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Technical Papers
Jul 25, 2017

Evaluating Optimum Limited Irrigation Management Strategies for Corn Production in the Ogallala Aquifer Region

Publication: Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Volume 143, Issue 10


Water is the major factor limiting crop production in the Ogallala Aquifer Region of the U.S. Central High Plains. Seasonal precipitation is highly variable, low in amount, and not enough to meet full corn water needs. The Ogallala Aquifer is the major source of irrigation water for commercial agriculture in the region. However, groundwater levels of the aquifer have declined drastically due to water withdrawals for irrigation exceeding mean annual recharge. The purpose of this study was to (1) determine optimum irrigation water allocation and planting dates under various growing season precipitation scenarios for corn using AquaCrop and (2) evaluate the impact of spreading versus concentrating water based on corn yield and crop water productivity in western Kansas. Corn needed on average 450, 300, and 150 mm of irrigation for dry, normal, and wet growing seasons, respectively, assuming initial soil water at planting as 70% of field capacity. There were differences in corn yield among evaluated planting dates. Late planting produced the lowest yield. Yield and biomass were optimum at seasonal evapotranspiration (ET) of 675–703 mm for early, 664–702 mm for normal, and 623–675 mm for late planting, respectively, in sandy clay loam soils. Similarly, ET values for silt loam soils were 679–709 mm, 662–714 mm, and 625–687 mm, respectively. The highest and lowest ET in the range corresponded to wet and dry growing season precipitation scenarios, respectively. Assuming a limited well capacity of 68.1  m3/h, planting 50% of 46.8 ha produced the highest yield and crop water productivity on both sandy clay loam and silt loam soils compared to planting 100% of the area. However, for comprehensive assessments of limited irrigation strategies, further analysis of the different land–water allocation combinations with economic analysis of net income is recommended. The results of this analysis could be useful for other semiarid regions where water for irrigation is limited.


The precipitation in western Kansas is variable and erratic, and many crops need supplemental irrigation to meet full crop water needs. The inter- and intraseasonal precipitation variability and the low amount increase the risk of failure for crop production. Historically, the Ogallala Aquifer has been the major source of irrigation water in Kansas. However, unsustainable withdrawal of water for irrigation has resulted in depletion of the aquifer (McGuire 2012). Declining groundwater levels have resulted in an inability of many wells to meet full crop water needs (Kansas Department of Agriculture 2009). Corn is the number one irrigated crop in Kansas. Sustainable corn production in western Kansas will require producers to adjust their irrigation management to the realities of reduced water supply and variable climate.
Deficit/limited irrigation has been proven to optimize yield, biomass, and water productivity if implemented appropriately. The practice of exposing the crop to some level of water stress during part of growing season without causing significant yield reduction compared to full irrigation resulting in high yield per unit of irrigation water applied is referred to as deficit irrigation (Kirda 2002). Numerous studies have shown that it is possible to enhance crop water productivity while reducing irrigation water with minimum yield and biomass penalties (Klocke et al. 2004; Lamm et al. 2014). Klocke et al. (2004) evaluated crop yield response to water on three commercial fields in west central Nebraska from 1996 to 2001. They found that 77% of full irrigation produced 92% of the yield from fully irrigated fields. Lamm et al. (2014) presented simulated results of crop yields in Colby, Kansas, that showed 80% of full irrigation produced approximately 90% of the corn yields from fully irrigated fields. Earlier research on many crops by Doorenbos and Kassam (1979), Oweis and Hachum (2003), and Zhang (2003) indicated crop water productivity might be enhanced by supplying adequate irrigation water to the most critical growth stages of the crop and restricting the water supply during less sensitive growth stages. Corn was reported to be sensitive to water stress during tasseling/flowering and ear formation (Doorenbos and Kassam 1979; Cakir 2004) and less sensitive during the vegetative and ripening period (Doorenbos and Kassam 1979), indicating that corn water productivity can be improved if the water needs of the sensitive growth stages of the plant are fully met. However, crop water productivity can also be affected by planting date, soil type, and growing season precipitation variability (Tanner and Sinclair 1983; Kirda 2002; Bessembinder et al. 2005). Therefore, optimizing corn water productivity with deficit irrigation requires exploring crop water productivities under combinations of different irrigation water allocations, planting dates, and long-term growing season precipitation scenarios.
Evaluating crop water productivities under alternative irrigation water allocation strategies along with variable planting dates and growing season precipitation scenarios requires detailed experiments (in many locations over several years). Also, conducting such experiments is costly and time-consuming. However, some crop models have proven to be effective in evaluating combinations of management scenarios (Steduto et al. 2009; Boote et al. 2010). Stone et al. (2006) used Kansas water budget (KSWB) software to estimate corn, grain sorghum, winter wheat, and sunflower yield as a function of irrigation and precipitation. Kisekka et al. (2016) demonstrated the utility of combining short-term experimental data, cropping system computer simulations, and long-term historical weather data to assess alternative irrigation management strategies. Crop models require detailed experimental data to be properly calibrated and validated for them to be useful tools for exploring the effects of different irrigation water allocations on biomass, yield, and crop water productivity at relatively low cost and in a relatively shorter time frame (Bessembinder et al. 2005).
In this study, AquaCrop v4.0 (Raes et al. 2009, 2012; Hsiao et al. 2009; Steduto et al. 2009) was applied in assessing optimal irrigation management strategies for corn under limited water. AquaCrop, a water-driven crop simulation model, has been reported to be suitable for assessing crop response to water (Raes et al. 2009, 2012; Hsiao et al. 2009; Steduto et al. 2009). Its performance has also been demonstrated on many different crops (Farahani et al. 2009; García-Vila et al. 2009; Heng et al. 2009; Hsiao et al. 2009; Todorovic et al. 2009; Araya et al. 2010). The model also generates aboveground biomass and evapotranspiration (ET) on a daily basis (Steduto et al. 2009; Raes et al. 2009) that are well suited to assess corn water productivity based on inputs of selected growing season precipitation scenarios, planting dates, and deficit irrigation amounts.
The objectives of this study were to (1) calibrate and validate the AquaCrop model using experimental data for assessing optimal limited irrigation management strategies under various irrigation water allocation amounts, long-term growing season precipitation, and planting date scenarios and (2) assess the impact of spreading versus concentrating water on corn yield and water productivity in western Kansas.

