Jun 1, 1985

Strength of Intact Geomechanical Materials

Publication: Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
Volume 111, Issue 6


The strength of geomechanical materials can be described by a number of strength criteria. However, each criterion is usually limited to certain material types with a limited range of stress conditions. A new empirical strength criterion is proposed and shown to apply to a wide range of intact materials, from lightly overconsolidated clays through hard rocks, for both compressive and tensile stress regions. It is demonstrated that the strengths of these widely differing materials follow a distinctive progressive pattern.

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Go to Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
Volume 111Issue 6June 1985
Pages: 730 - 749


Published online: Jun 1, 1985
Published in print: Jun 1985


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Ian W. Johnston
Sr. Lect., Dept. of Civ. Engrg., Monash Univ., Clayton, Victoria, 3168, Australia

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