
An increase in precipitation due to climate change has given rise to the number of landslide occurrences. Vetiver, which is a perennial grass, is becoming increasingly popular all over the world as a vegetation-based soil bioengineering tool for preventing landslides. Sunshine Vetiver grass, also known as Chrysopogon zizanioides is noninvasive and does not compete with other indigenous plants growing in the area. Even though it is a tropical grass, Vetiver can grow in a wide range of climate conditions, including those that are quite harsh in terms of both soil and climate. The roots can grow up to 3 m in length in a dense bushy root network under optimal conditions. In this review, the authors have studied the impact of Vetiver on landslide mitigation as a climate-adaptive slope repair tool based on the research undertaken so far. Furthermore, the authors have addressed the future potential and constraints associated with the use of Vetiver for landslide mitigation. It is seen that the use of Vetiver reduces pore water pressure. The high tensile strength of Vetiver roots provides reinforcement for slopes and enhances soil shear strength. Vetiver increases saturated hydraulic conductivity and reduces surface runoff and slip surface depth. Being a vegetation-based climate-adaptive technology, this grass exhibits great promise in its ability to effectively address landslide problems. However, the magnitude of the root impact diminishes as the depth increases, rendering Vetiver a more promising remedy for shallow landslide occurrences. In addition, Vetiver grass has a wide range of practical uses due to its unique characteristics, which provide additional benefits. Employment of Vetiver is cost-effective compared with traditional engineering methods, and it requires less initial maintenance, which implies that community-based initiatives can effectively address landslide prevention through Vetiver implementation.

Practical Applications

Vetiver grass has a long bushy network of roots that can grow up to 3 m in length. The Sunshine Vetiver grass is not invasive and does not compete with indigenous plants. Although Vetiver is a tropical grass, this grass can survive in various climates and soil conditions. Vetiver is a vegetation-based climate-adaptive technology that can prevent slope failure and reduce surface runoff. Additionally, growing Vetiver can generate income for local communities because the fragrant roots can be utilized in the extraction of essential oils for the perfume industry and from the manufacture and trade of other commodities derived from Vetiver. The grass’s green leaves contribute to the aesthetic appeal of the landscape. Implementing Vetiver on slopes does not require heavy machinery and is cost-effective compared with traditional engineering methods. It also requires less initial maintenance, making it an ideal solution for community-based initiatives aiming to address slope failure prevention through Vetiver implementation.

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All data and analysis for possible discussions and comparisons are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.


The project was funded by the National Science Foundation, CMMI Award No. 2046054. The authors acknowledge and express gratitude to many individuals who shared their knowledge and experiences with Vetiver, green infrastructure, transportation planning, and engineering.
Author contributions: Sadik Khan: Study conception and design, Analysis and Interpretation of results, Draft manuscript preparation. Avipriyo Chakraborty: Study conception and design, Data collection, Analysis and interpretation of results, Draft manuscript preparation. All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript.


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Natural Hazards Review
Volume 25Issue 3August 2024


Received: Aug 26, 2023
Accepted: Jan 3, 2024
Published online: May 21, 2024
Published in print: Aug 1, 2024
Discussion open until: Oct 21, 2024


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Graduate Student Researcher, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Jackson State Univ., 1400 J.R. Lynch St., JSU Box 17068, Jackson, MS 39217-0168 (corresponding author). ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7010-1200. Email: [email protected]
Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Jackson State Univ., 1400 J.R. Lynch St., JSU Box 17068, Jackson, MS 39217-0168. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0150-6105. Email: [email protected]

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