Technical Papers
Nov 16, 2022

Digital Twin for Monitoring In-Service Performance of Post-Tensioned Self-Centering Cross-Laminated Timber Shear Walls

Publication: Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
Volume 37, Issue 2


A digital twin (DT) can be defined as a multiphysics, multiscale model in which a digital model, such as a building information model (BIM), is updated based on data obtained from a physical system, such as sensor data, results from probabilistic simulations, and material/structural models. This study describes sensor data integration within a BIM as the first critical step toward the implementation of DTs to support structural health monitoring (SHM). In particular, the study defines a methodological approach used to integrate the as-built geometry of existing buildings, as well as their material properties and sensor data into a digital model to assist in accessing sensor data to assess a building’s structural performance. A mass-timber structural system consisting of post-tensioned cross-laminated timber (CLT) self-centering shear walls at the George W. Peavy Forest Science Center (“Peavy Hall”) at Oregon State University was used as a case study to test the proposed approach. The BIM of the shear walls was developed using a Scan-to-BIM approach by converting light detection and ranging point clouds into a BIM. Sensors in the building recorded environmental and structural parameters influencing the long-term performance of the shear walls. Measurands included relative humidity, air and wood temperature, wood moisture content, displacements, and deformations of shear walls. The precise placement of these sensors and the possibility to associate the measured parameters of these entities within a BIM is hypothesized to assist with data management by adding a spatial element to data and analysis results. In addition, the integration into the IFC-BIM platform of a material- and phenomena-specific warning tool allows to promptly identify areas of concern in the monitored building. This can support facility managers in planning inspection and maintenance activities and eventually could lead to the prolonged service life of a building.

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All data, models, and code generated or used during the study appear in the published article.


This study is part of the project “Design, construction, and maintenance of post-tensioned mass timber shear walls” conducted through the TallWood Design Institute with funding by the US Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service (USDA ARS) Agreement No. 58-0204-9-165. Additional funding for a graduate student in this study is from the Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS).


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Go to Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
Volume 37Issue 2March 2023


Received: Feb 2, 2022
Accepted: Jun 16, 2022
Published online: Nov 16, 2022
Published in print: Mar 1, 2023
Discussion open until: Apr 16, 2023


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Ryan P. Longman, S.M.ASCE [email protected]
Dept. of Wood Science & Engineering, Oregon State Univ., 290 Richardson Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331. Email: [email protected]
Ph.D. Candidate, School of Civil & Construction Engineering, Oregon State Univ., 208 Owen Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331. ORCID: Email: [email protected]
Qi Sun, S.M.ASCE [email protected]
Ph.D. Candidate, School of Civil & Construction Engineering, Oregon State Univ., 208 Owen Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331. Email: [email protected]
Associate Professor, School of Civil & Construction Engineering, Oregon State Univ., 201E Kearney Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331 (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]
Mariapaola Riggio [email protected]
Associate Professor, Dept. of Wood Science & Engineering, Oregon State Univ., 236 Richardson Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331. Email: [email protected]

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