Sep 18, 2010

FRP-Reinforced Concrete Beams: Unified Approach Based on IC Theory

Publication: Journal of Composites for Construction
Volume 15, Issue 3


In general, steel-reinforced concrete involves a ductile steel material and a very strong and ductile bond between the steel reinforcement and concrete, so that debonding rarely governs the design. In contrast, fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement is a brittle material with a weak and brittle bond, making debonding a major issue. Consequently, there has been an extensive amount of research on FRP debonding and in particular intermediate crack (IC) debonding. This paper shows that the very good research by the FRP research community on the mechanics of IC debonding can be applied to a wide range of apparently disparate reinforced concrete behaviors to produce a unified approach. Hence, a single mechanism, or unified approach, based on IC debonding is proposed in this paper for dealing with moment rotation, tension stiffening and deflections, member ductility and moment redistribution, shear capacity, confinement, and fiber concrete for FRP RC beams.

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Published In

Go to Journal of Composites for Construction
Journal of Composites for Construction
Volume 15Issue 3June 2011
Pages: 293 - 303


Received: Mar 22, 2010
Accepted: Sep 16, 2010
Published online: Sep 18, 2010
Published in print: Jun 1, 2011


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Deric John Oehlers [email protected]
Professor, School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering, Univ. of Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia (corresponding author). E-mail: [email protected]
M. S. Mohamed Ali
Senior Research Associate, School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering, Univ. of Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia.
Matthew Haskett
Research Associate, School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering, Univ. of Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia.
Wade Lucas
Ph.D. Student, School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering, Univ. of Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia.
Rahimah Muhamad
Ph.D. Student, School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering, Univ. of Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia.
Phillip Visintin
Ph.D. Student, School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering, Univ. of Adelaide, South Australia 5005, Australia.

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