Technical Papers
Feb 24, 2023

A Novel Lightweight Traffic Sign Recognition Model Based on YOLOv5

Publication: Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems
Volume 149, Issue 5


How to strike a balance between detection speed and recognition accuracy has become a major challenge in real-time object detection. In this research, the YOLOv5 (You Only Look Once version 5) model was lightweight and optimized to improve the detection speed and accuracy of the network. To prune the backbone and neck are to simplify the network structure and reduce the parameters. The lightweight structure of the C3 module was designed and incorporated into the attention mechanism to improve the feature extraction capability of the network. For the public traffic sign dataset, the label assignment strategy and the loss function of YOLOv5 were refined to alleviate the imbalance between positive and negative samples and to better compute the loss, resulting in more stable and efficient training. Compared with other mainstream single-stage models, it achieves a better trade-off between speed and accuracy. With only 0.85 M parameters, 91.9% of mAP (mean average precision) and 360 FPS (frames per second) were achieved, which were 16.26% mAP and 26.67 FPS higher than the conventional YOLOv5n, respectively. The performance of our lightweight model in traffic sign detection far exceeds the most advanced achievements.

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All data, models, and software code generated or used during the study appear in the published article.


We are grateful to Prof. Wenju Li for his patient guidance. This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61903256).


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Published In

Go to Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems
Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems
Volume 149Issue 5May 2023


Received: Apr 2, 2022
Accepted: Nov 9, 2022
Published online: Feb 24, 2023
Published in print: May 1, 2023
Discussion open until: Jul 24, 2023


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Professor, School of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai 201418, China (corresponding author). Email: [email protected]
Gan Zhang
Master’s Candidate, School of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai 201418, China.
Liu Cui
Lecturer, School of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Shanghai Institute of Technology, Shanghai 201418, China.

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  • Iterative application of generative adversarial networks for improved buried pipe detection from images obtained by ground‐penetrating radar, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 10.1111/mice.13070, 38, 17, (2472-2490), (2023).

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