deep anchors. In contrast, Eq. (4a) provides the best description of the normalized anchorage capacities at tests for the embedment depths up to 635 mm. For embedment depths >635  mm, however, it seems that the proposed model [Eq. (4a)] slightly overestimates the tensile breakout capacity. Therefore, the proposed model [Eq. (4a)] should be used only for the maximum embedment depths given in ACI 349 [Appendix D (ACI 2006)] and ACI 318 (ACI 2014), i.e., hef635  mm. To extend the application of Eq. (4a) for hef>635  mm and better clarify the influence of member thickness, anchor-head size, and surface reinforcement on the tensile capacity and performance of very deep anchors, further systematic numerical and experimental evaluations of deep anchor bolts are required.


In this study, the influence of member thickness, anchor-head size, and orthogonal surface reinforcement on the tensile breakout capacity of single cast-in-place headed anchors was evaluated experimentally. Furthermore, the measured failure loads were compared with those predicted by the CC method and the modified model recently proposed by Nilforoush et al. (2017a, b). Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:
The tensile breakout capacity of anchor bolts increases up to 17% with increasing member thickness from 1.5 to 3.0 times the anchor embedment depth. The failure loads measured for anchors in the thinnest plain concrete members corresponded closely to that predicted by the CC method;
The tensile breakout capacity of anchor bolts increases with increasing size of the anchor head. The test results revealed that the CC method significantly underestimates the failure load of large-headed anchors;
The average concrete cone angle with respect to the loading direction increases with increasing the size of anchor head. In the case of large-headed anchors, the diameter of the concrete cone at the surface of the member is >4.0hef. This differs from the projected failure area (3.0hef×3.0hef) assumed by the current CC method and thus affects the characteristic anchor spacing (scr) and edge distance (ccr) of large-headed anchors;
Surface reinforcement leads to an increase in the tensile breakout capacity of headed anchors. However, the rate of increase varies with the thickness of the concrete member, i.e., the rate increases with decreasing thickness of the member. The experimental results also showed that the CC method underestimates the tensile breakout capacity of headed anchors in the reinforced members;
The anchorage behavior becomes more ductile by increasing member thickness or by having orthogonal surface reinforcement, whereas it becomes stiffer and more brittle by increasing size of the anchor head;
All tested headed anchors failed via concrete cone breakout, except for those in the thinnest plain concrete members, which failed via concrete splitting. The experimental results revealed that splitting failure of the thin members can be prevented by applying a light ratio of orthogonal surface reinforcement (i.e., ρ=0.3%); and
The recently proposed model [Eq. (4a)], which includes several modification factors for the member thickness, size of the anchor head, and surface reinforcement, predicts well the experimental results up to hef=635  mm, but seems slightly unsafe for deeper depths.


The authors acknowledge the support from Energiforsk, a Swedish Energy Research Centre, for this research work. The assistance of Mats Petersson from the laboratory of the Division of Structural and Fire Engineering at Luleå University of Technology is gratefully appreciated.


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Go to Journal of Structural Engineering
Journal of Structural Engineering
Volume 144Issue 4April 2018


Received: Mar 24, 2017
Accepted: Aug 24, 2017
Published online: Jan 17, 2018
Published in print: Apr 1, 2018
Discussion open until: Jun 17, 2018



Postdoc Researcher, Division of Structural and Fire Engineering, Dept. of Civil, Environment and Natural Resources, Luleå Univ. of Technology, SE-97187 Luleå, Sweden (corresponding author). ORCID: E-mail: [email protected]
Martin Nilsson
Associate Senior Lecturer, Division of Structural and Fire Engineering, Dept. of Civil, Environment and Natural Resources, Luleå Univ. of Technology, SE-97187 Luleå, Sweden.
Lennart Elfgren
Emeritus Professor, Division of Structural and Fire Engineering, Dept. of Civil, Environment and Natural Resources, Luleå Univ. of Technology, SE-97187 Luleå, Sweden.

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