Materials and Methods

Site Description

The experiment was carried out at the Kansas State University Southwest Research-Extension Center (SWREC) Finnup farm (38°01′20.87″N, 100°49″26.95W, elevation of 887 m above mean sea level) near Garden City, Kansas. The site has a semiarid climate with long-term mean annual precipitation and reference evapotranspiration (ETo) based on the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Penman–Monteith equation of 477 and 1,810 mm, respectively (Klocke et al. 2011). The growing season (April to September) average minimum and maximum temperatures are approximately 15.5 and 31.5°C, respectively. The seasonal average precipitation and ETo are 295 and 870 mm, respectively. Soils at the experimental site are Ulysses silt loams with organic matter content 1.5% and a pH of 8.1 (Klocke et al. 2011). The soil water characteristics of the silt loam soils such as the wilting point (13–16 vol.%), field capacity (31–35 vol.%), and saturation (44–48 vol.%) were estimated based on pedo-transfer functions (Saxton et al. 1986). Since the majority of the soil around southwest Kansas are classified as silt loam with relatively small patches of areas dominated by sandy clay loam/sandy loam, two soil types (silt loam and sandy clay loam) were used for scenario analysis, whereas the soils of the experimental site (silt loam soils) were used for model calibration and validation. The physical properties of the sandy clay loam soils were also estimated based on pedo-transfer functions following Saxton et al. (1986) as 15, 27, and 38% for volumetric water content at wilting point, field capacity, and saturation, respectively.

Experimental Setup

Experiments were carried out during the cropping seasons of 2010, 2011, and 2012. In all years, corn was grown under full and deficit irrigation with six irrigation treatments, all replicated four times and arranged in a randomized complete block design. Each plot had a size of 13.7×27.4  m. The irrigation treatments were designed to represent 100, 80, 70, 50, 40, and 25% of full irrigation (Klocke et al. 2011). The irrigation amount for any irrigation event was the same (25 mm), but the number of irrigations and the interval were varied among the treatments to represent percentages of the full irrigation treatment (Table 1). The wettest treatment was irrigated before 50% of the available soil water was depleted. Irrigation intervals for the wettest treatment were determined based on daily ETo and precipitation received considering the biweekly soil water measurements. Soil water depletions were estimated using neutron probe measurements, which were taken every 2 weeks throughout the growing season. The other irrigation treatments were rescheduled based on the wettest treatment (Klocke et al. 2011). Irrigation per season decreased as the time between irrigation intervals increased (Klocke et al. 2011). Also, irrigation intervals of the same treatment varied slightly from season to season due to variability in seasonal precipitation. Even the full irrigation treatment also varied from growing season to growing season as the irrigation amount was scheduled for nonlimiting conditions (Klocke et al. 2011). Irrigation was applied using a four-span linear move sprinkler system (Model 8000, Valmont Corp., Valley, Nebraska) (Kisekka et al. 2016). Center pivot sprinkler irrigation is the most common irrigation method in the Southern and Central High Plains of the Ogallala Aquifer Region. These treatments were designed to mimic the pumping capacity limitations of center pivot irrigation systems in the Great Plains (Klocke et al. 2011). However, our interest in this study was to utilize the available experimental information to calibrate and validate a crop model (Table 1).
Table 1. Corn Planting Date, Irrigation Days, Interval, Amount, and Seasonal Rainfall (Planting to Maturity) Received during 2010, 2011, and 2012 Cropping Season at Kansas State University Southwest Research and Extension Center near Garden City, Kansas
TreatmentPlanting dateBeginning of irrigation (days after planting)End of irrigation (days after planting)Average irrigation interval (days)Number of irrigationsTotal irrigations (mm)Total rain (mm)Rain + irrigations (mm)
1aMay 5, 201134121518450129579
1May 4, 2010651215.112300215515
2May 4, 20106512179225215440
3May 4, 20106911816.34100215315
6May 4, 20108383125215240
1April 19, 201237121419475118593
2April 19, 201237121615375118493
3April 19, 201244114710250118368
4April 19, 201244121108200118318
Calibration data set; irrigation amount per event = 25 mm; start and end of irrigation were determined based on soil water status and crop condition.

