Technical Papers
Jan 9, 2024

Periodic Fluctuations of Transport as a Determinant of Inland Waterway Shipping Competitiveness

Publication: Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
Volume 150, Issue 2


Among the factors determining the competitiveness of transportation sectors, those associated with travel time play a crucial role. Constant availability of transportation services over time is a key factor. Inland waterway transport is believed to exhibit seasonal fluctuations in cargo flows, implying limited service provision during specific periods in the annual cycle. This article compares the variability of cargo transport over time in inland waterway shipping with that in other land transportation modes. The hypothesis is that the periodic fluctuations in cargo transport during the annual cycle in inland waterway shipping are not significantly different from those in other transport sectors. The analysis of transport variability over time is based on the indicators of periodic fluctuations in land transportation modes from 2005 to 2022. Statistical inference was conducted using variance analysis. As the conditions for applying the ANOVA procedure were not met, the Kruskal–Wallis test was employed as a nonparametric alternative to variance analysis. The research results indicate that there is no basis to reject this hypothesis in the group of examined Western European countries. Different results were obtained in Poland, where cargo transport in inland waterway shipping exhibited more significant variability over time than other transport modes.

Practical Applications

The results obtained from this research can serve as a source of knowledge for entities and institutions responsible for implementing the concept of sustainable development in transportation. The proposed European Green Deal concept in December 2019 states, “The role of rail and inland waterways in land freight transport should be significantly increased first and foremost…”. Despite limited service availability during specific periods of the annual cycle (due to seasonal and random factors), the research results confirm that in countries with well-developed waterways, inland water transport remains competitive compared with other land transport modes. These findings can also be a significant signal for policymakers in countries with extensive inland waterways (e.g., Poland) that may need to fully appreciate the advantages of this mode of transport, partly due to its susceptibility to periodic fluctuations in transport. The research results and formulated conclusions can also be addressed to existing and potential shippers. The confirmed higher or comparable capability of inland navigation to achieve consistent transport volumes during different periods of the annual cycle can be an encouraging factor for incorporating this mode into supply chains.

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The authors declare that they will make all data used in the research available upon reasonable request.


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Go to Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering
Volume 150Issue 2March 2024


Received: Aug 22, 2023
Accepted: Dec 18, 2023
Published online: Jan 9, 2024
Published in print: Mar 1, 2024
Discussion open until: Jun 9, 2024


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Ryszard Rolbiecki
Doctor Habilitatus, Faculty of Economics, Dept. of Transport Policy and Economic Integration, Univ. of Gdańsk, Sopot 81-824, Poland.
Doctor, Faculty of Economics, Dept. of Transport Policy and Economic Integration, Univ. of Gdańsk, Sopot 81-824, Poland (corresponding author). ORCID: Email: [email protected]

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