Technical Papers
Jun 30, 2017

Stress Evaluation for Rocks and Structural Concrete Members through Ultrasonic Wave Analysis: Review

Publication: Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
Volume 29, Issue 10


The preferable way to monitor structural behavior is to measure the actual stress in the structural members. Unfortunately, stress relieving by cutting holes or slots has been the only method applicable to date for measuring the in situ stress in concrete members. Other methods such as strain gauges can only measure the change of stresses and are time consuming. Investigations have been made to find nondestructive methods for stress measurement in concrete. The progress made on stress evaluation through acoustic-wave analyses is reviewed in this paper. While the traditional elastic–acoustic waves are able to detect stress changes in concrete, it is only applicable in the elastic range and is not suitable to most field conditions. Alternatively, the coda-wave interferometry and nonlinear acoustic waves are sensitive to the microstructural changes in concrete and provide potential field applicability for in situ measurements. These coda-wave and nonlinear parameters may be used as a qualitative/quantitative indicator to microscale-damage diagnostics and stress changes.

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The authors gratefully acknowledge that the collaborative work presented in this paper has been financially supported by Transportation Research Project of MOT, P.R. China, Damage Assessment and Reliability Study of Concrete Beam Bridge (2013 318 223 040)


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Go to Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
Volume 29Issue 10October 2017


Received: Mar 2, 2016
Accepted: Jan 10, 2017
Published online: Jun 30, 2017
Published in print: Oct 1, 2017
Discussion open until: Nov 30, 2017


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Research Institute of Highway, Ministry of Transport, 8 Xitucheng Rd., Haidian District, Beijing 100088, P.R. China; Dept. of Civil Engineering, New Mexico State Univ., Las Cruces, NM 88001 (corresponding author). ORCID: E-mail: [email protected]
Jinquan Zhang
Research Professor, Research Institute of Highway, Ministry of Transport, 8 Xitucheng Rd., Haidian District, Beijing 100088, P.R. China.
Ruinian Jiang, Ph.D., M.ASCE
Professor, Dept. of Engineering Technology and Surveying Engineering, New Mexico State Univ., Las Cruces, NM 88001.

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