Crop Management and Agronomic Practices

Fertilizer application and other agronomic practices were applied uniformly to all treatments to meet potential yield according to the recommendations for the region. Phosphorus and nitrogen were applied at the time of planting at a rate of 99 and 14  kg/ha, respectively. Also, side-dress nitrogen was applied 48 days after planting at a rate of 306  kg/ha. Corn was planted in a no-till field. The recommended planting density for the study area varies with irrigation water management such that seeding rates decreased with reduction in irrigation water application, as described in Klocke et al. (2011). In this study, the seeding rates and irrigation amounts were 7.9, 7.3, 6.7, 6.0, 5.4, and 4.8  plants/m2 for 100, 80, 70, 50, 40, and 25% of full irrigation, respectively (Klocke et al. 2011). This shows that each irrigation treatment had a matching specific recommended seeding rate based on local practices, which were aimed at matching available water for optimal yield (Klocke et al. 2011). The practice of matching seeding rate with available water was considered one of the agronomic practices for optimizing irrigation water productivity (Kirda 2002).

Data Collection

Soil water measurements were carried out using neutron attenuation to a depth of 2.4 m. Soil water measurements were taken at depth increments of 0.3 m twice a month during the growing season and at physiological maturity. Seasonal ET was estimated based on soil-water-balance method (Klocke et al. 2011). In 2011, the leaf area index (LAI) was estimated from leaf area measurements taken during the mid and late season growth stages of the crop using a CI-203 Laser Leaf Area Meter (CID Bio-Science, Camas, Washington). End-of-season biomass was obtained from 3 m in the middle row of a plot. Two 3 m rows were used for grain yield. Harvesting was done by hand, and the dry weight samples of biomass were recorded after oven drying. Crop phenology (emergence, tasseling, silking, senescence, and maturity) was recorded considering the developmental stages of the crop during the growing season.

Climate Data Analysis

Two sets of climate data were used in this study. One data set containing 51 years (1963–2013) of daily weather observations (precipitation, maximum and minimum temperatures) for Garden City was obtained from the High Plains Regional Climate Center (HPRCC). A second data set, comprising 14 years (2000–2013) of daily climate observations that include precipitation, minimum and maximum temperatures, wind, solar radiation, and humidity, was obtained from the SWREC meteorological station. The observations for both data sets were taken at the same site. However, it was believed that the accuracy of model calibration and validation could be improved if the full set of measured daily weather data were used. Thus, the SWREC meteorological data were used for model calibration and validation, whereas the data from HPRC were used for scenario analysis. Assessment of irrigation management strategies requires an understanding of the long-term precipitation characteristics of a given area. Thus, the long-term monthly precipitation trend was analyzed for Garden City. Monthly, seasonal, and annual precipitation means and coefficients of variance were calculated.
Analysis of irrigation water management strategies was done by sorting the long-term seasonal average precipitation data in descending order and calculating the probability of exceedance for wet (1–20%), normal (41–59%), and dry (80–100%) years. The years whose probability of exceedance fell in the respective ranges were noted and the respective seasonal precipitation ranges were calculated (444–579 mm = wet, 334–380 mm = normal, and 201–254 mm = dry). After grouping of the years into the three precipitation scenarios, daily precipitation data from the each season that fell under the three different categories (wet, normal, and dry) were sorted and averaged for use in the AquaCrop model. ETo for the experimental season (April–September) was estimated using the short-term Garden City climate data based on FAO-Penman-Monteith (FAO-PM), whereas the ETo for the long-term growing season was estimated using the Hargreaves method because of the limited availability of climate data (Allen et al. 1998; Hargreaves and Allen 2003). To understand the relationship between the two methods (Hargreaves and FAO-PM), short-term (2000–2013) growing season data estimated using the two methods were regressed and compared.

