Technical Papers
Jun 30, 2014

Estimating the Uncertainty of Hydrological Predictions through Data-Driven Resampling Techniques

Publication: Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Volume 20, Issue 1


Estimating the uncertainty of hydrological models remains a relevant challenge in applied hydrology, mostly because it is not easy to parameterize the complex structure of hydrological model errors. A nonparametric technique is proposed as an alternative to parametric error models to estimate the uncertainty of hydrological predictions. Within this approach, the above uncertainty is assumed to depend on input data uncertainty, parameter uncertainty and model error, where the latter aggregates all sources of uncertainty that are not considered explicitly. Errors of hydrological models are simulated by resampling from their past realizations using a nearest neighbor approach, therefore avoiding a formal description of their statistical properties. The approach is tested using synthetic data which refer to the case study located in Italy. The results are compared with those obtained using a formal statistical technique (meta-Gaussian approach) from the same case study. Our findings prove that the nearest neighbor approach provides simplicity in application and a significant improvement in regard to the meta-Gaussian approach. Resampling techniques appear therefore to be an interesting option for uncertainty assessment in hydrology, provided that historical data are available to provide a consistent description of the model error.

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The work presented herein was carried out within the COST Action ES0901 titled “European Procedures for Flood Frequency Estimation (FloodFreq)” and the Panta Rhei Research Initiative of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS). A financial support by EU for A.E.S. is gratefully acknowledged. A.E.S. would also like to acknowledge Prof. Kazimierz Banasik (WULS-SGGW, Poland) for his input in the overall execution of this project. The authors thank the eponymous reviewer Keith Beven and an anonymous reviewer, and the Guest Editor Sivakumar Bellie, for providing detailed and useful comments; although the authors disagree with a few of the comments, overall they helped to improve the paper substantially.


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Go to Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Volume 20Issue 1January 2015


Received: Dec 20, 2012
Accepted: Oct 22, 2013
Published online: Jun 30, 2014
Discussion open until: Nov 30, 2014
Published in print: Jan 1, 2015


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Anna E. Sikorska [email protected]
Visiting Researcher, Dept. DICAM, Univ. of Bologna, Via del Risorgimento 2, I-40136 Bologna, Italy; and Research Hydrologist, Dept. of Hydraulic Engineering, Warsaw Univ. of Life Sciences–SGGW, Nowoursynowska St. 166, PL-02-787 Warsaw, Poland (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected]
Alberto Montanari
Professor, Dept. DICAM, Univ. of Bologna, Via del Risorgimento 2, I-40136 Bologna, Italy.
Demetris Koutsoyiannis
Professor, Dept. of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, National Technical Univ. of Athens, Heroon Polytechneiou 5, GR 157 80, Zographou, Greece.

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