Technical Papers
Dec 22, 2020

Probabilistic Seismic Loading Considerations for the Assessment of Liquefaction-Induced Volumetric Settlements in the Free Field

Publication: Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Volume 147, Issue 3


Engineers have long integrated predicted volumetric strains in liquefied soils to predict free-field, postliquefaction settlements. These free-field settlements have commonly been used to define a lower bound estimate of settlements beneath structures or embankments. Semiempirical methods for predicting volumetric strains during liquefaction require characterization of the seismic loading impacting the soil. The way in which probabilistic estimates of seismic loading is characterized can significantly impact the predicted postliquefaction settlements. This study evaluates three potential approaches for characterizing probabilistic seismic loading and their impact on the computed free-field, postliquefaction volumetric settlement hazard. The pseudo-probabilistic approach, which is arguably the most common approach in engineering practice in the US, shows considerable bias in its predicted volumetric settlements, including an average underprediction of settlement equal to 38% when compared to a fully probabilistic approach at a return period of 2,475 years. A simple linear relationship to correct pseudo-probabilistic estimates of free-field, postliquefaction volumetric settlements at return periods of 475 and 2,475 years for two common semiempirical volumetric strain models is presented.

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The data developed and used in this study are available upon written request to the lead author.


Funding for this study was provided by a Federal Highway Administration Transportation Pooled Fund Study [Award No. TPF-5(296), with participation from Utah, Alaska, Connecticut, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and South Carolina state DOTs]. The authors gratefully acknowledge this support. However, the conclusions and opinions expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect those of the sponsors.


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Go to Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering
Volume 147Issue 3March 2021


Received: Jun 17, 2020
Accepted: Oct 20, 2020
Published online: Dec 22, 2020
Published in print: Mar 1, 2021
Discussion open until: May 22, 2021


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Kevin W. Franke, M.ASCE [email protected]
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Brigham Young Univ., Provo, UT 84602 (corresponding author). Email: [email protected]
Project Engineer, Gerhart Cole Inc., 7657 S Holden St., Midvale, UT 84047. ORCID: Email: [email protected]
Braden M. Error, M.ASCE [email protected]
Staff Engineer, Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Operations, and Management, 756 E Winchester St. #400, Murray, UT 84107. Email: [email protected]
Jingwen He, S.M.ASCE [email protected]
Graduate Student, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Texas, Austin, TX 78712. Email: [email protected]
Consultant Engineer, Factory Mutual Global, 1333 N California Blvd., Walnut Creek, CA 94596. ORCID: Email: [email protected]

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