Model Calibration and Validation


Climate, soil, crop characteristics, and management data (irrigation and agronomic practices) of the site were supplied as input to AquaCrop. In AquaCrop, crop phenology depends on the nature of the cultivar and air temperature (Raes et al. 2009; Steduto et al. 2009). The calendar day option in the model was used because corn was grown in favorable temperatures in the study area. Calibration for fertility stress was not considered in the model because the corn was assumed to be grown under optimal fertility. Model default calibration data sets were used as the starting point. However, most of the cultivar and site-specific crop parameters (none conservative) were entered in the model as per the collected information from the corn experiment. Table 2 shows some important crop data used for calibrating the AquaCrop. Canopy cover is one of the most important crop parameters in AquaCrop because it limits the amount of water transpired, which indirectly determines the biomass (Steduto et al. 2009). Canopy cover at emergence was adopted from Heng et al. (2009) and Hsiao et al. (2009). Since plant density in the study area varied with irrigation treatments, adjustments to default maximum canopy cover to match actual field conditions was made as presented in Steduto et al. (2009). The canopy cover was estimated from LAI and extinction coefficient (k), as presented in Hsiao et al. (2009).
Table 2. Some Crop Parameters and Values Used for Calibrating AquaCrop Model
Canopy cover per seedling at 90% emergence (cm2)6.5
Canopy expansion (CGC) (%/day)13.5
Maximum canopy cover (%)80
Canopy decline (CDC) (%/day)11.7
Emergence (days after planting)20
Normalized crop water productivity (g/m2)33.7
Maximum canopy cover (days after planting)76
Start of senescence (days after planting)120
Flowering (days after planting)80
Root depth (m)2.4
Maximum root depth (days after planting)115
Maximum crop evapotranspiration1.05
Harvest index (HI) (%)52
Canopy expansion function
Stomatal closure function
Early canopy senescence function
Fertility effectNot considered
However, owing to variation in planting density, a typical maximum canopy cover (estimated from LAI) that is representative of the treatments was selected to simplify complexities. The maximum canopy cover was then set to 80%.
Estimated ranges of normalized crop water productivity values for C4 crops (3035  g/m2) are available in the literature (Raes et al. 2012). For this analysis, the normalized crop water productivity values that were adopted in Hsiao et al. (2009), Heng et al. (2009), and Paredes et al. (2014) (33.7  g/m2) were used. Similarly, crop evapotranspiration (ETc) at maximum canopy cover for no stress was also taken from Hsiao et al. (2009). The cultivar grown in the experimental site had a maximum harvest index (HI) of up to 59%. However, 52% was taken as the most common HI value for good growing conditions, which is higher than the value (48%) used in Hsiao et al. (2009). This shows that the experimental cultivar was different from those presented in Hsiao et al. (2009). Water stress may affect HI depending on the timing, duration, and severity of the stress (Raes et al. 2009). Model default values for corn were adopted for the effects of water stress on HI. Reports indicated that water stress could negatively affect pollination, fruit setting or abortion, or under filling of young fruits depending on the timing and extent of the stress (Steduto et al. 2012).
The water stress coefficients (for leaf expansion, stomatal conductance, and leaf senescence) are considered to be conservative (globally applicable once calibrated), meant for use under various climate and soil conditions (Hisiao et al. 2009). However, slight adjustments were necessary for the model to reproduce our measured data. Adjustment for these parameters was carried out after repeatedly comparing the measured against the simulated data, taking into account the available documented information. After adjusting the water stress coefficients, simulated yield, biomass, and ET were comparable to measured values. However, the upper level for leaf senescence obtained based on iteration in this study slightly deviated from the information for maize presented in Hsiao et al. (2009) and Steduto et al. (2012). Some of the possible reasons for this include (1) cultivar differences; (2) soil heterogeneity; (3) method used for estimation of the soil water characteristics [pedo-transfer function (e.g., Saxton et al. 1986) based on soil texture]; (4) limited LAI measurements together with planting density differences among the treatments; and (5) model version differences. For example, Hsiao et al. (2009) hinted that version differences might contribute to the disparity in some of the documented conservative parameters. Overall, since our interest was to develop indicative optimal irrigation strategies that suit corn in the study area, measured biophysical data with the documented information in the literature were adequately used to characterize the actual crop in the model.
ET was estimated using the soil-water-balance method [Eq. (1)]:
where I = irrigation (mm); P = precipitation during sampling period (mm); R = runoff or runon during sampling period (assumed negligible, mm); SW1 and SW2 = total profile soil water (mm) between first and last neutron probe readings, respectively; and D = drainage during sampling period. Drainage was estimated as presented in Miller and Aarstad (1972) and Klocke et al. (2011).
The sampling period refers to the period between the first and last neutron probe readings during the growing season. Data from full irrigation treatment for the 2011 cropping season were used for model calibration. Four treatments each in 2010 and 2012 were used to validate the AquaCrop model (Table 3). Treatments that were dry (not representative of the actual corn growing conditions) were not included.
Table 3. Goodness-of-Fit Test for Model Validation Data Sets for Corn Experimental Seasons in 2010 (n=4) and 2012 (n=4) at Kansas State University SWREC near Garden City, Kansas
Planting dateTreatmentETYieldBiomass
Obs. (mm)Sim. (mm)d (%)Obs. (t/ha)Sim. (t/ha)d (%)Obs. (t/ha)Sim. (t/ha)d (%)
May 5, 2010T2662579131112623231
April 19, 2012T1719768710103172018
NRMSE (%)13.785.1115.48

Note: d = percent of deviation; IAg = index of agreement; NRMSE = normalized root-mean square of error; Obs. = observed (measured); Sim. = simulated.

