Technical Papers
Aug 8, 2018

Sustainability-Informed Bridge Ranking under Scour Based on Transportation Network Performance and Multiattribute Utility

Publication: Journal of Bridge Engineering
Volume 23, Issue 10


Flooding and the resultant scour damage to bridges may lead to immense economic losses and significant social and environmental impacts. Currently, bridge management decisions are developed on a bridge-by-bridge basis to prevent bridge failure due to scour, i.e., these decisions are made irrespective of other bridges in the regional transportation network. Because bridge managers are often responsible for the management of several bridge networks, it is essential to develop a framework that considers the bridge performance at the network level to aid making rational bridge management strategies. Furthermore, the economic, social, and environmental impacts dictate the need to develop a sustainability-informed bridge management framework at the network level. The objective of this paper is to develop a sustainability-informed bridge ranking approach for a network of bridges vulnerable to scour using multiattribute utility theory (MAUT) and transportation network analysis. The individual performance of bridges and the impact of bridge failure on the network are systematically integrated into the proposed sustainability assessment methodology. The proposed utility-based approach is applied to an existing highway bridge network located in Camden County, New Jersey. It is shown that the proposed approach can provide an important guideline to bridge managers to prioritize their intervention actions for scour protection/prevention.

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The support by grants from (1) the National Science Foundation (NSF) Award CMMI-1537926; (2) the US Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Cooperative Agreement Award DTFH61-07-H-00040; (3) the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Community and Economic Development, through the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Technology Alliance (PITA) Awards PITA XV and XVI; and (4) the US Office of Naval Research (ONR) Awards N00014-08-1-0188, N00014-12-1-0023, and N00014-16-1-2299 are gratefully acknowledged. Opinions presented in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the sponsoring organizations.


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Go to Journal of Bridge Engineering
Journal of Bridge Engineering
Volume 23Issue 10October 2018


Received: Oct 16, 2017
Accepted: May 3, 2018
Published online: Aug 8, 2018
Published in print: Oct 1, 2018
Discussion open until: Jan 8, 2019


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Liang Liu, S.M.ASCE [email protected]
Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, ATLSS Engineering Research Center, Lehigh Univ., 117 ATLSS Dr., Bethlehem, PA 18015-4729. Email: [email protected]
Professor and the Fazlur R. Khan Endowed Chair of Structural Engineering and Architecture, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, ATLSS Engineering Research Center, Lehigh Univ., 117 ATLSS Dr., Bethlehem, PA 18015-4729 (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]
Alysson Mondoro, S.M.ASCE [email protected]
Graduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, ATLSS Engineering Research Center, Lehigh Univ., 117 ATLSS Dr., Bethlehem, PA 18015-4729. Email: [email protected]
David Y. Yang, A.M.ASCE [email protected]
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, ATLSS Engineering Research Center, Lehigh Univ., 117 ATLSS Dr., Bethlehem, PA 18015-4729. Email: [email protected]

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