Aug 1, 2001

Simulation of a Costa Rican Watershed: Resolution Effects and Fractals

Publication: Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Volume 127, Issue 4


Simulation of runoff from the Navarro watershed in Costa Rica was undertaken using the U.S. Geological Survey's Precipitation Runoff Modeling System, developed and operated within the Modular Modeling System. A geographic information system (GIS) database of watershed characteristics, and GIS-based methodology for delineating modeling response units (MRU) were utilized to enhance the spatial representation of watershed features and physical processes. Simulations were carried out using a series of MRU resolutions (from 90 m2 to 1,260 m2) in order to determine the range through which the hydrologic response could be accurately modeled. Fractal characterization provided a method to measure the relationship of the MRU patterns (based primarily on land cover) at the different resolutions. The range of self-similarity of the MRU patterns, as determined by fractal characterization, was compared to the range of resolutions through which accurate hydrologic simulations were achieved. The results from this research revealed a strong correspondence between the two ranges, and indicate that a range of data resolutions may be useful in representing tropical watershed characteristics for hydrologic modeling and watershed management.

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Published In

Go to Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management
Volume 127Issue 4August 2001
Pages: 261 - 270


Received: May 31, 2000
Published online: Aug 1, 2001
Published in print: Aug 2001


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Jeffrey D. Colby
Asst. Prof., Dept. of Geography, East Carolina Univ., Greenville, NC 27858. E-mail: [email protected]

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