Goodness-of-fit statistics based on the percent of deviation (d) [Eq. (2)], normalized root-mean square error (NRMSE) [Eq. (3)], index of agreement (IAg) based on Wilmott (1982), and coefficient of determination (R2) were used when testing model performance:
where Smi = simulated and Mi = measured values. MM = mean of the measured value; a d value close to zero indicates better agreement between the measured and simulated values. The root-mean square error (RMSE) is a statistical indicator of model uncertainty; a NRMSE value close to zero indicates excellent agreement and, hence, good performance of the model. IAg varies from below zero to 1. Values closer to 1 indicate better agreement between simulated and measured values.

Irrigation Water Productivity Optimization

At the field scale, crop water productivity for yield (WPy) or biomass (WPb) are estimated as the yield (kg/ha) or biomass (kg/ha) divided to the total amount of ET in m3/ha (Wesseling and Feddes 2006). Thus, the WPy and WPb were used to quantify the impact of selected irrigation management strategies on economic yield and biomass per unit of crop water use, respectively. To comprehensively assess optimal irrigation management for corn, strategies that represent local practices including water allocation and planting date practices under various growing season climatic conditions were evaluated using a validated crop simulation model.
Three planting dates, eight irrigation water allocations, and three growing season precipitation scenarios were used to assess and understand the optimal irrigation needs of corn in the study area. The three corn planting dates were early (April 20), normal (May 5), and late (May 15). These planting dates were identified based on the planting practices in the study area (Shroyer 1996). The eight irrigation water allocations evaluated were 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, and 450 mm. The irrigation water allocations were evaluated considering initial soil water at 70% field capacity.
The crop water productivities for each irrigation water allocation under the three planting dates and growing season precipitation scenarios were analyzed and then compared. The highest crop water productivities as simulated by the crop model under each combination of irrigation water allocation, growing season precipitation, and planting date scenario were selected. Accordingly, the irrigation water allocation with the highest irrigation water productivity for the given combinations of growing season precipitation and planting date scenario were then assumed as the optimal irrigation water management strategy for corn.

Assessing Spreading versus Concentrating Water

Spreading versus concentrating water is a concept well described by Howell et al. (2012). Spreading refers to irrigating more land than the available water supply resulting in deficit irrigation. Concentrating water refers to a management practice where the total land area irrigated is reduced to match available water supplies. This strategy ensures that the irrigation capacity is sufficient to meet full crop water demands throughout the growing season. To assess the impact of spreading versus concentrating water on corn yield, water allocation strategies were evaluated considering water productivities based on a typical center pivot sprinkler system irrigating a total area of 48.6 ha in western Kansas. Only yield and crop water productivities (without economic aspect) based on simulation with dry season climatic scenarios were used to demonstrate how different farmers might make production decisions assuming: well flow rate of 68  m3/h with the three Farmers A, B, and C having different irrigation capacities of 3.3, 4.4, and 6.6  mm/day and corresponding irrigation frequencies of 8, 6, and 4 days, respectively.

Results and Discussion

Climatic Trend and Variability

The 5-year moving average of monthly precipitation illustrates the inter- and intraseasonal climate variability at the research site. In particular, May precipitation showed a decreasing trend over the decade from 2003 to 2013 (not shown). The coefficient of variation for monthly, seasonal, and annual precipitation fell within ranges of 46–53%, 18–59%, and 10–37%, respectively, which indicates considerable precipitation variability. Mean seasonal (April–September) and annual precipitation was as low as 182 and 254 mm in a dry year and 444 mm and 579 mm in a wet year, respectively. The seasonal and annual ETo were 870 and 1,810 mm, respectively. This indicates precipitation is variable and not adequate to meet the maximum crop water demand (ETc). Irrigation must be applied to attain the production potential of crops like corn, especially during below-normal-precipitation seasons.
The FAO-PM method of calculating ETo was reported to have better accuracy compared to other methods (Allen et al. 1998). The growing season ETo calculated based on the Hargreaves approach was slightly higher than that based on the FAO-PM approach (Fig. 1), but there was a strong linear relationship between the daily ETo values estimated based on the two approaches with R2 of 0.86 (Fig. 1). The two approaches simulated the growing season (April–September) short term (2000–2013) daily ETo values with a slight difference considering the difference in their fundamental equations.
Fig. 1. Long-term (2000–2013) daily ETo calculated for the growing season (April–September) using Hargreaves versus FAO-PM for Finnup site in southwest Kansas at Southwest Research and Extension Center near Garden City, Kansas

