Technical Papers
Sep 11, 2019

Unveiling Cognitive Biases in Construction Project Dispute Resolution through the Lenses of Third-Party Neutrals

Publication: Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
Volume 145, Issue 11


Cognitive biases would jeopardize the quality of decisions, yet people are reluctant to admit to being affected. This study explores the types of cognitive bias that may have influences on construction project dispute resolution (CPDR) decisions. Effects of cognitive biases are first operationalized as biased behaviors. Third-party neutrals, including arbitrators, adjudicators, and mediators, were asked to report their observations of disputing parties’ biased practices. The use of third-party neutrals aims to improve the objectivity of the data on disputing parties’ biased behaviors. Principal component factor analysis (PCFA) on the collected responses suggested four types of cognitive bias: preconception, self-affirmation, optimism, and interest-oriented biases. Among these, interest-oriented bias was found to be the most prominent. This study contributes to CPDR management by proposing bias-minimizing measures. Fuzzy-set linguistic evaluations were employed to assess the usefulness of the measures in view of the nondiscrete nature of the assessments. The findings were further validated through semistructured interviews with experienced dispute management experts. The contributions of the study include: (1) raising the awareness of the potential types of cognitive bias that would affect decisions in CPDR, (2) enhancing the role of third-party neutrals in directing disputing parties away from influences of biases, (3) reminding disputing parties not to undervalue the proposals of the counterparts, and (4) improving dispute management by suggesting a review of all options available at each round of dispute negotiation. Having experienced third-party neutrals as respondents is also a major breakthrough in the study of behaviors of disputing parties. The findings are invaluable to construction professional communities in general and to disputing parties and third-party neutrals in particular.

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Data generated or analyzed during the study are available from the corresponding author by request.


This study was fully supported by a HKSAR RGC GRF (Project No. 11209118). Special thanks go to the members of the Society of Construction Law Hong Kong (SCLHK), who had kindly provided data for the study.


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Published In

Go to Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
Volume 145Issue 11November 2019


Received: Oct 30, 2018
Accepted: Mar 12, 2019
Published online: Sep 11, 2019
Published in print: Nov 1, 2019
Discussion open until: Feb 11, 2020


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Member, Construction Dispute Resolution Research Unit, Dept. of Architecture and Civil Engineering, City Univ. of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Ave., Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]
Sai On Cheung, M.ASCE [email protected]
Professor, Construction Dispute Resolution Research Unit, Dept. of Architecture and Civil Engineering, City Univ. of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Ave., Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China. Email: [email protected]

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