May 14, 2010

Regional Bivariate Frequency Analysis of Meteorological Droughts

Publication: Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Volume 15, Issue 12


Meteorological drought, as an extreme event, takes place when monthly or yearly precipitation goes down below a threshold for a specific duration. Drought events are presented based on different drought characteristics, i.e., duration, magnitude, and severity. Meteorological drought characteristics change territorially and can be analyzed regionally. However, most of the meteorological drought analyses are commonly based on-site frequency analysis of univariate drought characteristics which does not fully describe the drought potential due to the existence of correlation between the drought characteristics and their regional properties. In this research, a regional bivariate analysis is proposed for meteorological drought analysis. Monthly precipitation depths of 41 meteorological stations in Khuzestan province, southwest of Iran, were collected and extended using time series analysis. The interevent volume method is used to pool the meteorological droughts at each meteorological station. Then, the pooled drought events characteristics (e.g., duration and severity) were used to specify the homogenous regions based on the L-moments analysis. The bivariate distribution of drought was estimated using the copulas for each homogeneous region. In this study, Khuzestan province was regionalized based on the bivariate risk of drought events. The proposed methodology is applicable to regional analysis of hydrological and agricultural droughts.

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Published In

Go to Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering
Volume 15Issue 12December 2010
Pages: 985 - 1000


Received: Oct 12, 2009
Accepted: May 10, 2010
Published online: May 14, 2010
Published in print: Dec 2010


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M. Mirakbari
Graduate Student, Desert Region Dept., College of Agriculture, Shiraz Univ., 16th Km Shiraz-Isfahan Rd., Postal Code 71444-65186, Islamic Republic of Iran.
Assistant Professor, Desert Region Dept., College of Agriculture, Shiraz Univ., 16th Km Shiraz-Isfahan Rd., Postal Code 71444-65186, Islamic Republic of Iran (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected]
S. R. Fallah
Assistant Professor, Desert Region Dept., College of Agriculture, Shiraz Univ., 16th Km Shiraz-Isfahan Rd., Postal Code 71444-65186, Islamic Republic of Iran.

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