Model Calibration and Validation

AquaCrop was satisfactorily calibrated and validated in this study. The moderate NRMSE (13.8%) and the strong IAg (0.80) values indicated good agreement between simulated and measured total seasonal ET. Similarly, there was moderate d between the measured and simulated total seasonal ET values (20 to 17.9%). However, there was a weak correlation between the measured and simulated total seasonal ET (R2=0.42), which might be attributable to inaccuracy in measurements of the soil physical properties, as mentioned previously. Also, the limited LAI measurements that were used to estimate maximum canopy cover might not have perfectly represented the actual conditions because planting density varied across irrigation treatments. Besides the inaccuracy caused by variation in planting density, the limited number of canopy cover measurements might also have contributed to the weak relationship between the simulated and measured ET. However, the goodness of fit based on the percent of deviations, NRMSE, and IAg were satisfactory (Table 3) and were similar to those reported in Katerji et al. (2013).
There was a very strong relationship between measured yield and seasonal ET with an R2 of 0.83 [Fig. 2(a)]. This result mirrors previous reports on crop yield—ET relationships (Doorenbos and Kassam 1979; Molden et al. 2007; Stewart and Peterson 2015; Klocke et al. 2015). Similarly, there was a strong relationship between measured biomass and seasonal ET with an R2 of 0.74 [Fig. 2(b)]. AquaCrop simulated yield and biomass of corn well with a NRMSE of 5.1 and 15.5%, respectively. The relationship between the measured and simulated yield (R2=0.99) [Fig. 3(a)] and biomass (R2=0.96) [Fig. 3(b)] was strong. Similarly, IAg values for yield and biomass were 0.99 and 0.94, respectively (Table 3). These indices of agreement values were similar to those reported in Hsiao et al. (2009) and Heng et al. (2009). Despite the simplification of the complex processes, simulation outputs satisfactorily agreed with the measured data. Overall, the goodness-of-fit indicators showed satisfactory performance of the model in simulating the measured yield, biomass, and ET. Hence, the model can be used for assessing alternative irrigation management strategies based on water productivities for various irrigation water allocation amounts, long-term seasonal precipitation, and planting dates.
Fig. 2. Relationship between measured corn yield and ET: (a) biomass and ET; (b) during cropping season in 2010 (n=4) and 2012 (n=4) in southwest Kansas at Southwest Research and Extension Center near Garden City, Kansas
Fig. 3. Relationship between simulated and observed yield: (a) simulated and observed biomass; (b) during cropping season in 2010 (n=4) and 2012 (n=4) in southwest Kansas at Southwest Research and Extension Center near Garden City, Kansas
Water productivities for yield (WPy) and biomass (WPb) values were higher in 2010 compared to 2012 (Table 4), which may be due to the better scheduling of the irrigation and synchronization of growing season precipitation to the sensitive growth stages. The growing seasons in 2010 and 2012 were wet and dry, respectively, which might have contributed to the variability in WPy and WPb. The WPb values for unstressed treatments in 2010 were similar to the WPb values documented in Keller and Seckler (2005) for California areas. In 2010, a point was reached at which WPy and WPb did not increase with the increase in ET (Table 4). This reduction in water productivity at high ET levels during 2010 might be partly caused by loss of water via evaporation and in some cases may be due to increase in nutrient leaching. It is also worth noting that 2011 and 2012 were severe drought years at the study site.
Table 4. Water Productivity for Yield (WPy) and Biomass (WPy) for Experiments during Cropping Season in 2010 and 2012 in Southwest Research and Extension Center near Garden City, Kansas
Planting dateTreatmentWPy (kg/m3)WPb (kg/m3)
May 5, 2010T11.63.1
April 19, 2012T11.42.4

Note: WPb = biomass water productivity; WPy = yield water productivity.

Water Productivities Based on Simulated Yield, Biomass, and ET

Sandy Clay Loam

The highest WPy values for the April 20 planting date were 1.7, 1.8, and 1.8  kg/m3 for dry, normal, and wet seasons, respectively (Table 5). The WPy values were comparable to the May 5 planting date for the corresponding growing season climatic scenarios (1.8, 1.8, and 1.8  kg/m3) under the respective irrigation water allocation limits (Table 5). Our simulation results were somewhat similar to those values reported in Mengu and Ozgurel (2008) for semiarid regions of Turkey. They also observed a 10–27% yield reduction when 30% less water was applied compared to their full irrigation treatment (Mengu and Ozgurel 2008). Similarly, the WPy obtained for the May 15 planting date under the dry season scenarios was 1.7  kg/m3, obtained from a similar irrigation water allocation (450 mm) limit (Table 5). However, simulated yield was slightly lower under late planting compared to early and normal planting dates. This indicates that late planting was not the best strategy since the yield and biomass levels were substantially lower compared to those simulated for early and normal planting. One of the reasons for lower yield under late planting during a dry climate was attributed to poor matching of the rainfall with the peak demand of the crop during the growing cycle.
Table 5. Corn “Optimal” Deficit Irrigation Water Needs, ET, Biomass, Yield, WPy, and WPb as Simulated by AquaCrop Based on Planting Date and Growing Season Precipitation Scenarios for Sand Clay Loam and Silt Loam Soils at Kansas State University SWREC near, Garden City, Kansas
Planting dateSoil typeSand clay loamSilt loam
Simulated dataDryNormalWetDryNormalWet
EarlyIrrigation (mm)450300150450300150
ET (mm)675703699679704709
Biomass (t/ha)2324.224.422.123.323.9
Yield (t/ha)11.812.412.511.211.9712.3
WPb (kg/m3)
Wpy (kg/m3)
NormalET (mm)664688702662687714
Biomass (t/ha)23.323.824.922.222.424.7
Yield (t/ha)11.912.312.811.311.512.7
WPb (kg/m3)
WPy (kg/m3)
LateET (mm)623673675625676687
Biomass (t/ha)20.523.924.918.922.424.4
Yield (t/ha)10.512.212.89.611.412.5
WPb (kg/m3)
WPy (kg/m3)

