
With the accelerated construction and aging of underground oil and gas pipelines, trenchless technology (TT) has developed rapidly in recent years. This paper briefly introduces the trenchless installation, repair (rehabilitation), replacement, and cleaning technologies that can be used for oil and gas pipelines. Advantages, limitations, technical features, and application scopes are summarized to provide a basis for construction method selection. In addition, this paper collects twenty standards related to trenchless construction technology for oil and gas pipes, so as to quickly identify the standards to be referenced before construction. Finally, this paper analyzes the market for TT and presents key technical gaps.

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This article was funded by the China Scholarship Council (201708030006).


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Go to Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
Volume 146Issue 6June 2020


Published online: Mar 25, 2020
Published in print: Jun 1, 2020
Discussion open until: Aug 25, 2020


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Ph.D. Candidate, Trenchless Technology Center, Louisiana Tech Univ., 599 Dan Reneau Dr., Engineering Annex, Ruston, LA 71270 (corresponding author). ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5172-9008. Email: [email protected]
Saleh Behbahani, S.M.ASCE [email protected]
Ph.D. Student, Trenchless Technology Center, Louisiana Tech Univ., 599 Dan Reneau Dr., Engineering Annex, Ruston, LA 71270. Email: [email protected]
Mohammadamin Azimi, Ph.D. [email protected]
Research Scientist and Adjunct Professor, Trenchless Technology Center, Louisiana Tech Univ., 599 Dan Reneau Dr., Engineering Annex, Ruston, LA 71270. Email: [email protected]
John C. Matthews, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE [email protected]
Associate Professor, Trenchless Technology Center, Louisiana Tech Univ., 599 Dan Reneau Dr., Engineering Annex, Ruston, LA 71270. Email: [email protected]
Grauduate Student, Trenchless Technology Center, Louisiana Tech Univ., 599 Dan Reneau Dr., Engineering Annex, Ruston, LA 71270. Email: [email protected]
Tom Iseley, Ph.D., Dist.M.ASCE [email protected]
Professor and Associate Director of International Operations, Trenchless Technology Center, Louisiana Tech Univ., 599 Dan Reneau Dr., Engineering Annex, Ruston, LA 71270. Email: [email protected]

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