Feb 1, 1997

Dynamic Patterning of Shear Bands in Cosserat Continuum

Publication: Journal of Engineering Mechanics
Volume 123, Issue 2


Numerical simulation of patterns of shear bands in plane-strain compression tests using an elastoplastic Cosserat constitutive equation with consideration of inertia is presented. Random distribution of the material properties acts as a trigger for the localized deformation. Two types of stress-strain curves, namely strain softening and strain softening followed by strain hardening, are investigated. The characteristic of the stress-strain curve is found to be crucial for the patterning of shear bands. While the calculations with a stress-strain curve with solely softening yield only one single shear band, a flock of shear bands can be obtained with a stress-strain curve with softening followed by hardening. Benefited from a characteristic length provided by a Cosserat elastoplastic constitutive equation, the dependence of calculations on the mesh size is avoided.

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Published In

Go to Journal of Engineering Mechanics
Journal of Engineering Mechanics
Volume 123Issue 2February 1997
Pages: 123 - 133


Published online: Feb 1, 1997
Published in print: Feb 1997


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J. Tejchman
Engr., Inst. of Soil Mech. and Rock Mech., Karlsruhe Univ., D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany.
W. Wu
Engr., Lahmeyer Int. Ltd., D-84008 Frankfurt, Germany.

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