Note: ET = corn seasonal evapotranspiration; WPb = biomass water productivity; WPy = yield water productivity. Initial status of plant available soil water was assumed to be at 70% of its maximum level.

The biomass water productivity (WPb) for dry growing season precipitation scenarios were 3.4  kg/m3 for early, 3.5  kg/m3 for normal, and 3.3  kg/m3 for late planting dates, while the corresponding WPb values for wet growing season precipitation scenarios were 3.5, 3.5, and 3.7  kg/m3, respectively (Table 5). This shows that WPb values slightly increased from dry to wet growing season precipitation scenarios.

Silt Loam Soils

Corn response to planting date, growing season climate, and irrigation water allocation scenario in silt loam soils was very similar to that in sand clay loam soils discussed earlier. However, there was slightly lower yield for the dry climate scenario under silt loam soils compared to sand clay loam soils (Table 5). For this reason, the WPy for dry climatic scenario in silt loam (1.51.7  kg/m3) was slightly reduced compared to sand clay loam soils (1.71.8  kg/m3).

Irrigation Water Management Strategies

This study showed that it is possible to stabilize (optimize) corn yield at yield levels slightly lower than the maximum. Considering initial plant allowable soil water at 70%, the optimal deficit irrigation water allocation under the various growing season precipitation scenarios in both soils (silt loam and sandy clay loam) were 300, 450 and 150 mm during the normal, dry and wet seasons, respectively. However, growers should also take into account the initial soil water status (at planting), which could vary with soil type and previous crop and climatic conditions. For example, slightly lower yield and biomass per unit of ET was simulated for dry precipitation seasons compared to wet [Figs. 4(a–d)], indicating that water during dry seasons might not be sufficient to meet the crop water need. Also, during the dry season where rainwater is variable, water loss through soil evaporation could increase slightly compared to the wet season.
Fig. 4. Regression of simulated biomass (a) and yield (c) based on early, normal, and late planting dates against crop ET (R2>0.91); regressions of simulated biomass (b) and yield (d) based on dry, normal, and wet climate scenario versus crop ET (R2>0.93) for sandy clay loam soils simulated using AquaCrop model
Deficit irrigation might maximize crop water productivity depending on many factors, including the amount of precipitation received, targeted yield level, planting date, crop and cultivar type, irrigation scheduling, soil type and initial soil water status (at planting), and irrigation capacity of the well. For example, deficit irrigation of wheat was found to maximize crop water productivity without significant reduction in yield (Zhang and Oweis 1999), which might require understating the response of each growth stage of the crop to water stress (Oweis and Hachum 2003; Zhang 2003), precipitation patterns, and economic impacts of yield penalties (English 1990). For corn, some studies have indicated that deficit irrigation may not be appropriate if drought stress occurs during late vegetative and flowering stages (Kirda et al. 1999). Cakir (2004) reported that water stress during vegetative and tasseling growth stages could reduce leaf area index whereas water stress during cob development and early grain filling (milking stage) could reduce biomass and grain yield. Yield can be significantly reduced if water stress occurred during tasseling and ear formation. Some authors have reported better response of corn to deficit irrigation at early vegetative stages (Fabeiro et al. 2001).
In this study, the targeted optimal yield was found to be achievable with an ET of 675–703 mm for early, 664–702 mm for normal, and 623–675 mm for late planting in sandy clay loam soils (Table 5), whereas the corresponding ET values for silt loam soils were 679–709 m, 662–714 m, 625–687 mm (Table 5). However, irrigation water should be carefully applied based on the sensitivity of the crop to water stress, although this is not always possible with limited well capacity.

Assessing Spreading versus Concentrating Water on Corn

Table 6 shows the effect of spreading versus concentrating irrigation water on attainable corn yield (as simulated based on AquaCrop model), and crop water productivities assuming corn is grown in a dry season in sandy clay loam and silt loam soils with limited irrigation capacity. A typical irrigated area for a center pivot sprinkler system (46.8 ha) was considered in this analysis in proportions from 100, 75, and 50% of 46.8 ha. By reducing the irrigated area, farmers can increase irrigation capacity (the ratio of flow rate to the land area irrigated), as shown in Table 6. Considering sandy clay loam soils, Farmer A planted 100% of the area and produced 4.8  t/ha, which was lower than Farmers B and C, who planted 75 and 50% of the total area and produced 9.2 and 11.8  t/ha, respectively. Farmer C obtained the highest yield per unit area with the highest crop water productivity (1.8  kg/m3).
Table 6. Effect of Land-Water Allocation on Corn Yield and Crop Water Productivity as Simulated Using AquaCrop and Assuming a Dry Season in Sandy Clay Loam and Silt Loam Soils of Western Kansas
VariablesSandy clay loamSilt loam
Corn growers (farmers)Corn growers (farmers)
Rainfall received (mm)184184184184184184
Well flow rate (m3/h)
Irrigated area (ha)48.636.524.348.636.524.3
Irrigation capacity (mm/day)
Irrigation frequency (days)864864
Net irrigation (mm)250300425250300425
Crop water use (mm)538615657573627658
Simulated yield (t/ha)
Water productivity (kg/m3)

Note: Initial soil water status was assumed to be at maximum level. The three farmers, A, B, and C, have different irrigation capacities of 3.3, 4.4, and 6.6  mm/day and the corresponding irrigation frequencies of 8, 6, and 4 days, soil water at planting was assumed to be 70% of maximum.

Similarly, under silt loam soils, Farmer A planted 100% of the total area and produced 8  t/ha compared to Farmers B and C, who planted 75 and 50% of the total area and produced 9.8 and 11.3  t/ha, respectively. There were substantial differences in yield between the three farmers, as shown in Table 6. However, Farmer C achieved the highest crop water productivity and yield compared to Farmers A and B. These results imply that on well-drained sandy clay loam and silt loam soil, it is possible to plant 50% of the area and optimize crop water productivity under a typical center pivot sprinkler system. However, under commercial agricultural production systems similar to those in semiarid southwestern Kansas, profitability needs to be evaluated in addition to crop water productivity whenever assessments of deficit irrigation strategies are made. Crop model–guided irrigation water optimization and yield simulations as presented in this study could be enriched with information such as net income to guide comprehensive decision making for sustainable water use and profitability. It is also worth noting that targeting irrigation to critical growth stages is only possible if the producer reduces the total irrigated area in order to increase irrigation capacity. However, in wet years, a reduction in the total irrigated area might reduce income potential.


From long-term climate data, considering initial soil water at planting at 70% of field capacity, it is concluded that corn requires on average 450 mm net irrigation to attain optimal yields (with highest water productivity) in a dry climate regardless of the planting date. This study also indicated that, on average, 300 and 150 mm of deficit irrigation were needed in normal and wet precipitation seasons, respectively. However, in most real-world situations, initial soil water status at planting fluctuates depending on many factors, which could slightly affect the irrigation demand. Yield and biomass were optimum at a seasonal ET of 675–703 mm for early, 664–702 mm for normal, and 623–675 mm for late planting in sandy clay loam soils. The corresponding ET values for silt loam soils were 679–709 mm, 662–714 mm, and 625–687 mm, respectively. The highest and lowest ET in the range corresponded to wet and dry growing season precipitation scenarios, respectively. The average optimal grain water productivity under the various irrigation water allocation strategies, growing season precipitation scenarios, and planting dates were approximately between 1.7 and 1.8  kg/m3. Considering a limited well capacity of 68.1  m3/h, planting 50% of 46.8 ha produced the highest yield with the highest crop water productivity on both sandy clay loam and silt loam soils. For comprehensive decision making, further analysis of the different land-water allocation combinations with economic analysis of net income is recommended. The results of this analysis could be useful for other semiarid regions where water for irrigation is limited.


The authors would like to thank the following organizations for providing funding for this research: Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research (Award 430871), USDA Ogallala Aquifer Project, and USDA Project 2016-68007-25066, through the NIFA Water for Agriculture Challenge Area. The authors would also like to thank Dr. Norman Klocke for providing experimental data and Mr. Dennis Tomsicek and Mr. Jaylen Koehn for data collection and compilation. This is Contribution 16-161-J from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station.


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Go to Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
Volume 143Issue 10October 2017


Received: Nov 16, 2016
Accepted: Apr 17, 2017
Published online: Jul 25, 2017
Published in print: Oct 1, 2017
Discussion open until: Dec 25, 2017



Research Associate, Southwest Research and Extension Center, Kansas State Univ., Garden City, KS 67846. E-mail: [email protected]
Assistant Professor, Southwest Research and Extension Center, Kansas State Univ., Garden City, KS 67846 (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected]
P. V. Vara Prasad [email protected]
Professor, Dept. of Agronomy, Kansas State Univ., 1712 Claflin Rd., Manhattan, KS 66506. E-mail: [email protected]
P. H. Gowda [email protected]
Research Leader, USDA-ARS Grazinglands Research Laboratory, 7207 West Cheyenne St., El Reno, OK 73036. E-mail: [email protected]

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